The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 31, 1919, Local Edition, Image 5

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    Thursday, Jnly 31st, 1919.
Western Nebraska Crop Promises
IHg Yield as Weather Con
tinuea Favorable.
The outlook for a big crop yield of
spuds In western Nebraska continues
to Improve as the favorable weather
conditions continue. The plants In
many parts of Box Butte county are
now In full bloom and with anything
like favorable conditions during the
next few weeks the yield promises to
be a record breaker.
Slump at 8an Francisco.
San Francisco New river pota
toes took quite a slump on the local
market last week, according to The
Facker of Kansas City, due to heav
ier receipts followed by a light de
mand. A drop of about lc a pound
was recorded over laBt week's prices
when extra fancy stock sold as high
as 34c per pound. Even at the
lower rrices, trading on the wharf is
reported Blow with 2Uc being about
the top on extra fancy stock. Out
side shipping and demand also show
ed a falling off with only about four
to six cars leaving this piont for
Texas and other Southwestern sec
tions. Off shore shipments amount
ed to about 4,000 sacks billed for the
Hawaiian Islands with the price not
quoted. Some 7,000 sacks of old
stock moved out of the local Ice
houses around 2c with dealers claim
ing at least 4 0,000 sacks yet to be
moved out of the local coolers. Re
ceipts since last Wednesday amount
ed to 21,761 sacks.
Hasier Tone at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS An easier tone rules
pver the potato market, due to in
creased suppltcs. The demand is
only fair. Potatoes from nearby
points nre supplying the local trade
at $1.50 vi 2.60 per cwt.
Heavy Shipment of California Spud
LOS ANG ELKS Carlot shipment
of white potatoes from California
Jnly 11 to 17 inclusive amounted to
530 cars. These went to the follow
inc destinations: Albuquerque eiplit
cars, li'lan 3 9, Tin-no three, Bowie
one, Colorado Spri.irs one, Colton
17, Columbus one, Dunemuir one,
Denver 41, Ties Moines (, El Pasn
102, Davie Tare 1, El Centro 1. Fort
Worth 2. Fresno 17. Fl.itstaff 1,
Oardinet 1, Galveston 1, Falls
3. Houston 2, Kl.i-nnth Frlls 1.
Kruunan 2, Kansas City !), Kinsman
1, Los Anceles 2.. La Junta 1. Les
Vegan 1. Mesa 1, Mireoubi 1. Needles
1. Ogdrn 8, Oakland ,r. Pm bio 4,
PhotiiK- 1, Provo fl, Plainviev 2,
Preseott 1, TIeddinc 2. T?ed P.lnfr 1,
Itoswcll 1, Sn Jose 1, Snnta Clara
1. Pinto Fe 1, San ford 1. Santi Pose
1. San Tlieco 3, Sisson 1. Salt Lake
f4. Seattle 11. Siu-frn'orto 13. Sin
Franc' seo 52, San Antonio 1. Stock
ten 0. Sioux City 1, Taeov-i 2, Trin
idad f, Tuscon 3, Wallace one,
Yuma 1.
nlng nearly as high. The ERst hasl
also shipped quite liberally although i
the receipts from that section have
been on the decline. Operators are
looking for Minnesota shipments be-';
fore so very long. The harvest ofj
Early Ohios In the district around .
MinneapolisSt. Paul is now on but!
all the supplies are, being taken
locally or shipped to nearby mar
kets principally to the North. The
first car is said to have moved July
15 but It will be August 1 before any
large quantity moves.
Virginia and Maryland Cobblers
sold on track at 16.85 7.25 for No.
1 barrels; Kaw Valley Early Ohios
were of wide range In quality and
moved at $3 3.30 per cwt.: Illinois
and Missouri sacked No. 1 Early
Ohios brought 13.20 0 3.40.
1 Pretty, lant ItT
There Is no altar on earth which
vies In marble majesty with the altar
of - heaven Tien T'lan In the south
of the Chinese city of Peking, which
Emperor Lung-Ie of the Ming dynasty
reared In A. D. 1420, with Its triple
balustrades, stairs and platforms of
pure white marble carved miraculous
ly, Its great circle covering a wide
area In the midst of a vast lnclosure.
There the emperor knelt once a year.
Virtue and Its Rtward.
To strive against evil motions t tnt
mind wb .'h may befall thee, and to
reject wl.h scorn the suggestions of
the devil, l. a notable sign of virtue,
ind brings great reward. Thomas
Hardener of Steal.
Molybdenite, chiefly found In Tas
mania, Is used for a variety of pur
poses, but Its principal value Is In th
mpnufneture of steel, to which It gives
a hardness and toughness that makes
the steel suitable for use' In propeller
shafts, guns and bol'"-.
Knotty Problem.
Ilere Is n queer cpuse for n law
action. A man who wtv Insane de
termined to throw himself out of the
window of an asylum. He made sev
eral attempts and was prevented by
the servants. Put In n new apart
ment, he tried npaln. Jumped out of
the window, Ml on the lawn and in
jured himself seriously, but. stinnc
to sny, the shock cured his mcnta!
disorder. At once ho sued the oin
ccrs of the asylum for negligence. The
pluntlff was nourjited.
Always Ask for Genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
Cleaning an Umbrella.
To clean air umbrella place a tabic
spoonful of suj-vr in a ba.-in. pour unci
It half a pint of boiling water rux!
stir till dissolved. Then open the in.:
brella and. startle- from iui fernfe.
sponge eaeh L'nlv dnwn to the pon.t.
Leave the ni,.: reii.i .vu till dry.
Onlc Annirin Tablets with the safety
"Bayer Cross" on them arc genuine.
"Caver Tablets of Aspirin," owned and
made by Anierieana and proved safe by
millions of people. I'nkrotvn quantities
of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets were sold
recently by a I'.rooklyn dealer which
proved to be composed moxtly of Talcum
i '"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" should
always be asked for. Then look for
the safety "llayer Cross" on the pack
age anl on each tablet. Accept nothing
else! Troper directions and dosage in
each Payer package. '
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of
Next Time Buy
Tim to R-!rT
A remarkable Product.
Every tire worth more
than it costs.
The Over-size Non-Skid
Fabric; The Big Fisk
Cord; The Red Top,
Extra Ply, Heavy Tread.
v. ,"
Potatoes Open l-'irin In Chicago.
CHIC AC O The potato market
opened steady at somewhat advanced
prices this week, bu teased off again
by the middle of tho week as a result
of liberal receipt and only a moder
ate demand. As additional sections
come in, the volume of arrivals has
been on the Increase but a very good
trade An the outside territory has re
sulted in the accumulation here on
track keeplne down fairly well.
The Kaw Valley has been a heavy
contributor to this market with
Tuesday's arrivals totaliYig 50 cars
and the arrivals of other days run-
Clear, Peachy Skin
Awaits Anyone Who
Drinks Hot Water I
j Inside bath, before b.-eak-
fast helps us look and feel
clean, sweet, fresh.
Sparkling and vivacious merry,
bright, alert a good, clear skin and
a natural, rosy, healthy complexion
are assured only by pure blood. If
only every man and woman could be
Induced to adopt the morning Inside
bath, what a gratifying change would
take place. Instead of the thousands of
sickly, anaemic-looking men, women
and girls, with pasty or muddy
complexions; Instead of the multi
tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns,"
"brain fags" and pessimists we
should see a virile, optimistic throng
of rosy-cheeked people everywhere.
An Inside bath Is had by drinking
each morn Wig, before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a tea-s-poonful
of limestone phosphate In it
to wash from the stomaoh, liver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious day's Indigestible waste, sour
fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
the entiro alimentary canal before
putting more food Into the stomach.
Those Bubject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particulary those who have
a pallid, saMow complexion and who
are constipated very often, are urged
to obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at the drug store which
will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient
to demonstrate the quick and remark
able change In both health a ndl appear
ance, awaiting those who practice In
ternal sanitation. We must remem
ber that Inside cleanliness Is more Im
portant than outside, because the skin
does not absorb impurities to con
taminate the blood while the pore la
the thirty feet of bowels do.
: 'r'--'; ' ; '-'0(0. '1-0:
U-vkitviWWW S - ....
mmMmWi Ole Kentucky Budey . -
l1! a 1
. aged for eight seasons by Nature's way in wooden hogs
heads. That's the true story of Velvet
Judge Velvet with your eyes wide open. It is just the
good old honest tobacco that it looks and smells.
But the mellow, mellow, mellowness the coolness and
the comfort of it! The taste! Well, a pipeful of Velvet
proves more than a page of print Play Ball
Want a mild, tasty cigarette?
Roll one with Velvet.
-the friendly tobacco