The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 04, 1919, Image 8

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Thursday, September, 4th, 1919
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Exhibities: the New Fashions
or Autumn and Winter
Trend of the Modes in Ready-to-Wear
We present tomorrow a first complete showing of Coats, Suits and Dresses in the cleverest
originations and color combinations of exclusive designers. Selected with the conscientious eye
for quality and detail that add materially to every garment. Coats with fashionably draped col
lars and luxurious appearance; Suits in new jacket lengths and with fulness below the waist as
one of many Fall tendencies; Dresses in the newer, finer silk weaves and in smartest of serge and
jersey developments. Their prices all tell of inte resting values for this month.
That careful specialization which is the noteworthy characteristic of this store, is predomin
ant in this Autumn and Winter Exposition now at the height of its completeness and in an .abun
dance of newly created modes.
Mellow hazes of color in the fabric sections are fairest of rivals for the rich tones in Suits,
Furs and other Fall Apparel in Ready-to-Wear.
While every display exhibits to advantage the richness of the Fall textiles, the individuality
of each model presents versatile opportunity for satisfying personal preference.
You are cordially invited to attend this exhibit.
Triced so moderate that
early Reason choppers de
clare them rare values.
Georgette is rtill the favor
ed material it takes so -gracefully
to wool, bead or
llosa embroidering the de
cided Fall trimn tag notes.
Becoming necklines and un
usual cuff arrangement
make individual choosing
most attractive. Laoe, Net.
Batiste and Von Wnifcts are
also arcing ihj Season's
show; .g.
$5 to .$25
The New Petticoats Keep to Slender Lines
but have interestingly added many trimming touehes of
beauty for Fall. New banded trims and inserts of accordion
pleating do much for prettiness yet apparently add no un
wanted width. Motif trimming also tells of a new conceit.
$2.50 to $15.00
Looking Neat
is easily accomplished in these fetching new House
Dresses. They are something more than useful for all they
are practical and pood looking. Most of the styles are of
Percale the best choice of material as far as looks, launder
ing and long life go in garments of service.
$2.00 to $10.00
Children's Styles in Frocks and Coats
We have a number of mothers whoask us to select in
dividual styles for their children each new season. We do
this with pleasure and it always helps us to find manufac
turers who are. anxious to cater to the mothers' tastes in
quality and standards as well as styles.
We are 6ure you will see these characteristics in this
showing of one-piece and two-piece Children's Dresses
many of washable materials and in the pretty Fall Coats
that are fashioned so cleverly with .smart collars and button
$5.00 to $25.00
Purchases of Furs are always
recognised economy in the end.
For no ether same amount of
money can one appear so grace
fully well dressed even when
Furs are worn with a last year's
suit or gown.
Fashion says "Graceful gar
ments in soft, draped Furi, and
variations of the short Fur coat."
Mink Is favored because of its soft
blending with the new brown suit
ehc'.ts. Kolinsky Squirrel and
Hudson Seal are much shown.
Mole and Fisher also.
The New Suits
You who have viewed our display's in past seasons will
be more than surprised at the comprehensive showing of
new suits which we have secured for this year. They com
bine the most pleasing lines with the most serviceable ma
terials in some of the most striking styles you will see this
year. All easily within your price requirements because we
have bought with this in mind the saving to the women
who patronize this store. Every detail is complete, every ,
new style is represented, every desirable material in all the
new colors. It only remains for you to come and view the
display and 6tlect the garment best Buited to you. We have
arranged this display early that our customers may get full
wear during the entire fall and winter season.
Priced from $25 to $195
The New Coats
The woman seeking a new coat of true style distinction
and who knows the satisfaction of being "first" with the
new things and the economy of longer wear will appreciate
the assembling of the new coats which we are showing. As
in all other lines we have selected the very best from the
foremost designers of the east and each detail of material,
color, 6tyle and workmanship will meet Avith your approval.
$15 to $175
We also have a Complete line of dresses in the new
serges, tricolettes, tricotine and satin combinations which
are certain to please. These are prices from
$19.50 to $98.50
The New Skirts are here in a variety of materials, colors
and patterns to go with our new blouses. We call your par
ticular attention to these at from
$8.75 up
Our Assortments
Are Complete
i me asmoE mov
Fashion Shop
Prices Are
Always Lowest