The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 31, 1919, Local Edition, Image 6

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Thursday, July 31st, 1919
t-liOYP C, THOMAS. 111 tor I'. SMITH Aoworlate Alitor
JOHN' W. THOMAS, Uv Ktork ttlltor
"?"xtr . -
Entered at the pout ofllo at Alllartre, Nebraska, for transmission th tough
tits malls a second-clans matter. 1'ublishcd every Thursday.
P U II li I 8 II i: D
12 V K It Y
T II U It S I) A
Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year, Payable in Advance
Every subscription Is reKaroVd as an open account. The nnmes of sub
scriber will be Instantly removed from our malllnir llxt at einimttnn of imo
id for. if publishers shall be notified; otherwine the subscription win remain-UailoiB under the American flag,
n frrat the designated f ubacription price. Kvery suhnpribpr must unrtr- This did not happen In terrl
Mexico' latest The Heart
(row (niilloii A Itet
loi Ioie -To Knd tlie
Milp Strike.
By Arthur llrl-lwne
The Mexican gentlemen seem
hic gone a little tar this time.
, Nine inik'3 from Tanipico they
hold up a launch of the United
States warship Cheyenne and rob the
atand that these conditions are made a part of tne cuuuucl between publisher
auxl aubscrlber.
Ittf 1
"MHiii it rr
Thinking men and women will do
veil to consider the striking argu
ments brought out by the World
Trade Club of San Francisco in their
campaign for adoption of the units
of the metric system of weights and
in ran lire.
They show a striking anomaly:
That the metric sybtem was Invented
by a Briton, James Watt, In 1783,
and yet all .civilized nations have
adopted It exclusively, excepting the
United States and Great Dritain.
That the so-called "British sys
tem" of weights and measures is of
German Ilanueatic trade leaKue and
yet Germany scrapt It in 1871 and
adopted the metric system, Invented
by a Diiton.
Toople of Brittanla and America
Vnay well ask themselves whether
they are not carrying conservatism
too far.
The Metric System ts no untried
The principle the principle of de
cimal computation has been used
In the monetary system of the Unit
ed States since 1786. If the United
States had heeded Thomas Jafferson,
ve should also have adopted this
eyBtem of weights and measures
based on decimals so simple a
system that a child can learn Its
main features In ten minutes. We
know how well It works with money.
It will work equally well with
weights and measures.
The World Trade Club has started
the ball rolling. What we all need
Is to look the subject up.
Judge Lovett. .president of the
Pnrlflf avRtPIU. is QUOted 8S
association with a crowd so lost to
all th principles of our system of
government that they are about to
foist upon the people a penal code
that the puritans of Cromwell's, time
would blush to propose.
Some of the prohibitionists In the
house of representatives, who be
lieve that there are other questions
besides the one relating to prohibi
tion that should engage the attention
of congress, have attempted to im
press upon their brethren the fact
that such drastic provisions as, for
instance, the one proposed to search
every man's house, without warrant
or outhorlty, and prevent every, citi
zen from keeping liquor, will have a
tendency to make the law unpopu
lar, and cause a revulsion against It
that might mean Its repeal, but to no
The American people are, In the
last annalysis, fair. They believe in
a Bquare deal. They might be misled
for a time, but they will, In the end,
grant to their neighbor the same
privileges and rights they ask for
themselves. At one time the people
of Massachusetts burned witches at
the stake, but they finally came to
their senses although the election of
Lodge to the senate shows some re
action. The people will not stand
and look on quietly while some scav
enger searches their neighbor's
house. Our revolutionary fathers
fought a war of eight years' duration
to prevent such deeds as this, and
men like Jefferson, Madison, Hamil
ton and Washington Insisted on
putting in the constitution of the
United States a provision preventing
the seizures, and providing that
every man's house shall be safe
against seizures, and this provision
was afterwards put In the constitu
tion, and constitutes the fourth
amendment to that Instrument.
the guarantees of the constitu
tion; the sacredness of civil rights
that It took centuries to obtain, are
01 gremer importance tnan the en-
ppen in territory
controlled by the bandit Villa, but
in the territory of Carranza, Presi
dent of the Mexican Republic.
The incident is different from the
average Mexican effort, which con
sists in Insulting the American flag,
without robbing or killing men in
United States uniform, or in murder
ing some Isolated American ranch
owner wthout insulting his flag. '
This effort will teach Mexico
whether or not all of the fourteen
points drop dead and all the rights
of American citizens end in the mid
dle of the Itio Grande.
Lawyers complain that business Is
bad. Making out income tax returns
is hard work and poorly paid, other
business has been slack. But there
comes a ray of hope In the divorce
courts news. The city of Chicago
granted 6,220 divorces this last
A learned judge says the trouble
is chiefly with war weddings. Seven
out of ten proved failures. The
young lady listening to the "Star
Spangled Banner" and boiling with
patriotism was willing to marry al
most anybody In a uniform. But
absence made the heart grow cau
tious. And when the young man
came back after two years many of
the patriotic brides, "afraid of those
strange men they married two years
ago," as the Judge puts it, called It
all off. Young lawyer, If worried
about business, specialize on divorce.
saying that capital enough, and abil
ity enough stand reaay 10
American railroads, provided
congress can be persuaded to assert
national authority over a problem
that la essentially national. Yes,
them was a time when the Union
Pacific was built by the government.
w a ntuincr 1K thousand dollars
per rolls for its construction up the forcement ot any law. We are enter
Tiatt vallev every alternate section lng an era fraught with great dart
I land was granted for a distance of Legislatures, composed of
m 11 ah nn each side the track, fanatical men, seem disposed to give
besides the vast coal fields It acqulr- away certain civil rights that should I that the government should lnvea
ed through the mountain suction be sacred against invasion. Thejtigate war profits of the organlza
along Its route. One morning Uncle safety of these rights will rest with ' tion of Bhlp owners having un
Sam awoke and discovered that for the courts, and if the courts have limited license to rob Government
all this enormous outlay European the courage to say that they propose and people during the war? They
K. it.,. hiH firt mortgage on to stand bteween reckless legislators ' mi h tw oKio. ... a
- ... ... a a . i. .. nnn tnA nrdiAlnlai wrm whlAh .
"Whal ne naa DUiii ana mm ire w - wmvu um
la possession of the second mortgage fathers died at Lexington and Bun
And If we are not mistaken the obli- k Hill, then all wilt bo well. If
iinn amounted to many mllion not these rights will be restored at
will repeat itself.,
Foch doesn't think the peace dove
is firmly settled on her nest yet. He
warns England to. keep herself ready
for war so that "We" (France) will
not have to wait for her again. That
waiting process, while England was
sending troops thirty miles across
the channel, less rapidly than we
sent them three thousand miles
across the ocean, was painful for
France, and a good deal will be writ
ten about it In French history.
The great American Steamship
Association has decided to "stand
pat" against the closed shop, which
means against organized labor and
the right of the sailors to combine
as Bhlp owners combine. In addition
to standing pat, ship owners say
that they will find plenty of scab
vorkmen to run the Bhlps.
Maybe so, maybe not. Thev will
b dibturbed, perhaps, to hear that
Chinese sailors have formed their
first labor organization and decided
to Btick by the white union men.
What became of the suggestion
union wages.
aloiiui. And the roads are expect
ing another haul from the coffers of
Uncle Sam. Adams County Demo
crat. .
Pershing and March are to have in
our army a rank equal to that of
. Grant, Sherman and Sheridan and
higher than the rank held hr a flnrrA
Men and women are becoming Washington when he died. But
crated on this prohibition question, possession of that rank, which they
They are drunk with power, a far will owe to the kindness of Woodrow
worse intoxicant than alcohol, be- Wilson, will not make Pershing or
cause a few hours brings sobriety March the equals of Grant. Sherman
The foremost figure In the repub
lican iarty today Is ex-presldeot Taft.
He has been very outspoken against , from alcohol, but nnthinr hut thr ahirM - .,i .
wry attempt to defeat the adoption ( BWor(j 80bers him who Is drunk with As "Sir John." General Pershing
of the league of nations. There are ( power. The laws now being passed has a certain advantage over the
many other prominent republican ( at Washington may meet with the oldfashioned- American generals
"who take the same view as the ex- presidential veto, as re hope they who. Washington especially, never
president. It. Is fcue Influential re- , will. The fanatical prohibitionist op- attracted the favorable notice of the
publican newspapers have declared poses the repeal of the war-time English King.
idt me league, anu ruuuruui -" proniDiiory measure, even ir tne re
ly those who would entangle it, be
cause Mr. Wilson is a democrat
The law provides In this state that
dealers may show their cigarets, but
are not permitted to make a big dis
play or exhibit In their windows.
If a dealer Is permitted to handle
an article, which is granted him by
law enactment, why should he not
bave the prerogative of displaying
that article as best suits htm?
If the great law-makers la the
last legislature in this state . were
seeking to lessen the sale of the clg
aret. why could they not have shown
courage and stood for a principal,
and have passed a law with the pur
pose In view of eliminating them al
together? This half courageous attitude on
any measure, makes moral cowards
ot men, and the sad part about'the
matter Is that such side-stepping will
, take root In the mentality of our
youth, with no hope of Improvement
In the rising generation unless rt
first be manifest In the minds of
their seniors.
A 6llght display of an article Is
acknowledged to be a dertlment to
the youth, for the purpose of com
mercialism, la Just as demoralizing
In purpose as though permission be
striven for a greater display. A prin
ciple has been violated Just the same
In either case.
Why should law-makers be such
moral cowards? Adams County
We have favored the prohibition
law, and voted for the amendment
when it was submitted in thte state.
The efforts, however, of the dry for
ces In congress to make the enforce
ment laws so drastic that they be
come subversive of every principle
of civil liberty, are going to drive
fnsxy well disposed men away from
the I There is plenty of work ahead for
In- military fighters, still more for those
that must settle social and labor dis
turbances. In half a page newspa
per type we learn that English coal
miners flood the mines when they
strike. This patriotic effort results
in contracts for half a million tons
of American coal to go to France.
More scarcity here with the usual
Coal Trust panaceas, "higher prices"
and "fill your cellars now."
Typewriter plants, oil works and
AMERICA'S OPPORTUNITY. tne n,I1ary prison at Fort Leaven-
All financial roads now lead to ' worih are all dealing with strikes.
New York. Even the output of the 1 The Oneral strike" called In
Transvaal gold fields Is being ship- Italy was a general failure. That
ped to this country. It comes here ! ,s one br'sht spot, but It may fade.
ibaeUxchangehe Stominercan L Shl,n trike.
sell his prlduct in' New Yc-rk a'nS ' 5u'd. n.d " 'or
buy exchange on London at a Al-:lVFLJn ine way
count of about fifty cents on the
peal only lasted thirty days,
coming of national prohibition
hlbltlng It from lasting much longer
The fact that families In California,
or In other states, might haye their
entire fortunes Invested In an Indus
try to be wiped out. and that a few
weeks abeyance might give them an
opportunity to save something from
the wreck, makes no Impression
upon these fanatics. John E. Kav
anaugh in the Spauldlng Enterprise.
pound. This means that the United
States is a better market for gold by
IV or 15 per cent than London which
was formerly the center of all the
world's exchanges. While this looks
like an advantageous position for
the United States It must not be for
gotten that our foreign trade Is men
aced by this depreciation in foreign
exchange, Europe wants everything
but can pay almost nothing. The
International monetary situation
amounts to a protective tariff for Eu
ropean Industries. If this Is kept up
It will become a serious handicap to
American trade. The only way to
open channels ot trade with their
old time freedom will be to sell
goods on the other side on credit.
Billions ot money will be required
for this purpose. It will be a profit
able transaction for the United
States both directly and indirectly.
Daily Thought
Progress la the Inw of life, rr.i
lot cun as yri it.o. -i m
of Government ownership.
Tlie people built the ships, paid
for them in taxes and bonds. They
own them, or OUGHT to.
If Government would run the
ships with a sinking fund to pay for
them, freight and passenger charges
as reasonable as possible, rates fav
oring this nation as they should, fair
wages and hours with a share of the
profit to the crews, do you think
there would be any labor troubles on
shipboard? There would NOT.
As we have Just learned that the
most important thing for the people
of this country In war is shipping
controlled by Government, could
anything be more outrageous than
the plan to put ships built by the
people under private control and
under foreign flags as suggested?
This is really as Northcllffe says,
"A very docile people."
Home Nursing.
In the sick room don't av the na
lent lie with his face to the window
o in sure to sufTcr from the light if
Naturally you want your tires vulcanized in the
Naturally, also, you would prefer to have the work
done by an expert a man who thoroughly understands
his business, and is, as a result in a position to render the
most efficient work to the customer at the least cost.
W lake pleasure in nmiov.noin.? lhat are r.'cv belter than over equip
ped to handle this class of work in an economical and efficient manner, produc
ing most gratifying results to all concerned.
All Our Work is Guaranteed
The addition of new and more up-to-date equipment to our already well
equipped work room, enables us to do your work, quickly and well.
Clare A. Dow
Thomas Murray
Times Building
Box Butte County
1 I
1 I
We offer for sale some of the choicest and most desirable bargains ever
shown in Box Butte county. Our constantly changing list of lands in this
county and its immediate surrounding territory includes
Improved Farms, Raw Lands and Stock Ranches
This is an excellent time in which to view Box Butte county. You, as a
prospective homeseeker and investor, can see the crops being raised and har
vested, and you can judge for yourself as to the desirability of investing your
money in our lands.
The prices of Box Butte county real estate are constantly on the advance.
You will save on the first investment and make more profit by not delaying
your trip of inspection. t ,
If you live at a distance and want information regarding the county, with
lists of farms, raw lands or stock ranches, we invite you to write or wire us for
this information. Or better still, we invite you to come to Alliance without
delay and allow us to show you, without expense to you, some of the many
bargains we have to offer.
Thomas-Bald Investment Co.
Lloyd C. Thomas F. A. Bald
Alliance National Bank Building
Phone 209
Alliance, Nebr.