THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD Thursday, June 12th, 1919 MOST MODERN and EFFICIENT PAQ OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF THE SKINNER PACKING PLANT SKINNER PLANT LOCATED 0! Work It nearlng completion on the Skinner Tacking Company plant, the mot modern mil efficient iNukiua ulant in the l'nlttl sIhio Machinery Is now coining In ami being erected. The outstanding features of the plant, which 1$ located Just south and west of Swift's on the Hoalh Side, Omaha, are as follows: 1. A mot complete modern packing houe under one roof without the familiar packing house ODOK. Sanitary and fl re-proof construe tlon throughout, eqtilpfied to condense, and burn all obnmlous vapors and gases. Could be placed in the downtown district without objection or annoyance. All dejMrtmenU are logically arranged to secure maximum efficiency at minimum operating cost. a. The wub-lement cold storage; the only one In the United Htates. The high level of our building site above the South Side drainage system made thU possible, requiring very little refrigeration and providing storage space for four million pound of cured meats on the ground floor. This Is pronounced by packing house men as a distinctive feature and very desirable. 3. Unclosed concrete and brick refrigerated car loading docks for U teen refrigerator cars with overhead car icing facilities. The fluent w.igon and auto truck loading dock and court In the United State. 4. large stool tanks in cold storage for carrying lard In bulk from a period of large production to a period of small production and large demand. 5. Beautiful monotone etterlor design, most modern and appropriate for Industrial plants engaged In food production. Iled matt faced brick exterior with pilaster and panel effect and white enamel terra cotfca trim and coping. Killing floor and food producing departments finished with white enamel brick and quarry tile. 0. Located on our forty-acre tract outside of the congested South Side adjoining the Union Stock Yards to the south. Union Pacific, Hock Island, and Union Stock Yards railroads and driving chute connections. Six-foot sewer running through our property connecting with the fdxteen-foot South Side trunk sewer. 7. riant occupies over eleven acres of floor siace, has eight floors which Includes base ment and sub-basement.. Over 430 feet long and JM feet wide Including enclosed loading docks and in addition, garage and dining room for men and women, three stories, size 63x60. Alto general office three stories and basement, top floor to be occupied by government inspectors, size 53x0. Kntlre plant built to double without losing auy efficiency and preparations made for doubling. - 8. The Vice-President and Manager of the Skinner Packing Company-Is Mr. Charles F. Kamrath. He has had twenty-five years experience in " tha nicking bullae ; . was formerly manager or Arm- oar Co.'s plant at Spokane, Washington. anctally interested ana permanently Skinner Packing Campany, The stock yards and packing house district at Omaha is restricted over 40 acres, which represents the largest acreage held by any packer at C assurance that the company cannot be hampered or restricted in any way im THINK WHAT THIS MEANS Omaha is now the world's second live the opinion of men who know, it will be the first live stock market of tHael dent packing house at this point. Fifty per cent, of stock now being reshij of lack of facilities at Omaha. located He Is with I - I l ?" it ' -eJ .fr .,1 " i, . pi -' fcsiij fe. tisA - 'm m Mil; 18 . " L . . i - hmmm dl-J' iiidL33 tAI i Hfevt: - ' "ilw ilW 111 : : i-Cp4 The Net Profit from the Operation of this Plant-the First Unit is Conservatively E Our estimated enjieiise and operating cost Is regarded by the blgheot and most efficient authorities in the United State aa most conservative. Our estimate Is baiMxl on wily 65 er cent, of the maximum yield of cattle and 78 cent, on hogs and covers only 3UO daji' run throughout the yer. Wo have a fixed charge in our cot of 6 per cent, on $3,500,000, besides liberal allowance for depreciation in equipment, on plant, machinery, insurance, etc. Kvery item included in the cot estimate is conservative. MILLIONS OF DOLLAItS HAVE KKKS VAW IN DIVIDENDS TO PEOPLE OWNING STOCK IN PACKING CX)MPANIES: t Tills is your opportunity to secure an Investment in the eight per cent. Guaranteed, Preferred, Fully Panic IjKUing stock of the Skinner Packing Company at the present selling price of $125 per share. This stock is fully participating in the entire profits of the Company and is preferred as to the first eight per cent. OIK FlIWT ISSCE OVERSOLD BY $430,000. Tills stoVk is being o may take care of a large volume of business. The stock is fully particlpati Ing in any year any greater dividends than the stock now offered. In oddtlo ferred as to the first eight per cent. Understand, that when you are offered stock in other packing comp not have an opportunity of participating in the real profits of the business, managed successfully and organized on a clean, high-grade basis. AUTHORITY TO SELL SECURITIES. Authority has been issued to the Skinner Packing Com pany to sell its securities in the states of Iowa, Nebraska. South Dakota, Kansas, Wyoming and Colorado. OFFICIAL INSPECTION AND AUDIT All products are U. S. Inspected. Books audited by Arthur Young & Company of Chicago. Stock sold direct by officers and directors of the Com- pany. The following is from the report of the Federal Trades Commission on the meat packing industry dated July 3 1918- "Which tal stock plus surplus), they averaged, in 1917, 21.6 per cent; measured by the capital stock outstanding, as an indication of th6 dividend i several times even this last figure. All these are minimum figures for the reason that the packers' accounts are so constructed that they coi Statement by Mr. Wm. B. Colver, Chairman of the Federal Trades Commission, at a hearing before the Committee on Interstate ai Neither the commission, the packers, nor anyone else are in a position to state authoritatively what profits have been made in m fits nave been made. Starting with an initial capitalisation of $160,000 in 1837 (and it is not certain that this was paid in in cash) the si after having drawn out some twenty-eight millions in dividends and never having invested an additional dollar in cash during the 50 yea In addition to the above, here are a few dividends earned: Wilson & Company , : 29.6, 1917 . Swift & Corananv Morns & Company : : 22.6, 1917 Armour & Comnanv Cudahy Packing Company .23.2, 1917 llf A. A M """"6 v"""-.7 western meat company - k Federal Trades Commission and other current rports that have come to our notice, and to our best knowledge and belief are correct SPECIAL NOTE-Owing to the segregations of the different subsidiary companies of Swift and Company, an owner of 100 shar come, based upon only the initial yields of Swift International and Libby, McNeil & Libby gives a return of practically 12 on the invest SKINNER PACK PLANT: South Side, Omaha, Nebraska GENERAL OFFICES: 912 First National Bank Bldg. OMAHA'S DAYLIGHT, SN0WWHTT