SOCIETY Hershal Barnes of Chadron was on over Sunday visitor In Alliance. Mrs. Oustaveson of Alnswotth U visiting Alliance friends. j Miss Ruth Sweeney of Chadron ' spent Friday visiting friends in this1 city. j Mrs. A. P. Tucker of Lincoln Is -visiting her sister Mrs. William Rust,! Jr. Chester Shreve Is week attending the Lincoln. spending the State Fair at Miss Teressa O'Donnell and moth er Bpent Sunday and Monday visiting friends in Lincoln. Mrs. E. C. Drake spent a few days the first of the week visiting relatives in Scottsbluff. O. R. Lutz of Medford, Wis., spent Monday and Tuesday visiting at the E. G. Campbell home. Mrs. Marie Wilcox of Bladen, Neb. was the guest this week of Mrs. Stephen Epler. Mrs. C. C. Smith returned Tues day from visiting her daughter Mrs. William Ostenburg at Scottsbluff. Miss Geraldlne Brenaman return ed home Sunday morning after a short visit with her. sister at Scotts bluff. Food sale at Miller Bros, store Saturday given by the Merry Hearts of Presbyterian Church. 40-U-8194 The Epworth League of the Meth odist church will entertain at a lawn party Friday evening in honor of the teachers. The party will be held on the Court House lawn. Miss Edna Lewis of Ravenna spent ai tew days this week visiting her sis ter Mrs. Kase. Kenneth Brlcknell, Horace Hogan, Francis Smith and Harry Shreve spent a few days the first of the week Jn Denver. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norton and -rm Mi. vv'a rH Mnrfnn rptfurnfid Monday after spending two weeks in E8tes Park and touring Colorado. Mr. and Mr3. Clyde Seaton, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hock. Mrs. Carl Zehrune and Miss Stella Moore auto d to Pine Ridge Sunday. Bigger, better and grander than ver, the Crawford Tri-State Fair, September, 18-19-20. 40-2t-8186 S. O! Carr and wife who spent the summer in Wheatland, .Wyo. have Teturned to Alliance and intend to make this their future home. They have purchased the residence prop erty on Toluca Avenue belonging to Frank Smith. Grant Hale has purchased the frame house on the northeast corner of Third and Cheyenne, together with the brick adjoining it on the east and the frame house on the north, from Mrs. Elizabeth Collins. Lloyd E. Hale, formerly, of Alli ance, but now of Gordon, Nebraska, drove over with Walter Gilkerson from Gordon Sunday in "Gilk's" Jit ney. Little Paul Thomas, who has been visiting with his Grandma Hale, came over with them. Lloyd and Walter returned home this morning. Mr. Robert L. Johnstone and Miss Nella M. Tash were married at 1:00 p. m. today at the home of Rev. Gould, the latter officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone left for Omaha on 42 where thaj will make their future borne. Mr. Johnstone has been em ployed by the Standard Oil, travel ing in this vicinity, yesterday he re ceived notice of his promotion and is to be connected with the main office .now in Omaha, traveling from there over the state. W. J. O'Brien, superintendent of the state fisheries, has advised Lloyd Thomas that the state fish car will arrive In Alliance early in October with a large consignment of Blue Gill Sunflsh, Striped Perch and Yel low Bullheads for planting in Bronco lake. Twenty-five years ago a large number of fish were planted in the lake but the dry years following re duced the water so much that the percentage of alkali was very strong and most of the fish failed to aurviev the potash and other alkali ingred ients which were very strong in the lake. During the last few years the amount of water In the lake has in creased to such an extent that it is practically fresh, as tests made dur ing recent months have shown. If the fish lire and thrive In the lake It will make It. one of the most popular fishing resorts in western Nebraska, as the lake covers more than a sec tion atii Is quite deep In some parts. Joe -Vaunhan of Alliance, known for many years as one of the most popular horse race starters and Judses in the west, will officiate at the Scottsbluff county fair, to be hell September 10th, 11th and 12th. Alliance traveling men have the reputation of being excellent story tellers. However, two of them ex perienced severe embarrassment the other evening when both forgot they forget which animal belong In the story a hippo or a rhino, and which one means money. A kind hearted railroad man assisted them out of the dilemma. Pig Iron From Iron Sands. Experiments In Ntvv Ztvilanl have letnonstrnted the practicability of pro duclng pig Iron from Iron sands. The development of the Industry has reach ed the stng where Iron I nv'tiivy pr iuce't at the rnte of 15 tons por Uay. Plans are now boinij made for greatly mlargln the plant. WANT POLUMN WANTED Housekeeper: family of three. Inquire at Ticket Office depot or phone 25. 40-tf-8196 Just for three days, lay aside all dull care and come to the Crawford Trl-State Fair. 40-2t-8186 WANTED TO BUY Five to seven room house, well located, prefer modern. Most be reasonable. . GEXA J. HAND. 40-tf-8198 Notice to Hunters. Keep off my ranch this fall and save trouble for me and both trouble and expense for yourself. J. R. PHELAN. 40-12t-8181 WANTED 5 bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Write at once. GOODRICH DRUG CO.. Dept. 786, Omaha, Nebr. 40-tf-8195 The Denver Post Band, the famous "Blue Bird" flying machine, 111,600 in purses and premiums, the biggest poultry exhibit ever attempted in the Northwest, are only a few of the many things at the Crawford Tri State Fair, September 18-19-20. Meet all your old friends and many new ones at Crawford City Park on these dates. Write Arah L. Hunger ford, president, for full program. 40-2t-8186 Men Wanted General work, 13.75, $3.90 and $4.00 for 10 hours. Can use boys over 16 years, $3.00 per day. Car fare returned after 60 days. Want 6 men with families year round work. ? The Ref inite Co. Ardmore, S. D. The Academy OF Grand Island College WITH Five Standard Instructors UnsuriMissed Anywhere in Nebras ka Gives A Standard Two-Year College Preparatory Course (Eleventh and Twelfth Grades). The com pletion of this course entitles the graduate to entrance in any Stan dard College or University, also. A Standard Two-Year Normal Training Course (Eleventh and Twelfth Grades) The completion of this course entitles the grad uate to Second Grade County Teachers' Certificate. For the convenience of those who have not had any high school training, special courses will be offered during the coming school year covering thoroughly the Ninth and Tenth Grades also. Iteasonable Ratal An Excellent Dormitory for Girla Good Irivate Ilooms for lloys For Catalogues and further in formation address ARTHUR T. BELKNAP, Pres., Grand Island. Neb., Phone 1204. Instruction in Voice Cul ture and Violin THOROUGH AND SYSTEMATIC COURSES, OFFERED IN VOICE CULTURE AND VIOLIN. FALL TERM IJEGINS FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER JOHN P. MANN, Mus. B. Phone 124 Alliance, Nebraska Alta V. Young, B. M. TEACnER OF Piano and Theoretical Subjects Iligh School credit pupils also desired Phone 75 One Minute Store Talk The store that I reducing the high cot of living. We eU for cah, no more book account, you do not have to pay the other person hi IN you pay the cash and buy for lew. W. R. HARTER, Pres. -J HARPER'S I W. R. HARPER, Prop. SHOP EARLY STORK CLOSES AT 6:00 P. M. rl i' -fe w.. u xpressing Individuality in Clothes Coats and Suits as Shown Here Permit Every Woman to Select Garments Suiting Her Individ ual Taste. The Suit or Coat that is your type that has that "par ticular something" that is you will be easy to find here among the many new garments that have arrived dur ing past few days. If you would select a Coat or Suit to express your individuality there will be no better time than now to choose. Suits Are Many Many are the little touches and dashes of style that will appeal to you on the various models shown the low hanging pockets sometimes double' tiered the "shoe string" belts the high "choker" collars the trim cuffs the new designs in embroidery all these and other new features will interest you. Silvertone, Gabardine, Tricotine, Heather Mixtures, Velour Checks, Suede Cloth and Serges in the most wanted shades all make their appeal to you in this collection. Modish Coats Straight of line and graceful in every swing these new Coats will surely make a big bid for your favor. Here too, long "shoe string" belts are much in evi dencebig full "snuggle" collars invite you to "creep in" some are full belted and very straight while others have belts only in back and are loose backed all of them have those comfy high buttoning col larsand all have the most comfortable sleeves ever. And what a range of materials Wool Velour, Pussyfoot, Kersey, Polo Cloth, Silvertone, Tinsel tone, Pomerey, Frost Glow and others. Buy for cash and Pay Less, reducing the high cost of living COMPARE OUR PRICES $75.00 Coats and Suits $50.00 $100.00 Coats and Suits $75.00 $150.00 Coats and Suits $85.00 iiri '1 inthe n ItM Miss Bettie Craig An Expert from Gage Bros., Chi cago, in charge of our Millinery Department See Our Big Selections of Pattern Hats il Ilffll EXPERIMENT? Buy for Cash and Cut the High Cost of Living W. R. HARPER DEPARTMENT STORE: BIG STORE Alliance, Nebraska PAYCASH and PAY LESS Studio now open 804 Emerson Ave.