THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD Thursday, May 1, 1919 s The crap Book PUT GUARD AT HIS EASE German Prisoner Disposed to Make Thingi Easy at Possible for the 'Soldier In Charge. Gorman prisoners hHiiiid llna re enil)l on vnrluti f n t Ich'. and error a milt trei an fii'l to ilit-lr Jnli tluir It H nrt of lliclr iliill.v rou tine. Tlii-jr work In tHrlicN ami are alvay ac roiiintilc(l liy an arnipfl jMiitnl. At a ccrialn mm n now trimrtl had heen put on, and a particularly young anil dcllcate-looklng Tommy waa detailed aa guard for a amair party. As ha waa frenli to the Job, he looked rather lewlldireri when he tcelveel hla ordera. Noticing thla, the hurl lest or hla Doche thnrftes who could apeak Eng llah aald In a ruther aympathetie Voice: "All rlts'ht, aonny, you alope anoa and follow me; I'll look after your Another "Flu" Preventive. : Here la a tip on how to keep the 'fluey' from attacking you, which la vouched for by the man who furnlahea the Information: "Several yeara ago, during an epidemic of grip In Manna chuaetta," he aald, while dlHcuaxlng the dim-use, "nn eminent Boaton phyalclaii. at that time, during an epidemic of the grip, published an article alatlng that he had olmerved that those who were working In match factorlea, where aul phur waa uaed, nver contracted ma laria, yellow fever, nor grip. Conae quently he advised that a email amount of aulphur be put In the alioea dally, the absorption of which would be pro; ventlve of the grip. "Nuraea and mera bera of my family who have followed thla advice liuve ht'eu Immune from grip In the pnat and thua eaenped the epidemic now prevalent." Archangel. T. province -i A relumed Is bonir' rd on the went by 'orv ay and -l.ind. on the -nt by fn north r t'rnl and oti the xotith liy tb ir iiicca of Vologda and Olntii-tx. I the InrceNt province of Kuropcuri itu- but Is crcdltel only with .'OI,:ww Mipuliitlon. The great wateruitya trai ling It norlhtvard to the Arctic (nn are Ihe Ivtchorn. Onega, Dvlna .ml Meon rlvcra. Archangel, tb town, ' near the mouth of the Dvlna. Penn's Desk and Long's f word. A dexk originally ncd by William I'enn nnd a Monl carrlei' by Majot I-one, t'nltcd Stiite eniriin'ern. while jhe w a t'lctpbcr of the flrat official piivcrnmeiit Mirvoy or me ;x-ay Motintn'iix it' nnmng the art'elea h qucull.i 1 In the will of V. late Wll linni I'miU Johnca of New York. Mr. John- left th old desk to hla widow, vilio rln- pMvUloii that on her death It ta to k" o Imli m hilcnce ball. l'li!u delphlii. The KWtml 11ns given to th Built hxntihiri lttlMititi. t Wo'r.irti Miiom., by f'hnrle j ir aiMitit lw,t lie obtiiiner) BEFORE AND AFTER WAR. He wm society' Illy pat. Borne fisrlor doll of high dnarea That flirted around with tha uppish aet; Now ws'rs tentmates, lilm and ma. 1 was a grocer's clerk before My fate not mixed with tha Infantry; But they don't need a visltln' card for war In tha home o' tha brava and the land o'. the frae. Ha used to sneer at ma for a simp; "Llxsla" I called htm (ha ft rut faw days: VVa didn't get on till, worn and limp, We found wa wut am- In different ways; f Iarrhln' full kit for K mllea ' With the sun full glare on him and me Just leveled tis stiff, and It counted piles For tha makln' o' true democracy. Bo us two (ruys ara comrades now; I swear st htm and he swear M ml We're aettln' At for the little row That's goln' on across the sea. UncT Bam ilrew lota nnd culled us two, And he sln't so very partial when There's a lot o' work for all to do And a douce of famine In flhlnc men. - I JTe was society' Illy pet. But now we bunk In the same tepee. Its used to dance with the added set; Now It's drill and beans fur him and me. He don't clva a darn what t was before. And I do.i't xlve a whoop what he used to be; AH that we know Is ws'ra In a war Hlttln' It up for democracy. Ellas Lltxrmun In Kvervfcw,a. Gave Value to Rubber. Vulcanized rubl-r nnd till rnbbei nrtlcles are nw viileiinlzetl wna flr' made at 0xci veil hla first pntent In Hint y nr. sfler hi had apeut years In experimenting ami had reduced his fitmtly to extreme pov erfy. llcfore 1844 rubber had been u-'d for varloua purpose aa a soft, j sticky gumsbut wan of comparatively little viiluo. Avoid Becoming Nagger. It you find yoitrs4-lf liillniil to be com a linger you bud bettei nppl for a ll't.o vacation and a chnnge ol jcene. Absence from home nnd btiHlnexa la often tin- best cure for a blue goggled vision. A little ,tntact with the world and the KtniUK'cs o' othera often helpa make home folks more reasonable tit lenat for a time. Firstall tleV imihidy by learning to e the better aide of life. Practice alwlly apeech even If It hurts you. "OH, IF I COED BREAK THIS COLD!" Almost c3 coon as Said with Dr. King's New Discorery Get a bottle tod ay I s One disadvantage experienced by the evil-minded la the Inability to confide in their frlenda. The rsplulty with whfcS thia fifty-year-old family remedy relieves coughs, coIJa and mild bronchial attack ia what hia kept ita popularity on tha Increase year by year. Thia standard reliever of colds and coughing s pel la never loses friend. It docs quickly and pleasantly what it fa recommended to do. One trial put it In your medicine cabinet as absolutely indispensable. Sold by all druggist. Dowels Usually Clogged Regulate them with safe, sure, com. fort able Dr. King' New Life Pills. Correct that biliousness, headache, our stomach, tongue coat, by clifflio ting the bowel-clogginea. V'V -r ify V "7 i Post of Permanence .'t,'-r;4-; inrn A ft''jtavTiaw The post that drives like a stake that re quires no hole digging that . is cheaper installed than wood or concrete posts that lasts! Let us demonstrate Red Top Steel Fence Posts made of durable A-l angle steel rot proof Uye-proof unbreakable. Used extensively by the U. S. Government. Protects cattle from lightning per- mits fence line burning improves and beautifies your property saves work. " Sharp bevel edged points make it easy to drive. Patented anchor plate makes it bind tight in any soil. Ask for the post with the REDHEAD. Come into day; no obligation to buy. DIERKS LUMBER & COAL COMPANY ' 1 e4f m6 yon eer heard this? "My baking jxjwder," says the smooth solicitor, "costs less than Royal." But he omits to say lhat it often leaves a bitter taste, that food made with it is likely to stale in a day and that it contains alum, which is con demned by man)' medical authorities for use in food. England and France prohibit the of alum baking powders. Baking Powder i$ made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Tasto am rravv m.w - v-r ami - WWW a3 T'J- . ' -W J-r w I 111! r aW m m THE SMOOTHEST SMOKING TOBACCO JXHEN I go Ftshin' I want VV c:.l mL-a. r .t that don't." 4U D Bite" in tobacco comes either from poor leaf or wrong "ripening." Wc use for VELVET only the finest Kentucky Burley. But we don't stop there. Wc put millions of pounds of this tobacco away every year, in wooden hogsheads, for Nature to patiently ripen and mellow. There are quicker ways, but they leave some teeth in. The VELVET way makes the friendlier kind of to bacco. You can always go to it for comfort with out a "come-back." Get chummy with VELVET today. Roll a VELVET Cigarette VELVETS natwagwd mildnttt and tmoothnass mahu it just right for CtgarttttK hi', 33fcrs rnTY Getting the Last Bit of Power Aa essr tbia to do if the fuel is right. Tba tractor mutt be iveo fuel thst burns clean sod keeps engine psrts free to work at highest efficieoey. Perfection Kerosene Oil is fuel oo which any keroseae-buroinf engine will show good results. It it clean, full-itreagtb power, uniform and most economical. You get more acres plowed, harrowed or harvested more wood sswed more of any farm power work done with Per fectioa Kerosene Oil. Perfection Keroseoe Oil is the same dependable product thnt has been used in your home for years, for cookinf , limiting and heating purposes. - Telephone our nearest agent and he will arrange for immediate delivery of Perfection Kerosene Oil ia any quantity. For gasoline burning machines use Red Crown Gssolioe. STANDARD OIL COM PAN V (Nebraska) Omaha 2 t-9 V PERFECT! M I