Thursday, May 8, 1919. THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD LECTURE DELIVERED ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1Y CliARKXCK W. OlADWIl'K, C. S. 11 iintKT r the ihiHm of i turtiiii r Tlie Mother (litirrh, Tlie Hit Church of Itirtst, Scientist, In llos- ton Mas. KlltitllMl "irllnn Science: A Itellglon of ItlKht Thinking." The lecturer was Introduced by M. W. Buckley ot Alliance, who said in part: "Jesus taught that religion con sists of some-.hing more than merely preaching about Uod. He proved by His works His right to the claim ot the Mesfliahshtp. He proved that when man is governed by divine law, man has dominion over sin, sickness, disease and death. What He did He taught His followers to do. When He seat them forth the command was as imperative to heal the Bick as to preach the gospel. History tells us that this gospel of both preaching and healing went on for about three hundred years, thus proving false the current theory that none but JeeuB and His Immediate disciples were to practice healing." Our leader Mrs. Eddy's vision of the Christ not only healed her of the effects of a so-called fatal accident, but en abled her to reach a purified mental height, where she could spiritually discern the deep things of God and give them to the world. Her whole earthly life, from childhood, was one continuous search after spiritual thlhgs. She forsook all to follow Christ, and behold the result; a discovery which Is bringing untold blessings to the entire world.. Mrs. Eddy, as the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, fought the good fight and bravely won ber laurels. Her works which have fol lowed her have proved her . one of the greatest of religious Leaders and Teachers. Mrs. Eddy's Discovery. It was in the year 1866 that Mrs.. Eddy made the all-important discov ery that "all causation was Mind, and every effect a mental phenomenon" (Retrospection and Introspection, p. 24- By Mind she means not the carnal or mortal mind which Is "enmity against God," but the one Infinite, supreme, governing intelligence of the universe, eternal and unchange able. Jesus was a man actuated by spiritual ideas. He was the perfect example of a right-thinking man. It has well been said that, "ideas are the great warriors of the world." All the good and great things In human his tory have been achieved through the activity of Borne grand idea. The pri mary mission of Christian Science Is to acquaint humanity with j God through the medium of right ideas. Thousands of witnesses in all parts of the world will testify under oath that Christian Science has healed them of so-called Incurable diseases. The evidence is overwhelming that Christian healing is today an estab lished fact in the world. "OLD MAN JOHNSON SAYS HE WILL NEVER fORCET Bcamoi) Has Heen llenlarkable One in Point of Handicap Says Owner of Omaha Theatre Mr. E. L. Johnson, manager of the Gayety theatre at Omaha never for gets his many newspaper friends ov er the state. In writing this week of the season just closing he says: May 5th, 1919, Dear O'.d Tal : Well, here's the 4;blow-off" again the final week of ' the theatrical season. And believe me. it has been some tough season for your. four-eyed friend never saw to damni many handicaps in succession in a Bingle seacon in my sweet young (?) life; DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. If you are accustomed to wake up with a coated tongue, foul breath, or i dull, dizzy headache; or, if your meals sour and turn into gas and tclds, you have a real surprise await ing you. To-morrow morning, immediately upon arising, drink a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it This is Intended to first neutralize and then wash out of your stomach, liver, kidneys and thirty feet of intestines all the Indi gestible waste, poisons, sour bile and toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal Those subject to sick headaches, backache, bilious attacks, constipation or any form of stomach trouble, are urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from the drug store and begin enjoying this morning inside-bath. It is said that men and women who try this become enthu siastic and keep it up daily. It is a splendid health Pleasure for it is more important to keep clean and pure on the Inside than on the outside, because the skin pores do not absorb impuri ties into the blood, causing disease, while the bowel pores do. The principle of bathing inside is not new, asnnlllions of people practice it Just as hot water and soap cleanse, purify and freshen the skin, so hot water and a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Limestone pbos, phate is an inexpensive white powder and almost tacteless. 16.000 husky chops (most of them ny customers) gone to help lick hell out of the kal-ser (wnich was DID proper); then came that echo from the battle-fields, tlie 'flu (yes. I had it) during which this Home of Folly us shut for four weeks; then came he street car strike which kept peo ple home for three weeks; then the 'flu played n return date for another '.hree weeks during which ticket sales were limited to every other row ;h-n came the uunuat Christmas fliopping rerlod during which every body boar iU presents instead of pasteboards of admission. As Lydla rinkham or some other writer of clacsics said; "Just one damm thing after another" all of which has brought wrinkles to my brow and torpidity to my liver. I was1 pretty bald when I wrote you last August, but you should Bee my shininr dome now!-not-withst!.ndlng that I've dil igently used hair grower and mange cure to such an extent that I fre quently find myself barking-why, I even have to blow a do;; whistle to make myself stop, and even then .1 generally finish by growling. Oh, it has been tome slops I'll never the seanon of 19 18-1 ! which, thank goodness, has It's "30" on Friday niftht, May 9. But through It all, Old Tal. yon have stuck like the good friend I've always known you to be, and for your blessed and highly appreciated loyalty I thank you sincerely. So take the little electro from the form, "kill" my name on your mail ing list and pray for me frequently during the summer; I'll come to life again early In August, If the cards run right. With all good wishes, 1 am ery truly yours. Old Man Johnson. Manager. Gayety Theatre. The Herald is the paper you will eventually buy why not now? THESE DURABLE SOLES WORN DY rllLLIONS "After giving Neolin Soles a thor ough trial, I would not go back to the soles I used to wear even though the cost were less. I receive twice the service from shoes with Neolin Soles," writes G. P. Jones, of Omaha. More than 10.000,000 pairs of Neolin Soles have been put on American shoo . People were quick to realize the ad vantages of t his scientifically-mad:; so' its long vcar, its comfort, water proofness and its final economy. Good shoe stores everywhere sell Neolin-soled shoes in many styles for men, women, and children. "And any repairman will re-sole your worn shoes with Neolin Soles made by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels guaranteed to outwear all other heels. neolin Soles rttM lki Haa.X.a. eu OS. XOTICK TO CtWTKACTOIlH Bids will be received for a period of ten days for the construction of an addition to the armory and the In stallation of a new floor within the same. Plans and specifications may be seen by Interested parties upon application to F. L. Merrltt at the A D. Rodgers Grocery store. The com mittee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. " Ray Trabert, F. L. Merrltt. H. L. Snyder, Trustees 1 11 M-rry L $ S-0-M-E I Goodies! A i I - 1 "the kiiW that m-e-l-t in your mouth light,1 fluffy.tende cakes, biscuits and doughnuts that just keep you hinging. . 'round the pantry all made with CALUMET MKina POWDER the safest, purett, most economical kind. Try it drive away bake-diy failure." Yotj save when you buy it. You savo when you use it. Calumet contain only such ingredients a have brrn approved officially by tlie U. S. Food Authorities. 1 HIGHEST MI Monuments omhsiohpi BEAUTIFUL and ARTISTIC GRANITE MONUMENTS bring memories of loved ones gone before. THOSE IN YOUR COMMUNITY which attract your at tention by their beauty ' and artistic appearance are usually built and engraved by that well known firm, the v -' -, Paine-Fishburn Granite Co. Grand Island, Nebraska They ship the monument for you and erect it, all expens-es-being included in the purchase price. Corre spondence solicited. HIGH OPERATING EXPENSES INCREASE TELEPHONE RATES TELEPHONE REVENUE MUST COVER OPERATING EXPENSES Your business will fail unless you take in enough money to pay your expenses. So will any other business! The necessity for enough revenue in any business to pay operating exepnses needs jio explanation. For several years the cost of providing telephone service has been advancing with the increasing cost of material to the telephone company and the higher living expenses of employees. ' Everyone realties the necessity of paying more for rent, for food, for clothing, for wages and for transportation The telephone industry has been affected by the same condition! which have produced higher prices in all of the'necesdties of life. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY 0. 0 THE SMOOTHEST SMOKING TOBACCO TfiHEN I smoke, I want my '"tobacco cured by Mother Nature not by Mother-in-law Process. There is nothing harsh in Nature's methods no stunts, no "hurry-up." Her quiet, patient way "with VELVEJ during its two years age ing in wooden hogsheads, brings out all the kindly comfort of fine' Ken tucky Burley leaf. The quicker, less expen- sive methods cannot possi- ; ' , ply produce the fragrance, coolness and downright pipe qualities of VELVET, cured in Nature's way. . Today it is your privilege to enjoy, with hundreds of thousands of other smok ers, this mild and friendly VELVET tobacco. fi Holla VELVET Cigarette VCL VET'S naturogtJ n.UJneiM am J amooihiwt mahm it Just right few (ijaroftca. mm vVv v: G