The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 16, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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llurke - Nolnn
A prettily appointed wedding took
place Wednesday morning at tbe
JJoly Rosary church when Miss Marie
IVelan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Nolan, became the bride of Mr.
John Burke, Mra. John Wlker played
the bridal chorus from Lohengrin.
Tbt attendants were Miss Anna Mur
pbf as bridesmaid and Mr. John
Holan ns best man. The bride was
(owned in a beautiful ttaveling suit
ct brown and carried a large bouquet
Of brides' roses. After the ceremony
a elaborate breakfast was served at
the home of the brides' parents.
After a short wedding trip Mr. and
Mrs. Burke will be at home to their
many friends at the grooms' ranch a
Short distance from Alliance.
Miss Sarah Kubns of Scottsbluff
fpent Sunday In Alliance.
Charles Murphy of Hyannls was a
ttualness visitor on Tuesday. .
Mrs. Roy Murphy spent the week
end with her sister in Bayard.
Mrs. A. L. race left Wednesday
Alfht for a short visit in Omaha.
Miss Marie Marcy of Lakeside was
hopping In Alliance on Tuesday.
Mary Hughes of Marsland was
business visitor the first of the week.
Mrs. Mearl Smith is enjoying a
visit from her itfbther Mrs. Caldwell
of Rushville.
Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Condit left
Thursday for a shor,t visit with rela
tives in Missouri.
Mrs. Hans Jaggers left Sunday
evening for a visit with her parents
In Peoria, Illinois.
Arthur Osborne of Scottsbluff
pent Sunday and Monday visiting
Crlends in this city.
Miss Margaret Carmechael is
pending a few days visiting with her
mother at Gothelburg.
Bradley Minor and Norman New
berry returned Tuesday morning
from an auto trip to Lincoln.
Al Wlker left the first of the week
to attend the Q. A. R. reunion which
will be held at Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Broome, for
mer Alliance residents but now of
Antloch are week end visitors in Al
liance. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fennimore and
two children spent the week end
visiting at the Frank Shreve home In
this city.
Mrs. B. W. Beardon of Ravenna, a
former resident of Alliance spent eev
eral days this week visiting old time
Ivan Smith who recently came
here, from Toronto, Canada has ac
cepted a position with the express
Lloyd C. Thomas, of The Thomas
Bald Investment Company, returned
home Saturday morning after spend
ing the week in Omaha and Lincoln
on business:
Mrs. Charles Walters of Scottsbluff
spent Thursday and Friday visiting
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. F.
Henry KHmper, who has spent
some time in Alliance buying cattle
has returned to his home at Hamp
ton, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson of
Omaha spent a few days this week
visitlnE Mrs. Johnson's parents Mr.
and Mrs. I. E. Tash.
Mrs. J. F. O'Conor entertained a
number of her friends Friday after
noon at a bridge party in honor of
her mother Mrs. Rlets of Fremont.
John W. Thomas, returned to hid
home at Lincoln the last of the week
after spending several days in Alli
ance and at LUBk, Wyoming on busi
ness. The Misses Alberta and Garnet
Lunsford, who are attending the Al-
nsHi J,- J"
Is made doubly enjoyable
if, during the reading,
frequent reference is .
made to
A Box of Our
Fine Confections
They add to tbe Romance!
c a package
before the war
c a package
during the war
c a package
I am Invoicing all of the nronertr
of the city, and will give this matter
considerable attention. I have pro
vided considerable coal and have
some 350 tons now on hand in view
of the probable strike. Everything
Is going O. K.
City Manager
llance High School spent the week
end visiting with their parents at
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harper, Mrs.
Chris Ehlnger and Mrs. Inlce Dun
ning drove to Denver Sunday after
noon. They expect to return the
last of the week.
"Enoch Boyer and family have mov
ed Into Alliance from their ranch
and will occupy the residence on Box
Butte formerly occupied by the C. E.
Bennett family.
E. O. Laing Is enjoying a visit
from his father R. C. Lalng of Jerico
Springs, Missouri. Mr. Laing Is en
route to California, where he will
spend the winter.
Mrs. A. V. Gavin entertained at a
party Tuesday nl honor of tbe seven
th birthday of her daughters Harriet
and Hortense. About thirty guests
enjoyed the afternoon.
W. F. Cox left Alliance Wednesday
after a four days' work inspecting
weights and measures. Mr. Cox is in
the employ of the state food, drug
and oil commission.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Luttrell and
two children returned Monday from
a three-day automobile trip to Edge-
mont, S. D., where they have been
visiting the family of W. E. Luttrell.
Dr. C. E. Slagel and wife left
Tuesday for an eastern trip and ex
pect to be absent from the city for a
week or ten'cTays. They expect to
visit in both New York and Roches
Miss Vera Spencer was hostess
Monday evening at which time she
entertained the Presbyterian Chris
tian Endeavor at her home. A short
program was given after which
games were played and refreshments
were served.
Jessie Simpson, former employee
of the American Railway Express re
turned Wednesday from Palo Alta
California bringing with him his
bride, who was Miss Florence Brlggs
Mr. Simpson and Miss Brlggs were
married at Palo Alto on Wednesday,
October first.
Miss Wanda Adams was hostess at
dinner party Tuesday evening in
honor of Miss Naomi Gaddis whose
birthday occurred on that day. A
delicious dinner was served to the
Miss Naomi Gaddis, Edith Jacks,
Wanda Adams and Messrs John
Carey, Ivan Acheson and Walter
F. W. Harris of the Alliance Na
tional bank and his brother-in-law,
James Whitehead, of Mitchell, with
their families, left the first of the
week for Denver on a business
trip. While there he learned of the
death of W. G. Slmonson, a former
Alliance citizen, and wired the news
to R. M. Hampton of this city.
rolnt of Rock chapter, D. A. R.,
held the first meeting of their fiscal
year at the home of Mrs. Reuben
Knight last Saturday afternooa.
New yearbooks were distributed
among the members, who now exceed
twenty in number. During the after
noon a tplendid program was render
ed, after which Mrs. Knight served a
fine lunch.
Mrs. H. P. Coursey was hostess at
a dinner party on Sunday in honor
o fthe birthday of her daughter
Novella. An elaborate dinner was
served at 1 o'clock after which the
guests enjoyed the afternoon with
games and music. The guests were
the Misses Gladys McCool, Irma
Miller, Theresa Looney, Irene Hoaz-
elton, Thelma Dedmore, Oral Ed
wards and Novella Coursey.
Mrs. M. E. Grebe entertained at
her home Monday evening at which
time she announced the marriage of
her daughter Marian to Mr. William
Lunn. the wedding to take place No
vember 26th. The house was beau
tlfully decorated with ferns and
autumn leaves. An Informal evening
was spent with games and music and
a dainty lunch was served. The
guests were the Misses Helen Schott
La Rhea Lunn, Mary Wilson, Ethel
Graham, Mabel Grassman, Edan
Bowman. Edna Benedict, and Mrs
James Burlington.
(Continued from Page 2.)
Sidewalk Grades.
Probably some 1220 feet of side
walk grades have been given, and
much of this walk has been complet
Fire Department.
The Fire Truck has been painted
as well as the Ladder and Hose Wag
ons. I have ordered twelve new fire
extinguishers which will be dlstrlbut
ed throughout the Power Plant, Pest
House, and City Hall.
Test House.
The Pest House is now in splendid
shape. Everything has been cleaned
painted, calclmined, and now bedding
and furniture bought. In addition
to this electric lights were put in
and the yards cleaned. A large sign
reading a warning has been set In a
conspicuous place near the brick
Service Car.
The Bervlce car has been kept in
constant use. The Light department
use it about half the time. This is
the best Investment the ctiy has made
In a long time. The efficiency and
usefulness of the men haa been
City Limit Signs.
On all roads, leading Into the city
peed limit signs have been placed
at the city limits. Signs have also
been placed at the. Wet aide school.
The young woman's fancy
rules in the mounting of the
engagement ring. It may be
plain or elaborate. Person
al taste decides that, for
fashion approves both styles.
But the diamond must be a
stone beyond criticism. Its
color, its brilliance, its pur
ity of material must win the
expert's approval wherever
he may be.
We enjoy a large trade in
diamonds, and have at all
times a fine stock to choose
from. We select the choicest
stones for engagement rings,
showing some mounted in
gold and platinum, and
others unmounted, to be set
as you desire.
$20.00 to $500.00
Jewelry, Watches, Drugs
B runs wick Phonographs
Watch Inspectors for
0. B. & Q.
of No Regrets
In those days when Coal is not only expensive but diffi
cult to get, at almost any price the buyer of Coal wants
to secure with his money every bit of heating power com
bined with cleanliness and general satisfaction. After
experience with many kinds and grades of coal we
strongly recommend
Kirby Coal
Lump, for furnaces and heating stoves, $10.75
' Nut, for ranges ; $10.25
- These Prices Include Delivery in Alliance
Kirby Coal gives you great heat, a small amount of
ashes, is cleaner and cheaper than many others in fact,
is thoroughly satisfactory in every way.
Our Coal Sales Are All for Cash 1
You may leave your orders at the up-town office, 118
West Third Street, if you wish.
Alliance Creamery Co.
Phone 545
Herald Want Ads Bring Results
Horace Bogue Store
A Complete showing this week of
New Suits
Presenting Suprisingly fine Suits
We believe these Suits are the
handsomest to be seen anywhere
at their prices.
The quality of materials, the
extreme care of tailoring, the
little charming new touches that
set them apart from the common
place -all of these things will ap
peal to you mightily in these
Prim tailored effects for the
women whose taste seems to the
strictly tailored lines, featuring
snug fitting shoulders, tight
6leeves, narrow skirt.
Youthful suits of the novelty
type showing rows of braid ami
buttons, gracefully flaring lines.
There are belted, also rippled ef
fects. Materials are Tricotine, V
Velour, Silvertone, Broadcloth,'
Gabardine and Duvet-de-Laine.
Now is your opportunity to se
cure a strikingly smart suit at a
price which means your best buy
ing opportunity of the season.
i 1 1
A-ii, mS! &
New Fall Footwear
Our line of Dorothy Dodd Shoes for fall, is now complete in a big range of the new
Mahogany, Brown and Taupe shades, also fine black shoe, soap Kid, in leather Louis,
Military and School heels, in the new long vamp lasts, in a big range of prices.
$6.00 to SI 7.50