THE ALLIANCE HERALD LI.OYU V. TIIO.MAN. lll..r . K. II. SMITH AworUtf MHr JOIIX W. THOMAS, t,f. sunk ttllior THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Owners ; (Incorporated) F-ntred at the pot office at Alliance. Nebraska, for trans'iilalon through tns mails at cond-claaa matter. Publiahed every Thuraday. r I) II I- I H II K I) K V Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Kvery subscription la reaarded aa an open account. The namea of sub crlbera will be Instantly removed from our mailing lint at expiration of time paid for. If publlahera ahall be notified; otherwlae the aubarrlptlon will remain la force at tha dealsnated aubacrlptlon price. Kvery aubacrlber muat under tand that theae condition are made a part of tha contract between publisher And aubacrlber, crlher. f NEBRASKA CXmMlNINtl A III I I III J( A TIIKKAT Business li turning .quickly and prosperously from the condition! of war to the status of peace. All the algns are for a complete revival and a period of activity without prece dent. Employment la Increasing, wage are stable, new enterprises re arising In all parts of the country Prospects for good harvests are en couraging. All this has come about wlthoiK an eatra session of Congress and In spite of the hurtful filibutter by which Republicans defeated Im portant legislation at the very out art of "reconstruction." If the Republican leaders of the next Congress attempt to hamper President Wilson, Instead of going about the business of passing the measures which a Democratic Admin Istratlon framed and would have enacted but for their obstruction, thty will halt the recovery of Indus try and InvKe trouble. Not President Wilson, but the people at large will be the sufferers . ' It begins to appear, however, that discord and factionalism will prevent the Republican majority from adopt ing and pursuing an affirmative, con structive course of legislation In 4he Sixth-sixth Congress. They were almost unanimous In thelr opposition to the Democratic program, but they give signs, of being hopelessly lack ing In unity as to any other policy. Hut there is something worse than Hepubl lean Inability to aeree. on a plan of obstruction bad though that be. That Is, they might combine to undo the good work which the Democrats have accomplished in the last six years of their ascenlancy. And they have threatened to do that very thing. IMX'AI.LI X1 Til K IHXT.AHATION' To Immortalize the slirners of the senatorial "round robin" Against the league of nutlous, the lllepubllcaii Publicity Association, apparently as the proxy of the Republican Nation al Committee, Issued a colorful litho graphed entitled "The Second Dec laration of Independence." Kmbed ded In the trbt of this "declaration" were the portraits of Republican Sen ators who Bought Imperishable famo and votes by their sudden and violent outcry against President Wilson's proposal. Dut it has become evident that these Senators fear this particular brand of Immortality. It threatened to become undying obloquy. Unlike the aigners of the true Declaration of Independence, these Senators hare not continued steadfast. They have begun to weaken and qualify and apologize. And now the "declaration portraits, Old English text. Illu minations and all has been with drawn from circulation. Copies of It will be more inaccessible in o few weeks than the original Declaration Is after 143 years. The signature of Senator Penrose Is thus denied the chance to grow aa familiar to the eyes of American school children as John Hansosk's It! In this suppression of the "second declaration" there la comfort for the public, as there must be also for the Republican Senators. It evidences a better appreciation of American sen timent than the Issuance of this gro tesque document did. It purported to be a manifesto of Independence. De velopments In the last two months have convinced the public, if not its Republican signers, that it was an exhibition of tmpuuence. WORIJVH (iRKATEHT MINH F1HIJ) Bit by bit the story of the wonder ful part the American navy played in winning the war is being unfolded. A sample of the assistance the navy gave the Allies in bringing about the down fall of the Central Powers is seen in the laying of the world's ETeatest mine field, now being swept accomplished by the division of the American fleet under Rear Admiral Strauss. ' A little more than a year ago the Americans laid a mine barter that extended from Bergen, Norway, to the Orkney Islands, north of Scot- KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward of! the indi gestion of tomorrow try L1M1Q1U the new aid to digestion. As pleasant and as safe to take as candy. MADC BY SCOTT BOWNI MAJutas or acorrs satucatow Aa K It Y T II I U M l A Year, Payable in Advance PKLSS ASSOQAITONl land, effectually closing the North Sea to navigation except through the narrow lane along the coast of Nor way and the outlet between the Or kneys and Scotland. The barrier made practically im possible the escape from the North Sea to any enemy raider or warship Flfty-aeveu thousand of theso tin-, every one made In Amerlct. fornn.d this barrier to German sea opar: tions, and but one mishap occurred during their laying, the sinking of one ship laden with nt im fro-u be ing torpedoed. Not even yet does ho world rea lize the Immensity of the taik assign ed to American Ingenuity an.l Indus trial enterprise, and which was ac complished when we ha l m t'te var but little more tha na year. A Victory bond represents a com bination of sound Investment and patriotic service. Help yourself by helping your country. Buy a bond. One by one Republican "Issues have vanished like will o' the wisps. The conduct of the war, the making of peace, the letjue of nations all have failed them as partisan battle cries. Only the tariff remains, but it is so old and decrepit and feeble that It may shortly pass away. Some Republican papers are say ing that Republicans and the "Pro gressives" will "get ..together" dur ing the next session of Congress. Judging the factions wholly by their exchanges of "courtesies," It Is pret ty certain that If they do "get togeth er" some one will have to call the police. It only required a word from the j President to effectually check the re- UI l 1 11 HI UK HUB Ml If llll IU cum- itiH America to a secret alliance. No level-mtnded man would allow him self to be deceived by such a rumor and Its circulation shows to what limit his enemies will go In their at tempt to discredit him. P1AXO FOR SALE . We have in Alliance a piano that will be sold at a discount and on terms. If desiring to purchase a good piano reasonable don't delay In ad dressing The Denver Music Mompany Denver Colo. W. J. LEO PLUMBER PJJONE 1-6-1 HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! Saya glass of hot water with phoephate before breakfast washes out poisons. To see the tinge of healthy bloom la your face, to see your akin get clearer and clearer, to wake up with out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, in fact to feel your best, day In and day out. Just try inside-bathing every morning for one week. Before breakfast each day. drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoon ful of limestone phosphate in it as a harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's Indigestible waate, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening- and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully in vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for break fast A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will cost very little at the drug store but Is sufficient to demonstrate that Just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the akin, so hot water and limestone phos phate act on the blood and Internal or gans. Those who are subject to con stipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, rheumatic twinges, also those whose skin is sallow and complexion pallid, are assured that one week of inslde bathlng will hare them both looking and feeling better la every way. j i i THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD St'HOOl, HUt SOLDI CltH More than 200.000 soldiers In the Aiuertcan forces 6ver-sns sre enroll- i ed in the schools which the (Jovern-! ment has eslahllsht'd to equip thni ! ! uviit-r iHimiMiiia an I wa(S wncil l ey return lo civil i'c. JTo mot -l l ! i young nen tVs chnol offer .1 neater oprorttin'y lo ci:. irsi snd vocational training than would have been theirs if they had not en tered the army. . These school are so graduated i that they afford Instruction In ele-! mcntary subjects, academic courses j and training In a great university established near' Paris, and post- pradtiaie careers In the foremost ! French and British universities. While serving their country as soli-, iers these young men mny at the same time benefit themselves as j students. They are combining mental . Improvement with physical well-be-i Ing and wholesome discipline '.hut 1 will safeguard them from the evils of life In bnrrncks. Reports to the War Department j show that these young Americans are , testifying to their appreciation of the . advantages presented lo them by i their attention lo their studies. Those I whose commands are ordered back to j the ..United States may apply for. transfers to continue their education This Is the first time la history j that provision has been made by the United States for the education of Ms soldiers. There have been at least three sets of opinions among Republicans In respect to the teaugue of nations. Some wanted no league, others favor ed half a league, and a third groupe -the largest of all favored the league advocated by President Wil son. Those in the last category are now not only the most numerous, but also the most Insistent.' The others have become singularly still and inconspicuous. J mm VERY P (Or Go where the Crowd Goes Best Music in Western Ne raska, Firemen 's Orchestra No Raffles and No Skin Games fnn Entire Proceeds Go to Liberty Loan Drive Ladies Free. Punch Served Free. riAXO FOH KAI.K , We have stored at Alliance n hlih ' rde piano, which, if tsken at once,: will be sold at a tremendous sacri ne. Terms to responsible party. If ' Interested write at once for partic ulars to TUF: DENVER MUSIC COMPANY, Denver, Colo. 13tf7772 ! LADIES! LOOK YOUIIG, DARKENJGRAY HI Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody i will Know. Crar hair, however handsome, denotes advancing ape. We all know the advaa tages of a youthful appearance. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray and looks streaked, j u at a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances its ap pearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay gray I Look young I Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which is merely the old-time recipe im proved by the addition of other ingredi ents. Thousands of folks recommend thia ready-to-use preparation, because it darkens the hair beautifully, betides ae eoe can possibly tell, as it darkens se naterally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this tnrewgk the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning th gray hair disappears; after another application or twov its natural color is restored sad U becoove thick, glossy and lustrous, mad you appear years younger. . ' Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compomd i a delightful toilet requisite. It is aot intended for the cure, mitigation or pre ventM of disease. n AT THE ARMORY HI 4 "t- L J r. i Clean Threshing Takes Lots of Power "Grain in the barn not on the straw pfle" takes lots of steady, dependable power that only correct engine lubri ' cation can give your tractor. And tractors need a special lubricant because of their high operating heat especially when kerosene is the fuel. STANOLIND Tractor Oil is manufactured for this particular service and is endorsed by the leading tractor manufacturers. It stands the high cylinder heat and protects every moving part, bearing and valve with a cushioning oil film that prevents de structive friction and keeps the engine at par the year round Keeps overhauling and repair bills small. Ask your dealer for this oil or write us for information. I 1 Id Winn if ft Thursday, May S, " L';:: fEEH i . . w r : j v in i Lzi 4 V