The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 02, 1919, Image 5

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    Thursday, October 2nd, 1910.
(Continued from 1'apo 1.)
with farmers receiving $1.60 1.70
from the wagons.
Idaho lVp Show IVrrcase.
rocatello, Idaho The potato crop
la Idaho this year will be consider
ably less than last year. The acre
age In Southern Idaho, comprising
tho Twin Falls district from Rupert
to lluhl and in the Idaho r'a'H terri
tory from Blackfoot to Rleby Is
about the same as last year, taking
the whole dietrtct as a whole.
However, the yield will be much
fmaller per acre. This is due to the
fact that the season has been too hot
and dry and the potatoes did not pet
a good start. Estimates as to the
probable crop as compared with last
year very from 50 per cent to 75 per
cent, but the consensus of opinion
teems that 65 per cent of last year is
a rood estimate on this year's crop.
The first cars have commenced to
Dove. The Rurals and Ilussets are
the principal varieties grown -
The Caldwell district which raises
early potatoes, has about 1,500 cars
of which around half have been
moved so far. This was a large in
crease for them. The car shortage
put a crimp In the deal and as a re
sult there is still half of this early
stock to move which ordinarily
should have been out of way. It is
said lhat a large part of this stock
will never be moved as the late crop
1b now ready.
The car shortage in this district
played havoc with the early potato
crop deal as It was very difficult to
get refrigerator cars, and this stork
had to move under ice. Now that
the late crop is ready this car short
age shows no improvement. At this
time of the year the late crop moves
under ventilation, but it is impossible
to get the cars, so stock is now
going forward in box cars, that is a
large part of it. There are some
ventilated cars available but they are
few. Shippers have no definite in
formation as to when the situation
will improve.
New York Crop Green.
Rochester, N. Y. A few potatoes
are moving from Western New York.
However, the crop is quite green
with tors still growing or gradually
dying down. In any event, the tub
era peel and are not fit to dis, except
fer immediate use. Prices have eus
ed off mateml!- within the laa. tew
days, but the market is latiur glar
ing in the dark and there is nothing
very stable a3 yet to indicate what
will hapten when the main crop be
gins to so to market. Just now deal
ers are shipping out in a limited way
at $1.40 a bushel for No. 1 stock,
paying growers around $1.25.
Car Shortage in Maine
New York City With no relief in
right for the Aroostook country po
tato shippers, who have been almost
marooned by a car shortage, the
movement of Maine potatoes to this
If your Back is aching or Bladder
bothers, drink lots of water
and eat less meat
market this week was light and IocrI
receivers saw very little chance of a
heavier movement next week. There
are plenty of potatoes in Maine, as
indicated by both the government re
port and reports from shippers, and
as soon as cars can be obtained, the
movement will be free. One large
shipper reported that he had placed
an urgent cider for cari ten days ago
and had not received a single car.
Other reporti are almost as bad as
that 'and while tr.eie Is a pood de
man I for Mali.'? potatoes at practi
cally nil points, the market Is demor
alised in the growing sections. Farm
ers are anxious to haul their stock
and yet tbey must stand a discount
of 4fe to 50c in order to clear the
shipper of the chance of deteriora
tion while waiting for a car. The
best they were able to get this wek
was $2.75 per 165-;ouni! barrel. All
applications to railway officials f r
relief get the old answer that they
are meeting the situation as best
they can. While early shipments
from Aroostook county have far sur
passed any previous year, the move
ment the last two weeks has been far
below normal.
The market, as far as prices are
concerned at the outside points. Is a
little better than last week. Ship
ments going to Boston are said to
have been made this week at $2.3 5
per cwt. delivered in bulk. That
price was about $2.45 delivered at
Harlem River here but that seems a
little out of line, as the very best
stock sold here Wednesday at $2.35
(& 2.40 per cwt. delivered Harlem
River. Extreme sales were made in
the yards at $4.75 per 180 pound
bulk but the general average has
been around $4.50.
Iju'ge Crop in Kentucky.
Louisville, Ky. The second crop
of potatoes in Kentucky covers an
unusually large acreage, it being
estimated at one-fourth larger than
that of last year, which was not a
small one, by any means,, and at
least one half larger than the spring
crop of this year. However,, a bad
drought has been experienced in Jef
ferson county and nearly all through
the state and unless good rains are
experienced shortly, and frost is late,
the crop doesn't promise much. It is
reported that much of the stock is
showing few potatoes, or very small
ones. Some potatoes which were
planted early in July did nicely, and
late July and early Aueust held bark
planting, and the crop will be late.
With rain within the next few
days potatoes should fill out rll, as
the plants are hearty and strong.
Dipping should start in a large way
between October 15 and 31, wlthMhe
crop out of the ground In November.
With proper weather, Kentucky's
famous Jefferson county district
should produce one of the largest
crops on record.
Ohio Crop Short.
Archbold, O. There will be no
potatoes, onions nor cabbase for
shipment from this point this season,
the potato crop being about 15 per
rent of normal, onions and cabbage
about 30 per cent normal. Weather
conditions too wet in the spring and
crop suffered later from drought.
Wisconsin Potatoes Short.
Iola, Wis. With a normal acreage
of potatoes the total shipments will
fall short of last year on account of
the light yield of early stock, which
is going about 120 bushels to the'
acre. The late crop Is expected to be
better and a good yield Is In prospect
if the weather remains favorable and
the frost holds off. The potatoes
being brought. In now are of good
size and quality.
Scandinavia, Wis. The potato
acreage is about up to normal this
year and the harvest Is being carried
on vigorously, with the fields now
being dug going from 75 to 150
bushels to the acre. The stock is of
good size and the small yield is prin
cipally due to a poor set rather tha1
to small potatoes. The late crop Is
still growing and the size of the
yield will derend upon the weather
conditions and the length of time
that the frost holds off. The vines
are in fine condition and a good yield
is in rrospect.
Stevens Point, Wis. The crop of
potatoes at this point Is short as the
soil in this vicinity Is generally light
and the dry weather has cut the
yield considerably so that stock now
being brought in is not going over
about 75 bushels to the acre. The
stand is spotted and the vines are
small and spindling in the late fields
and although the late potatoes will
still grow until the frost stops them
the yield will not be a large one.
a few have been marketed. ' How
ever, a long spell of dry weather in
When your kidneys hurt and your back
feels sore, don't get scared and proofed
to load your stopiach with a lot of drags
tk&t excite the kidneys and irritate the
entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys
clean like you keep your bowels clean,
by flushing them with a mild, harmless
suits which removes the body's urinous
waste and stimulates them to their nor
mal activity. Tho function of the kid
ney is to filter the blood. la 24 hours
they strain from it 600 grains of acid
and waste, so we can readily understand
the importance of keeping the kid
neys active.
Lrink lots of water you can't drink
too much; also pet from any pharmacist
about four ounces of Jad Salts; take
a tublespoonful in t glass of water
before breakfast each morning for a few
days and your kidneys will act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of prapes and lemon juice, combined
with lithia, and lias been used for genera
tions to clean and stimulate clogged kid
neys; also to neutralize the acids in
urine so it no longer is a source of irri
tation, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jai (Salts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure; mukes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean and active. Try this, also
keep up the water drinking, and no
doubt you will wonder what hecdina of
your kidney trouble and backache.
rapes'- ;?-i5
S4 o if
rvs t? fcHv .wn f. y, wa mm
Post of Permanence
The post that drives
like a stake that re
quires no hole digging that
is cheaper installed than wood
or concrete posts that lasts!
Let us demonstrate
Steel Fence Posts
made of durable A-l angle steel rot
proof fire-proof unbreakable. Used
extensively by the U. S. Government
Protects cattle from lightning per
mits fence line burning improves and
beautifies your property saves work.
Sharp bevel edged points make it
easy to drive. Patented anchor plate
makes it bind tight in any soil.
Ask for the post with the
REDHEAD. Come in to
day; no obligation to buy.
Name "Bayer" is on Genuine
Aspirin say Bayer
Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
in a "Bayer package," containing propel
direction for Colds, Tain, Headache,
Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism.
Name "Bayer" mean genuine Aapirio
prescribed by physicians for nineteen
year. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets
eet few cents. Aspirin U trade mark
f Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetie
aqidester. 1 Balicylicacii."
White Ribbon
Wm. King Company
Wholesale and Retail
Beverages and Cigars
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
Free City Delivery Phone 1S0
Bravo Alliance, Nebraska Non-Toxo
Most of (ho potato operators st this Inst year
point do not depend upon this vlcln-1
Ity solely for their stock but have
shipping stations in some of the
more productive points where blcfrcr
yield of larger potatoes are pro
duced. . . 1
l.ljiht Yield lit MirlilKmi. I
(Jrand Kapids. Mich. The dry
weather during the summer has
been hard on the early potato crop j
ami oniy a very light yield has been;
produced ranging from 30 to 70
bushels In the Southern counties to
50 to 75 bushels to the acre In tho
Northern counties. A fw points that
had timely showers this summer
have had yields as high as 100 bush
els. The late potato crop is still a
matter of weather conditions. In
fields that were planted during the
hot wave prevailing early In June
the stand Is poor, sometimes as poor
as 6!" per rent, but more generally 85
while in later planted fields the
stands are very good. In the North
ern counties and the Central section
around Greenvlllo and Hart the vines
are in a thrifty condition and show
every indletalon of a good yield with
favorable weather conditions for an
other few weeks. In the sections
South of Grand Rapids and South of
Lansing where potatoes form a less
important part of the farmers crops
the vines are not as large and the
yield is not expected to be as good as
farther North. Tbe acreage for the
state Is about 2,000 acres less than
be a few days before any great In-
Moie acreage has been planted to crease in the shipments Is to be ex-
the Rural Russet potatoes than ever , petted. Southern Michigan point
before. This is due to propaganda
carried on by the Michigan 1'otato
Very few potatoes are being ship
ped from Michigan so far and It will
have been liberal buyers of Wiscon
sin and Minnesota potatoes during
the past few weeks as the movement
from within the state was not heavy
enough to supply them.
MoiTiia! Weight
Perhaps you are worried because
your child docs not pick up in
weight? Better try
Scoffs Emulsion
rnd watch how it helps make
a thin child grow and put on
weight. There is nothing qui!?,
ro strengthening as Scott's
Emulsion for a chid of cry czz.
Scott & Bowne, Bloom field. K. J. 19 i
AT no time is the tire question
. more important than when
ordering a car. The buyer who
specifies Firestone Gray Side
wall Tires has taken the short
cut to permanent satisfaction.
He has escaped the costly period
of experimenting.
No more convincing proof of this
could be desired than in the'
mileage records of the Gray
Sidewall Tires during the past
year. Your dealer knows. , .
A '
Most Miles per Dollar
r of Turkish and
( ZjS Domestic tobaccos
'i I ' '-j? .bO -blended
The only ONE out of f yjj
147 Brands that
does it !
Does what ?
Does the one thing that smokers have always
wished a cigarette would do SATISFY.
Chesterfields not only please the taste but
they go straight to your "smoke-spot." They
let you know you're smoking. That's what we
mean by SATISFY.
It's all in the blend the private formula
of the manufacturer and the blend can't
bo copied.
Thar a why only Chesterfields SATISFY.
Moisture - proof package
keep them firmand freh,
whatever the weather.