Thursday, April 17, 1919 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRXsATiiLRATir J SOCIKTVffl ll Man IIHm. Ka Happy Hollow Sattmiit) night. Mrs. G. Clark of Gordon fame over Wednesday and spent the day with her daughter, Miss Hazel Mc- Collister one of the Alylance school , teachers. Mrs. J. O. Walker returned Wed nesday morning from the eastern part of the state where she has been visiting her parents and friends, for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kenner of Gir ard, were Alliance visitors Wednesday. j Miss Itertha Sandburn left today J Tor Dannesborg this state to attend the funeral of her mother, who pas sed away on Wednesday. Miss Sand burn Is the stenographer in the office of J. D. Emeiick. Among some of the Crawford visi tors to te Aerial meet Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawerence, Mr. and Mrs. J. Secrist, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Porter, and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Masters and family, John J. Adam Joe Morrison, Mrs. W. B. Merrison Mrs. Chas. Triplet!, Mrs. Grant Spear man,, Dearnard Eastman, Robert Holding, Minerva Cartwright, Percy Cartwright, Mable Knapp, Esther McDowell, Arlene Morrison, Nellie and Emma Llndeman. Fred Abar of Brookfleld, Missouri, arrived Monday and made a short visit to his son, P. S. A bar of this city. He returned to Brookfleld this afternoon. Mr. Abar has been in the employ of the Burlington railroad at Brookfleld for forty years. His son P. S. Abar, has been with the Burling ton at Alliance for the past three years. MR. FAMILY WAN: Whv Spend So Much Money on Shoes? llnf is what Trecy Munson c' .Ir'in. VisToi'ri. says of Nc!. S lo-i " l'ili:'ntj frtn my own t: lwv. ihoy wear lour times lonf lucll r-t'-w w L'r, !:! h.-Vf? t.'V: a 'tll ttnr.ul io vai.t.'-; j'i btti1 w&U'Tyro laid sli.. puiot.' Why coi.tiiiUw ! v.v.3r exttavm:' t .d L'jIuoiicJ sjIs.s ftii'j.i yM can -. tlica- moiiey-sr.. ing. Icn;wtarinrf w.'.c ; (n new shoos in a:iy styi; yuu like ftr any member of t he (am:!y? C k '. shoe stores everywhere enrry them. And don't throw away your c'! fhof-s. Have thorn rvhottomed viih Neoiin Sols tinci enjoy the comtrt of a re-soled sh' which is not stin or clumsy. Neolin Soles are a dis covery of Science, and are made by The (Joodyear Tire & Rubber Co Akron, Ohio, uh aiso mae Win?fi' llU n'rrrjritml to outwear si: vthi"- !i.c!s , 1 ieaVm Soles jtmM nut v . a. on. Congressman Klnkaid akas us to announce that he has been unable o distribute garden seeds this spring throughout his district generally be cause of the extremely small quota nccorded each Congressman this yeur for the reiison. as the Department ex plained, of the great advances In the prices of seeds. The result has been that he has not Wen able to supply as 'much as one-half of the Sixth District by the additions he has been making to his quota. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Itussell of co autoned to Alliance on Tuesday to visit the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hussell, returning Thurs day morning. Mrs. P. D. Gleason was taken to the St. Joseph hospital Monday morn lng for an operation. Mrs. Gleason is reported doing finely today. Proved safe by millions MiW Dr. and Mrs. Kay Wilham of Sid-I .... mm ftll:....... .... 1 1 I I nesday. The Thomas -Bald Investment Co sold on Saturday or last week a 1,200-arre ranch Icated six miles south of Antloch for Jesse W. Wilson of that city. This little ranch Is well located and was purchased by a west ern Nebraska investor who will pro-) hably run cuttle on It during thei coming summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobzleg of Ells worth, came up to Alliance Tuesday and Wednesday visiting friends and relatives. I The Herald Job Department will supply your J;b printing wants at a very moderate cost. I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wei ton and ! daughter, Jeffle, of Mulen. visited Al i llance on Wednesday. While In the city they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I 11. Hluhland. Mr. Welton Is editor of the Mullen Hooker County Tribune, one of the live newspapers of the sandhitls. Fully seventy five Mullen people visited Alliance on Wednesday, most of them staying over until the midnight train, in or- ' nieiits. Schwabe Brothers, the Chantiler-! Hupinohlle aiteucy, on WpdnesMy Bold a flue seveu-paHsenicer Chandler hlx to F. A. flown of (tin ley, Nebras-i ka. Mr. Row n came to Alliance with' his family fr the Aerial amis nnd while visitiiiK the Scliwalir garae became Interested In the Chandler. Before leavinrg town he wrote out a check In payment for the car. It Is being delivered this afternoon by Mr. Louis Schwabe nnd Mr. Miller, re presents!! of the Chandler car, who is In the city on business. j i Phyllis Hush left Sunday noon for Sedalia Mo. where she will make her home In the future. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nieolal of Den ver, Colo spent Saturday and Sun day In Alliance n their way home from Omaha. Nehr. Marguerite Carey has resigned her position at the Community Club. Miss Chloe Kichards has taken her place. Miss Nellie Wright and Grnce Spacht spent Saturday and Sunday in Grand Island they returned Sunday night. t John Herman arrived home from France Thursday morning. Miss Katherlne 7.urgle returned from Iowa Wednesday after visiting several weeks at home. If J on contemplate tijlnff n em engine nti should ftoe the Cuoliin.tii Light Weight before placing your or der. It U built to fill the farmer's what It will do for you and to indt you In select lng the one best fitted to the work yon have. Tliev are very reasonably pHcod. Ttie Dierk Lumber Company. 7865lf (hie of the linn tnnt feature of gns engine Is the i .! of upkeep and lMraiion. The t tislitnaii Ufht Weight will handle any work that mi) other engine of It site will han dle and Hie cost will be very loW. Among the several oUes you are sur0 to lie able to select one suited for th Job you have. They are compart, yet powerful! Improved to the last word of gnu engine perfection, yet priced ery reasonable. Hoe them on I win y. 786 Stf The First Bottle of B'm ... MZf Relief r so Writes Mr. M. VaiBirr. Rnrtnaor, O. R.tHr , U HlKhianil BUOrand Rapids. Mich. PERUNA Entirely Free from Catarrh of the Stomach "reruns baa positively dnn for ma what tummy aclor fniird f 4o. I bren time and again compellori to tsk to my bed for days. The first bottU of l'rruna Save rellof and while I always ep It In the house for emrrr enclea, I roaalder mraelf eatlrelr trra fram eatarrh ml the atoaiark, tha trouble from which I auf fered for no lonar befura taking thla remedy." lAanl mr Tablet Para sold Kverywaer Aak Tear ltoaler ' Pain Back of Head Frontal Headaches Neuralgia; face-neclc Torment In Teeth Toothache, Earache Colds and Grippe Out of Pain to Comfort "Bayer Crow" on genuine Tablets. ASPIRIN Buy only "Bayee" package. Aspirin i'tlie trde mark of Bayr Min-fao ture of Monoaccticecideeter of Salicyliccid Adults Take one or two talileta anytime, with water. If necessary, repeat doso throo times a day, after meals. Ask for and Insist Upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." American Owned, Entirely. 20-cent package Larger aizca also. IMPERIAL THEATR -LL Twice Daily at 2:15 and 8:15 Popular Prices 17 Friday and Saturday May 2 and 3 D. W. GRIFFITH'S Hearts of the World WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST 99 xjl A Flavor for fj every taste - All sealed alr-tinhf and BHI OF ILL . sealed air-tight and impurity-proof; in the wax wrapped, safety packages. Be sure to get because It is supreme In quality. ss ITAe Flavor ILasfs m - V rrf iv,-" 4 1 JN '"S tjiemanyjr scones of hi (fa & " , 4 A superb masterpiece, D.W.Griffith had UJ1 " the official aid andco-operation of the rv '-"i i British anul Tench war" offices. Mr.Grif- M (Sin f J fjth, by direction o the Brjtjjh (W Ij3. V? 'J J Kovcrnmcnt, wasecuncd close to rhe f rfe-2 fc P astM jfsssmj-- firin line in France, 'viMted front im55 l W" J l v9 "n ll,s c-r-Ln-R w ET fx " a 'T wuif iCKivfe5 ?u IA V-J-i ) I -i bombardment, and yured i''rui,? V $fmi?V& AilrV7M 4 dcrful effcarhnd KcrTeTpf "thafTO f'J WW I" ' ' X' 4 which would-have been inrpowiep? C WWZtet' ss : (or the ajd and co-operation"of the gov-1 Q miiS&TT'SSK '"' i?T?r crnments of Great Britain and of France. )i inspectimgaj ir-rKfjr ymmr&& i w rhTTi a They Bring Their Own Orchestra All battle scences are official scenes taken during the battles in France with the greatest love story ever told in pictures. Matinee: 25c, 50c and 75c and war tax Night: 50c $1 and $1:50 ..1