TIIE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) IIERALD Thursday, August 21st, 1919 TRADE UNIONS WILL CELEBRATELABOR DAY Program of Athletics Ileing Arrang. rd for Worklngmen's IHg Day of Year. . . Rnfua Jones, secrelary of the Alll ance Community Club started things to going toward the Labor Day pro gram Wednesday evening when he alled a meet Inn of the represent a tivee of the various labor organisa tions represented In this city for the purpose of formulating plans for the celebration of Labor's own day. Ten organizations will take part In the festivities. A parade; a ball game between the Alliance city team sd a team just organized among the railroad employees; public peaking and other interesting num ber Including a good wrestling go re planned. Capt. "Jack" Miller Will act as Grand Marshal or the jetreet parade. Fnll prtlculars will ppear nest week. COAST TO COAST WALKER ' IN ALLIANCE THURSDAY Sergeant H. C. Parker, walking from New York to San Francisco on wager of $10,000 was In Alliance last Thursday evenjng and a while Friday morning. The pedestrian left the Atlantic coast city Jnne 1st and bad since that time covered the in 1 tervenlng distance. When the trip was finished he will collect the tsiount of the wager and return to tfew York. He left for Denver when fcs again took up the long, long trail. v 1O0AL TOUCBTLKRS WDL& ' ' TANGLH ON LAIKMl DAY Arrangementa are being made for wrestling go on Labor Day between two of the well-known mat artists of Alliance Steve Cannon and A. B. Wheeler. Both of these men have : taken parts In recent matches with j&ow protegest and both have shown considerable class. While they have ' sever met on the mat each Is con fident that he la the better man and tm settle the argument they have freed to go to a finish'. Wheeler, the heavier of the two by about sixty pounds will weigh In around the two hundred pound mark. It 4 "Id ffc&t there is rivalry . sufficient to mim each contender to offer to post e substantial wager on the side that k will win. ' tTOIUK ON NKW BUILDING ACTUALLY BEEN STARTED The construction work on the new nildln to be erected on the lots wned by Mrs. Charlotte Wat kins, fast south of The Herald building fcas been started. The concrete foun dations are now nearlng completion ud the brick tile Is on the grounds for the side walla. Contractora Brost SOCIKTVffl Miss Mela Koester Is the new stenographer in the offices of County Attorney Lee Bayse. J. J. Watson of Logan, Kansas, is a new addition to the sales force of the A. H. Jones Company at this place. r . F. B. Holsten and Bernard Hoi st en left last Thursday night for a two weeks' business trip to New York and Boston. Dr. F. J. Petersen has purchased the Bert Walters home at 412 Chey enne and the same will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Burlington. The fire truck.- hose carts and other fire department equipment la being painted by O. C. Moore and his crew of painters this week. L. E. Johnson, of the Silver Grill Is now visiting In Tennessee with relatives and friends. He expects to be gone a couple of weeks. Mrs. F. R. Garvin Is confined to her home by illness and unable to be at her post of duty at the Silver Grill thla week. John Wallace of the Alliance Auto And. Truck Company transacted business in Bridgeport Wednesday. John Is kept busy taking care of the large territory which the company has for the Mitchell cars and Bethle hem trucks. A. J. Wolfenberger, prominent Lincoln attorney, who for years han dled a quite extensive practice in this section of the state, passed through Alliance enroute to Wyoming where he went to visit a son. The young man has a large ranch in the cattle country Harry DuBuque's Hudson la a thing of beauty to be sure since It was repainted recently and a new top was placed on the machine. It has the pep, too, and those' who doubt this statement have but to tako in after Harry when on the road. The Job was done by Baxtrom & Company of Scottsbluff. The fire department Is In no mean way Inconvenienced by the laying up for repairs of the fire truck. During the run made last Saturday to the fire at the Steve Holt place In the west end one of the transmission gears were stripped and made neces sary the resort to other means, of transportation for the apparatus. A blase started by a live - spark from a switch engine caused the fire fighters a run to the Steve Holt place In the west end Saturday afternoon. This Is the second or third fire orig inating from this cause It la believed and the railroad company will be Olarum will push the lob through ! asked to look to the smoke stacks of Jnst as rapidly as Is possible and they , the switch engines thst others may contemplate the building will be ready for occupancy about the mid-, die of October. DANCE AT THE ARMORY WAS WELL ATTENDED LAST NITE The grading of the first link of the! Potash Highway, from Alliance to Antiorh. continues rapidly and, should be Well along before cold weather sets in. The final survey of the road right-of-way showed that the new lines of telephone poles of the Nebraska Telephone Company at some points occupied the center of the right-of-way. The telephone company has been moving the line and has had a crew of twenty men at work working It at one side of the new road. The addition of the Bayard gravel top dressing should put the road In excellent shape and will undoubtedly make It the most popular auto driveway In and out of Alliance. A. N. Whitley, Burlington fireman. is at the hospital convalescing from the effects of a recent operation for appendicitis. ."Ous" as he is famil iarly known has been. It seems, pur sued by ill luck for several months past. In October last year he was injured; a fewweeks later he suffer ed an attack of the Influenza which laid him up for several weeks and hardly had he recovered from this until be was again injured: then a short time ago he went through a seige of smallpox and from this he barely gained normal .health again until he was forced to undergo an operation for appendicitis. We are glad to report that he is getting along nicely and will, It is to be hoped, soon again be a well man. I Dick Kenner, former Alliance railroad conductor, who Is now farming near Hemingford, met with an accident last Sunday that caused him to take an enforced vacation. Dick has been growing rather husky since his strenuous farm life has been occupying his time, with the result that when one of the Heming ford ball teams needed a strong man on the nine they selected him. They say that the game was a regular whirlwind with Dick at the center all the . time. - Finally, after emerg ing from one particularly bad mlxup It was discovered that he had broken a rib, skinned his nose, barked his shins and sprained a wrist. After he recovers from his injuries It Is expected that he will receive an offer from the White Sox or the Cubs to help them win the penant. A ruUnrlcA of onl II Kn far th Dally and Sunday State Journal from now until Jan. 1, 1920. There are a lot of mighty big things under set tlement rigm now. juvery ramiiy should be a Journal reader. In addi tion to the Associated Presa the Journal Is the only paper in Nebras ka carrying the leased wire service of the Chicago Tribune and Mow Nork Times. . The Journal publishes many exclusive features and its col ored magazine and comic pages are Instructive and entertaining. -! A novel a monvn is printed In the daily. "The Light of the Clearing" will start In a few days. The Fortieth DOOr" has lust Start P. 4 In tho Kniutav The fiction alone would cost several times the price of the paper. Send In a trial order at this special price of $1.50 to Jan. 1, 120. If you will send 12. we will Include our farm magazine, The Nebraska Rurallst, for three years. This is a wonder fully attractive offer. Address State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska. Prrbjterlan Church. Services for Sunday Ang. 24. The Sunday School meets at 10 a. m. Graded instruction for all pupils up to and Including the young peoples department. The union service will be held at the Methodist church at 8 P. M. Rev. Gould will speak. All are cordially Invited to these serv ices. A. J. KEARNS, Pastor. will have time to report to the pastor before conference begins. Brother Gould will be the preacher at the Union service at night. We meet In the Methodist church. Hear brother Gould at this rtrv'cel Methodist Church. Sunday School will be held at 10 a. m. Let us rally to the Sunday School now that vacation Is over. Your class expects you. Come next Sunday. 0 The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. his last sermon before con ference using for his sermon subject, "The Fight of Faith". All benevo lent moneys should be in the pastor's hands Monday forenoon, as he shall have to leave for conference Tues scrlptlon to the local budget see the stewards, or treasurer quickly so he Church of Christ. Every day we are called upon to meet the challenge of Christian service. We read in the Book that the first converts in the City of Jeru salem "continued steadfastly". They bad a singleness of purpose. "This one tllng I do", was characteristic of the Apostle Paul. Are we doing the facr'ficial serf loo that those dls c ivies did? The minister's sermon subjects for next Lord's Day are: "Commendation and Condemnation", and "A Single Purpose". These are sermons that every member of the congregation should ' hear. All services will be held at the usual time. Those who attend regularly are getting much benefit for each service is planned to educate and edify. The mid-week service of the Church on Wednesday evening is one of the most Important. Avail yourself of these splendid opportun ities for soul growth and come to the church with a message and a wel come. S. J. EPLER, Minister. The dance given at the Armory last evening by the Jazi orchestra was well attended and a splendid evening enjoyed by all present. The sight was an ideal one for the trip ping of the light fantastic and the interest is In no ways lacking among the younger set: The armory has teen remodeled until It Is today one f the best dance halls In western Nebraska. Many are waiting anxious ly the opening of the dances there this fall. BELOVED OF TOBACCO USERS la Meerschaum, Smokers Acknowledge That One Good Thing Has Com Out of Turkey. Eskl Schelr, In Asiatic Turkey, has oe unique claim upon public in terest, and If one Is a smoker that dalro Is a compelling one. It Is the home of meerschaum. Meerschaum fa abundance Is found only on the plain of Eskl Schelr, and this city produces an the marketable meerschaum In the world. . Meerschaum, as Its name implies. Is opposed to be petrified sea foam, and lias been discovered floating on the Black sea. Apart from the Eskl Schelr mines It occurs In Greece, Samoa, Spain, Moravia, Utah, Pennsylvania, and. In conjunction with serpentine, tn Norway and South Carolina. The ancients are said to have used It as a decorative stone In buildings, and this seems to have been confirmed by the recent excavations in Corfu. It Is soft and whitish, and becomes mal leable like clay when soaked In water. Meerschaum used to be considered mere curiosity by the Turks, who had ao other use for It than as a substi tute for fuller's soap. The story runs that the Turkish ambassador at the Austrian court, In the eighteenth een tnry, was a native of Eskl Schelr. Wanting to help his city at a time of great poverty, he took a sample of this Seer stuff to Vienna, thinking that e "Franks," as all foreigners were then called, might have some use for It, The Germans were quick to see Its utility for pipe bowls, but declared ft was good for nothing else. More than a century has confirmed this Judgment, for who has yet discov ered any other use for meerschaum T for pipe making it Is an Ideal raw material Here Is a stone which Is easily molded when, wet, and when dry becomes hard and resists fire. . ' ' . Ortat Expression, AH great expression, which, on upcrncUl survey, seeou so easy a well as so simple, furnishes, after a while, to the faithful observer, its own standard by which to appreciate It- IXargarct fuller. be avoided. The damage done in thla case was very slight. George A. Mollrlng's two horses Major and Empire Express each cop ped off a third money in the races at Bedford, Iowa. This Is despite the fact that the younger horse, Empire Express was injured In shipping. Major has been sold to Iowa parties who saw him race, for a snug sum and Eirplre Express will be shipped h e to . ecover from the injuries sustal". .. . x Considerable damage was done to grazing range In the western portion of the county by the prairie fires which covered several sections last week. Prairie fires In this portion of the west are so rare that they are hardly expected. However, when one does get started, through the careless ness of some unthoughtful person, It requires a lot of hard work on the part of many to get It stopped. The person who Is guilty of starting a prairie fire through carelessness Is as responsible as the person who starts a forest fire in the forests of the west. - ; First Raptist Church. Invites you to the Sunday School at 10 a. m. Sunday morning. Church services at 11. Sermon sub Ject, "Visions and Obedience". New hymn books now In nse and you are invited to come and Join In the sing ing. We unite in the union service at the Methodist church In the even ing. Remember you are always wel come at the "Home-like Church." J. ORRIN GOULD, Pastor. Next Monday evening will be "Ladles' Night" - at the Baptist church. A special order has been Is sued by the Commanding Officer and it is to be "Army Night", the men of the congregation are to bring their ladies. Keep Teeth Clean. An English physician has advanced lie theory that the Juices of the month. Ire Intended to keep the teeth clean lot to prepare food for digestion, as Generally believed. i m When the Weather is Hot More likely than not Your thoughts will tarn TO COOLNESS! When such Is the case Just ocme to OUR PLACE And enjoy It in Its fullness. You'll find Coolness la Oar Delicious Ice Cream, Ioe Cream Soda, Ices, Sundaes, etc., etc. ALLIANCE CAND7 STOKE THE NICEST PLACE IN TOWN", S.P.JACKSON. PROP On-Pay-Day Put away a part of wages to work for you. your A dollar spent today isn't worth one-third what It was a few years ago. But a dollar saved in 'this bank will some day be worth much more than now, and in the meantime It wil earn Compound Interest ' Bo now, when dollars are plentiful, but won't buy much Is the time to lay them away for the time when they're scarce but will buy a whole lot We solicit your good bank ing business, and have burglar proof Safe Deposit Boxes to Rent Loans made on Livestock. Farms, Ranches and City Property. GUARD IATVT State Bank 1 Capital $50,000.00 The first authoritative showing o f charming fashion in Women's and Misses' Fall Ready-tb-Wear are now being shown at the "Store of Quality" and a wonderful array it is. Not only is the assortment complete, but the values are incompaarble. v sk.( ale Pirces mark every garment; figures that alone prove beyond all question the great ness of the savings we made by anticipating our needs and buying long before we decid ed to close out. We saved and so shall our many customers who have come to know this as the "Store of Quality and rare bargains". Exclusive Fall Dresses of Rare Distinction The Fall designs of Trioolette, ronlette, Cord do laine, Flulrette and Trie tine, as well as the delight ful Satins are an indication of the at tractiveness of the dresses for fall wear. They are rich In material and beautiful In color. Yon positive ly never had an oportunlty to make the savings their closing oat salt af fords you. , v Women's Fall Suits Are Arousing Interest Despite alow shipments, on usual market conditions our long ago plao ed orders have been filled with a re makable degee of completeness and we have a large variety of new salts of the latest mode. They are tailor ed from Tricotlne Peach Bloom, Velour and Serge in the fall shades of brown, navy, ruby, henna, oxford, green, taupe, Fekin blue and black. They too go at Closing Out Sale prices. G EORGE A. MOLLRIN (T. - "The Store of Quality" : VJJ