Thursday, June 12th, 1919 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD , r ' LING PLANT in the UNITED STATE M VALUABLE 40-ACRE TRACT it less than 830 acres. The Skinner Packing Company owns of this acreage, Olaha. The o'wnership of this acreage is vital for expansion purpose and is an. operating of its business. k market and in a few years, it is L Tfhere is no other large indepen iifif d to other packing points because The Skinner racking Company Is an established Institution with aet today of over 4,0OO.0OO. The Company U now doing one of the largest produce bulne-e In the Wert. on the building of the Tucking pUnt ha, been phenomenal. The plant to pronoun- red by experienced packing houe men, HO KNOW, to be the nmt mixlern and efficient packing plant In the United States. 1 SKINNER PACKING PLANT GREATLY ENLARGED , We originally planned the Skinner Packing plant to be four stories and basement. We are now making It sli storls basement and large sub-basement. The sub-basement, basement and the first four stories are completed. The plant when completed will hare a total of eight floors. we nave ai;o auuea a ny-producta building of six stories, which makes the complete plant 430 feet long by 200 feet wide. This does not include the loading dock, which on the Hast are 14 feet wide and on the north and south sides are 12 feet wide. In addition, we have an office building, 60x53, two stories and basement. In which will be located the general offices of the tympany and on the top floor offices for the government lnectors and dining room for the men employees of the plant, also garage 60x511, a stories; top floor superintendents office and dining room for women employes. The plant has a total of 474,102 square feet pf floor space. . Tfc present dally killing capacity of this plant Is 8.500 hogs, 450 cattle and 1.00O sheep, but the first unit cold storage building will have a daily carrying rapacity of 1.200 to 1,500 hog, 250 cattle and 500 sheep. The plant now under construe tlon will be complete In every way, but Is also designed on the unit plnn, and so constructed that It can be doubled or trebled In size and present high efficiency tnantalned throughout. As an example: By adding the second cold storage unit, the total killing capacity given above ran be maintained for 800 days In the year. NKW WHOLESALE MARK ITT AND PIIODUCK DEPARTMENT The Skinner Packing Company established their Produce Department in their own building at Twelfth and Donglaa Streets In July, 1918. The business has met with phenomenal success and we are doing a large profitable volume of business, but as yet have merely scratched the surface as to this department. The Produce Department Is under the management of Jules II. Rosenbaum, a man of years of experience In the Pro duce business. Our produce department has been moved temporarily Into the old Kirchbaum Creamery building on Howard street where It will be conducted while we are erecting our new wholsale market and produce building. AU the tenants In the Met ropolitan Hotel win move on June 1st. We will at once start wrecking this building and will erect on this corner a new mod ern eight-story and basement, re-lnforced concrete building, 99x132 feet with trackage. First floor, which to 22 feet high, will house our wholesale market and produce department office. Jfie basement will be used for dry storage the next Ave floors will be cold storage and the two top floors will be used for handling egg, chicken picking, and chicken feeding. This building and the Produce Department are owned by the Skinner Packing Company. This up-to-date brach house will give the Skinner Packing Company an Inevitable standing and an opportunity to give the local retailers of Omaha and Council Bluffs real service. There Is a shortage of cold storage space In Omaha and if the Skinner Packing Company desires to lease any space It already been spoken for. ' " Paul P. Skinner. Chairman of Beard. Oataha, Heb.. March IT. ItlO. Skinner Packing Company, City. . Gentlemen: Was quite agreeably surprised to learn that yon are contemplating a cold storage warehouse to be erected on 12th and Douglas streets. This only goes to show that yon are familiar with the needs In this locality. For the last two or three years we have found it a difficult matter ot secure the necessary storage space. For your Information we have paid out the round sum of S25.0O0.0O last year for cold storage charges. Practically all of this was paid to cold storage houses located In other states. , Might also add Uiat location selected by you Is an Ideal ones It Is situated In the produce center and wholesale district where it Is easy to get to and from, and have every reason to believe that yon will have your house fall thirty days after you have opened for business. Trust this enterprise contemplated by you will be pushed through at an early date as possible, assuring you of onr hear Yours very truly, w T1IK JERPB COMMISSION COMPANY, Swanson, Secretary and Treasaurer. 7 K ' k - i vt ir 111 ' ? 4 " " ' ' ' ' jp: B .V. 1 lSSsX I II! 1 ! rr ty co-operation. :it" - r i... i i. I.-. v ..t i s iriKteii2: rr- wj r z, I " Bv c. a. t. i m i . i f. m . v v ..... o ... ... m - v .v.v -v m t m . . . & a. t m isa . c a w V.Ufelvw;fi-. :iM II- M. lift l.illl' fTir- tmXl L Vfi, HH'N k iif r?f! Ui w LJ' m lMiMwm Tntessnri feff ;rH ar'ml IPKhh IkifH! hH llfl cr fl B F-fllT? Ql LQ ffullOi-cRa v .- a Istimated at $1,628,000 Per Annum, or More than 30 per pent on our Entire Capital offered to Increase the Company's working capital, in order that the Company iti ng in that no other class of stock has an opportunity or possibility of etun tioii to this stock being a fully participating stock, it ts guaranteed and pre- up antes, the stock is generally limited to 6 per cent, or 7 per cent, and you do This Company has over tour million dollars asset at this time, has been Wonderfully profitable purchaaes have been made on our land and wonderful progress and ability shown in constructing our plant. Therefore, this is your real opportunity. THIS STOCK, FROM AN KARMNG CAPACITY, HAS A POtiSIBIUTY OP it KINO WORTH AT L.KAST f30O PEB SliAIU; WITHIN A REASONABLE LENGTH OF TIME. As there Is only a limited amount of this class of stock, the Company reserves the right to re ject any subscriptions at this tune and that any additional stock of this issue may be advanced to $150 per share without notice. We give you as reference any bank or business man of Omaha or Council Bluffs, Iowa, also Duns and Bradstreets, or any live stock commission firm of South Side. The stock of this Company Is being sold by the officers and directors of the Company on a strictly high-grade business basis. wis sufficient to produce for the five companies a total profit of $96,182,000; measured by the net worth of the combined corporations (capi l possibilities, THEY AVERAGED, IN 1917, 89.5 jer cent.; and measured by the packers' actual investment of new capital, they amount to on teal profits rather than reveal them." ant Foreign Commerce of the House of Eepresentativs, January 2, 1919. ne Jt as against by-products during the packers' history. The only certain thing is that on the animal as a whole, great and accelerating pro stekholders of Armour & Co. have an equity today valued on the books at over $160,000,000, or a thousand times the original capitalization eats so far as the commission can learn." v .. waa 33.4, 1917 19.8, 1917 Miller & Lux Frye & Company 29, 1917 357., 1917 -i 9 W v a wv wws ii i i - --- ---- f-j isva lutn figures, for the reason that the accounts are so constructed that they conceal, rather than reveal, profits. These figures are taken from h of their stock bought last August has accumulated a profit of 50 p er cent on bis investment, and now has securities, upon which the in- bent. - ING COMPANY , INDEPENDEN PACKING PLANT 4 i BRANCH HOUSE AND PRODUCE DEPT: 12th and Douglas St, FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT: 1400 first National Bank Bldg. SKINNER PACKING COMPANY, 1400 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, U. S. A. Without any obligation on my part, I would like to have you send me further information on your Company, Name Business Address