THOMAS CILSNIIANNON F0UGNTJ00D FICIIT llrtl (res Xiire Sm Allium p Hoy Wit Heave Until the I '.fill ( IIIIIO The following If tier was received ty Tho. K. GliFhanjiiin IhkI wee k from one of the Red Cross nurses of the A. II. F., who cared for Mr. Glls haunun's son. Thorns A., during hi Inst illness while in the service of his country: February 1, 1919 Mr. Thomas K. Gllsliauntiun, Alliance, Nebraska. My Dear Mr. (illshxunun: You have, of rou'se, been notified of the death of your son, Thomas A. (Ilphaunun of Company II, 138lh Infantry, but I want to write you a few lines because I am at the hospi tal w here lie was brought, anl where he died at 8:10 p . m. January 22nd of bronchial pneumonia, right scapu lar. lie was quite seriously III from the beglnnnlng, but everything ponHible was done for him in the hope that he might take a turn for the better. He made a good fight for his life, and was very appreciative of everything that was done for him. The doctors and nurses in charge, who are among the best to be found anywhere, did everything possible for him. He was given a military funeral the afternoon of January 23rd. Ills srrave Is Number Slity in the French Military Cemetery here In Commercy This cemetery has in it the graves of nearly three thousand French men, si of whom died either from wounds cor sickness fli the French hospital here during the war, so you ran have some Idea of the work done in this little village alone. I Ills casket, wrapped In an Ameri ca n Ilea, was reverently lowetecl by Ms comrades o Its renting place, an 1 aTter the service beside the grave , one of the boys blew his hist taps bid- ' illiiK Mil IM'ilceful Sleep. There is something most appealing in the. notes of the bugle as they echo taps! ot rthe hills, and It always brines to , me limit keenly thoughts or the peo ple at home who would give so much to have my place at I hi? side of the grave. Ills grave is inaiked by a cross bearing his name an l military rank, to which Is also affixed one of his met ul miss. T o'her is always left, n run nil ihe n c ! A v-v careful re cord Is kept of all graves, so they limy be located at any time. I want to assure you ai'nin all pos sible was done for your boy while be was here in the hospital. The doctors ! and nurses ore most conscientious, and take the deepest Interest In the boys. They all feel responsible to the folks at home, and are most careful and attentive In each individual case. He died for his country as surely an If he had fallen on the field of bat tle, and you may wel be proud of thfa hero boy of yours. His country will always honor him, and will love and honor you good people for the sacri fice you have made. The hosphal Is known as Base 91. nnd is located in Commercy. Meuse. France. I am going lo enclose a pos tal card view to give you some Idea of the buildings and grounds. There are seven large buildings similar to those shown. From myself and the hospital force who knew and loved your boy, accept deepest sympathy nnd regret. Most sincerely, Mabel K. Mossman Home Communication Section. The American Red Cross. better gtade of merchandise at the best possible wholesale figures. He reports the scarcity of the better grades of goods due to shortage of materials. "What seems ordinary today per haps waa undreamed of a few cen turies aso, and the extraordinary things of today will be the common things of tomorrow," said President Kliot of Harvard recently. "Already t can picture little Tommy waking up In the nlaht and crying .'Mother. I hear something on the roof,' and hearing mother answer: 'Go to sleep, near; its only your father taking off his shoes to sneak thru the skylight. He's Just come h me from the clab In his airship.'" The Victory Llbertv Loan must I not fail do your bit. Marcus Fiankle of the Famous Clothing House returned Sunday from Chicago, where he purchased a i.plendid line of new goods for the trade here. Mr. Frankle Is a member , of the National Clothelrs Association and Is by reason of such membership I guaranteed against marked market fl dotation and in position to get the I'lANO FOR SALE We have stored at Alliance a high j grnfle piano, which. If taken at once,1 will be sold at a tremendous sacrl-: flee. Terms to responsible party. If Interested write at once for partic ulars to THE DENVER'mUSIC COMPANY, Denver, Colo. 13tf7772 NOTICE All accounts due Snoddy & Mollring are payable to Snoddy & Graham, at the same address Snoddy & Graham MASONIC AND ELK JEWELRY It la a creditable achieve ment to have become a Mason or an Elk. And the man who does so may take Just pride la wearing "in Jewelry the em blems he Is entitled to. That's a good thing to do from the standpoint of the lodge and good citizenship. The display of Knight Temp lar, 32nd Degree, and Shrine Jewelry, is large and varied. In rings we show both the enamel and stone encrusted styles. We are experts in manufact uring Elk teeth and some unique designs. Pins $1.00 to $50.00 Charms $2.00 to $25.00 Pendants ....$5.00 to $25.00 Thiele's Jewelry, Watches, Drugs Pathe Phonographs Watch Inspectors for C. B. & Q. . TELEPHONE RATES MUST BE HIGHER INCREASED OPERATING EXPENSES REQUIRES MORE HONEY Telephone expenses have gone up rapidly the last few years. Telephone rates have not advanced in proportion to the cost or furnishing the service. . The cost of furnishing telephone service has advanced because of the increase cost of material to the telephone company and the increase living expenses of employees. Everyone realizes the necessity of paying more for rent, for food, for clothing, for wages and for transportation The telephone industry has been affected by the same conditions which have produced higher prices in all the necessities of life. If this Company is to continue to furnish dependable tele phone service to the public it must obtain such rates as will produce a revenue sufficient to cover the cost of providing the service. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY "Reduced G foeery for MA Y and JUNE Our customers are protected at all times against advancesg and given the benefit of declines. There are no advances for May and June over prices quoted in our March-April Grocery Book. There are, however many reductions, a few of which are given below. Write for the big May-June Cut Price Sheet which will make your March-April Grocery Book up to date. If you have not received the Grocery Book, write for both. " FRUITS FOR PIES Packed in No. 10 caua coutei.ta 1 gallou Apples, worth 60c, our reduced price per (1 galon) can 47c Peaches. Worth 95c. our reduced price per (1 gallon) can 75c Apricots, worth 9Cc, our reduced , price per ( gallon) can 75c Plums worth 75c, our reduced price per ( gallon) can 55c rineapples, worth $1.00, our re duced price per can 75c Blackberries worth $1.50, our re duced price per (1 gallon) can l.St Loganberries, worth $1.60, our re duced price per (1 gallon) can $1.21 VKVETAHLES Sugar Corn, Fancy Quality No. 2 Cans: worth $2.00. Our re duced price per dox $1.55 Extra Fancy Corn; special offer No. 2 cans, worth $2.50, our reduced price per doz. .. . ?. . . 1.85 Lye Hominy No. 3 cans contents 32 ounces, worth 15c, our re duced price, per can. Cut Green Stringleaa lieens, No. 2 cans, worth 25c, our reduced price per can 17 PORK AND BEANS Special Uargalit No. 2 cans, contents 20 ounces Worth $1.85, our reduced price per dozen $1.80 Red Beans No. l',i cans content 17 ounces. Worth 10c, our re duced price per can 07 Peas Sweet Wrinkle Wisconsin, No. 2 cans, worth 18c. Our re duced price per can 15 Peas Selected Early June, No. 2 Cans, worth 221. Our reduced price per can 18 Peaa Fancy Sifted Early June Peas. No. 2 cans, worth 30c, Our reduced price per can 22 Tomatoes No. 2 Cans, contents 20 ounces, worth 18c. Our reduced price per can 14 Cut Beets, Fancy Quality, No. i cans, worth 30c. Our reduced price per can 22 Whole Beets, Fancy Quality, No. 3 Cans, worth . 30c. Our reduced price per can . '. , 22 MIXED VEGETABLES A mixture of beans, corn,' peas, to matoes, cabbage, parsley, thyme and leeks for soups, stews, etc. Will make the finest vegetable soup you ever tasted. No. 2 cans, contents about 21 oz. (18755:1 3 cans $0.41 G37550 6 cans .80 FRUITS, CANNED Fancy Grade? For Tpble l'ne. , No. 2 Va cans contents about 30 oz. California Peaches, extra fancy yellow cling halves, worth 48c our reduced price per can 89c California Apricots standard quality wort 39c. Our reduced price per can 29c California Apricots, extra fancy quality, worth 48c. Our reduced price per can ...,89c California Plums, fancy yellow egg, worth 38c, Our reduced price per ran 29c APPLE HUTTER Our pure Apple Butter is equal to the home-made product. Only Choice Apples and Pure Granulated Sugar with the Best Boiled Cider Is used. No spices are added. It is a delicious heavy butter. Put up In 8 ounce glasses, 24 ounce glass jars, 2 pound and 7 pounds 12 ounce tins and 30 pound palls. , Price 8 Ounce GlasHes. (1455:) 3 (8 oz.) glasses Apple Prices 2t Onuce GUhs Jam. (il 457 1 (24 oz.) glass Jar Apple Butter $0.82 Price 2 Pound Tins. G1458 1 (2 lb.) tin Apple . .Prices 7 Pounds 12 Ounce Tins. (1459 1 (7 lb. 12 oz.) tin Apple Butter $1.15 lrlce 80 Pound Pails.NNN 1G1460 1 (30 lb.) pail Apple Butter RAKING POWDER. Ryco Brand Phosphate Baking Powder. Same quality which sell for 40c. Our reduced price per 1 lb. can 29c Offer Corn and ever popular COCO RYCO IJRAND 88c lb. Ryce Brand. Coco. The finest the market affords. A delicious foor beverage. Worth 40c. Our re duced price 1 lb. can 38 CKANUT. SHREDDED. Ryco Brand Shredded Cocoa nut, pure wholesome and delicious. Worth 4 0c, ouf reduced price per lb 31c sugar Pure Cane Granulated Sugar Per pound, 10c; 100-lb. sack. . . .$9.8r BREAKFAST Foods You Will Enjoy CORN AM) WHEAT FLAKES 99c For 12 Pkga. Special (Vinibiiiatlon Fresh, Crisp. Delicious Wheat Flakes. The breakfast foods. 4U Speclul 6 packages Corn Flakes and 6 packages Wheat Flakes and packages Flakes $o. HOIXED HAKLKY Rolled Barley is a wholesome food relished by most everyone. It Is made from pearl-white barley, rolled. It Is used by people with weak stomachs and Invalids and also by the heartiest eaters. Prepared the' same as rolled oats. j:ilO 1 ( 5 lb.) pkg $0.37 U4311 1 (10 lb.) pkg 73 (JI312 1 (25 lb.) pkg 1.80 HOLLER WHKAT In making Rolled Wheat the Whole of the best Pacific Coast White Wheat, except the outer woody fibre is used. The wheat Is steamed and rolled Into light, delicate flakes after a thorough cleaning. Similar to rolled oats. (i!315 l ( 5 lb.) pkg $0.41 G431A 1 (10 lb.) pkg HO (J4317 1 (25 1b.) pkg 1.98 IIOLLKD RYE Rolled Rye is a nourishing breakfast cereal rye. Similar in appearance to rolled wheat. (U320 1 ( 5 lb.) pkg.." $0.36 (21321 I 10 lb.) pkg. . . G4321 t (23 lb pkg .71 (J85403 3 (1 lb.) pkgs $0.88 .1.7 (J35I06 6 (1 lb.) pkgs 1.73 SMALL CALIFORNIA WHITE BEANS 5 Pounds 49c These Beans are a big bargain. They are small California White Beans, ehofce selected and give satisfaction. (J3800 5 lbs $ot9 tW01 25 lbs 2.35 83c per Pound BLACK STRAP MOLLASSKS For stock feed purposes it is unsur passed. 5 gallon cans, price each $3.05 CHILE CAN CARXE Prepared from the iVmost select cuts of Ien beef, Mexican Chile beans and peppers, and with rich buttered gravy. Serve hot. No. 1 size cans, contents 11 oz. G27I0 1 (112 oz.) can $0.10 G27100 6 (11H oz.) cans.... 0.90 Canned Salmon The Substantial Food REI ALASKA KAI.MOX Fancy pack-finest Red Alaska Salmon at extra low prices. No. 1 tall cans contents 15,6 oz. 4G34543 3 cans $0.59 4G3I547 12cans 2.33 4IG8I5418 48 cans (case 0.80 SARDINES in Mustard and Oil SARDJXES IX OIL These are choicest of American Sar- COFFEE dines, Fancy No. 34 oz. (34003 3 cans G3J00? 12 cans V cans, contents $0.27 1.05 SAIIDIXKS IX MUSTARD. Fancy grade Domestic Sardines, packed in mustard sauce. No. 4 cans, contents about 10 ounces. 4G31053 3 cans $0.53 4G3I057 12 cans 2.06 41G3I0548 48 cans (case).... 8.15 MAINE (X)AST CODFISH. Fancy grade, absolutely boneless. Can be prejared many delicious ways, making a most appetizing and whole some food. Ryans Maragojipe (Giant Guate mala) coffee. A variety of extra large Guatemala coffee producing i a heavy, rich, fragrant cup. Re duced price 'per pound 33c For our full line Cof fees see catalog. CATSUP, CHILE SAUCE, MUSTARD, SALAD DRF.SSIXG, VIXEGARS AXD CONDIMENTS OF ALL KIXDS. For a full line and low prices see our Grocery Book. Free on request. CORN SYRUP 5 galln cans, price each $4.75 WHITE SYRUP 5 gallon cans, price each $5.89 liOUISIAXA MOLLASKS A. J. M. Brand for cooking and baking purposes. 5 gallon cans, price each $4.69 FRUITS, DRIED PEACHES. Rig Skx lal Offer. Extra choice California dried Peach es, worth 25c. Reduction price per lb i9c APRICOTS. Extra choice California dried Apri cots, worth 30c. Our reduced price per lb 23c RAISINS. Fancy Seeded Raisins in 15 oz. packages, worth 20c, our reduced price per pkg lee Note Above quotations on Dried Fruits are positively genuine bargains. The prices are less than to-days whole sale cost. RYAN CO., Dept. -2, Omaha, Nebr. . Gentlemen : Please send me free cut price sheet and grocery book . State Name RYAN COMPANY, 11th and Harney Sts.,Dept. 12, Omaha, Neb P. O. St. or R. F. D.