Thursday May 29th, 1919. THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD MOTOR TRUCKS Reliability Without Sacrifice of Low Costs The first consideration in the purchase of a motor truck should always be the service the buyers will get from the truck. For what the purchaser is really buying is not a machine but a certain amount of delivery or hauling. Unless it can be depended upon to do everything it may be called on to do, and do this with a minimum of lost time, it is not an asset to the business, but a liability. s There is, however, a wide difference in what the reliable service demanded may cost him. First cost, design, quality of materials and workmanship, and adaptability to working conditions, all are factors in this operating cost. Me chanical details in themselves are not important, their worth is measured by their value as they affect dependability and cost of operation. A thorough appreciation of these facts is responsible for the satisfactory transportation being obtained by the thousands of Denby owners throughout the world. Every detail of design and every piece of material is determined by the same standard will it give the best service in this particular use, under all conditions of actual work f This policy meant first a full range of sizes that the buyer might, get a truck exactly right for his work. It meant an internal gear drive, to. assure the maximum power at all speeds and loads long, flat springs combining eaiy riding with minimum recoil renewable bushings at all pointa of movement to localize the unavoidable wear on inexpensive parts oi lubrication in place of the usual grease cups absolute enclosure of all working parts accessibility for everything needing adjustment or attention. And now it means uncompromising standards of workmanship, the most rigid inspection at every step of the manufacture and a thorough proving of every truck before it is shipped. That the strict adherence to this policy pays is best shown by the uniform ly satisfactory results being obtained under all aorta of conditions of road and THE NEW CHANDLER SIX A Economy Without Sacrifice The Chandler car, now in its fifth year, has earned its notable position in the motor industry by a successfully maintained policy of high quality at fair price. It has attained the very foremost standing among Sixes by the, superior performance of its motor, by the excellence of its whole mechanical design and construction, by the certainty of its service on the road. Forty thousand Chandler, owners know, better than printed word can tell the splendid character of this great car. The Chandler Six is economical in cost of operation. It is a big car, 123 inch wheel base, but it weighs a little less than 3000 pounds. The Chandler motor is powerful and instantly responsive, but 14 to 16 miles per gallon of gasoline is the common report from owners. Six thousand to eight thousand miles per set of tires is the usual tire-service rendered Chandler owners. And with these reasonable conomiea the Chandler owner has a real car a car of extraorodinary performance under all road conditions, a car distinguish ed for ease ofriding and comfort, a dependable, enduring car. The Chandler offers economy without the sacrifice of automobile satisfao- tion. s ' ' i : ' (And the Chandler is closely priced. You cannot buy any other car of aim. ilar worth for less, and for other cars which may be compared with the Chandler you are asked to pay much more. These are facts, provable facta. You can prove them yourself. NEW SEMES ' HUPMOBILE " i The Comfort Car Everything about it typifies comfort. The deep, soft upholstery real leather over real curled hair the .whole supportd by very deep resilient springs of finest steel and an air cushion in a combination said to be the easiest riding seat on the market. Hupmobile owners expect much of their cars particularly in the matter of performance. t Hupmobile owners this season will have even less difficulty in equalling the performance of any car at any price, with any number of cylinders in hill climbing on high gear and in pulling on high gear through sand and mud. Hupmobiles in times past have made some wonderful records on the score of endurance.; authentic repair cost records that read like fairy stories come to our ears every week, sent in by Hupmobile enthusiasts. On the point of economy the new Hupmobile scores high. It is economical because it offers the highest,degree of performance, un usual comfort, and good looks for a priee one would expect to pay for only one of those qualities. It is economical because it, like all Hupmobiles, will be a comparative stranger at repair shops. Its inbuilt sturdiness assures this. It is economical because constant and costly adjustments will not be need ed on its simple four-cylinder motor. ' It is economical because throughout the car everything mechanical parts, . top, finish, upholstery and equipment has been built for long life under hard service It is economical because of our engineers' successful handling of the prob lem of carburetion, which makes fuel consumption low, even with the poorer grades of commercial gasoline. It is economical because the comparatively light weight of the car will not only make for additional fuel economy, but for larger tire mileage as well. The 32x4 inch tires are oversize, weight of car considered. c HAND UER PMOB AGENCY SCH W ABE BROS., PROPR IETORS CORNER SECOND ST. AND LARAMIE AVE. ALLIANCE, NEBR.