Thursday, May 15, 1919. TUB ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD m SOCIETY mmr.i' - - s ;ni Anft 1A( Social News, Church Notes and Lodge Doings xsS? I nOne 3tV of the Week as Told the Society Reporter SV?gS Druggist II. F. Thiele had busi ness In Crawford on Monday. O. T. Huyca. deputy etate food ln pector. made Alliance a visit on Tuesday. Mr. Huyrk was a former soldier and Grand Island man before being appointed to the position which he now holds. He will visit Alliance frequently on business trips. Frank Bald of Aurora, brother of F. A. Bald of Alliance visited the latter on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. He returned home Wed nesday noon. Bayard. Scottsbluff and Gerlng are all to hold celebrations this year on uly 3rd, 4th and 5th, according to re ports. Alliance will therefore have ttne competition on the 3rd and 4th. the dates set for the annual fes tival Of fun and frnllc Mnwe.. tki. ty, with Ks large purses and long fltring of prizes, and with attractions which will be new and novel, will draw the crowds and not fail to pro vide sufficient entertainment for the .thousands who will attend. ln.i las), week's Herald lb' tn. re(!f was made that the Wm. King Company had purchased the billiard and pool hall known as the Dew Drop Inn. This was the result of a typographical error, overlooks in r. r.' sr i u- to labor shortage, a d entirely accidental. The parlor was purchased by Messrs Rayle & Simp fon, wh- hiive thoroughly renovate! the place otd who open-.o for t ti Hess yesterday morning. The new fin w;!l no doubt enjoy a good patro;iat and may boast of very jnvitl k t'ace. Judge Chambers and wife of Sid ney were Sunday guests at the J. D. Emerick home in this city. Mrs. Emerick is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chambers. Harold B. Judd, of Hay Springs spent Monday night in Alliance. Mr. Judd is associated with Herman Peters in the real estate and insur ance business at Hay Springs and re ported a splendid business. A fellow giving 'his name as Joe' Clark and his home iis Antioch was ! taken in custody by the officers Mon day morning after having appeared, at the Alliance itcruiiint; office in a. demented state. Clark imagined secret spivice mon wre on the look out for him. He is being held in the ; county Jail pending th completion of arrangements for his being cared for at the state hospiatl. ! Corp. Percy A., Speicher, will ar-1 rive in Alliance tomorrow morning i and ns'sK Pfigean tAUred T. Ked- iiion at the local recruiting office. Beryle K. Fogle of Hay Springs, Nebraska, formerly of Battery F. 127 Field Artillery and who spoilt fix months on active duty in France reculistod Tuesday at the -local re cruitlng office for duty in the Coast Artillery at the Presidio, San Fran cisco, Calif. Married at the Christian Parson age by the minister Stephen J. Epler on Friday at 7 P. M. May 9th Mai- j colm ohnson and Christinia Johnson. Mr. Johnson is a fireman for the Bur lington. After a short visit with trlends In the east they will reside in Alliance. ' Albert Schopp and Sarah Camp bell were married on Saturday even ing at the home of Mr. Calvin by the Christian Minister Stephen J. Epler. Mr. Schopp is employed by the Forist Lumber Co. Elgh -tor ten of the Endeavorers from the Christian church will at tend the district convention at Scotts bluff, May 23-25. Mrs. II. Johnson who has been visiting her husband at Gurnsey re turned to Alliance Wednesday morn ing. Regular teachers examination will be held at the Court House May 23 and 24. Reading Circle examinations will be held Saturday May 24th. Opal Russell, Co. Supt. Z4-lt-7989 A miscellaneous shower was given for Miss Jeffie Evert last evening at the home of Mm. C'.-.ry, 515 Cney enne. A good number of the friends of Miss Evert wer-j present and a Tery enjoyable evening spent. She was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents. Sergeant Harry Crable, who be fore his discharge was the youngest Sargeant Major in the U. S. army, passed thru Alliance Monday on his way to his home In Broken Bow. The Alliance Fire department was called to the home of Elmer Law rence In the west end Monday after noon to extinguish a blaze that prob ably originated frdm a defective due. The members cf the f,i ily were not at home when the fire occurred and when the firemen arrived upon the acene the blaze had gained sufficient headway as to make It impossible for the same to be conquered by the use of chemicals. The loss sustained will be about $250 and of this amount a goodly portion was caused by reason of the water having to be used. The fire department deserves great credit for the splendid run made and effec tive work done. Had there been a delay of any kind the loss would have been much greater indeed. Joe Williams and Blaine Beckwlth returned Wednesday from Denver. Uri. Herman Frlcke of Casper Is visiting relatives here. The Alliance Flower Shop, Edwa'd Tatro. proprietor. Is being moved In to the Reddish building recently oc cupied by the Earl Mallery Grocery Company with the Hoffland stock of merchandise, this week. The change Is necessary because of the remodel ing of the Imperial theatre building In whtch Mr. Tatro h is been located. John W. Thomas, of Lincoln. Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Thomas in Alliance this week and transacting some business matters. Mr. Thomas, who has Just recently retired from the position of Deputy Land Com mlssloner says there Is a decided trend toward western Ne braska land on the part of investors of the east end and that Box Butte county comes in for a full share of the favorable recognition. Mrs. S. A. Van Landingham left for Lincoln Thursday for a several weeks visit with relatlvese. C. Talbot and wife of Prlngle, South Dakota are visiting the David son family in South Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Johnson left for Sidney Monday to meet their son Ralph who has just returned from France. Ralph will go from Sidney to Cheyenne where he will be mus tered out. Dr. Joseph Jeffrey, formerly of Al liance and who is now making his home at Casper, where he has a large chjropractlce, is In the city for a few days, attending the Elks Fair and visiting friends. Dr. Jeffrey is open ing up branch offices at Thermopolis and Denver. several days visiting in the eastern, part of the state. Chas. Grassman has recently pur chased the Hargarten property on Box Butte avenue and haB moved his family there. Maurice Nelson has received hiB discharge from the army and return ed to his home In this city. The Nebraska Siate League of j Building & Loan Associations Willi hold its annual meeting in Omaha, j May il ana Zl, wini note, r ontenene as headquarters. W. R. Adair of the Omaha Loan & Building Association is president cf th organization, and J. J. Fitzgerald, ulso of Omaha, is the Sec'y-Treas. The best line of fancy work and in the city is to be found at Mrs. Simmons' store. All kinds and styles and at juices that will save you money. Uncle Sam Is a good creditor. He pays fully and pays well. Lend him your money and see. Buy a Victory bond. I)ST Gold wrist watch, Elgin movement. I,ost bewteen tennis court and 1004 Cheyenne avenue. Finder please return to Miss Mabel Clayton and receive liberal reward. Mrs. Simmons has the nicest line of kimonas in the city and they are priced very reasonable. She also carries a complete line of fancy work of the best quality and can save you money on what you buy. "The Challenge of the Centenary". a lecture Illustrated by 60 beautl- ruuy colored lantern slides, will be given at the Fairview Methodist Church on Saturday night at 8 P. M. Everyone cordially invited. Free will offering taken during the service. On Sunday School at 10 A. M. and the morning service at 11 A. M. The Young Peoples' meeting at 8 P. M. Preaching at the Davis School House Sunday at 2 P. M. "The Challenge of the Centenary" lecture will be given at the Allison School near Marple, Sunday Evening at 8 P. M. You are invited to these serv ices. Mrs. Emma Swearenzen from Red Oak, Iowa is visiting her sister who has recently undergone an operation at the St. Joseph hospital. Miss Marl eBeuchenstein wtll en tertain at a shower this evening in honor of Miss Agnes Knelst. Mrs. Dole Is spending the week In Lincoln. "Germany's place In the peace con ference? Ha sshe any place?" Sen ator Lodge wanted to know. "Is she not as out of tune with the scheme of things as Miss Matchmaker? Mrs. Matchmaker was greeting Mr. Bach and as she reached for his coat, Miss Matchmaker, In the next room, could be heard howling a song to her own accompaniment. 'Ah,' exclaimed Mrs. Matchmaker, 'my daughter is boark lng into song.' 'You are right madam,' growled'Mr. Bach, 'You can tell, that she's breaking In, for ob viously she hasn't been able to find the key.' " . THE A. II. CHASE IMAM) BOTH Upright and Grand, the A. B. Chase piano Is a work of art ,a mas terpiece well worth your time to in vestigate. Before you buy your piano let me send you an A. B. Chaso cata logue. Sold on conventional terms. H. W. BERKOWITZ, Alliance Hotel. District Manager, The Knight Campbell Music Co., Denver, Colo. ritlWIiYTIWI.lK 4 III IU II Services for Sunday May 18. The Sunday School meets at 10 a. in. Morning Worship, 11 o'clock. "Ne glected Ileal Eetate." Evening Serv ice, 8:00 p. m. "Invisible Strength." Preaching both morning and evening by the Pastor. Special music by the chair. Christian Endeavor, 7:00. "Life, the School of God and Its Lesson." Welcome you to these services. A. J. Kearna. Pastor. MKTIIOIUMT IU It( II. Sunday hool at 10 A. M. There is a class and a welcome for all who will study the Bible with us. At the morning hour the pastor will speak using for his subject, "The Kingdom Work." Epworth League, at 7 P. M. At 8 P. M. the pastor will again speak taking for his sermon subject, "Darkness Behind the Stars." We have a warm fellowship, excellent music and an Inspiring sermon. We extend a cordial welcome to the gen eral public Hi worship with us. mi'ltCH OK CHRIST Sermon subjects for next Sunday are: "Redlgglng the Wells" and "The , Church Triuhphant." The Bible School at Ten o'clock Is Interesting. 1 This Is a live church and a live school. Endeavor prayer meetings at seven P. M. The Endeavorers , will present the humrous musical en mlsslon. The rest of characters are: tertalnment, "The New Minister", at the church on nett Monday evening at 8 o'clock.. Popular p -Icea for ad Rev. Homer Alexander Brown, The New Minister; Professor Topnote, Leader of the Choir; Crescendo B. Flattt: Hezekiah F. Rh.rn- Ttnrtnr HooBick, Music Committee; Ralphy uunter, Baritone; Seta Perkins, A ioket Daisv "Lnvelnv. Th nw whnnl teacher; Odelia Hanbin, Organizer of toe uid Maids Club; Petunia Pim ples. The Milliner :llnrl Alex. Th old Sexton; Augusta Wind, Every body's friend; Mrs. DeLancey, Prcel- ueni oi tne LAaies Aid. Come to the church with a message and a wel come. Dolls Of All Nations A Special Page of Doll Cut-Outs in 0 olors FREE SUNDAY STATE JOURNAL For the entertainment of the little folks The Sunday State Journal will present a series of beau tiful doll cut-outs Dolls of All Nations, A new porupe will be given each Sunday until the series is completed. There will be dolls of Italy, doll of France", dolls of Switzerland, dolls of Cuba, Spain,, Great Britain, America dolls of all nations. All will be in national costume in eolorv-rcady to cut out. Be Sure to Get the Dolls and the New 8 Page Comic Section SUNDAY STATE JOURNAL NOTH.'K. Friday evening, May 16th. is elec tion of officers and work In three de gress of the Encampment. Full at tendance Is desired. Banquet served by the Rebekahs. F. W. Hicks, C. P., J. R. Snyder, Scribe. APPOLI.O PLAY Kit IF you are Interested In a Tlayer Piano It will pay you to Investigate the Apollo. Why not exchange your piano for one. Let me send you an i Apollo catalogue. It. W. BEUKO-I WITZ. District Manaeer. th eKnicht Campbell Music Co.,' Denver, Colo. j M 1 TL. r r v r.j 7 btubsiotios BEAUTIFUL and ARTISTIC GRANITE MONUMENTS bring memories of loved ones gone before. THOSE IN YOUR COMMUNITY which attract your at tention by their beauty and artistic appearand are usually built and engraved by that well known firm, the Paine-Fishburn Granite Co. Grand Island, Nebraska They ship the monument for yon and erect it, all expens es being included in the purchase price. Corre spondence solicited The many Alliance friends of Mr. ; and Mrs. Win. Ostenburg of Scotta blufT will be glad to learn of the ar rival of a fine baby boy, named Wil liam Harrison, to them this morning. The mother and child arc at. Omaha and getting along nicely. Flour' Feed Coal Farm Implements FARMERS' UNION CO-OPERATIVE ASS'N An Unusual Recital by Artists of National Reputation A WCH OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED TO HEAR ARTISTS Ol1 HIGH STANDING ON THE CONCERT PLATFORM MR. GLEN ELLISON AND MISS PAULINE LAWRENCE, BOTH OF WHOM WILL APPEAR IN RECITAL AT M. E. CHURCH May 29th 8:15 P. M. THE PROGRAM IS OF UNUSUAL MERIT INCLUDING SELECTIONS WHICH WILL APPEAL TO A WIDE RANGE OF TASTES. ' " Glen Ellison Pauline Lawrence is a baritone whose won derful voice has created a distinct sensation in the nation's musical centers. is a pianist of exceptional note and has evoked the praise of the most cap tious metropolitan critics. The artists will be assisted by "The Phonograph with a Soul" Cards of admission may be secured without charge upon application to George D. Darling 115-117 WEST TimtD STREET