I' 1 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD Thursday, July 3rd, 1919", REAL HAND GRENADES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Vacation Thrift Will Itrintc a Ileal Thrift War Souvenir from the Troaaury. The following brief rules will regulate the distribution of the Hand Grenade Banks In the Tenth Federal ,8eacrve District. 1 Any school pupil under ten ears may receive a hand grenade bank at the opening of school this till, by purchasing from bis teacher -at leaBt ONE War Savings Stamp, face value $5.00, with money earned during vacation, and presenting a letter to the teacher telling briefly .bow the money was earned. 2 Puplla ten years or over .must buy at least TWO War Savings Stamps with money earned during vacation. ITeachers shall submit letters and lists . of pupils complying with rules to County Superintendents Coring the first week of school. . 4 County Superintendent shall jUt bis approval on list and deliver list with letters to the County Chair man of Savings, arter copying such letters as be may desire to publish In the local papers of bis county. . 5 County Chairman shall then Approve the list and Bend It at once 40 John T. Wayland, director of Sav in rs. Tenth Federal Reserve Dis trict, who will immediately forward to the County Chairman the coun tar's allotment of hand grenade banks to be distributed at bis direction to the pupls who have complied with the rules. . f The name of each pupil must tw represented by a letter written Jther by pupil, parent or teacher, telling how money was earned. County Chairmen are already ar- ranging to award prizes In War Sav ings Stamps to pupils- buying the largest number of Savings Stamps nd. Thrift Stamps with vacation earnings. ..- Hand Grenades, just like big Brother Bill burled at the Hun a few months ago, are being emptied of Jilgh explosives and percussion caps trj the War Department, and turned .over to the Treasury Department by the thousand to be converted into souvenir savings banks, . many of rblch will, no doubt, reach this county. Chance for Real Friend In Need. As the motorUt I miod a cormr I quiet country roud he saw n brut lie Of the wheel Just ahead, evidently In trouble. Immediately lie nlowed down, "Want any help?" he asked, genially The other motorist looked gratefully t him as he wiped the perspiration ff bis brow. "I do," lw whinnered, Bee that lady In the car? She's my sjrlfe, and I'd be much obliged If you'd newer her Questions and keep ber 4uaused wMIe I'm seeing to this punc tared tire." x . Cooling Air In Mines. To cool the air far under ground, Bd thereby permit the miners to work longer shifts, the owners of a Euro Swan coal mine compress air at the eWface of the ground and pipe it through the workings. IAT LESS AND TAKE ' SALTS FOR KIDNEYS T a flan f SalU before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you, Salt Superstitions. Pnperstltlons concerning fait ire among the earliest known to mankind. There Is much evidence In holy writ for the ceremonial uses of It, and the old Ionlo law commands that every snc .flee of a meat offering Khali be secerned with It Homer calls It di vine, and many of the old Teuton race looked on salt springs as holy and worshiped at there. The otlgln of this superstition seems to be that since salt cannot corruptOt should be regarded as a symbol of immortality. The First 911k. The first silk was made S(XK) B. C. by the wife of n Chinese emperor. Aristotle, In 8.V) It. C. first mentions silk among the Greeks. The manufac ture of silk wns carried on 1n Sicily in the twelfth century, later spreading In Tint Snaln Arwl (hn ,Anlh rnneev It was not manufactured in i a. . a m s m f.nsinnu nerore Cat to Break Up Cold.. When a cold first starts physicians usually advise a light laxative diet,' consisting chiefly of hot lemonade or orangeade,, broths or gruels, with crisp toast, baked potatoes, mild, stewed fruits and vegetables. After this for a few days, until the cold eeems to be broken, It Is well to eat i en ordinary diet, with plenty of fruits I and vegetables. To aid the body In ' recovering eat meals which give more fuel value than usual. New Source of Wealth. Processes have been perfected whereby mattings, binder twine and other coarse textiles are being mad of Uh leaf fibre of the scrub palmettc and cabbage palm, which grow pro fusely in several of the southern states. . Sensitive Squabs. French scientist helluve that car rier pigeons are Influenced by mag netism, and that with the spread of wireless telegraphy much less depend ence can be placed on them. ... . Optlmlstlo Thought. The hero llfteth Ms sword against' the enemy that reslsteth, but no sooner ftoes be submit than he Is saUfled. Clock of Long Service. In the examination hall at Can on, Chlnn, where under the old g1me students snt for their mili ary tests, Is a water tfock which ins automatically recorded the time tor 3,000 years. Virtue and Its Reward. To strive against evil motions Of thr mind which may befall thee, and to reject with scorn the suggestions of the devil, Is a notable sign of virtue, nd brings great reward. Tliomas a Kempls. Heavy Female. - The weight of the Statue of Liberty tn New York haibor ia 440,000 wtda, Tie American men and wonen must , aard constantly against Kidney trouMe, teuM we eat too much and all our food it i rich. Our blood is filled with wrie dd which the kidneys strive to filter they weaken- from overwork, become Inggish the eliminative tissues dog and Abe result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of leads your back, hurts or the urine' ta Joudy, full of sediment or you are Obliged to seek relief two or three times luring the night j if you suffer with sick adcha or dUry, uerrou epella, acid toenach, or you have rheumatism when v the weather U bad, get from your phar fascist about four ounces of J ad Salts; take a tableepoonful in a glass of srater before breakfast for a few days ad your kidneys will then act fine. -Thia famous salt is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with iitliia, and has been' used for generations to flush and stimulate clopged kidneys; to neutralize the acids la the urine so it bo longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive cannot la- are, makes a delightful effervescent itbia-water beverage, and belongs in very home, becauae nobody can make nutde by having a good iiiner flush ing any, time, GLEN MILLER UNDERTAKING PARLORS 128 West Third- Street Telephone Day 311 Night 522 Red 520 rVT Voo will find kKc rKK all three' flavors ( ? CffJ In the sealed l -f ) ifj packaies-b'ot look Jifs for the name , v Vl r&V , 17R2G1EVS ! because It Is your V ' protection .afialnst I ; Inferior Imitations. . , Just as the sealed , package Is protec- - tlon astalnst lm- SCALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT Flavor I ' Further Elucidation Needed. rr. Hneo Khert of Ilonn. Germany, In a hook "Death From Old Age." tells that the way to stay yourg Is to keep going. In other words. If you run nronnd fast enough Old Xlck will not be able.tn catch you. This Is good ad Vice, so far as If goes," hut It Is not all the answer. To Carry Heavy Loads. One way of carrying two buckets of water with the least possible expend iture of energy Is the hoop-carrying method of Macedonia. There a snall aoy will carry a man's toad by walking nslde a hoop which keeps the weight tree from the body and distributes pressure. New Idea In Handling Coal. New York Inventors have patented machinery to cut coal in a mine, pul verize It and mix It with water and pump It to any desired destination, where It would be dried, the idea be ing to save costs of handling and transportation. , Glass pf Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit J Open sluices of the system each morning and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter. DRAKE & DRAKE Glasses OPTOMETRISTS Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Any Broken Lena. 113 H Box Butte Ave Phone 111 . i a. Those of us wbo are accustomed to fed dull and heavy when we arise; splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, ioui tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, lame back, can, instead, botn looK and reel as fresh as a daisy always by washing the poisons and toxins from the body with phosphated hot water each morning. . e snould drink, before breakfast. a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate - in It to flush from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary tract before putting more food Into the stomach. f The action of limestone phosphate end hot water on an empty stomach Is wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans out all the aour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast and it Is said to be but a little while until the roses begin to appear in the cheeks., A quarter pound of limestone phosphata will cost very little at the drug store, but la sufficient to make anyone who la bothered with bilious cess, constipation, stomach trouble or rheumatism a real enthusiast on the subject or, Internal sanitation. Try it and you are assured that you . will look better and. feel better In every way shortly. Get Thorough Cultivation Without Hard Work Do you still find that making cultivator do the right kind of work is a tiresome, tedious job? Wouldn't you be Interested in a culdvator that puts thorough ness into cultivation and takes the hard work out? That Is fust what the use cf our John Deere KC Cultivator assures. The "RCV rigs. In shifting stay parallel. Its shovels always face squarely to their work. They never track or trail on crooked rows. Mo uncultivated spots nor no deep trenches are left. Over all of the field, on crooked rows, as well is on straight rows, the "KC gives thorough cultivation the kind that most effectively destroys weeds and conserves moisture. The rigs shift quickly In re sponse to slight pressure on the foot levers. Guiding the rigs is as natural as walking. 'You can maintain thorough culdvation without delaying work to make adjustments. No wrench, work is necessary. You don't have to leave the seat. Simply use the handy levers. These , levers enable you to meet quickly and accurately every field con dition. We want you to get Into the seat of this cultivator and see for yourself how handy and reliable it Is. We've never seen Its equal in single-row cultivation for time -saving, labor-saving, weed destroying work in the field. Don't fail to come in early and f- get acquainted with this cultivator. Yoa can get a "KC" farnithud with thm famoat John Df Method equipment slip-point hoof thoveU and aweepa. . FARMERS UNION CO-OPERATIVE ASS'N. NS S ome Used Gar BAR" To those contemplating the purchase of a used car .-' we have some exceptional yalues to offer. All these cars are in good shape and have been carefully gone over by our mechanics. You will find it worth your while to see us about them. . CHANDLER, seven passenger, touring .$ 600.00 HUPMOBILE, Model 32, five passenger ' touring, good buy 450.00 . BUICK roadster fine condition 350.00 OAKLAND, five passenger ; 600.00 . , CROW-ELKHART, fully equipped, Hartford shock absorbers, good condition 750.00 HUPMOBIfjE, Model N, seven passenger, an extra good buy 850.00 HUPMOBILE, Model N, truck body .......... 500.00 COLE EIGHT, seven 'passenger, fine shape .... 650.00 PACKARD TWIN SIX, roadster, new tires and fully equipped .' 2700.00 . :. . - . - ; Call upon us and let us demonstrate these cars for i you. They will not last long at-these prices. Get busy totay.- .... w nid Chandler-Hupmobile ' Agency SCHWABE BROTHERS, Proprietors. -Corner Second St. and Laramie Ave. Alliance, Nebr. ( ft A- '