Thursday, June 12th, 1919 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD SOCIETY Jerry Butler of Hemingford spent Tuesday In Alliance. Charles Herlon and wife of Anll ocl were Tuesday shoppers. Miss Mary Barry went to Gordon today to attend the Carnival at that place. Miss Katherine Knlest arrived In Alliance Monday to attend the Kniest-Beuchensteln wedding. i Mrs. Jack Miller returned from Iowa Monday bringing her mother "who will make her future home with Mrs. Miller. Mrs. J. D. Mallory went to I6wa the first of the week to visit her mother. F. W. Plerson of Gothenburg was n Alliance visitor the fore part of toe week. Automobile and tractor repair vork wanted by experienced me chanic. Work done at your home city or country If desired. Phone 66. ask for Boyd. All work guar anteed. 28-tf-8057 The Alliance Auto and Truck Company, of which John Wallace is the manager ,is doing a wonderful business in Mitchell automobiles since taking the agency for this ter ritory a few weeks ago. Already they have disposed of four carloads and another shipment of three car loads la now enroute. The members of the Bales force find the selling of the cars much easier than the get ting of them in sufficient numbers to supply the daniand. FOR SALE TWENTY ACRE BUILDING SITE for Summer Home In the beau tiful Spearfish Canyon. Best of water, good trout fishing. Close to railroad depot. Be quick if you want it. Address me at Barret Hotel, Spearfish, So. Dak. W. A. BARRETT. The Alliance Fire Department is having the old skylight in the arm ory building removed this week and one that will provide proper ventila tion installed. Electric fans will also be placed at convenient places throu ghout the building and when com plete the job will make for a very comfortable dance hall. It will be. in fact the coolest hall in the county. - The boys will hold the regular Sat urday night dances and during the reunion and race meet will stage a big "hop" nightly. Rev. Stepneu J. Epler of the ChriBtlan church returned last Sat urday from Pleasant Plains, Illinois, where he had been In attendance at the golden wedding anniversary celebration of cousins. A striking fact Is that in this same family four couples have had the unusual oppor tunity of celebrating the half-century married life goal. Rev. Epler says he had a grand time and that he enjoyed the trip, but that he was glad to get back to Nebraska, where there 1b evidence of prosperity upon every hand and the air Is fit to breathe. He reports having seen con siderable damage done by heavy rains and washouts In the corn fields along the route. W. E. Smith and son, E. K., father and brother of E. B. Smith of the ' Herald force spent Saturday and Sunday in Alliance visiting. F. K. Just recently returned from J'rance after a service of almost two years In the army of Uncle Sam. While be saw no active service on the' front lines he was privileged a trip over seas and saw many things very in teresting to those who remained at borne. He was a member of the presidential guard in Paris during the peace conference and was sent borne, with his company, on board the president's ship on its return voyage from Paris. Mrs. J. G. Beck returned from Chadron where she has been attend log Institute. John Snyder, T. O. Scott. Perry Mailey went to Mitchell Wednesday to attend to business matters. Mrs. O. Lamb of Bridgeport visit ed at the Chas. Henry home this week. Jack Miller and family a u toed to Pine Cretk Saturday night where they camped out until Monday. i C. H .Gibson left the first of the week for California where they ex pect to make their future .home. Miss Deona Mallery is spending a few days visiting her brother Bruce at Marple. Weaver Garage open for business again, lift West 2nd St. 28-3t-8060 Mrs. Anna Chaffee has received word that her son Merrltt Is at the Great Lakes Training School waiting his final discharge papers. Sheriff J. W. Miller left Tuesday night for Kearney, having In charge Dewitt Tyrell, who was taken to the Boys' Industrial school at that place for committment. Regular teacher's examinations will be held at the Court House, June 27th and 28th. This Is the last Reading Circle Examination. Opal Russell, Co. Supt. 28-2t-8061 Mrs. George Wiltsey of Hemlng fordcame from Hemlngford Monday to meet her brother and wife who are coming for an extended visit with Mr3. Wiltsey. The Nebraska State Fair has pass ed the experimental stage, as was demonstrated by the fairs of 1917 and 1918, which were put on under most adverse conditions, Definlet dates have not been de cided upon for the annual meeting of the Nebraska Sheriff's Associa tion, but this meeting will be held in Omaha sometime in July. My minor son Robert C. Law rence having quit. my home without any provocation. . I will not be re sponsible for any deals entered into or bills contracted by him. J. K. Lawrence. 28-lt-8052 Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Carr leave to day for their new home at Wheat land, Wyo. They have sold tueir property at 719 Laramie to Mr. Miller of HaBtlnKs. Mr. Miller plans on moving his family here the first of September. Wvomlnit's Prise Cowpuncher. That old fellow in the Bible who had "cattle upon the sand hills" probably did not own as many as Ed L. Dana of Sheridan county. Mr Dana Is Wyoming's prize cowpunch er. He likely does not tell anybody not even the assessor, how many cat tle he owns, but he will ship 20,000 Herefords in July. Six hundred standard stock cars will be required for the shipment. This consignment alone will bring Mr. Dana between 12.000,000 and $3,000,000 and he has a lot. more upon the ranges of Wyoming and Montana. Cheyenne Tribune. Piano For Sale We have stored in Alliance a high grade piano which, if taken at once, will be sold at a very substantial dis count. Terms to a responsible party. If interested write at once for partic ulars to THE DENVER MUSIC COMPANY, Denver, Colo. 28-2t-8051 Horse Sale Wednesday and Thursday JUNE 25 -26 Alliance Stock Yards Bring in your horses and mules for this big sale event We will have plenty of buyers here from all the leading horse markets. REGULAR COMMISSION WILL BE CHARGED J. E. Wilson & Son Alliance, Nebraska P. L. FULLER, Auctioneer, Broken Bow, Nebraska FRANK ABEGQ, Clerk. YOU'LL ENJOY ATTENDING THE Firemen's Dance At the Armory jTYT NOW THAT THE HALL HAS BKKN EQUIPPED WITH THE BEST Jf VENTILATION SYSTEM TO BE FOUND IN A DANCE HALL IN l THE COUNTY SINCE IT HAS BEEN MADE THE COOLEST HALL IN THIS SECTION OP THE STATE AND OTHER 1M PROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. THE FIREMEN HAVE SPARED NO EXPENSE THAT WOULD MAKE FOR MORE COMFORT FOR THE DANCER AND THEY HAVE MADE SOME GREAT CHANGES. Big Dance Every Night During Reunion, July 2-3-4 THE BEST OF MUSIC IS FURNISHED AND GOOD ORDER IS ALWAYS MAINTAINED. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS. ATTEND THE BIG DANCE. Every Saturday Night Announcing the Arrival of . Another Shipment of Mitche G ar s of the E-40 Type-the NEW VICTORY MODEL Touring and Roadster Bodies m LOS ANGELES, CALIF., JUNE 3, 1919. ADV. MGR. MITCHELL MOTORS CO. INC., RACINE, WIS. ( . MITCHELL E FORTY, VICTORY MODEL, WINS SECOND PLACE THIRD ANNUAL LOS ANGELES TO CAMP CURRY YOSEMITE ECONOMY RUN TIUtEE HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR AND ONE-HALF MILES THROUGH SIER RA NEVADA MOUNTAINS IUQnEST ELEVATION SEVEN THOUSAND FEET. USED ONE QUART WATER, TWO QUARTS OIL. GASOLINE CONSUMPTION EIGHTEEN AND THIRTY-FOUR HUNDREDTHS MILES PER GALLON OR THIRTY-SEVEN AND NINE-TENTHS TON MILES PER GALLON FIGURED BY A. A. A. OFFICIALS. MOST RE MARKABLE SHOWING OF ENTIRE RUN CONSIDERING CAR ENTERED WAS BRAND NEW OUT OF LAST SHIP MENT RECEIVED WITH ONLY TWO HUNDRED MILES ON SPEEDOMETER AT START OF RUN. NO WATER OR OIL PUT IN ON ENTIRE TRIP. ELEVEN CARS IN RUN. SECURITY MTR. CORPN. I GEO. W. FRANKLIN Two years ago the Mitchell factory decided on this new-type car. They employed many specialists men of mide experince to aid in its creation. They have perfected the car in two years because of the war-time lull. The factory was devoted to truck building, and these engineers and experts had a unique opportunity. Part by part they brought the car up to these new standards. They employed larger parts, new heat treatments, more costly steels, more drop forgings. They spent $250,000 for new machinery and equipment, for more accurate workmanship and . more radical tests. And they trained a staff of 135 inspectors to watch this car's construction. This is more than a new model, as new models go. It fixes new standards it marks a new era in this type of car. The more than 100 important improvements add 50 to endurance, 25 to economy and 20 to comfort. Remember that the Mitchell pioneered the Six. For many years the Mitchell Sixes have been gain ing world-wide respect. Yet they add to these sturdy cars 50 more strength. To these enduring cars they add 75 en durance. And, while adding wieght, they reduce operating coet by 25. They have added new beauty, new comfort. They are adding new finish, new features, new room. Yet the price is below any comparable Six below the cars which have not been changed. That is the most amazing fact a Six of this class at its price. It is due to wonderful factory efficien cy. This complete car motor, chassis and body is built in tbo model Mitchell plant under scientific methods. See the new Mitchell before you buy your car. It will prove a revelation to you. ALLIANCE AUTO & TRUCK CO. JOHN WALLACE, Mgr. Office and Salesroom with J. H. Vaughn & Son.