Thursday, September 18th, 1919. tPlinilP 140 1 ,IUIie Harvey Worley and Harry Smith I The home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy returned Wednesday form a business ! Miller, 321 Toluca Ave., was the trip to Denver. I scene of a quiet wedding Monday evening at 6:30 when their niece Misa Hannah Cotant left Wednes-, Miss Kachrl M. Stelle became the day for Chicago where she will at-1 bride of Robert O. Wood both of tend Northwestern University during 1 Sheridan, Wyo. The ceremony was the coming year. j performed by Kev. J. Orin Gould of the First Baptist Church In the pre . The Misses Hazel. Charlotte and i Hence of a few relatives and friends. Kutli Katon entertained a few of ; Mr. and Mr.. Wood i f-tnrnp.t in filler- mcir irtetnts n-iday evening at an informal dr. nee at Heminel'ord. I Chaiks Spacht, who has spent the summer In Y. M. C. A. work, spent a few days this week visiting his rein- ; tives in this city. Charles is plan ning to attend the State University this year. Donald Graham left Wednesday for Omaha where he will continue his course at the Creiahtun Univer sity. "My Sammy Girl" at the Imperial theatre on Monday evening was wit nessed by a goodly number of Alli ance people. Tin? production was not as popular lure as it lias been at ether points despite the fact that it was booked by Mr. DuBtnjue through the largest booking house in New York. Smith & Brandcll have opened the eld Phillips barn at the coiner of Railroad ami Laramie avenue. A short time ago Mr. Smith sold his Palace livery barn building and it s site to M click & Redmon and this made necessary the change of loca lion. Duck hunters have been more numerous than ducks according to those who have journeyed to the lakes for a shoot. The first day of the open season it was almost im possible to get within gun range of the water because of the many hunters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Merritt re turned last week from a short visit at Casper, Wyoming with Mrs. Mer ritfa parents. Kenneth Morman motored to his home in Nebraska City Thursday. He was accompanied as far as Lin coln by Chester Beck, who expects to attend the State University there during the coming year. Mrs. Gail Priece and small daugh ter, wlio have been visiting Mrs. . Priece'3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Dickinson have returned to their home In Hemingford. j Mrs. W. J. Mahaffy left Monday to ! accompany her daughter, Miss Mar quisce, to Knoxville, Illinois, where she will enter the St. Mary's Episco pal girl's school. Miss Mary Smith left Wednesday for Gordon where she will be em ployed as a teacher in the public schools during the coming year. Miss Mildred Griggs left Monday for Lincoln where she will attend the State University. Frank Pierson of Kearney was a business visitor In Alliance this week. Mrs. J. J. Hodgklnson is enjoying a visit this week from her brother Frank Green of Spakone, Washing ton. A message from Pitcher Ralph Strubel will be here without fall for ball team today informs us that Mr. Struble will be here without fail for the game on Sunday afternoon. W. G. Neiman returned from Beatrice Tuesday morning where he -was attending to business and visit ing his parents. His brother Her-; hart nrnnninanierl him home for a few days visit with Mr. Neiman and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Minser re turned Monday morning from Doug las where the latter has been visiting relatives for the past month. Ed Bishop, Alliance liveryman and horseman, attended the racing meet at Mitchell last week in the in terest of a western Nebraska circuit and met with such encouragement at the hands of the horsemen and fans there. Ed says he never saw more rain fall in two hours time than he did at Mitchell last Thursday afternoon. Attorney Thomas J. Lynch, of Om aha, was an Alliance visitor Tuesday, while enroute to Denver where he will spend a few days visiting and at tending to some business matters, j Mr. Lynch, who made The Herald) office a short visit wnue in me cuy atated that be had visited a number of cities in this section and that none of these compared with Alli ance. His opinions are based upon t)a fart that Alliance's Growth is steady and natural and fully Justified ' from its business resources. The BuicK Garage unloaded a ship-; ment of a carload of Buicks the first ; nf the week ,md snice Manager Chas. 1 Kerr has been busy getting them lo their new owners, lie reports a good demand for the car they handle but that the supply is yei unmea. This condition will no doubt be changed within the next few weeks. Julius Barnes, United States Wheat Director, received the decora tion of an officer in the Legion d'Honneur at a luncheon given in bis honor by the French High Commis sion at tho Midday Club, New York City. Among those present at the luncheon were: M. Cassanave, Direc tor General of the French High Com mission, Controller Johannet, Inten dant Dietrich, Captain Jean Gold schmidt and Secretary General Wavau. SOOEWW- of the Week M Told lhe Society Reporter vJ Social News, Church Notes and Lodge Doings 5sNg ldan Tuesday for a short Visit after which they will make their home in Colon nlo. Misa Helen Schott and Marian Grebe entertained at a china shower W ednesday evening in honor of Miss l.dna Donavun. The Japanese idea was very cleverly carried out in the!" ,nev' Jfdinns ami a very suc- cofitumes of the guests and in the , beuu'iful house decorations. An ' elaborate Ave course , dinner was ; served at a prettily appointed table which had as a center piece a large ' bowl of Clematis. The guests were i the Misses Edna Donovan, Lily Townley, Edena Martin. Cecil Dotio- van, Mary Wilson, Janet Grassinan. : Hannah Cotant. Edan Bowman. Ros- ' inna Mcrk, Ethel Graham, Kdna ' n-medict, Leona Shreve ' Helen Schott, Marian Grebe and Mrs. : .lames Burlington.. j country and village church. The Rev. X. P. Uney. paster of the Rush Aubrey Young paid a fine of $3.00 j ville Church was elected Moderator and costs in Judge Robert's court! of the Presbytery. Presbytery ad i Monday morning upon acharge of having exceeded the speed limit of i iVim eity on Sunday evening. And, this Is not all. While sailing down ! imrd street from the west he lost control of his machnle and crashed I Into a Saxon Six owned by the A. 11. Jones Company and parked in front of the company's place of business at the corner of Third and Laramie. This damage Mr. Young will have This damage Mr. Young will have to pay and inasmuch as it calls for a new rear wheel and a few other such repairs the wild drive may prove ex pensive enough to afford a real les son. Frank Harvey's home in West Lawn caugnt tire Tuesday afternoon while the family was away and had it not been for the timely discovery of the blaze by neighbors there would probably not now be a home left. The blaze was started, no doubt, by sparks from a passing switch engine and upon the arrival of the volunteer fire department was soon extinguished. The damage done is very small. Mi3s Mildred, daughter of General Superintendent G. L. and Mrs. Griggs, left Alliance last Friday for Chicago, where she will visit friends for a few days before returning to Lincoln to enter the siate university. The first annual ball g'ven by the members of the American Legion took place at the Armory last even ing. A large number of -lhe friHis of the "boys" attended and the affair was one of the most enjoyable of the season. The music was furnished, without charge, by the following: J. C. Ilaviik, violin; li. A. Johnson, troiubone; Raymond Maueson, ban Jo; C. Somers, saxaphor.e; Hoi ace Anderson, drums and Mrs. Wiker, piano. Druggist F. J. Brannan went to Denver Tuesday- nigh ton a short business trip. He returned Thurs day morning. Special Agents T. J. Smith and E. L. Underwood of the Burlington had bualness that called them to Lincoln iuesday night. Mrs. J. S. Rhein returned the first of the week from a short visit with relatives and friends at Mitchell. Fred J. Holton, real estate and in surance man of Chadron had busi ness In Alliance Wednesday. Dr. Bellwood returned Sunday from a two months visit with his wife and daughter at Long Beach, Calif. Penrose Roming, former mayor of Alliance, spent a few days in the city this week transacting business. Penrose is now connected with the legal staff of the Burlington lines, but will shortly return to Creighton college to resume his studies In law. This is his last year at the school. The fire truck used by the Alliance Volunteer Fire Department is again in use after being in the paint shop for aeveral weeks. "Chef Moore had the contract for the work and the Job is a good one the truck looks like new. The fire-boys are certainly glad to again have the ubo of their hurry-up wagon. EXGIXEEH WILL 1XVKSTHJATE THE CAUSE OF EXPLOSION D. J. Price, Engineer in charge of the Bureau of Chemistry, Depart ment of Agriculture, who is directing grain dust explosion prevention campaign for the Grain Corporation, left Washington Saturday for Kansas City, Missouri to start immediate in vestigation into causes of the explo ked the Murray elevator there Saturday, September There were ten deaths, six injured, property loss of a half million dol lars, much Grain Corporation wheat destroyed according to our advices, in this fire which occurred at two o'clock Saturday afternoon. The elevator had a capacity of 1,600,000 bushels. Dr. Price arrived in Kansas City today, Vernon Fitzsimons of Minne apolis, a member of bis staff, a mem ber of his staff, reacher there yer.ter day, and J. O. Reed of the same de partment was In Kansas City at the time of the explosion. The Bureau ot Chemistry warns all mills and ele vators to renew precautions against grain dust explosions. THE Pi-ethitcrhin Cliuivh. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Miller, J. L. (Herman and Rev. Kearus attended the Stated Fall Mooting of the Pres bytery of Kox lhttte at Rushvllle. Sept. 16-1 7th. The New Kra Move ment of tl.e I'resbyterlan Church was em; h.i iiLo.i j,n,l plans were laid for New Kra Conferences throughout the Presbvtorv. I'm- r v Kt,h,- Kearney i'reshytery and Rev. James l" ;,n'''1 "I'on to defend his title, ae Brown of Nebraska City Presbytery "V"'0'1 Wlt'k a So from Jess presented the w qrk of Hast inas" Col- 1111,1 l'-ge. the Presbyterian Synodioal Col-' Fh-h.-r. who Is of MUM build but lege for Nebraska, Colorado. Wyom-1 f.reat lung power, surprised Alliance inn arid Montana. The College onenJ ed its work this fall wi'h a student body of over 4 00. The urgent need cessiui campaign is under way through the Snods. The Rev. New- land of the Northwestern Methodist From that time on, the one who Conference addref.sed the Presbytery P'-'K" s'.Uhtly of Fisher did so presenting the phm of the. Inter- guardedly and away from the sight Church World Movement. The R" v. ,'' a-!iv lists. Matthew B. McNutt of the Pros by- j The Sheridan Post tells the fol I teiy of Woosier, Ohio as field man in , Iowin? s'orv of Fisher's latest sen- ,!u' IVpartiaent of Church and Coun- u'y IJU addressed the popular meet-' ,na: Wednesday evening, pointina out) t!l1' sinillvtnt trend of rural Pte In America and the problems of the ' journed to meet on the floor of Synod at Central City. (Vtobtr 20th. Our recular church seivcies will be held next Sunday Sept. 21st in clu ling Sunday School and Christian Eadeaior. All are cordially invited to the v orship of this church. A. J. KEARXS, Pastor. THREE AND ONK-HAI.F INCHES HA1X IX A1IOI T TWO HOI IIS All records were broken at county fair held at Mitchell week, even to the amount of falling within a given time. Thursday afternoon at about thirty the vicinity was visited the last rain On five by what proved to be almost a water j spout. In less than two hours time three and one-half Inches of water fell and in the flood that resulted bridges, culverts and walks were washed away and things tied up gen erally. The fair program was post poned till Saturday, when some real horse races were had. The atten dance records of former years were shattered during the first two days of the fair. THE "GEYSER LMMlllllllMllllijtl41l.liMII illlllllllllimllll 111, li lllll - jj2iUll 'I- J 1 Washing and Wringing at T HUNK of having all ity. The "Geyser" cient as it is uniuuo. tained in a constantly revolving cylinder. The suds are also drawn hack by suction. The principle of washing enables the entire tank and cylinder spaec to bo used instead of only one-third to one-half of it. Ordinary washing machines require a much greater space are bulkier weigh more and are harder to handle. The "Geyser" is the most compact washer built,' as well as the most efficient. The demand for "Geyser" Electric Washers is growing faster than the demand for automobiles because every fair-minded man wants to save his wife labor every good wife wants to save her husband money. "Geyser" Washers save both time and money with no wear or tear on your clothes. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION ALL THIS WEEK PHONE 139 ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD WOULD DEFEND SIGNS WITH HIS FISTS Former Secretary of Alliance Com nuinity Huh Challcngr Secretary if Another Hub to I'iMIc Combat Former Secretary W. IV Fisher of the Alliance Community Club, now secretary of the Sheridan. Wyoming, commercial ehib ha? challenged a larger man to fistic combat, with s o,.N nnl n referee aui all the othir tiimmius. Jack Dempsey can now We notice that he nuift be cai' lul ;nl keep far away from the roail mli which !i)int the av In snernian. or he too will undoubtedly i".-uii.- on uis return ironi mano r couple ot years auo by meeting and van'Uii'-i.inu on the Mae of the opera house at Alliance a oilor boy whii ,ih re carded as the champion of "iiv of Unele Sam's warshin. satin, i. which also secured (list-page space m the Deijver Post: "Their is blood on the moon, the rumbling of coming conflict In the air an 1 more fun in prospect for the people of Sheridan and Johnson rountie. than four mn could shake a Mck at; Secretary Fisher of the Commercial club :. on hte pec c. he's got hi, "i l in hi ey ? and a chip on h'.s shnihler that he is not going to wait l'o rany body to knock off. When Fisher i;ets that way some-, thine is poing to happen or else some body whose name Is not Fisher is going to back down. "The object of Mr. Fisher'sJatten tlons Just now is Dr. J. H llukitl of Dulfalo. secretary of the Automobile club, who It Is alleged toi'J down I some ro-id signs In the vicinity of the Sherilui secretary had carefully Johnson county capital after the posted them for the guidance of tourls's. Fisher Is touchy about those signs, but Huklll didn't stop with tearing down the signs he added Insult to injury by telling Fisher rieiu in iroiu oi nis pnysinomy mar he, Fisher, was a blimp, those are not the words Huklll used but they meant the same thing, for he said tbit Sheridan's dynamic secretary was nothing but a bag of wind. "Fther felt It would be unseemly to mix it with the doctor on the street, but the more he has been thinking about it the more he has ' taken it to heart and at last he has the Same Time with the "Geyser" Wringe r Tyi of your washing ami wringing done makes you imlejMmlent of laundresses and maids. The "OEYSKIl" A high-speed propeller in hottom Call and see this Wonderful Electric Washer and Wringer in Operation. Ask for a Washing Demonstration in Your Own Home. Do It Today. , ; GEORGE D. DARLING come to a moat ripping conclusion "I'd hns Issued his challenge to the Buffalo doctor to meet him in the square and padded ring. "In other words makes thl? tleflt. He challenges Dr. Huktll to meet him in a five-round bout with regu lation gloves, admission fee to be charged and the pjroceeds to go to the Salvation Army fund, to be split fifty-Ofty between Johnson and Sheridan counties. That Fisher Is in d'vid earnest Is evidenced by the fact that he has offered to put up J 109 as a forfeit and will ask his opponent to do the sain. Fisher only weighs something over a hundred and he says he don't care how much the doc tor weighs, ns tin bigger he Is the harder lie will fall. "It Is now up to Huklll and his Buffalo backers. Either tack up those ai-rm nnd tactily admit that Fisher has cot a whole lot in hint be sides hot air, o relse put up the llttl ole hundred plunks and start the Biso'i city champ no training. And .1n-i a tip it will be admitted that the Buffalo doeJot will b. vlsr h lie neglects no precautions, for the Sheridan secretary can work hiH hands almost as rapidly as he can Notice to the Public The people of Alliance nre hereby notified that the ordinances of the city are to be strictly enforced nnd that particular attention will be paid to violators of the following well known laws ot this municipality: 1. Ordinance No. 195 relating to motor driven vehicles, as per tains lo minors driving the same, rate of speed within the city limits and Ilthts when driving after dark, as well as to careless driving thereby endangering human life. 2. Ordinance No. 42 prohibiting the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks. 3. Ordinance No. 103 relating to the obstructing of streets and sidewalks. 4. Ordinance No. 183 which requires that the owners of dogs shall pay to the city treasurer the required license for the fiscal year, and upon failure to do so the Marshall will arrest all violators who may be fined from $1.00 to f 10.00. C. Ordinance No. 6 relating to open vaults and unsanitary conditions connected therewith, depositing slops trash and rubbish in streets, etc. 6. Ordinance No. 113 relating to the cutting of weeds. The ordinance of the city of Alliance creating the office of hte City Manager provides among other things that he shall have active management and control of the police department. The co-operation of the people will be welcome at all times in bringing about an enforcement of the ordinances. C. C. SMITH City Manager DOES ALL THE HARD WORK . Ul WASHING WHY SHOULD YOU Swinging in an hour or two at a cost of only of tank drives hot suds through 115-117 WEST THIRD STREET ! his tciiut an that's sayin.t n vbol mouthful. ' 25tli Year of Ak-Snr-In. Tho two big feature of this Fall'av Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival will be th twfl magnificent parades. On the night of October 1, the grand Electric Pageant will be seen on the street and, this being the 25th Anniversary : of Ak-Sar-Ben, the parades this year I will purpnss any of previous year, j On the afternoon of October 2, th , Automobile Floral Parade will take place, when 125 beautfiully decora t ed automobiles will be Been. Thl ! year parades will excel all previous errorts in this line, on ttie carnival Grounds. 15th and Capitol Ave., Con. T. Kennedy's greater of American Tented attractions will give after noon and evening performances, Sep tember 2 4 to October 4. Difficult Men to Handle. There tin ehiss ,,f men so difficult O be mamiip'il In a sfnti us those ihosi" tnti-'itliih nre honest, but ndiii,' nih-cl-.'ij-vs ;ire bewitched. apn!e ei, AND WRINGING about 4 cents for electric washing principle is as effi the clothes, which are con o