o THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD UMPIRE IN PLACE OF BULL Mnlean Editor U of Opinion That Baseball la Mora Spectacular Than Scientific. 7om Campoa la the editor of the Ex terior, a tlally papor of Mexico City. Worn In New York recently the Mexi can pent an afternoon nt a hnncball Cm. He thus rrronln lila Imprrxrion New York Hero Id. A targe, cntne of hn b.nl was cele brated this afternon In the Polo arena In the rlty of the I'.ronx, n Inrce ride bj train from New York city. As le the custom of the United Ktnten of North Amtrlcn, mony of the huxlneof feones closed for the afternoon, o em ployees might attend the upectacle. At lant 8,000,000 clrlllons, soldiers and many women and children were pres ent The pitcher for the New York city trotipe was Tery vnllnnt and (linnntng. Tb Imnehull clothing Is not as pretty M that worn hy the torendor, but the players enrry themselves well. The fame Is pluyed with the linnds. hut Is not like pelota In any renpect. The ol Ject Is to keep the hall off the ground, And the troupe which does no the long cat wins the game. la place of a bull baseball baa an Umpire, a man wbo does not play the game, but who Is authority of the fame. Unlike the Judge of the bull Agbt, be stands on the field. He la ftot goaded with pikes, banderillas and sally the sword, as la the bull, but la tfca recipient of abwe from both play wt and the multitude seated In the hW arena. Instead of "another bull," Hi crowds when displeased yell "Get book r The umpire la also called "robber" and a "bl fathead." ' The people at a baseball game con tinually are eating or chewing gum or rooking. But these occupations of the tout do not prevent a perpetual yell ing. It la difficult for one knowing lit V English to understand the things cried at the players or the umpire. Dut 2 assume from the manner of expres sion that words common to the lower classes are used. On a large board at the back of tbe field la enumerated the number of times that each troupe drops the ball Tbe troupe dropping the bull the few est times wins the game. Unlike the trail fight. It Is difficult to predict which will win. In that respect the American game of baseball Is typical of all things American It Is more spectacu lar than scientific. I think If I under tood EngllHh perfectly and hnd played baseball all my life nnd hnd not been born a Mexican I should like to see a baseball game every year on my birth day annlvT8ury. ' The Unknown Fila. A matronly woman went Into a Knn taa City employment aeenrv and in- ounced her Intention of taking up ome well-paying war work. Her chil dren had all entered some new field ren her "baby" of seventeen was do ing well In a downtown office. The woman answered all the pre liminary questions satisfactorily. Then tbe director asked, "Can you operate m typewriter!" The answer was "No," and the di rector proceeded to the next question. .Have you had any experience in nl lngr There was a moment of silence; then the woman burst out. "Land, no, child. I don't know a thing In the world about machinery." And Imagine the amazement of an other Knnsus City director who, on In flulrlng into this same filing ability, was met first wltk a hurt silence from the candldute, nnd then with a digni fied, "I have had no experience what ever In manicuring," Protects Soldiers' Faces. An Ingenious Improvement has re cently been made to the alreudy fa miliar shrapnel helmet In use "over there." It Is designed to protect the yes and the upper part of the face from splinters of wood, stone, sand and nu-tul thrown up by exploding hells. Tbe new device is merely an adapta tion of the chuln doors which have been Introduced Into metal, chemical and glass works In recent years to pro tect the workers from the heat of tbe furnaces and the spin "lies of molten material, according to Popular Science Monthly. It consists of a fringe of separate short lengths of fairly heavy Chain which effectively arrests the fly ing particles. On account of Its loose neoa It does not seriously interfere with the vision. fr " j How It Really Happened, Tbe cow was about to jump over tbe moon. "Yon might announce through the newepHpers that beef will eoon reach tbe highest mark In history," she uld as she shifted her cud, "Nix on that stuff. Bessie," remarked the cat, as he tuned up the E string on bis 'Addle and tightened his bow. "Just wait till the war comes along and some of these profiteers get on the job. i Why, your altitude record wont boldshucks." . Thereupon the little dog laughed to see such sport and the dish almost for got to run away with the spoon. . Acquainted With the Brand. "Are yon going to hear the famous foumerlst at the Chautauqua tonight r asked Eurt Blurt of Petunia. "He must be a dandy. Tbe bills say you'll laugh, youH screech, you'll roar, and that you must have your buttons sewed on with wire or you'll lose 'em." T don't spose Ifa worth while for me to go," replied old Riley Read dew. - "You see, I used to read Ilostet ters almanac a lot when I was a jroung feller." Kansas City Star. ..--..Liji" Thursday, May 8, 1919 TheW.CT. U. Next Sunday, Mother a Iay will be .tit-oi'Mteu m luttuy AtHraana . ..uMue oy a recognition ,ui toe huim uone oy toe women Ctiiuliau eiii limine L inon, ttiiu "ivioOiei" ol .iiu viiiu. in iiiHiiy piaces eume hei nt win be ucvoieu to um nature. Ala) Day, wliicii proved to bo a day of iMujb m lue Lulled Hiaiee, wu neeu I tie preparation 01 a iniguiK i oouiU in ieui ttiid lor I tie tones 01 iuu vii oho men ruuiu tiuve ueei, ii tamed oi by tnvt l. v. Vv. or ioi Biievnt;a. Jjefciiiiiini, bright aim euny ual tiOlllliiH . C 1. L. WOlKeil titfcau lueir peieon.il canvass 01 an women in jSturanKa lor new nieiii jtta. i-nscHi reiuiuu iiiaUaie itiai in! lueiubeiMiip lias been Uoubieu una many uisincta are yet to be u emu trom. saian knew be was de tented by &UUU women but now lie lias thrown up his bands in despair us no faces a host or 10,000. une n-ature of the Alay Uay drive hs the tuuciuoiis held in many towns lor the workers and new members. The ine luncheon t octal plan is new In W. C. T. U. activity, lietherto the women felt they could not give time or money to anything that savoreu purely to society. New the policy or the organization has changed some what. The main endeavor at present u to interest numbers lu the work of the white ribboners. Tbe fine work lug mechanlsam of this society and its firm establishment in all sections of the globe combined with numbers will place it foremost among Inter national forces. 1 -' ! With the close of the Victory Loan next Sunday, the W. C. T. IT. in Ne braska and other states will resuue Its drive for a million dollars. The women have set May 11 as the last of their efforts. "The Victory" program Is being put on in many towns over Nebrutka by tbe temperance women as p;trt of their Jubilee cam pi-kit. fa program is in tbe form of a play and deals with tbe past and prfionl brtte sit iu v 1 in Nebrasiii. If you are contemplating making a trip be sure and Join the W. C. T. U. so that you may wear "The Bow of White Ribbon," while yoi Hie among strangers as well as ft fi nds. Maybe you will make u trip thut you are not planning, so be on the safe side, join the W. C. T. U. now. It Is a badge of intro lurtlo'i ivi.er? ever you go. A lady tells us that this "For a long time I had wanted to join the W. C. T. U. so one day seeing one of the members she said, "I would like to Join the W. C. T. U." The member said "Ferhaps you may some day," So of course this lady wondere l what it required that she lacked n. become a member of the great W. C. T. U.. Now I am going to tell you a sec ret you simply sign a carj that looks like this. National Woman's Christian Temperance Union Pledge "I hereby solemnly promise, God Helping Me, to abstain from all Dis tilled, Fermented and Malt Liquors, including Wine, Beer and Cider, and 'to employ all proper mrana to dis courage the use of, and traffic in, the same, bring it to any W. C. T. U. nieetlim Pay $1.00 which Is dues for (ne year and subscription to the Union Wotker, and you will be re- I eelved and welcome as a member. If l you do not have a card, clip out the me coupon noov ana come at any tin e. IIKMIN;KO!tl 1TKMS The Methodist church was packed to the runnlnfc over stage Sunday nlnht when a patriotic program of un Uftial Interest was staged. The soldier boys each accompanied hy a llcmlnpford citizen at supper together at tbe Philtpps Hotel and Judging from the way all partook the supper was good and all did Jus tie. At 8o'elock the boys marched in with Capt. J. B. Miller of Alliance In charge. The program consisted of special patriotic chourls singing, Solo's duetts, trio's quartetts Inter spersed with speches from, prlvat Carter and Graham and Capt. J. B. Miller. Mrs. N. A. Hockey had charge of the demobilization of the church ser vice flag. Twelve stars were adorned Everyone Should Drink Hot Water the Morning Wash sway all the stomach, liver, and bowel poisons before breakfast To feel your best day In and day out. to feel clean Inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or aull your head, no constipa tion, bilious attacks, sick headache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom ach, you must bathe on tbe Inside like you LatBo outside. This Is vastly more Important, because the skin pores do not absorb Impurities Into the blood, while the bowel pores do, says a well known physician To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before break fast each day, h glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phos phate in It. This will cleanse, purify snd freshen the entire alimentary tract, before putting more food Into the stomach. Get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. It la Inexpensive and almost tasteless, except a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. Drink phospbated hot water every morning to rid your sys tem of these vile poisons and toxins; also to prevent their formation. To feel like young folks feel: likf you felt before your blood, nerves an muscles became saturated with aa a cumulation of body poisons, begin tr treatment and above all, keep It n As soap and hot water act on the sV cleansing, sweetening and purifying limestone phosphate and hot water ' fore rreakfast, act on the stoma liver, kidneys and bowels. -'Ol 2$ ln the scaled l tw Packases-but Icok 2s IJk for the name Vj IVREGLEY5- 7 because it Is your protection against 7 inferior Imitations. Just as the sealed package Is protcc- III tlon against lm- j I SEALED TIGHT Kept richt -- K Flavor with the silver bars. The service and talk by Mrs. Rockey was Impressive and appropriate and at the close Fay Murhead, Gladys Caha .and Vera Graham sang "Home Again." Capt. Miller closed the service whh a rousing good talk. It was all fine. Food In the Far North. BelndiN r stew and roast water fowl , hour meat or a walrus stew are among the dlshc offered In Labrador, Green land nnA Faroe islands. In time a tnste may be acquired (or these things li one is frozen In long enough to be of a grateful spirit. Coarse bread. Plenty ot codfish, cranberry Jam or a blueberry (dried) cake may help mas ters along. j FERUN A . and MANALIN Cured Me OZ Mrs. E. M. Harris, R. R. No. 3, Ashland, Wis., sends a message of cheer to the rick: "Aftr following- your nrtvlcs and uninr l'erima nnd Manalln, I rami of ratarrh mt the mnmr. throat and atomarh, from which 1 hnd sunrd for arvrral rrara. When 1 commenced taking Pe runa I could not make niy bed without utopplae; t rent. Now I Ctlarrh of the Note, Throat and Stomach. '..4 1 l J I. 1 - ! ' V- ; ' ) Q : do nil my work and am In (rood health. I rrrtmnifid thla vain able remedf 1a all KiifTerinu: from any dlseane of tbe stomach." Pern a a ta Sold Kverylier Liquid t Tahlet Korui TRY THE HERALD'S WANT COLUMN -------- f' POLAR mmm m a llllllfL ' a No Matter What Motor No matter what motor is under the hoodnor how fast or slow she's working nor how high engine temperature rises Polar ine Oil satisfactorily solves the lubrication problem of your car. The reasons are many. Here are just three. Polarine burns up clean, plugs power leaks, and runs free and even at r.ll times. Team Polarine Oil up with Red Crown Gasoline for utmost satisfaction. Just look for the sign when you need oil or gas. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska 5i REMEMBER THE 3IGN n n an n c isaisiiiaa A Good Day's Work Get tne most from your tractor in harvest time with Perfection Kerosene Oil. It provides clean depend able fuel for tractors and a!l kerosene-burning engines. Perfection Kerosene Oif fclves the tractor utmost power. Nothing in it to settle in vital engine parts, clog operation, and result in shutdowns for repairs cr replacements. Gives engine energy thet con tinues dl day without break or let up. rerfection Kerosene Oil vaporize readily burns clcen end with cniform power every gill oi it. Ita use will speed uphcrve-tiof and save rr.ccer. Perfection Hcrceene Oil is the same dependable product that bos been used ia your borne for years, lor cooking, lighting and heating purposes. Telephone our nearest ccct and ho wiU crrane lor immadiatc delivery of rerfection Kerosene Oil la any quantity. Tor gasoline burning machines use Red Crown Casoline. II " " t I ' I rerfection Hrceera Oil la ths imari.n.n.M. llW Bl - I I V IJl been used ia your home lor years, lor cooking, lighting and f V t il U I .,. I , I 'll couvary oi i enccuon kerosene JU la any quantity. Ill I 7 I ? gasoline burning machines use Red Crown Casoline. 9 I I VT STANDARD OIL COMPANY B 1 '11 i v. I irman aiiaianna 1 1 ,.