THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD OCTOBEK T, 1919 WILL CONTINUE SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES Ut of Article Tlint May lie Swuml loni Army Store for Thl 'iMMrlct at Oinolm The government will continue the ale of government surplus food, clothing and other miscellaneous npplips, from two army district tores, on and after September 25, ale to continue until allotment In ach district baa been sold. rersons residing In Norrh Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska will be applied from Omaha, Neb. rersons residing in Wyoming, Utah and Colo rado will be supplied from Denver, Colo. Sales will be made oVer the counter and individual orders may be aent through the mall and deliv ery made by parcel post, the govern ment paying all parcel post charges. Present Indications are that sales to municipalities will be discontinued. All reclaimed articles will be sold ver the counter at army district ales stores. Tarcel post orders on nch articles will not be accepted. The official price list of articles for ale In the army quartermaster retail tores follows: Description of article; price. Arctics, cloth top (new), $1.60 ftr pair. Arctics, all rubber (new), $2.25 per pair. Albums, film, negative, 3x4H new, 7 So each. Blankets, wool (reclaimed or ren ovated), $5.00 each. Blankets, cotton (new), $3.00 pr. Blankets, wool and cotton mixed (new), $5.00 each. Blankets, wool and cotton mixed (reclaimed or renovated), $3.50 ea. Blankets, wool (new), $6.00 each. Blankets, cotton (reclaimed or renovated), $1.00 per pair. Boots, rubber, hip (new), $5.25 per pair. Brooms, stable, with handles (new), 76c each. Brushes, shaving (new), 15c each. Candles, tallow (new), 20c per lb. Cans, meat (reclaimed or reno vated), 20c each. Cans, nfh or pnrbase (new), as sorted sizes, $2.00 each. Cups, canteen, reclaimed, 15c ea. ! Drawers, wool, heavy, winter (new), $1.00 per pair. Drawers, winter wool, heavy (re claimed or renovated), 60c pair. Drawers, summer, Balbriggan (new), 50c ralr. Drawers, summer, Nainsook, (new), 50c pair. Drawers, summer, Dalbrlggan, (reclaimed or renovated), 25c pair. Forks, table (reclaimed), 24c per dozen. Gloves, Jersey knit (new), 20c per pair. Griddles, No. 9 (new), 4 5c pair. Handles, pick, "railroad" (new), 21c each. Hatches, claw (new), $1.00 each; Kettles, camp, with covers (new), 80c each. Knives, table (reclaimed) 48c doz. Lariat (new), 65c each. Legglns, foot (new), 75c pair. Legglns, foot (reclaimed or reno vated), 35c pair. Overalls, combination (new), $2.50 per pair. Taper, toilet, rolls, 8 l-3c each.. rencils, carpenters' (new), 40c a dozen. ricks, It It (new), 70c each. Trltchels, blacksmith, (new), 20c each. Rakes, steel, garden (new), 70c. Rope, 3-4 inch (new), 24c per lb. Safes, field (new), $21.60 each, j Shovels, long handle, round point (new), $1.00 each. Stocks and dies, 1-8 to 3-8 lncv Spades, D handle (new), 70c ea. (new), $9.59 per set. Stocks and dies, 1-4 to 3-4 in Stocks and dies, 1-4 to 3-4 Inch (new), $19.25 per set. Stocks and dies, 1-4 to 1 Inch, (new), $23.60 per set Stocks and dies, 1-4 to 1 1-4 Inch (new), $34.00 per set. Stocks and dies, 3-8 to 2 Inches (new), $86.00 per set. Spoons, (reclaimed), 18c dozen. Staffs, flag, 5 ft. sectional steel, (new), $1.10 per set. Socks, summer, cotton (new), 15c per pair. Socks, wool, light (new), 25c pr. Socks, wool, heavy (new), 65c pr. Thimbles, saddlers' (new), 8c ea. Towels, bath (new), 4 fir each. Towels, buck (new), 20c each. rndeishirts, wool, winter (re claimed or renovated), 60c each. Undershirts, summer (new), 60c. rud'Tshirts, summer (reclaimed or renovated), 25c each. Whirs, artillery (new), $1.00 ea. Trowels, Mason, 11-Inch, (new), 50c each. IS NOW ABLE TO CO DOWN TOWN For First Time In H Mont lis Mrs. Sporwell Can Make The Trip. "Yesterday, for the first time In eight months, I was able to go down town," said Mrs. Margaret SporweI of 2021 Lackawanna avenue, Super ior, Wis., in telling of the benefits she has derived from the use of Tanlac, recently. Mrs. Sprowell is Ihe wife of Cap tain J. Y. Sprowell, who sailed the Great Lakes for twenty-five years and is well known and popular In every port. Among the vessels under his command was the steamer Fritz, plying Lake Euperior. Captain and Mrs. Sprowell have resided In Super ior for nearly thirty years and their many friends will be glad to learn of Mrs. Sprowell's wonderful improve ment. "For the past ten years, that is until after using Tanlac for a while," continued Mrs. Sporwell, "I have had trouble with my stomach. 1 could not eat anything without bloating up with gas and suffering intense pain through my stomach and right side. I was constantly belching up this sour gas and undigested food and al ways felt badly for hours after meals. Then about ten months ago I got so I could hardly eat at all and would go for more than a week at a time without eating a mouthful of anything. Then about this, time the worst kind of pain struck me in my right knee and ankle and hurt me so bodly I could hardly bear my weight on that limb. . I was unable to leave my room and was so helpless I just had to hobble from one object to the other. I could not walk without the Carbon-0 Piston Rings PATENT PENDING ..J THE VALVE SEAT RINQ V -1 r i i 5 WJf i : af' ' i -If i -int. 'ii Hold Compression and Pi event Oil Pumping in a Worn Ring Groove Dealers and Rrn-irmen-Carbon-0 Piston Ring, are most satisfactory f.r n placement work. They satisfy your cus tomers and bring them back for more. Others in busi ness as you arc, find them profit makers that pay. Carbon-0 Valve Seat Piston Rings prevent oil pumping when the ring grooves are worn 1-32 of an inch over-sir and have enough spring to eliminate considerable piston slap in badly worn cylinders. In the illustration, "A" shows how compression leaks past h rmg that does not fill the ring groove. 'C" illustrates how the inside half of a Carbon-0 Valve Seat Ring cut on a bevelacts as a wedge that pressing against the top of the ring groove, holds the outside half against the cylinder wall, absolutely preventing oil pump ing or loss of compression. When a piston ring fills the ring groove, it cannot leak and Carbon-O Valve Seat Piston Rings always fill the groove. OUR GUARANTEE. If, after using a set of Carbon-O Valve Seat Piston Rings 30 days you are in iny way dissatisfied, you may return the rings and we will refund not only the cost of the rings, but a reasonable amount of the cost of installing them. You are to be the judge. Our Motto: "Your money's worth of your money back." Diameter in Inches 2H i'A 2Ja 24. . . 278. . . 3 sy 3H 3H SW 37s Price List Width and Price per Rine -Ifi A k.ic x -it to 3-16 $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.5j0 1 50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.65 1.75 1.75 1.85 4 $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.65 1.75 1.75 1.90 5-16 $1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.75 1.85 1.85 2.00 n $1.75 1.85 1.85 S.15 at $1.81 STEAM TRACTOR AUTO MFG. CO. 219 W. 7th Street, Sioux City, Iowa nil 1PT, Service Station nupmooiie cars. Reliable mechanic in charge of repair work. Alliance, Schwabe Brothers Chadron most awful Buffering. My right lejt became all swollen and then the lains extended to the pinall of my back and hurt me so at times I could not pet out of bed. My nerves finally became so upset and unstrung that I would shake like a leaf. 'Neither treatment, medicines or liniments helped me and I had lott nearly all hope of getting rellet until I began taking Tanlac about . seven weeks ago. But thanks to Tanlac I began to feel betetr In Just two or three days after I started taking it. The gas sopped forming on my stom ach and my pains gradually left me. I am still taking Tanlac and improv ing right along, but, as I said, I am already so much better that yester day I walked to the car and went down town for the first time in eight monhs. The pain is all gone out of my leg and back and I have not felt so much like myself In many yeas. Since Tanlac has done so nn-;ii for me I can't help thinking of others who need it like I did and I feel that I ought to tell them about it." Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. E. Moisten, in Hemlngford by Heming ford Merc. Co., In Hoffland by Mal lery Grocery Co. Ill mo Wf flant Mentioned in Bible. The common gardrn plant collet coriander Is for.n-1 It. Egypt, Persia and' India. It 'my f'.obular, graylsb seedcorns and 1m inutloned twice la the Bible, In Exodns 10:31. and la Numbers 11:7. GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub it in to get quick, comfort ing relief Once you've tried it on that stiff joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu matic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you never thought a liniment could produce. Won't stain the skin, leaves no muss, wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. A large bottle means economy. Your own or any other druggist has it Get it today. 35c, 70c. $1.40. a package before the war c a package' during the war c a package NOW THE FLAUOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! 187 Chain United States Tires are Good Tires ' MBm 'v ff--iwN 'Royal Cur J' Most Economical Wear life service mile age safety comfort. These are the things that count in a tire. These are exactly what you get in United States Tires, general all-round tire satis faction. This greater total of tire values means greater econo myless cost of maintenance less repairs and depreciation. Car owners' who do their own thinking prefer United States Tires. Their merit is recognized everywhere. We have them a type and size for every car. We know United States Tires are good Tires. That's why we sell them. SchaferBros. Sturgeon Bros. C Q. Hedgecock, Rockey & Son, Hcmingford q q Wilson, Lakeside Herald Want Ads Bring Results.