Ml -vw Pfinrtn 14 ft Social News, Church Notes and Lodge Doing x uvnv, uiu or tne Week Win. King left last night for a short stay In Denver. J. P. Barger made a business trip to Hyannls Tuesday. Jim Gaddis left for Chlcafo on a business trip Monday. Mrs. V. II. White left for Seward Tuesday for a visit with friends. Mrs. Jake Stark and children of Senecca is spending a few days tn Al liance. "Doc" Williams, yard master, spent Saturday and Sunday trans acting business in Denver. W. E. Liston, clerk at the freight house enjoyed a short vacation from his work the fore part of the week. Miss Cynthia Davenport of Sterl ing, Colo., who spent Ihe'past week visiting friends In Alliance returned to her home Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Willis went to Hot Springs Monday. Mr. Willis has a run out of Hot Springs and they will live there for some time. Mrs. G. B. Mitchell, 421 Yellow stone la seriously ill. Her son who lives at Ashland came to Alliance the first of the week to assist in caring for her. D. J. SaUerlee, of the Burlington freight house force has been sick for the past two weeks, but is at this time again able to be back at his tost of duty. Councilman A. V. Gavin spent a few days in Lincoln this week. Mr. Gavin, who Is the chief dispatcher at this place attended while there a meeting of railroad men. L. A. Surprise, Alliance painter Is In Lakeside this week doing some in terior work. Louis has been kept busy at Lakeside since early this spring and has not yet been able to finish up and return to bis work here. The Alliance Community Club and the Merchant's Federation have been "divorced". The latter organization, -which was mainly a credit rating and collection system, is understood to be In a precarious condition since the "divorce" was granted. Obsequies may follow. Clarence Schafer, of the Schafer Bros., made a business trip to Denver today. Schafer Bros, are anxiously awaiting the completion of their new quarters on Third street and until such time are making the best of the situation with headquarters In a large tent. Sheriff J. W. Miller and deputy Cy Lalng made a trip to Hemlngford Monday afternoon for the purpose of checking up the auto license situa tion. They have served due notice on all those not having secured their new license tags that if caught with out ! saim Axan ney will be -en into court to pay the penalties. as Told the Society Reporter IE M i James Thomas of Sunday in Alliance. Antloch spent . A. M. Miller of Hemlngford spent "t-uiiesuay in Alliance. Mrs. Kemp of Denver is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chupin. Thomas Squlbbs of Hemlngford spent Wednesday In Alliance. Miss Williams of Sheridan is a guest of her sister Mrs. Bert Duncan. Mrs. II. II. Johnson leaves the last of the week for a visit to Emerson, Iowa. Mis. Francis Hykman of Antloch spent Monday and Tuesday visiting In Alliance. Charles Spacht spent a few days last week in Chadron. He spent the time while there In Y. M .C. A. work. Mrs. Jack Luttrell and children left Saturday for Iowa where they will spend several weeks visiting relatives and friends. . Art Reynolds who has been visit ing the Roy Gregg family in Denver returned to his home in Alliance Monday. Mrs. Charles Willis and daughters Blanch and Lois spent Monday in Al liance. They were enroirie to Califor nia where they will make their fu ture home. Robert Graham has been enjoying a visit from his brother William Graham, who has Just recently re ceived his discharge from the army. Mr. Graham was wounded and has some very Interesting stories to tell of his experiences in France. George A. Mollrlng this week sold his Cadillac roadster to a man from Scottsbluff. A weeH or so ago Mr. Mollrlng inserted in The Herald col umns a small want ad offering the car for sale and still he receives in quiries by those interested. A plain drunk paid a fine of 115 and costs in police court yesterday. Night Policeman Taylor, who made the arrest found the fellow on the street In a very hilarious condition and locked him up and not until the afternoon of the following day was he sufficiently sobered to stand trial. Messrs John W. Guthrie, Robert Graham. Will O'Keefe, Walter Beuschsensteln, and J. C. Morrow left Monday night for Omaha, where they attended the Knights of Colum bus convention held this week. Mr. Guthrie and Mr. Graham also had business that called them to other eastern points before their return ot Alliance. An exhibition of some of the work of the students at St. Agnes Acad emy will be seen at the basement of the church on Saturday and Sunday, May 24th and 25th. The exhibit will consist of sewing and neeuiework and art work In painting of china and oil and water colors. Friends and patrons ot the academy are cor dially Invited to see the exhibit. A. Hausnian of Hyannls made a business trip to Alliance on Tuesday. E. P. WaKers. the depot agent at Broken How. spent Tuosduy in Alli ance. Richard Knelst has received his discharge from the Armv nnt rotnm. , ed home Monday. Kev. Epler leaves Ihe first of the week to attend the Golden wedding of a cousin In Sprlngflehf, Illinois. Mrs. W. W. Norton went to Mlt chel Tuesday, while there Mrs. Nor ton will be the guest or the Woman's Club. The Eastern Star will hold a spe cial meeting next Monday for the In stallation of new officers. The new officers will entertain with refresh ments. On Monday evening Mrs. John Wiker entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Agnes Knelst. A dainty lunch was served to about fifteen guests. Mr. and Mrs. Georfge A. Mollrlng drove to Scottsbluff Sunday for a short visit. Mr. Mollrlng says the roads are In good shape and that the trip Is a nice one. Burlington passenger train No. 41 Thursday morning consisted of six teen coaches. Many returning sol diers and sugar beet workers going to Sheridan, Wyoming necessitated thextra cars. John W. Thomas returned to his home at Lincoln Tuesday night after a business visit in this city of several days. While here Mr. Thomas made a trip into Wyoming for the trans action of some business matters. Ralph Johnson, Orville Harvey and Fred Cutts, who served eighteen months in the service overseas re turned Tuesday to their homes in this city. The boys were In the hos pital corps of the Rainbow division and were In the thickest of the fight ing many times, Hit not one of them was wounded. They look hale and hearty and say they are mighty glad to get home again. Wednesday evening the .Misses Clayton, Peters and Reynlsh gave a shower at the home of Mrs. Bert Walters, in honor of Miss Wilma Bruce. The principal event of the evening was a colored wedding. The most admired nien.bers of the wed d'ng party were, pet haps, the color! mammy. Vac bride and one of . th i pickaninnies. A Cakewalk was giv en, in which the mammy displayed wonderful agility In spite of her 300 avoirdupois. A dainty luncheon "was served, after which the mammy came tugging In the clothes basket, which contained several very pretty pieces of cut glass and linen for the bride-to-be. All unKe in wishing Miss Bruce, one of the most popular young ladles of the city, s happy fu ture. M l - I Makes She Cat Ham -.rr-P ?-. a th tUUtYN H 4 a K.'-fm BBnnnn v;'r.,Y-.'i'.'i-;ii t? 'jp x 'a :- SV'f. .' t. ". ; . ",''? v- STANDARD c.5iz?f.::: f g ;-.v-1 r-i. Red Crown Gasoline Ia jtjo fuel at its b?st YJhi-ih thy car prove it in siarUng and 0:1 the road. Each piston stroke is as full powered as a straight distilled, all-gas gasoline can make it You don't estimate the value of Red Crdvn by the price per gallon but by the mileage a gallon delivers. You get mcst miles in liquid form clean Hirr.tng fuel uniformity in Red Crown Gasoline, ?:o matter where you buy it, or in what make of car you use it It always pays to look for the Red Cnvr. Slyn vhen the tank need 3 nTun. Polar? o.e, V'. p-rf-ct year P power. .; ,'. ' 1--- V.t l a u iiu tlvJ' E If il ronlemplate u liifK n onalne on klutiihl we the Ulllit Weight before ptnrlng your or tier. lt built nil the fanner's what It villi lo for you and to aNt yon in select Ins; the ne bett fitted li the work you have. They are very reasonably pi-ireil.- The Dlerk I.iiiiiImt t'oiiipnii). 786.Mt The Airedale Ranch and Cattle Company of Banner county will hold a big dispersion sale at the ranch six teen miles south of Scottsbluff next Tuesday, May 27, at which time 1100 head of 1'erefords will be sold. This I rni d the ihI large snlen 01 H Is section ot tin rtale and will n'Tact stockmen from far and near. A good spRce ii The Hersld Is being used IN wr o Inform the rattlen.en of western Nebraska of the sale. Joy V. Tsrfcer Is the new linotype operator nt The Herald office. Mr. rnrher conies from Nebrnska City and fills a place In the office force thnt hns caused no little Inconven ience during the pnst several weeks. One of the Important feature of a urn engine the cost of upkeep and nneratlon. The Ciisliman 1,lgli Weight will handle any work that any other engine of Its sire will lian. ille and the cost will he very low. Amonor the several slues yon are sure to be able to select one suited for the Job )ou hare. Tlicy are compact, yet powerful; Improved to the last word of gas engine erfertlon, yet priced very t-casonnhle. See them on Pny. 7865tf In spite of the cold, mosquitoes will flourish and aio an Intolerant nulxance In Alnka. At the last semiannual official es timate there were 29S.293 Indians In the I'm ted States. Scotland now has 124 agricultural co-operatrve trading societies. Old Manilla rone Is said to be much used In this country for paper stock. CLEANLINESS IS THE KEYNOTE TO THE WELL-DRESSED TERSON'S APPEAR ANCE. WITHOUT ITS EVIDENCE THE EFFECT OF GOOD CLOTHING IS OST AND INSTEAD OF ONE FOR GOOD A BAD IMPRESSION IS MADE. It is our business to keep your linens clean to take the same careful paina with your garments that you would take were you to do the laundering. We take pride in our work and not until you are satisfied do we consider the work satisfactory During the hot summer months to come the busy housewife will find that our service will not only save her a lot of hard work, but that it will prove to be the economical way of handling the family laundry. Rough Dry at 8c per Pound THE ALLIANCE STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 160. Alliance, Nebraska. An Unusual Recital to be Held at M. E. Church An evening of good music means relaxation and relief from the stain of these wearing times. A delightful program will be present ed at M. E. Church May 29th-8.15 P.M. by two artists whose reputations are a guar antee of the quality of the event. They are Glen Ellison Baritone, whose voice has been called "an organ of wonderful volume and perfect place ment" Pauline Lawrence who has been referred to as "one of the most distinguished pianists of her sex." They will be assisted by "The Phonograph with a Soul" Cards of admission will be distributed free upon application to ; e. , , ,mm&VZ GEORGE D. DARLALING 115-117 West Third Street m mmtwt 4