The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 07, 1919, Local Edition, Image 4

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M Ilir'1- ' " ' " I"""' """J , ti. - ; .)"- - W
-r: -? f::''-- LMooikAj' aeKAiJJ - ' Thnrsday, August 7th, 1919.
:, J.. HII I ,.,,.,, . .11 . I I I
V : 1
sturgeon bros. take
Oakland car agency
Will llnll 'heni.ible RU" Together
With Popular Oldnmobile
Une In Fulure.
Sturjtpon Bros., who for several
years hare bwit massed in the auto
mobile business In Alliance, hare
just closed a deal with the Oakland
company for the sale In tbla terri
tory of the Oakland "Sensible Si."
With this line and that of the Olds
mobile, for which they hare been
the representatives for some little
time. Sturgeons are prepared to
meet the demand of their territory
and In either case they can satisfy
the wishes of their customers.
"Automobile dealers hare been
hard hit," said Mr. Sturgeon this
week, "because of th acute scarcity
t cars. We lack several carloads
of our promised supply and although
there Is promise that we will soon t
able to get ft few ears, there Is no
certainty that we will be afforded
complete relief immediately." Mr.
Sturgeon also stated that the factor
ies are being worked to capacity that
the shortage my be overcome, but
that through th necessity of get
ting from a war-time basla back to
normal conditions this had as yet
been Impossible ftnd that the entire
Industry was equal In this respect.
They are enjoying ft splendid busi
ness since moving Into their new
quarters opposite the city hall ft few
months ago and expect to bo able to
handle the larger patronage that Is
certain to come from this fertile field
when once the manufacturers again
get In shape to supply them with
Dally Thought.
Strengthen me by sympathising with
pf strength, not my weakness. Amos
Lronson Alcott.
The twenty-lth Annual Dawes
County Fair will be held at Chadron
August 2 to 29 Inclusive. Dawes
county, during the past few years
has rorged to the front so promin
ently as a cattle center, that the fair
management this year decided to
make 11 a greater cattle attraction
than In former yeara. Therefore the
Dawes County Fair will hereafter In
clude the title, "Northwest Nebraska
Live Stock Exposition" and will be
open In competition to other coun
ties. Dawes county la noted for Us
splendid cattle and breedere are pre
paring and entering some fine ani
mals. Entries have already been re
ceived from Sheridan, Cherry. Scotts-I
bluff and Sioux counties, and space
has also been reserved by request
from other counties. Exhibits In
every other line are coming In rap
idly, and ft banner Fair seems cer
tain to materialize. The manage
ment Is on the job continually, mak
ing preparations and everything will
be In shape for the opening day.
The sports and amusements will
surpass anything of previous years.
The First Frontier Days Roundup
I will hold the center of the stage, and
promise to be Interesting. Milt
Htnkl, better known as the South
American Kid, world's champion
; steer bulldogger, , Mildred Douglas,
World's champion lady backing none
rider; Myrtle Cox. famous rider and
many other top-notchers, have enter
ed the contests, arid reservations are
coming In to the secretary from far
and near. The Donahue-Dandall
Commtssoln Co., of Omaha, are sup
plying twelve head of wild Texas
Longhom steers to be used In the
roping events, and Fort Robinson la
furnishing ft doien wild mules to
participate In the wild mule races.
There will also be dally wild horse
races, relay races, and every other
known frontier days form of sport
The nurses offered In the various
events are sufficiently large and sub
stantial to attract famous riders and
ropers from ft long distance. The In
dians will be on the ground with
some good sporting entertainment.
A street carnival will constitute
the evening amusements, and a record-breaking
crowd at Chadron
this year during Fair week.
Knterprlitlng Mve Stock Commlion
Firm Will Favor Herald Headers
With "Ileal ttuph" Letter.
A lot of fellows have been com
plaining that drinks that can be
secured under the "dry" regime do
not contain sufficient "kick" to suit
them. If youll drink In the weekly
market letters, commencing In this
Issue of The Herald and which will
be fusalshed for the next two or
three months by the Inter-State Live
Stock Commission Company, you
will find that they contain plenty of
kick, also ginger and "pep".
These letters are written by Chas.
F. Cox, manager of the Inter-State,
who is an expert In his line, as Is
also every member of the house In
his part of the work of the company.
They contain more than the usual
information relative to market quo
tations, etc. It will pay you well to
read them for the other matter, as
well as for the reliable market in
formation. Owing to the small number of
Herald readers who are directly In
terested In the sheep Industry,
matter relative to the sheep market
is omitted from the letters as pub
lished in The Herald, but such in
formation is furnished to sheep men.
Any reader of this paper who wishes
It may receive free, upon application
to the Inter-State Live Stock Com
mission Co., Omaha, ft weekly letter
containing sheep quotations.
" ' Z ' '".'
18 cents a package
Cm mro MM ororywhoro tm
emtftitcajy mMpittitil of 30
wfr9tt; or tan pctatfa 300
Horottoo) to m ilamno-papor-oororod
earton. Wm oitonfty no
otnmono" thim eortoo Jbr tho homo
ofoMoooupoJror wkomyomtrowot
They Win You On Quality!
Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great
because their refreshing flavor and fragrance
and mellowness is so enticingly different: , You
never tasted such a cigarette ! Bite is elimi
nated and there is a cheerful absence of any
unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un
pleasant cigaretty odor I
Camels are made of an expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are
smooth and mild, but have that desirable full
body and certainly hand out satisfaction in
generous measure. You will prefer this Camel
blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight!
Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then
compare them with any cigarette in
the world at any price for quality,
flavor, satisfaction. No matter
how liberally you smoke
Camels they will not tire
your taste f
Winston-Salem, N. C
otel Gas tie
"Tfie House of Safety"
300 Rooms Absolutely Fire-Proof
Sixteenth and Jones Streets
On Direct Car Line to Stock Yards.
.Fred A. Castle, Prop.
. ; Action
i Supported by sound Judg vJL'jIlrYl
rL"i? men' an" sincere pur-
HJ Jfo Pee are the strong points ry
vST In our service. This Y Cf : " X
j3" shows seven of the tlx- h)v N' '' 'V'A'l i
a Omaha : House JS'
SSTVS '3&5 A11 harmoniously engaged in PtV
TCiSru I courteous and efficient atten VAI'l'ff'' bV
fir fj' lf M yu have never shipped to yjL I jf
ay vl J&i market, or hare been dlsap- HIa 1.V
Vf AhS pointed with the treatment re- iff N" J
v &9 4 celved, we kindly solicit your Jr VA
y Tm neat consignment. . v
Wl 0t!L .Houses also at Chicago and I 'C - A ltfVf
' '
Live Stock Commission Agents
Union Stock Yards
Our Facilities
Our Service
Expert Salesmen
Competent Yardmen
Our Own "Market Commenta"
-Experienced Office Force .
Financial Strength
High Sales
Correct Weighing
Up -to date Information
Prompt Remittances
Loans to Responsible Parties
Record and Reputation
Our Experience and Ability
are at your service
Write for our "Market Comments" at once