- Mr ' - . THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA n?Rtn lujiuAucti irti&tiKASKA) HERALD Thursday, July 10th, 1919 "FRONTIER DAYS" TO BE GREATEST SINCE FOUNDING OF CELEBRATED SHOW BEAUTIFUL CITY OF CHEYENNE WILL BE SCENE OF A GREAT CELEBRATION LATTER PART OF THIS MONTH "DADDY OF THEM ALL" 1 federal service, and write that they United States Tires are Good Tires will be at Cheyenne to show their wares. These men are riders, rop ers and In fact can do all stunts to good advantage. Skeeter Bill Robblns of Douglas, Wyoming, Dorothy Morrell of Sal inas, California, are two more stars who are well known who will be on deck for the performance. Joe Gardner of El Paso, Tex., who has taken part In exhibitions In South America, Canada and the Un ited 8tates, will probably be seen in action here. He has a record of 244 f . The Herald live stock editor re cently mad a trip through . Wyom ing, visiting the beautiful capital city. While there he learned from the secretary of the Cheyenne Indus trial Club and otheri something of the preparations that are being made for a great blowout at the twenty-third annual Frontier Days celebration, which Is to be held July 23, 24, 25 and 26, 1919. nlng to put on the biggest show yet of the kind and are expecting one of the biggest crowds ever seen In that city. Secretary T. Joe Cahlll of the committee has announced that some of the world's greatest performers will be on deck to give the people of Cheyenne, as well as the many visit ors, a show that will be worth com Ing far to see. Secretary Cahlll has seconds for hogtylng a steer. Gard ner allows a steer a sixty foot start before he makes after it and catches Off v fSWf M i w ' i Sam Garrett, who halls from Mu' hall, Okla., Is thinking seriously of attending the title games. Garrett has a unique record as a toper. One of his feature stunts is roping five horses with, a single rope. JOHN ROBB NOW WITH DONAHUE-RANDALL & CO. Former Chief flranil Inspector Ac cept Position With Well Known Live Stock Commission Firm. This event will surp&as any other 'how of a similar nature ever held, o ther ay- Other towns have Imitated the exemplification of pio neer life In the west, but .the Chey enne show Is "the daddy " ot them All", and this year's exhibition prom ises to excel all previous effort. A Beautiful City ' . ' ' ! Cheyenne Is a small city for the Capital of a great state, ot much larger than Grand Island. Nebr., but It is one of the most beautiful In the tniddle west. Situated as it la on an almost treeless plain, the visitor la surprised at the magnificent parks, well-kept lawns and the many large trees that line the streets and sur round the residences. At the foot of Capitol avenue is the massive stone station of the Union Pacific rialroad. The depot park, although small, Is a veritable t canty spot. Less than a mile up the avenue stands the state house, a model of neatness and surrounded by a remarkably pretty lawn. Fort ' P. A. Russell, adjacent to the city and connected by electric line, is one of n number of places of Interest eas ily accessible. A Ilig Show and a Illg Crowd. The managers of the Frontier Day celebration this year are plan- summoned the best talent In the world for the coming celebration. Pronch boaters, lariet throwers and bulldogglng experts, , together- with Bcoretr of other wild west perform ers, will give the visitor the wildest and woollest program of programs. The aggregation of cowboy, cow girls,' And Indians who are to be the principal actors was swelled when Secretary Cahlll announced that Red Farrell, aald to be , the champion rough rider ot the northwest, had signified his tntention of entering the games. Leonard Stroud, last year's champion, will probably clash with Farrell for supremacy In the Chey enne celebration. Since the Frontier games last year Stroud has entered scores of contests and has won practically every one In which he has entered. Farrell has won all events In Canada and the Northwest since the fall of 1918 and has jet to meet his master. John Murrah of Lakewood, New Mexico, In a letter to Secretary Cahul states that ten of the best ropers In New Mexico will be on hand to win laurel sfor that state. Tommy Grimes and Johnny Judd, two old timers In .the local celebra tion, have Just been mustered out of What Is one person's loss Is some times another's gain. This Is the case In the change made thl saeason from the brand inspector's force at the Omaha market to a wejl-known commission firm. ' John Robb, formerly chief brand Inspector, Is now with Donahue-Ran dall ft Company, live stock commis sion men. Mr. Robb s efficiency as a brand Inspector Is known to a large number of ranchmen of. Nebraska and adjoining states who have been shipping to the Omaha market In re cent years. He will be missed from the position which he formerly oc cupied but not from the market. In his new position with Donahue Dandall L Company, he will act as brand man, work for which he Is ex ceptionally well qualified, and also as assistant cattle salesman. BANK STATEMENT SHOWS COUNTRY'S PROSPERITY WASHINGTON, D. C. The coun try's prosperity is reflected In the national bank staetment under th,e Comptroller of the Treasury's call of May 12. - Resources on that date were $20,825,000,000, an increase of $807,000,000 since March 4, date of the last previous call, and a gain of almost ten billions of dollars in six years. Deposits on May 12 were $15,908, 000,000, an Increase of $1,518,000, 000 slncejMay 10, 1918. Loans and discounts on May 12 amounted to $9,994,000,000, an increase of $213, 000,000 over March 4, 1919. a otel Castle- "The House of Safety" 300 RoomsAbsolutely Fireproof 16th and Jones Streets OMAHA ON DIRECT CAR LINE TO STOCK YARDS Fred A. Castle, Proprietor Live Stock Transit Insurance Live stock men over the entire west are forming the habit of INSURING THEffi LIVE STOCK IN TRANSIT. They do it for safety, economy and .quick returns. The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy protects shippers of live stock, and is the only company offering a broad policy easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protection against , loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freezing, trampl ing, fire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury while the animals are in the custody of the common carrier. We are represented at all of the live stock markets in the United States and Canada, and locally by Snoddy ft Graham, Alliance. Frank Co tea, Gordon Pierce ft Jenkins, Uemlnfonl A. O. riant, RaAville , L II. Kesselhuth, Long Pine. F. A. Ilood, Chadron W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager ; if Stock Tarda, Hartford Fire Insurance Company ' live Stock Department Omaha, Nebraska The Real Thing Right Through Put United States Tires udder your car and you'll f ind them the real tiling. They're built to wear to give you the kind of economical service you want. And that's just what they do. Hundreds of thousands of regular users will vouch for that lots of them right around here. 1 There are five distinct types of United States Tires one for every need of price or use. , We have exactly the ones for your car. We Know United States Tiris are good tins. That's Why we sell them SCHAFEB BROS. COURSEY-MOLLER CO. STURGEON BROS. C. Q. HEDGECOCK ' ROCKEY & SON, HEMINGFORD C. C. WILSON, Lakeside. AGG BROS MOORHEAB INCORPORATED Live Stock Commission Agents Union Stock Yarks OUR FACILITIES Expert Salesmen Competent Yardmen Oar Own "Market Comments" Experienced Office Force Financial Strength Omaha, Nebr. OUR SERVICE High Sales . Correct Weighing Up-to-date Information Prompt Remittances Loans to Responsible Parties THE FIRM WITH A RECORD AND REPUTATION FOR HANDLING WESTERN RANGE STOCK Our experience and ability are at your service. Write for our "Market Comments" at once.