Thursday, April 24, 1919 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD High School Notes hnl-t P f has Burst upon our i:.d eara. wah their returning brenth a host of friends uisli Beatrice all joy and napphiesa In the world. The debate which took place be tween Alliance and Chadron, at the hlRh school Saturday evening, ended happily for Alliance. Alliance is now in line for a contest with Sidney for district championship. Our contest ants are Ray Edwards. William Coutant. Fauntlne Johnson and James Fowler. -Miss Alta Dye entertained at a 7 o clock Easter breakfast, in honor of Mrs. Fred Yanders, formerly Miss .ince i-aie. The table was decora ted with Easter novelities. A three course breakfast was served. The guests list Included Mrs. Yanders, Lauretta Hodgkinson, Lois Wildy, Marie Kibble Grace Spacht. Thelma Westly, Francis Collins, Margery Stephens and Mildred Dobry. The Sophiuores entertained the high school with a program Wednes day morning at assembly. The pro gram consisted of a girls' chorus a tolln .duet, a reading by Thelma 'Zoble a vocal duet, a chalk talk by Russet Mann, a piano duet, a boys' chorus and a Hawlian dance. The .program was enjoyed, especially the concluding number, which was greet ed with great enthusiasm. A dinner was given to the "Mid gets' by Mrs. Cross, Thursday even ing of last week, In honor of the vic tory of the "Mideets" over fontral School eighth grade. A highly satis- lactory evening was spent. Lauretta Hodgkinson has been obliged to discontinue school on ac count of ill health. The N. H. Club entertained at a 6 o'clock dinner Sunday evening at the Alliance Hotel in honor or Mrs. Fred Yanders. Arthur Grove, who has just re covered irom ine nu is with us again. We are glad io have him back. Supt. Pate gave an eight course dinner for the basket ball boys Sat urday evening at his home. The table decorations were blue and white, the school colors, and the places were designated by pictures instead of names. Several minutes passed before some of the boys had found their places. A very clever menu was ser ved, th articles of food representing different basket ball terms. A prize of a small basket ball was given to the one who guessed the niopt num bers on the menu card, Mr. Prince being the lucky one. A fine time was reported. UtLMIMiFtmi), ITEMS The folowing places of business will close from 8 a. in. to 7. p. m. during the day of the Aeroplane exhibit at Aliance on April 30th.: W. M. Cory, George. W. Weltsey, Hemingford Mercant Corporation, N. Frohnapfel.-C. W. Graham, First State Bank, Mrs It. Walker, C. W. -Loockwood, C. A. Burlew, Hansen & Jensen, Win. Curry, Hutton & Clark, I. Sharp, Pruden & Michael, Stand ard Oil Co., First National Bank, F. W. Melick, Hemingford Ledger, 11. O. Wildy,. Our people are showing a spirit of patriotism and a keen interest in matters pertaining to the comon in terest of our country and he thriv ing town of Hemingford expects to move to Aliance for theaday to join in with the spirit of the day. Those who drive down it is suggested, should meet at the flag pole on main street about 8 o'clock with penants on cars and go down in a big delega tion. Put some big banners on your cars, and while we are showing our patriotism in the interest of the Lib erty Loan we can boost for our home town. The band boys expect to go in a body and also the soldiers in uniform Everybody do your bit to help a big cause and do lots of shouting al Ihe Flying Circus, next Wednesday. The churches gave an interesting Easter program Sunday morning to a large and appreciation congrations -Mrs. Chas. Davidson and Mrs. S. A Grimes were Aliance visitors Tues day of this week. Mr. Bull the proprietor of the ar-ling-ion Hotel was in Alliance be ' tween trains Wedntsday. The Epworth League and Young People enjoyed themselves in a social Monday evening in the base ment of the M. E. church a pood time was reported by all. The Bible Class of the M. E. church will have a social time in the basement of the church Saturday evening at 8 o'clock u lare atten dance is expected. New coiners urg ed to come and get acquainted. Hhere will be a home tallent play given at the opera house Friday eve ningti at 8:15. That the majority of bond buyers can pay for their bonds within the six months period is indicated, the bankers of the District of Columbia Association declare, by the fact that more than 50 per cent of those who subscribed in previous loans under the ten-payment plan completed their payments within the first six months. D Help Your Digestion When add-distressed, relieve the Indigestion with IfMlOIDS Dissolve easily on tongue ae pleasant to take M candy. Keep your stomach sweet, try KIhboMs MAOK BY SCOTT BOWNC MAKERS OF COTTS EMULSION )- P IT (01 ' fP ! P $? flMi TPMIfPW Stewart Quality Motor Trucks Cleveland Tractors 8-in-one Farm and Grain Bodies REO TOURING CAR Jn every detail of design and finished appearance, you will find it is 'ala mode," compares favorably with the smartest cars selling at the highest prices You will find real leather and real hair in the upholstery no substitutes. The unbroken steam line; the smooth sides; and straight, almost unbroken top line presents tlu least air resistance, thus increasing the efficiency of the car; eliminates eddy currents which in the case of the old types subjected the occupant to bad drafts in cold weather and to veritable sand storms in sum mer. ..' Study the lines of this Reo Light Four and you Tl agree it is a splendid combination of the beautiful and the utilitarian. Reo engineers have steadfastly adhered to the principle of making the various major units motor, clutch and transmission, separate, while other makes, with the exception of a few making very high priced cars, have adopted the cheaper method hitching transmission care to motor, with clutch also enclosed. Need we emphasize here the simplicity of control? It is unnecessary because Reo -cars have long been famous for that "quality. Simplicity of control and accessibility these are the qualities you have to associate with the very name Kco. The One Kod Control with no hand brake is best appreciated after driv ing it yourself. Both foot levers are brake levers and both have locking devices. Roadster body has three passenger capacity on one seat, it furnished with foot rail and detachable curtain support on bolh doors, and has extra luggage space in rear of car. "When Reo distributors were shown the new Light Four, their surprise was great and their enthusiasm unbounded. It was just the car for which their customers had been clamoring. It is well known in the trade that the demand for Reo four-cylinder models has always been hopelessly in excess of the factory output. The Reo Four is recog nized as the Qttality Car at the Moderate Price. It has never been the desire to build a four to compete with ihc hoard of little, skimpy Fours that are only too palpably designed and made to meet a competitive price. Reos were built without regard to the price at which they sell that is determined afterwards when the engineers have designed and the factory has built the product as well as Reo exnerienc and Ro facilities enable, the juice is then set as low as possible based on the cost of production. The "factor of safety" should be taken into consideration when buying a car, truck of tractor for your own use. Oversized bearings and parts, such as our lines have, will stand the strain of overload much better than others. Let us prove it. REO LIGHT FOUR ROADSTER THREE PASSENGER A. iiiLo I. L. Office: 3rd and "The Gold Standard of Value" JONE KEITH, Manager Alliance Branch Laramie Phone 5 1 Service Station: West 3rd. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Having built trucks for many years: havinir accumulated a wealth of experience at a time vhen others were just beginning, the manufacturers of the Reo conceived the idea that a truck capable of twice the speed would not only carry as great a load in two trips as one of twice the capacity, but that the life of such a truck, of mounted on pneumatic tires, would be nearly twice that of ihe one mounted on solid tires. The old time truck and the great majority of those still built is nrounted on solid tires, and so is incapable of sjM-eds greater ten to twelve miles oa hour without deterioration. This is not a mere statement there is plenty of data to prove it Ry putting the truck on pneumatic tires the gear ratio was made to be a trifle over for to one a standard passenger car ration. Originally it was supposed that the pneumatic tires would need frequent replacements that punc tures and blow-outs would cause vexation and delays, but time has proved the error of such suppositions. , sJ fl REO COMPANY SPEED WAGON VJ 3