fAGE TWO THE ALLIANCE HERALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 16, 1919 .XIONTHLY REPORT OF TIIE CITY MANAGER taatpe Has IWn Put In Nlmpe Improvements In Light Ilant -, Everything (Mng O. K. Alliance. Neb., October 14, 1919 To the Hon. Mayor an Member! of the City Council Gentlemen: I here with submit my report covering the jaftlvltles ot thia office for the month reading October 14. Wafer NepaHinent. The Stand Pipe has been scraped 0xtb Inside and out, and has been ffren (wo coats -of Indestructable graphite paint. New Ice breakers vers put In to replace the old ones -which were entirely worn out, and the tank has been covered with a fcary plank top leaving only a man fccle through which to enter and take tare of any overflow. This has been double screened. All danger of birds And Infects getting Into the tank Aare now been eliminated, and the tand pipe is In condition to last for many years. A close examination fcowever revealed two broken legs on opposite sides of the pipe but these Should give no trouble. I have placed an order with the Bendrlc Dlotboff Mfg. Co. for twelve Ladlow fire hydrants to replace all of the old ones In the paving district. All are equipped with secondary'gate Valves and are for attaching to six SBl eight Inch mains. Each hydrant lias two 2tt inch hose connections. Jto delivery can be made for sixty or ninety days. Along with this the accessary pig lead, cast iron tees and Jute have been ordered. I have also pened correspondence for four mod r sanitary drinking fountatna of the most approved type. The city now has on hand plenty f Trident and Keystone meters, srb betes, curb cocks and lead flange corporation cocks to take care of the immediate needs, but these will soon ft used up if the present rate of twlldlng continues. Throughout the city there are a w leaking fire hydranta. Just as peon as help can be obtained these trill be repaired. X have again taken up the matter f a new bronze barrel for the city gmmp that Is now out of commission. This big Unitweller pump will be set itsd placed in operation pust as soon A this arrives. Mr. Newberry has correspondence showing that due to strikes it has been impossible for the manufactures to produce It. It Is im portant that this well be put In shape m soon as possible, and I have per sonally got behind the matter and will crowd It along. Hewers. Oa October 3 the sewer line In the ftsr of Newberrys Hardware Store Imme clogged causing an overflow aUong the line. This was Immediate ly opened with the use of sewer rods 8d considerable digging. It Is now fa good condition. The trouble was acsed by an overflowing grease trap mt the Lowry and Henry garage, flinee that time I have had all of the grease traps and catch basins in the ataurants, hotels and garages in spected, and where necessnry the owners have bene notified to clean them. Regular inspections will now follow on the 1 of each month. Light and Power. The new unit at the plant con sisting of a 300 11. P. Skinner Unl Flow Engine with direct drive A. C. current has been set up and turned over to the city by the Merkle En glneerfhg Co. Since that time we nave made small adjustments, and have been breaking it In slowly. It Is now giving good service, and is by far the best engine in the plant. A marked decrease in fuel consumption is noted when this unitis carrying the load. Ly the end of this week the engine will be ready to run almost constantly. In connection with the water heater a 4 inch heater Is yet to be put In and water connection to the boiler made. Delays In obtaining valves and in getting the railroad to cut and thread a large nipple. This nipple was not cut according to in structions and Is too short. Although It works a small extract of steam constantly escapes, the job will have to be done over. All other units are in good condition, notwithstanding the fact that they have had no rest in years. A small amount of trouble came up with the big Louis engine due to a break In the exhaust, one end of the cylinder refused to take steam and it was a rush first to lo cate the trouble and then to make repairs. It was deemed best to get help from the railroad shops. This I did bringing over Mr. Morimon for the afternoon.' ' The whole matter had to be disposed of in a few hours, for tho reason that Mr. Merkle of the Skinner Engine Co. had the new unit apart and we could not use It to meet the capacity. After a strenuous afternoon all went well. The sutomatle well motor has been removed from the city call to the switch board at the plant, In order to show the up town voltage at all times. In its place a Westinghouse meter has been set up. I have ordered a car load of splen did butt treated cedar poles. We need these badly as the city is en tirely out. The . car contains 100 poles with 6 Inch tops and 25 and 30 feet lengths. Latest advices are that the car is at Sand Point, Idaho, and may be detained there several days. I have on hand plenty of 7.3 and 8 wire lor line extension and use, and also have an ample supply of electric meters on hand to meet Increasing building conditions. It will be neces sary to purchase a few transformers for the outlying districts In order to give the people service. Since September 17, forty two wiring applications have been made and all of those buildings have been wired and the greater portion con nected. The load Is gradually in creasing all over the city. . There have been about thirty new services turned on during the past month. Beginning at the alley In the rear of the City Hall a new line was ex tended East approximately 1,600 feet and a transformer put In place at the end. A new alley light has been placed In the rear of the Lowery and Henry garage on the electric light pole. This had been much needed on ac count of the dark condition in the alley. The electric line between Emerson snd Platte on the alley between 4th and 6th streets was extended some 1,000 feet. A new line was also run to the Pest House which which are now served with electric lights. In addition to all of the above there has been the usual light and water meter readings, service connections, water changes, etc. We are now busy running a third wire to balance .up the phases. This third wire was extended from West 2nd street to the Newberry Bldg. to day, and will be continued until the phases are nearly even. The water heater was connected up today snd will be put In use at once. All of the Windows at the plant have been fixed for winter. Over 100 broken panes were put in and others set. The wood work is also being given a coat of paint, and the plant Is receiving a general cleaning. Streets and Alleys. Some little attention has been giv en the streets after the storms by dragging and grading. The Cleve land tractor has been fixed and con siderable use of it has been made. I have had the grader repaired and ex pect to use it some on Box Butte. This street requires a lot of atten tion. rolice Department The Police Department has been established in new quarters in the basement of the City Hall. The room was entirely cleaned, plastering re paired, walls calsimined, wood work painted, floors fixed up with linoleum and new lights. A Police Headquar ters sign. A 500 watt red light has been put up over the First National Bank for the use of the department. The curfew ordinance Is now being enforced, and the curfew rings every evening. Unsanitary conditions are being Investigated and offenders or dered to clean up. The automobile ordinance Is being enforced so far as possible, and It may be some little time before people can be educated to drive slow and with lights burning after night in the city. However considerable progress has been made. City Park. The crushed stone at the City Park has been used in building a walk along the south side near the fence, and the park generally is being clean ed and put in shape for the winter. Winter. All of the pipes at the Cemetery have been drained and the tank and windmill disconnected for the winter. All of the tools and equipment have been stored and looked up. The north entrance steps have also been repaired. Later the name of the cemetery should bo placed over the main driveways at the gates. Crossings. I have ordered several new cross ings constructed. One at Emerson and 3d, and two at Emerson and 4tb and Third, and two at Emerson and Fourth. There will be two or three more crossings to have put later, all of which I will take up with the con tractor. Some of these will be on the east side. (Continued on page 4.) Fortunately, not every soap box is party platform. How Much Oil Not What Price V-'.. . S The wearing quality, not the price the protection it gives your engine and the power efficiency it maintains these con siderations should govern motor oil selec tion. They measure the true economy of high grade Polarine Oil over cheaper, less efficient lubrjeants. Polarine not only lasts longer gives more miles of operation per gallon but it gives an engine betterprotection. It retains its body atid lubricity practically uuchanged at all engine heats. It provides an oil film that keeps compression tight and gets every possible ounce tff power from the explosive force of the gases. It is the year round lubricant for motoring satis faction, economy and effioiency. Buy Polarine where you buy Red Crown Gasoline, the economical, clean-burning motor fuel at first class garages and service stations wjiete you see this sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) UUUDDQDD Omaha a 3 3 a 3 a a MOTOR OIIS tannnwnnri See Bauman and See Better We are equipped with all the most scientific Instruments used In measuring eyesight, as well as a lens grinding plant to grind the lenses after they are fitted. The advantage of an "exact fit by the use ot scientific methods," costs no more than a "guess fit" by ordinary methods. B. G. Bauman Opera House Building Bus Line AUiance-Hoffland-Antioch Big Easy-Riding 16-Passenger Bus Bus leaves from Alliance and Drake Hotels at hours given: Schedule Alliance to Antioch a a.m. p.m. Leave Alliance 7 :30 3 :45 Leave Hoffland 8:20 4:35 Arrive Antioch 8 :35 4 :50 Antioch to Alliance a.m. p.m. Leave Antioch 9:35 5:30 Leave Hoffland 9 :55 5 :45 Arrive Alliance 10 :40 6 :30 John Wallace STRENGTH STRENGTH in a Bank is obtained just as strength in the individual is ob tained by conservation and careful handling of resources. The record of this Bank The reputation and character of its directors and our faithfulness to our trust to the public has been the basis of our strength and suc cess. We employ only such, methods in our business as will make this Bank the safest place for your deposits. Upon the above basis we invite your"ac-ount. First State Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA -s5I GARETTES l I Y iss&x 5 of Turkish and I J yjs Domestic tobaccos 4 V ( M- -blended uk The only ONE out of 147 Brands that does it! Does what? Does the one thing that smokers have always wished a cigarette would do SATISFY. Chesterfields not only please the taste but they go straight to your "smoke-spot." They let you know you're smoking. That's what we mean by SATISFY. It's aS in the blend the private formula of the manufacturer and tho blend can't be copied. That s why only Chesterfields SATISFY. Moisture-proof package keeps them firm and fireah, whatever the weather.