THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD Thursday, May 8, 1019 GOVENOR MCKELVIE WANTS WHOLE AT ANSELMO MEETING WORLD TO KNOW Governor an (Hher lnmlnoiit Oti am will be on IYnjtraitt at Tot Mi lllgtiwajr Meeting Mlwwnirl Woman Doing Her Vmvt To lel Other Wttnw What Tanlac Will Iht Oorernor Samuel II. Mr.Kelvie bus Accepted tho Invitation of the Potanh Highway AMoelatlon (o meet with It 4 Its guest of honor at ne meeting 10 be beld In Anrmo on June 2nd. B ft letter to Lloyd Thomas, secre tary of the association, . the gover nor says: "I am very alad to accept the In vitation of the Potash Highway Asso ciation for a meeting at Atiselmo on June 2nd. There la only one thing that may stand In the way of this, and that will be the return of the 49th Division from France at about that time. If they should arrive then I may feel obliged to meet them at New York City, but I will probably know about that in time to let you know so that you may obtain the services of some other speaker. Inasmuch as the 89th Division Is hardly expected to reach New York before the middle of June the gover nor may be expected as the guest or ronor at the meeting at Anselmo. Al liance Is planning to send a large delegation to the meeting. SUNDAY NIGHT AUTO ACOIDENT AT DUNLAp John Frailer, Well-Knowii Fanner la Hun Down by Team Hitched to Automobile John Fraxier, well-known farmer living northwest of Alliance suffered broken ribs and minor cuts and bruises Sunday evening as the re sult of an accident In which he was run down by a team of horses hitched to a atalled automobile. Mr. Fraxier and family, accompanied by the John Lawrence family had gone to Dun lap for a load of trees. On the return trip the Frailer car became fast In the aand and the assistance of a near-by farmer and bis team was se cured to tree the machine. Mr. Fra xier. it seems, stood at the horses' beads and when the animals became aware of the nature of their load tbey became frightened and ran. Mr Frailer, being In tfielr path, was run down and dragged for a distance, of about one hundred feet before the horses became free of the car. Mr, and Mrs. John Wlker, of this city, who happened along Just as the ac Cldent occurred, freed Mr. Fraxier jmd brought him to his h6me. lie is getting along as well as could be ex jpected and feels fortunate that the result was no more serious tuan it Jroved to be. High SchoolWotes "My eight years search for a medi cine or a treatment that would over come my troubles never met with any success ur .1 I commenced tak ing Tanlac, said Mrs. A. B. Cosse- boon, who lives at 425 Independence avenue, Kansas City, Mo., while talk ing with a Tanlac representative the other day. "My kidneys and stomach were both In very bad condition," she con tinued, and it Is hard to say which of these troubles caused me the most misery. The awful pains In my buck, and the terrible, raging headaches I had would almost drive me wild, and If 1 stooped over for anything ft was Impossible for me to straighten up with assistance. Then I would have severe pains on account of my food not digesting properly, and forming Into what seemed to be a lump In the pit of my stomach. I was also bother ed a great deal on account of my limbs getting numb, or going to sleep and would often have to rub them with alcohol before I could get any relief. Finally my nerves got In very had condition, and 1 wan not able to sleep very well, and I Just got so weak and run-down that it would ex haust me completely to do any part of my housework. I After reading so much about Tanlac In the Kansas City papers, 1 1 decided to make one more effort and give Tanlac a trial, and let me tell you, that was the wisest decision I ever made' in my life. It seems almost too good to be true, but I am now as well and happy as I ever was In my life. Why. the change In my con dition is so wonderful that every body who knows me Is talking about H, and I always take a perfect de light In telling them that Tanlac Is responsible for It all. My kidneys seem to be In perfect condition now, and I ah entirely free fromr those naina In my back, and I haven t had one of those raging headaches since I finished my An bottle of Tanlac, and I eat Just anything I want and my food digests perfectly. The numb ness and pains In my limbs have des nppeared and I am so completely rid nf nervousness that I Bleep use a child every night. My strength and energy have come back to me. and I can do all my houseworx wunoui the least trouble. In fact, Tanlac has' made me well strong woman again, and I Just want the world to know what a great medicine Tanlac is. ana I am glad 10 recommend it to everybody." Tanlac is sold in Tanlac Is sold In Alliance by F. E. lloltrten, In Hemlngford by llemlng- fcrd Merc. Co., and in uomana Dy Mallery Grocery Co. Last Friday night our debating team returned from Sidney the Joy ful winners of the district champion ship. Win. Coutant was chosen to re present the Northwestern District at Lincoln, where the contest for state fhamptcuship will be held. We are very proud of our debating team alnce they have mane the district championship banner ours, for the third succeeding year, and thereby, our permanent property. The boys and girls report a very plesant recep tion in Sidney, and came home feel ing fine. Miss Keith gave a very in teresting report of the trip, Monday morning, during assembly. Invitations are out for the Junior Senior banquet .o be held in the high school gym. Friday evening. May 9, However, since one membei of the Senior class cannot be present at that time it has been postponed until Sat. evening, May 10. A tennis club has beeuorgunized at the high school, of which Glen Joder was elected President, and Lois Wildy, secretary-treasurer. A com mittee of live, one from each class and one at large was appointed to draw up rules and regulations. The club has been named the A. II. S. Tennis Club. Although the making of the1 courts has been unavoidably delayed, it will not be long now un til they will be In good condition for playing. Crlitov nloht liiv ft Wuila nrnRH- nun will en In Cnl-ilmi where he will represent Alliance in the State Ora torical Contest. Our best wishes go with Wade, and we hope be will bring back more honors for the A. 11. ts.. Leon Alter has gone to the hospi tal to undergo an operation for ap pendicitis. We wish him good luck and a speedy recovery. flj Mr. Arbuckle, whose coffee goes around the world, once said two- thirds of his department heads and the best of his sales force came to him through classified advertising. QDon't waste time, Mr. Business Man, in a personal search for the TOO LATE TO' CLASSIFY A I.ADY WANTS, work on ranch. have one child. Fhone 966, or call t 523 Cheyenne ave. - i FOR 8ALK Home grown straw berry plants 12.00 per hundred. Fhone Ash 8Z1Z or iza momma or evening. J. A. Keegan. zi-ti-Mz wiVTRn S hrieht. capable Ladles in Truvel demonstrate and sell deal- x?r. on to S&o.OO ner weea. itau- road fare paid. Write at once, uooo- rtch Drug Co. Dept. 786 omana. iseor Zi-awiMa FOR SALE Four-cylinder Cadil lac roadster in excellent condition. i tvirmiln for the money. George A. Mollrlng, Alliance, Nebr. JZ-tr-7&u FOR RENT 24 0 acres Alfalfa, and farming land over half Irrigated, Near town, cash, on shares, wm. Kusel Chadron. Nebr. 2t LOST Dackaee' containing one Ladv'a hat and one Child s bat. Und er please leave at Herald office. 7974-tll, FOR SALE Ford truck In excellent condition Hargain If taken now. In quire at Alliance Community Club. 79S4-tt LOST Ladles' Red slipper. Finder plense return to Wilson Rooms. 79& tz FOR SALE Ivory chiffonier In good condition. Phone 334 23 lt-7983 LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN- Brlndle Bull bitch. Licensed. Re-, ward. If returned to 201 Box Butte 22-U-7978 1 ; -i FOR SALE A good building lot east front desirable location phone 340 Z3-Zt-7VHU pou SALE Short Horn Bulls by J. M. Beardsley Halsey Nebr. four (4) good yearling Shorthorn Red Bulls Z3-6t-773 WANTED Cattle to pasture Write C. March, Whitman, Nebr. 22-2M961 I Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with any form of dry eczema or pim ples, use the soothing, heal ing ointment. Dry Zensal, For the watery' eruptions, Moist Zensal la the only sura treat ment 75c. ft Jar. HARRY TIIIELE W. R.HARPE DepartHient Store For Men! 1 t 1919 Kinciud& Kimball. Ucr 1919 Kincaid & kmbaHUc CKised-Krotch MEN FROM THE FRONT WANT THE STYLISH CLOTHES WE SELL The "front" may have been in the trenches in France or in the routine duties of an American cantonment; the "front" may have been at the handles of a plow or in a store or 6hop ' or office. There were many fronts in this war; and many men "from the front."- They want stylish clothes; and we have that kind for them. STEIN-BLOCH BRANDEGEE-KINCAID make them for us; waist-seam models for young men; quieter sack styles for older men; clothes with all-wool quality with dignity and refinement. $35.00 Others at $40 tfp to 365. Your Style of $p t T A rr Is Here Biscriminatiog men, here are hats of superior quality. Styled right, all of them, and the latest shades and shapes to choose from. From the best and most prominent makers in the coun try, and priced at $2.50 to $7.50. Boys' Headwear 39c and 25c Boys"' Hats, values from 50c to $1, in two big lots, 39c, 25c Boys' Straw Hats, 1 '$1.50 to $3.00 Boys' Panama Hats $4.00 to $5.00 Men's Caps 75c Odd lots and sample lines of men's caps, including 'Blue Serges, $1 values ..75c Kenosha- Union Suits IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS TOO THIS STORE IS KEEPING AHEAD 6F" THE GROWING DEMANDS. A store extremely wide in its scope destined to meet the demands of men who buy merchandise of the high est character. You'll 6nd this is a great service stor6 COOPER'S UNION SUITS FOR MEN FOR SUMMER COMIORT In fit, in comfort and in service, Cooper 'g wear excells. Each suit rep resents the finest fabric procurable, and satisfaction is carefully woven n, too. For regular, stout, slim or short men. Finest cotton, lisle and mercerized yarn; long or short sleeves, ankle or 34 lengths. Priced $2 to $4. Sold in Alliance by Harper's Store only. ATHLETIC UNON SUITS, $1.40 Fine madras and nainsook athletic union suits, in plain and Jacquard weaves ; cut extra full ; perfect fitting and very special at this price, suit, $1.40. A Real Offering in MEN'S SHIRTS $1.00 Each Every shirt in this at considerably more madras and percales, shirts are regular $2 14 to .18 j an unusual make a good saving. lot made to sell money. Woven Many of these values; all sires, opportunity to Fine Madas Shirts nere are seme exceptional bargains, made of the best quality corded mad ras, fast colors, in patterns that are very new. Neat and bright patterns, in all sues. man you want