rAGE TEN THE ALLIANCE IIEHALD, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, OCTOPER 16, 1919 to LITTLE SISTER By ETHEL M. FARMER. Mary Ann mood at the Hide of the rond and watched her transient visitor ettle herself comfortably In her new roadster. It seemed only minute be fore she hnd waved goodby and had disappeared from view. It was one of those glorious morn Ings In enrly April, when the sun phone exceptionally bright and the sky teemed exceptionally clear, but plight frown passed over sfary Ann's face as she slowly retraced her steps to her home and to a hog of unfinished darning. Virginia's Inst words kept running through her mind. "Of course you know that Kenneth receives his discharge tomorrow and e are all going to meet the train," he had snld. ' Mary Ann was delighted to know that her neighbor was coming home bat the village rumors whlcb were 'circulated troubled her. She wondered If Virginia's "hope chest" was really filled to overflowing and If she had really bought material for a wedding gown. She did not blame Kenneth If It were true, for Virginia was the prettiest and richest girl In the village. ;- Yet all the villagers knew and loved Mary Ann, although It was; quietly greed that she was far from good looking. Every one called her "Little Sister" for she bad always seemed like little sister to them all. ' Mary Ann's frown soon changed Into a smile and ahe began to alng snatches of songs, for ahe could never scowl or Igh very long. Then suddenly her bag of work fell to the floor with a thud and she ran eagerly out of (he door and down the narrow, cobbled path. She was just In time to throw open the gate for an elderly man who was leaning heavily on his cane as he walked along. "How Is dnd after his walk this lovely morning?" She asked cheer fully. "Fine," he replied, "but a little tired." lie rested his hand for a moment on her shoulder and smiled at her solici tude. "Do not worry," he assured her, "I am better. Did you know that our neighbor was coming tomorrow?" he asked suddenly, "and the .village Is planning a hearty welcome? You must be sure to be at the station when he comes." Her eyes sparkled and her voice was eager when she spoUe. "I will go If you are nil right." "Of course you will go, because I will, be nil right." nml he laughed a deep, rich laugh, for he thought of the happy reunion of his dearly beloved daughter and her old school mute. lie knew how she hnd watched the papers with great anxiety while he was In the trenches, and how she hnd waited with great anticipation and expecta tions for his home-coming. It was no wonder that a deep flush passed over "Little Sister's" face when her father said tenslngly: "I suppose you and Kenneth will soon be hunting up your old playgrounds?" The next day dawned clear and beautiful and the air seemed charged with enthusiasm and excitement. The quaint little village was gayly deco rated with flags and bunting and trains from the band, filled the air, In their Inst attempt to have a good rehearsal before the train arrived. Self satisfied Virginia sat alone In her car, waiting for the parade to start. She seemed more dignified and prouder than ever as she watched the moving mass with grest contempt. She seemed pleased to think that she was unmoved and unexclted and only won dered If Kenenth would like her new Ulk dress and Jaunty blnrk hat. nut where was "Little Sister?" Many searched the crowds for her, for she was one of the people who was always .missed. Hut the long pnrade started for the station without her. She stood alone at the door of her home and watched the cheering crowd move along. Her fuiher was sick and she dared not lenve him alone. When the train whistled In the dis tance, the crowd of welcomers moved with one accord nearer the tracks, and the band began Its music. All eyes scanned the doors end windows of the train as It "Stripped and the travelers begnn to climb off. At last Kenneth was spied end they rushed to him. Then the people gave cheer after cheer white Kenneth was being trans ferred from the train to the top of a large haggnge truck, where he was to give a speech. He seemed to be In excellent spirits and told them about many of his ex periences. His ankle had been Injured In one of the battles and It would be a long time before he could walk with out crutches, but his cheerful smile showed them that he was glad that he was able to do his bit for his country. After the great festivities were over the returning hero rapped at his old playmate's and neighbor's door. He could hardly wait until the door was flung open and Mary Ann rushed Joy fully out to greet him. ri "Little Sister" smiled contentedly when he told her the story of his life overseas. And all this time another girl was sitting sedately In her parlor waiting for her "gentleman caller." If she had happened to walk by a certain humble, little cottage, she would have seen two old playmntes reunited. A few months later a very pretty wedding ceremony was performed when a certain "Little Sister" was made "Little Wife." but the "Village Belle" wis not present (Cur) right, 1319, McClura Nswsyapjr Syn- Try a Herald "Want Ad. ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLYREUEVED You'll find Sloan' Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put it on freely. Don't rub it In. Just let it penetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows I External aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "encks" those ailments can't hght off the relieving qualities of Sloans Liniment Clean, convenient economical 35c, 70c, $1.4X Are You Ready for the winter's cold winds? Picture the cozy evenings when ryou will get comfort from the cheery glow of your Hard Coal Burner. We can supply you with Pennsylvania Hard Coal Rock Springs Lump Coal Kerby Lump Coal We can also supply your stock feed needs Oats, Hay, Rock Salt whatever you desire: Good quality Oats, at per 100 pounds Hock Salt, sulpbur blocks, at Bulk salt at, per 100 pounds .$2.65 90c 41.20 M. Nolan k Son The Guilty One By IZOLA FORRESTER (Copyright. 111. tr ths MoClvrs Ns paper Srndlcat.) The morris chair was deep and broad, with mahogany frame and heavy leath er cushions. It was the favorite seat of two In the house of Evans, Henri etta, the Utile gray marmoset and Mr. Huntly Evans, her master. Standing by the west part of the upper bay win dow It overlooked the expanse of park and reservoir, and caught the sunset glow nightly. Sometimes Jacqueline, Iluntly'a sis ter, used to wish she might forget the look In their eyes as they stared out at the park. Just like 'prisoners who ratch a glimpse of fair fields and hills from behind the bars. It had been that way ever since Huntly had come tip from Buenos Aires and the specialist had told him there was little hope of Ms recovery from the mountain fever. And, since then, each day he had vis ibly grown weaker, and Henrietta had eemed In her dumb, piteous way, to sense the change. She would perch on the back of the chair, Just above his shoulder, and watch his face with her strange, bril liant, anxious eyes, as If she under Stood his troubles, and he abstractedly would sometimes stroke the silken fur of the little marmoset, as If he, too, found comfort In her sympathy. . Jacqueline frankly did not like her, any more than she liked her mistress, the gay Senorlta Alvarez. They had met her first on Iluntly'a trip up to the Alvarez mines In Ecuador, and had been lavishly entertained at her fa ther's estate there. "Her name Is Slgna," Huntly had told her the first night of their visit. "I never dreamt girls could look like her, Jack, did you?" "She is too exotic, like one of those flaming mountain flowers." Jacqueline had demurred. "Don't be so suscep tible to Just beauty. Hunt" But he had loved Slgna and had risked all before he had known her a fortnight. And In return she had could not wait. I made my father ;bring roe to him. Ut has received all my letters?" I i "Not a single one," protested Jac queline reproachfully, and then there came a leaping gray form like a shadow past her. Into Slgna's arms, chattering, burrowing affectionately, j t "Ah, precious, how are you?" laugh-j ed Slgna delightedly. "See how she . .knows me? sue loves tne pen u me or the Jasmine I always have about me. See?" , But Jacqueline was leading the way upstairs to Huntly's room knowing well she brought him a speedy cure, lie stood up from the morris chair to greet them, his eyes fairly devouring the sight of the girl he loved, when Henrietta slipped from her arms and imade for the chair, digging ond poking awoy industriously and eagerly under the leather cushion. One by one she jdrew forth letters, six of them, some chewed lovingly around the edges, oth ers merely slipped away for safe keep ling. And each envelope carried the 'faint scent of cape Jasmine. ! "Oh, the pet 1" cried Slgna. excitedly. !"See what she has done, hiding all my betters to you, Huntly, because she Ithought they were mine. At home she iwould take my gloves and handker chiefs, anything at all, and put them away for me, and she knew the per fume. Isn't ahe clever?" ' But Huntly eyed the little marmo set with a malediction In his gare which only Jacqueline understood. Days and weeks of waiting and lone liness, hopelessness, because of Henri etta's loyalty to cape Jasmine. "You shall not read them now," Slg na said; "not until afterward. But you do not know why I am here. She laughed and spread out 'her hands widely before him. "I come all this way, senor, to tell you I have changed my mind. If you do not mind, I have decided to marry an American." Henrietta looked from one to the other and climbed contentedly to the top of the morris chair, with the last letter clutched In her little black paw. Phone 41 She Would Perch on the Back of the Chair. laughed at him, told him she would never marry an American, and had ;glven him Henrietta to solace him. Then had come the long spell of fever and the trip back home. . "Of course," the specialist told Jac queline, "you must know he has some trouble preying on his mind. If we could lift that and give him a spur toward health, a will to live, as It were, hi would probably get back to the nor mal." She had not answered. He had writ ten to Slgna often, and not a word had come back In reply. The mall was placed on the little teakwood stand in the lower hall. She always saw it first after the maid had laid It there. And never was there one from Ecuador.: Henrietta seemed to know why she watched for one. She would follow her downstairs and linger while she glanced over the letters, sometimes springing up beside her on the stand and eyeing them eagerly. But the days passed without word, and Huntly grew gradually worse, until there came the wireless brief out of the blue, as It were. "Arrive Monday. SIONA." She dared not give It to him at once. The shock might hurt him, but grad ually she broke the news, while Hen rietta perched on the chair back and almost seemed to understand her mis tress was coming north to them. "But It's so absurd, when I haven't heard from her," Huntly protested brokenly. "She must have written." "Walt until she comes and then see," warned his sister tenderly. It was a little past ten when Senor lta Alvarez arrived. Her father was wtth her, too, slender and dapper and somewhat bored, as Jacqueline remem bered the little silver magnate. Slgna cast ber sables from her on a stand In the lower hall, and stood like some glowing goddess of the South, smiling down on her hoateaa. "Tou see 1 hnve kept my word," she exclaimed. "Is he better. Jack) I Try a Herald Want Ad. Needed Protection 3 Keep your body well nourished and strong and there is little danger. It's essential that you keep up your resistance. There are thousands of families who would not dream of being without the protection that SCOTTS iEMULS'lO'N affords. The right idea is to start in the fall with Scott's Emulsion and be protected for a strenuous winter. X Scott's you ask for. 1 Ttat Norwegian cod-liver oil used it Scott's Emulsion is super-refined in ou- emrm American Laboratories. It punty and quality is unsurpassed. Scott & Bowuc, BloouificUi,Nj. 'Buick Garage The Home of the Buick Car We have six car loads of Buick cars enroute from factory. Buy a Buick Car a car that you can always get repairs for, our repairs are beginning to arrive and we will soon have a com plete stock. Get your order in early because they will not last long C. L. KERR Manager W. J. LEO PLUMBER PHONE 1-6-1 Famous Collins Saddles Best sad dle made. Have etood the test for 60 years. Write for free catalog Alfred Cornish & Co. Successors, Collins & Morrison 1212 Farnara St., Omaha, Neb. 18 cents a package Carnal mro sold ererymrhers in scientific ally tested package of 30 cigarattea; or tan packages 200 ci gare t tat) in a glaaa-ine-paper-covared carton. Wa strongly recommend thia carton for tha home or office supply, or whan you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Wtast SsUm.N.C CAMELS' expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos answers every cigarette desire you ever had I Camels give such universal delight, such unusual enjoyment and satisfaction you'll call them a cigarette revelation 1 If you'd like a cigarette that does not leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor, smoke Camelsl If you hunger for a rich, mellow-mild cigarette that has all that desirable cigarette "body" well, you get some Camels as quickly as you can I Camels' expert blend makes all this delightful quality possible. Your personal test will prove that Camel Cigarettes are the only cigarettes you ever smoked that just seem made to meet your taste I You will prefer them to either kind of to bacco smoked straight 1 Compare Camels for quality and satisfaction with any cigarette in the world at any price I