The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 08, 1919, Local Edition, Image 7

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Two Kinds Art Found t Greater or
Let Extent In Most Part of
i. United States,
(Frtpared by the United Ctatea Depart
ment of Arrtrulture.)
There are two types of swine, name
ly, the fat or lard type, and the bacon
type, lloth tjin-8 are found to a great
er or less extent In most parts of the
country and are the outcome of local
conditions rather thnn market require
ments. The lard type prevails In sec
tions where corn is used as the prin
cipal feed, and the bacon type Is jten
crally found on farms where the hogs
require a variety of feeds.
The lard typte of hogs Is one which
has a compact, thick, Beep, smooth
l-ofiy and Is capable of fattening rap
Idly and maturing early. The hams,
back, and shoulders are the most val
uable parts and should be developed
to the greatest possible extent. The
whole body of the animal should be
covered with a thick layer of flesh rep
resenting the extreme development of
meat production. This type of hog, un
der good conditions, should weigh 200
pounds or more when seven to nine
months of age. This Is the most pop
ular market weight. Due to the facts
that corn Is the most abundant hog
feed and lard hogs mature ery early,
this type predominates.
, The most popular breeds of the lard
type are the Berkshire, the Poland
China, the Duroc-Jersey, the Chester
While, and the Hampshire.
' The Berkshire had Its origin In Eng
land and takes Its name from a shire
or county by that name. The color la
black with white markings in the face,
on the feet, and on the tip of the tail.
The face Is moderately dished and the
snout is of medium length. The ears
are usually erect, though they may in
cline forward In aged animals.
The roland-Chinn originated in But
ler and Warren counties, Ohio. The
breed takes its name from the two
breeds from the crossing of which K
la supposed to hnve resulted, namely,
a I'olnnd breed and a Chinese breed.
The color Is blnek with white on feet,
face, and tail. The face is nearly
straight and the Jowl is full and heavy.
The I Htroc-Jersey had Its origin lu
the blending of two red breeds, the
Jersey Reds of New Jersey and the
Darocs of New lrk. The color is
cherry or yellowish red. The fnee Is
slightly dished, the snout Is of medium
length, and the ear is drooped.
The original Chester White had It
origin In Chester county. Pa., hence
the name. There are two other strains
known as the Improved Chester White
or Todd's Improved CheRter White, and
the Ohio Improved Chester White, com
monly known as the OIC strain. The
eoloi Is white. The face is straight;
the snout Is usually longer than that of
the Toland-Chlna. The ear Is drooped.
In general conformation the Chester
White and Poland-China are very much
The Hampshire breed, was formerly
known by the name of Thin lllnd. The
breed seems to have had Its origin in
Hampshire, England. The color Is
Mhck with a white belt 4 to 12 Inches
,-.t V:1 .
A Bacon-Type Hog of Tamworth Breed. '
wide encircling the body and Includ
ing the forelegs. The face la straight
and the ear inclines forward but does
not droop.
The bacon type differs from the lard
tyne In that the animals are more ac
tive, have longer and conrser bones,
and do not carry as much fat as thn
lt;tlrr. Their bodies are longer than
those of the lard hogs. The hams and
Mioulders are light but the bodies are
deep and wide. The most popular
market weight ranges from 175 to 200
The most common breeds of this
type are the Tamworth and the York
shire. Tho Tamworth Is of English origin
and takes Its name from Tamworth In
Staffordshire. The color varies from
n golden red to a chestnut shade. The
face Is practically straight, the snout
Is long and straight, and the ear Is In
clined slightly forward.
The large Yorkshire breed originated
In England and takes the name of the
thirl of that name. The color Is white.
The face is slightly dished and the
snout Is of medium length. The ears
are large and erect, but may Incline
forward in old animals.
Two noted army officers. General
Leonard Wood and General W. L.
Selbert, will appear on the program
at the semi-centennial celebration of
the University of Nebraska, May 23
to 26. General Selbert, who Is chief
of the chemical warfare service, will
peak at the dedication of the new
University chemical laboratory, and
I General Wood will deliver the com
' memement address and review the
University battalions. The Unlversl
1 ty fifty years old and the seml-cen-j
tennlal ceebratlon will be held In
connection with commencement
week. Rev. Frank G. Smith, paRtor of
.the First Central Congregation
t n r . i . . . . . . ...
ay a giass or noi water wnn
phosphate before breakfast
washes out poisons.
Calf With Short Legs and Abundance
of Quality and General Refine
ment Is Favored.
The deep, vide-bodled, thick-fleshee
calf with short legs and an al'iiml;ine
of quality ns Indicnted by fi ru s ,v
hair, texture of skin, smooihness o
flesh, and general refinement iiImmi
the head ii'id other parts of tho Ikhij
Is the type best suited for mukhu
-wimei babv nxL
To lee the tinge of healthy bloom
in your face, to see your skin get
clearer and clearer, to wake up with
out a headache, backache, wated
tongue or a nasty breath, In fact to
feel your best, day In and day out. Just
try Inside-bathing every morning for
one week.
Before breakfast each day, drink a
glass of real hot water with a teaspoon
ful of limestone phosphate in it as a
harmless means of washing from the
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the
previous day's Indigestible waste.
I sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing,
sweetening and purifying the entire
alimentary canal before putting more
food Into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate on
nn empty stomach is wonderfully in
vigorating. Ifcleans out all the sour
fermentations, panes and acidity and
gives one a splendid appetite for break
fast A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will cost very little at the drug
store but is sufficient to demonstrate
that Just as soap and hot water
cleanses, rfweetens artd freshens- the
skin, so hot water and limestone phos
phate act on the blood and internal or
gans. Those .who are subject to con
stipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach,
rheumatic twinges, also those whose
skin is sallow and complexion pallid,
are assured that one week of inside
bathing will have them both looking
and feeling better in every "way.
He Endorses
Read this from Mr. L. A. Richardson
of Marine, Illinois:
"I have been engaired In the retail dra fcnal--hi
aera for tfc paat fart? raara. During: this
time. I have seen patent medicines come
into iiir, flourish for one or two years and then'
fradually disappear. There are very lew or
hese remedies that possess enough real merit to insure them low
life. Peraaa haa always area a goo seller with as, with a msrkea
larreaae from yea to year. The change in the formula some years
ago, by the addition of the slightly laxative properties, haa naaae It
m reliable remeay for ron.tlpatloa aaa for eolaa. If taken hourly In
tablespoonful doses by adults 4t will break up the woret cola la two
r three daya time. I take pleasure In urging niy brother druggists
to recommend It for these two ailments."
Ask Your Dealar
Sold Everywhere
Liquid or Tablet Form
ill -.
" ' ''. dill ' I j
'all I IF
i v.rT r7rT7f It V
SAY, youH have a streak of smokeluck that'll
put pep-in-your-smokemotorf all right, if you'll
ring-in with a sure-joy'us jirnrriy pipe and nail some
Prince Albert for packing !
Just between ourselves, you
never will wise-up to high-spot-6moke-joy
until you can call a pipe
by its first name, then, to hit the
peak-of-pleasure you land square
on that two-fisted-man -tobacco,
Prince Albert !
Well, sir, youll be so all-fired
happy youll want to get a photo
graph of yourself breezing up the
0ilce with your smokethrottle wide
open ! Talk about smoke-sport t-
Quality makes Prince Albert so
appealing all along the smoke line.
Men who never before could
smoke a pipe and men who've
smoked pipes for years all testify
to the delight it hands out! P. A.
can't bite or parch f Both are
cut out by our exclusive patented
process I
Right now while the going's
good you get out your old jimmy
pipe or buy a new one and land
on some P. A. for what ails your
particular smokeappetite t
a la Princa Attfrt earvwAara toiaeee it wU. 7eay raW aaa.
frd a, hamdtomm pomn4 mmj hmtf fund tin kmmiJorm-mmj
' H J. K
tidy rae1
tkmt ci
-' ciaw. pracitrai mm crrttml gla Aamuior nil safl
'" torn (as toeacco a aacA pmrfmst comiImm
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Winston-Salem, N. C
rhurrh of Omaha, will deliver the
baeralaureate sermon. Special pro
prams will be riven Friday, Saturday,
Sunday and Monday, May 23, 24, 2f.
and 26. Arrangements have been
made to entertain all alumni and for
mer students.
"Heretofore, soles never lasted me
more than three months, because my
work keeps me walking constantly on
cement. But I have worn a pair of
Neclin Soles now for more than three
months, and judging from their present
condition, they will last three times as
long." So says G. L. Kerr, manager
of an automob'" organization in
Geneva, N. V. T
This extra weer given by Nefllin
Soles not only makes the shoes soled
with them cheaper by tle year than
other Rhocs, but the price you pay in
the first place is sometimes less than
for shoes of only ordinary wecr.
You can get N-'Hn-soled flux's In
many styles for every member of the
family. Try these long-wearing, com
fortable and waterproof soles on vour
worn shoes too. All good rtpair shops
have them. They are made by The
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., of Akron,
Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels,
guaranteed to outwear all other heels.
' OPTOMETRISTS Accurately Fitted
We Can Duplicate Any Broken
llltt Boi Baits At Pbone 111
All accounts due Snoddy &
Mollring are payable to Snoddy
& Graham, at the same address
Snoddy & Graham
l L ft 14
&io aff-ijoar-round soft drink
For business men. professional men,
men of stotis - - olf bowling tennis,
shooiin ridin.For everybody, every
where the year Vound. Bevo is hale
refreshment for wholesome thirst--
an invigorating soft drink. 'Ideal for
the athlete or the man in physical or
mental training tood to train and
cain on. Healthful and appetizing.
2-L f in!
.,iWF jam
Wm. King Co.,
.... -il, ,mM -
Hzcls OiJ tbc Miles
No mis tailing Red Crown
Gasoline. It l'i.zv.'Z itn colors
in the get-avay and cr. the
road. The rythmic tunc, of '
tho exhaust milestones
slipping to the 1'zzr tell of
gingery, powerful tas
Ked Crown GacoilnQ is a.V grc
That's why each fjUon rjives
most mileage. Contains no
foreign matter r.c cedinzr.t
to foul Spark plugs and cylinders.
The Red Crown 3'ou buy at tho
corner garage or servico elation
is identical with that you get a
hundred miles from home. Feed
your engine a steady diet cf Red
Crown Gasoline procurable
everywhere. Look for the sign.
Use Polarlne for perfect lubri
cation to keep cylinders clean
and power at parj
n Wife . JMfflb
3 cnoww Wm