Thursday, August 14th, 1910 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD GROWERS CAN REDUCE WASTES BY SHIPPING NO RAD POTATOES Department of Agriculture Finds That Producers as Well as Dealers and Railroads Must Share Blame for Loss ; Serious Damage from Careless Handling. Much of the loss In marketing po tatoes due to shipping ungraded.' carelessly handled, diseased stork tan bo eliminated by the grower with a resultant increase In his profits. I Every rotten, frosen or under-grade i potato that Is loaded, and every! potato spoiled while In transit or in storage, reduces the grower's profits and means a waste of time and labor. It also means a waste of time and labor for every person handling It, a waste of car space, and consequently It amounts to an appreciable loss to . the community as a whole. The United States Department of Agri culture, through its markets ine pec- duct. Even the breaking of the pro tective skin frequently proves -serious.. Such injury not only damages the appearance and necessitates deep paring of the tuber, but affords ready entrance to Infection. Loss of this sort lies in every grower's and ship per's power to control. In grading potatoes too much de pendence should nol be put in sliing alone. A potato, for example, may be covered with second growth knobs that it will not pass through the meshes of the grader, but it does not rightly belong in the first grade. The knobs mean mtfch waste and re quire extra time in preparing the ies or disease of which there is no evidence without cutting the tuber. Freeilng injury, or hollow heart, il lustrates cases of this kind. The grower should not be blamed for losses which result from these causes, but to a great extent field conditions are the primary cause of the troubles which appear when the potatoes are marketed. In its study of shipments of pota toes on the principal markets, the inspection service finds that late blight tuber rot, which is frequently followed by slimy soft rot, causes heavy losses. This disease la appar ent at the time of loading, and the bad tubers can be sorted out. There Is no business economy In paying freight for shipping potatoes when rejection is a foregone conclusion. Scab is another example of a geld disease which causes severe depre ciation in the valve of a crop of po- t '. The pr s-nc f a re cab by potatoes may lower the grade of an otherwise fancy lot. In some sec tions scab can be controlled by seed treatment, but in many cases careful grading will prevent scabby potatoes as well as those affected with wire- worm, white-grub, nematode .and flea-beetle Injury from reaching the market Other Troubles Cause Rejection. Other field troubles, less apparent at the time of digging than these. often play a role in the rejection of shipments. Among them are browln rot pf southern potatoes, and the group of rots associated with fusar ium wilt. During the winter the har vest losses are due to rots which start In wounds Inflicted in digging, loading and hauling. These rots, known as fusarlum tuber rots, are caused by fungi which live In the soil, and can attack tubers In any sort of break In the skin, whether caused by bruising, fork injury, Jamming, freetlng, or disease such as late blight tuber rot. These rots progress rapidly in storage and transit, and cause enormous losses. Freexing due to improper loading or heating of cars Is also very com mon. In warm weather, the greatest losses are due to slimy soft rot, which Is caused by certain bacteria attacking potato tissue which has been killed by bruising, water-logging of the soil, scalding, freezing, or other causes DRAKE & DRAKE Glasses OPTOMETRISTS Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Anj Broken w ' IIS ft Box Butte Ave Phone 111 US 4 4 TII III j Unloading Potatoes Prom Freight Car to Truck. Careful Handling is Essential From the Fie Id to the Consumer. tkra service, is trying to eliminate this waste. The original purpose of the mar kets inspection service was conceived to be a protection to ' the shipper. By a recent Act of Congress the in spection Law has been so amended that anyone with an interest in a shipment can ask for an. inspection. If a shipper receives word that a shipment has been rejected by the consignee, he can wire the markets inspection office in designated mar kets asking for an Inspection to de termine the cause and Justice of -the rejection. The result, as was an ticipated, has been the almost auto aaatio elimination of - unjust rejec tions. Knowing that an inspector .is available to the shipper, a receiver who discovers that he has bought on a falling market does not feel so free to reject the shipments consigned to kim. The mere establishment of the Inspection service has almost done way with that practice. Fault Found in Shipment. A second type of protection this . service was designated to afford ship pers was in settlement of claims made when shipments were received In bad condition. Inspections have demonstrated that the railroads etten are responsible for losses, espe cially for freezing Injury, and for troebles which may arise because of 4elay in transit. .These results were expected, but to a surprising extent rt has been found that the grower and shipper also are responsible, in that they often ship poor, under grade, diseased potatoes. Growers and shippers must be keld responsible for much of the lees which results from shipping dis eased potatoes, since a large portion f such losses can be controlled, if not entirely prevented. In the field. Serious damage results from care less handling when the potatoes are harvested. Too many people handle potatoes as though they were cobble stones rather than a perishable pro- potato for fhe table. Or, a potato may measure up satisfactorily to the standards of size and yet be so dis eased as to be worthless. A. potato may even present a fine prize-win ning appearance on the surface and be far below grade because of injur- FLOUR Selling Plan of United States Grain Corporation The United States Grain Cor poration is prepared to divert from Its regular flour purchases and sell straight wheat flour in 140-pound jute sacks at $10.00 Per Barrel delivered in carload lots on track at any point in Nebraska. Jobbers and wholesalers pur chasing such flour must guaran tee to sell it at not more than 75c per barrel profit and said whole salers . and jobbers must in turn require that the retailers will not sell said flour at more than 11.25 per barrel profit when in original packages, and at a price not high er than 7c a pound for broken packages of any size. Cbaa. T. NeaJ, Vice-President, United States Grain Corporation, Grain Exchange Building, Omaha, Neb., will answer any inquiries re garding this Flour Selling Plan. Statement No. 4. AN INVESTMENT IN OMAHA REAL ESTATE Assurer. V i Income ' " Growing Value Location LOCATION: i Omaha Real Estate Is located In the na tion's strategic city from a business point of view where Safety, Income and Growing Value are assured: (1) Omaha Is in the center of the greatest agricultural producing territory in the world. This fact can't change. (2) Cities become truly large and great when la the center of great producing terri tories. This rule never changes. (S) The entire world now needs our iroducts more than it ever needed them bo ors. This condition will continue. (4) Omaha is in the center of the United States, north to south, east to west This sit uation won't change. (5) Since January 1, 1019, there have been started in Omaha, 131 new industries, owners of which recognize the strategic loca tion of Omaha, An Examples Omaha's strategic location caused the Bell Telephone Co. to erect in Omaha, Its 19 story headquarters for Nebraska, Minns seta, Iowa and the Dakotas. Also, this strategic location caused the Western Union Telegraph Co. te make Omaha its divisional headquar. ttrs for seven states. OMAHA HEAL ESTATE BOARD SOt a. Ittk at, Omaha, Neb, U. S. A. w . J. LEO PLUMBER PHONE 1-6-1. OLD AGE STARTS I WITH , YOUR KIDNEYS Ketone eays that rOd age begins with weakened kidneys and digestive organs. This being true. It Is easy to bellev that by keeping the ktdnejrs and dl r net We orajens rleaneed and In proper working order old eve can be deferred and life prolonged far beyond that en Joyed by the average person. For over 100 years OOIiD MED At. Haarlem Oft has been relieving the weekneaaee and dleablllty due to ad fencing years. It la a standard old time home remedy and needs no Intro duction. UOM) MKDALi Haarlem Oil ta inclosed In odorleas, teeteleee oapeulee tontatnlng afcout 6 drope each. Take them as you would a pill, with a small swallow of water. The oil stimulated the kidney action and enables the organa to throw off the poleons which cetuee premature old age. New life an4 strength Increase as you continue the treatment. When completely reetore continue taking a rapaule or two each) day. OOUD MBUAti Haarlam Oil Cap sulea will keep you In health and vigoa and prevent a return of the dleeeee.' Uo not until old era or dleeeee) have settled down for good. Go te youn druggist and get a box of OOIOJ MRUAL Haarlem Oil Capaulee. Von en refunded if they do net help you. Thre elaea, But remember to ak for the) orlgfne.1 Imported GOLD MEDAL brand In seeled package. N STREET Between 12th and 13th Sts. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA N STREET . . Between 12th and 13th Sts. State We Cordially Invite m O TT T O o Mir. vis A : M(Q To make this store "Your Headquarters" while attending the Fair. Come in and enjoy the "friendliness" of Rudge & Guenzel Co. and the conveniences we ' have provided for your comfort. Remember this is the first State Fair since entering Our New Home on N Street between 12th and 13th Street and we wish you to accept the hospitalities of this great store without the slightest feeling of obligation to make purchases As a visitor you are just as welcome as a buyer. . Free Use of City PhonesFree Rest RoomFree Check Stand Free Writing Stationery --Information Furnished Letters Mailed Taxi Called Telegrams Sent. For a Birds-Eye View of Lincoln You are invited to view Lincoln from the roof of our New Home. It is conceded to be the best lookout in Lincoln from its height one can see the State Capital, the Court House, Capital Beach, State Fair Grounds and the suburbs can plainly be seen in the distance. Guides will be supplied at our Service Desk who will accompany you to the Roof and ex plain the different views. They will also give you a Merchandise Location Guide of the store. . LINCOLN, NEBRASKA