j . mi I The f Flying Gircus Day will be furnished by the biggest and best band ever heard in Alliance Music f o . .'.'v.: " "! v lie A BI Music I. 0. 0. F. HOME COM ING ANDROLL GALL Wednesday, May 7th, Will be 1U Day for Odd Fellows in Western Nebraska Territory Alliance Lodge No. 168. I. O. O. F. has set Wednesday Slay 7th, as the date for the second annual home com ing and roll rail. At the same time a district meeting of all lodges in the western part of the state, from Sene ca to Crawford will be held. There will be a special session of the Grand Lodge, commencing at 2:30 p. m., for the purpose of confer ring the Past Grand Degree to the Past Grands. In the evening the de gree work will be exemplified by visiting teams. Grand Master Makls seh and other Grand Officers have promised to attend. The committee in charge of ar rangements consists of C. C. Kod gers, T. M. Lawler and E. M. Martin. THE HKRALD OFFICE TO BE ItKMODKLKU The Herald building, located at 121 Box Butte avenue, which has been the home of the newspaper for seven years, is to be extensively re modeled and improved during the next few weeks. F. E. Holsten, pro prietor of the home of The Herald, is prepuring to do improving which will be of much benefit in handling the large and increasing business of this newspaper. New equipment will be instated in the office by the Her ald company at the completion of the ! work on the building, giving improv-l ed facilities for the turning out of j the turning out of the newspaper and Job printing. I C. E. Phillips, proprietor of the Dew Drop Inn. who was fined $1000 and costs in county court last week for the illegal sale of Intoxicating li quors, and who remained in the county Jail for ten days, has paid $500 of the fine and has been re leased from custody, the balance of the fine being remitted pending good behavior. Phillips is entitled to $30 credit on the fine for the ten days spent in Jail, leaving a balance of $470 and costs which are suspended during good behavior.. C. E. Phillips of Hemingford spent Monday in Alliance. WHEN NEUliALGIA ATTACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pa La A little, applied vritkout rubbing, wQI ftnttrot immediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment Is very effective In tlayin external pains, strains, bruises, t.ic-f , slid joints, sore muscles, lumba go, neuritis, sciatica, rheumatic twinges Keep s big bottle always on band for family usa Druggists everywhere. Alliance OF THIRTY PIECES G APT. HARLEY, Director. The musical program for the day will be followed by a DANCE to be furnished by the largest and best orchestra ever playing for a dance in v FINISH THE DAY BY ATTENDING THE DANCE i Free Cloak Room and Free Punch IIAItl'KItS i:JOYl.tJ A IMtOSPKUOl S IU N1NKSS The W. R. Harper Department Store reports the most prosperous business in its history during recent weeks. Saturday, April 19th. wub the largest business day in the history of the business. The store is carry ing an Interesting announcement in this issue of The Herald and giving a good boost to the Victory Loan. Her ald readers will continue to find re gular advertisements in this paper which are of Interest and value to them. DKI.AV ltKr;itKTTAIiLK HIT LNAVOIhAIH.K Th Herald is delayed for twenty four hours this week by a combina tion of unavoidable circumstances. Sickness in the force and a lack of sufficient help, in addition to a paper of twenty-four pages in size, we have caused the delay, which we regret. We have no apologieB for the appear ance of this issue of The Herald it's the best newspaper in western Nebraska an examination of any Is sue will prove that. We trust that our readers who have been inconvenienc ed by the twenty-four delay will bear with us. . PIANO FOH SALE We have in Alliance a piano that will be sold at a discount and on terms. If desiring to purchase a good piano reasonable don't delay in ad dressing The Denver Music Mompany Denver' Colo. DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS Cheaper and Better Bread and Cakes Produced under the most stringent rules of sanita tion, by skilled bakers and with the aid of modern equip" ment our products are absolutely wholesome; aire cheap er than you can produce them for and are of a quality that will satisfy completely the most particular. . You 11 find us prepared to fill your wants with any thing in the pastry line. All goods are fresh and clean. Buy None but Alliance-Made Bread and Pastry Department Ihre POST M. MEMBERS HAVE DONE THE JPUBLICITY WORK Ilnve Scattered "Aerial firm" Ad vertising Matter Tlirouglitoiit Section on Every Trip Members of Post M., T. P. A., traveling out of Alliance in the several directions, have done n great work in the scattering of printed matter exploiting the "aerial circus" which is to be in Alliance, April 30th tin each trip they have carried with them arm loads of the literature and they have seen to it that the same was posted conspiciously. From every town and hamlet the traveling men bring reports of large delegations that will come to this city for this stellar attraction and to these men is due great credit for their untiring efforts in behalf of the city and the circus. The banks have already advanced the money for the other Loans and the people must make up the Loan, so that the banks can go doing busi ness and. lending money. All classes will subscribe, because it is going to be an exceedingly fine Investment. The American people know that they have not paid the price other countr ies have paid and they will be willing to sacrifice to do what must be done for the Victory Liberty Loan. Atorney W. R. Metz bad jrofesion al bunines in Denver Saturday. I Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Any Broken Lena. 113 Vi Box Butte At Phone 111 at the The money from this loan will take care of our sick and wounded boys. The success of the loan would be assured on that score alone, for we must do what is right for these men. Reconstruction of every form from a four years' college course to a six months' training for shop work is offered and when the soldier stu dent finishes he will come out an in dependent self-reliant man who can command good wages. Work of the army Is done. The navy must bring the army home. You rrrast help the navy finish its work by liniwliing your with a liberial subsclp tion on the Victory Liberty Loan. What we are paying for now, is of course, war material, which was not all used. Dut it had wonderfully strong influence. The Germans knew that a steady stream of munitions was flowing across the sea and more being manufactured at home. Guns not fired had almost if not quite as much effect as guns fired. We won and we must pay. i immm i mm 9 fe lSf wfcm ill s All Power -and Pep Red Crown Gasoline endows your car with new life. It puts power and pep in the get away -makes the car eat up the road on up grade or level shoves her through sand, and mud fetches her back with carburetor clean. Red Crown is all gas every drop and uni form everywhere. It gives most mileage be cause it is pure power- free from sediment and non-burning matter. Look for the signit pays. Polarine, the universal lubricant, keeps cyl inders clean compression tight. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Big Brass Armory The N. II. Club entertained at a dinner Sunday evening at the Alli ance Hotel in honor of Mrs. Fred Yanders. The guest included the Club members. vVaJh,k. Wk-".WWBVVa?WVV'1 WEAKENING? K'.rry trr.iil.'f rtr't Alsie-pasr f hem. ivrp. Viey xinw lOAly titit If irt l.v. uiiu.r nihil. ik htaiin wuh Vrfitiy certainly, u-itll you Nil S vh miii to il: vu l aim- Stop iur t rotitilfH wlilltf there In limn. Pon t wait until little pnms Lecoine til iihea. Hon! trltii with diri-H. To Yiild t ui nr utTe iii Uex'.u irtiimriit 'lih fiol.lt MKHAI. Ihinrlrtn nil Cap atiiva no, Take three or four every ily untU you ate entirely free from pain. Thin well-known preparation tin" ) n one of the nationstl remedial i t Hol land for tenturiea. In IBS the govern ment of th Netherlands Krantad a apeilal charter authorising- Its prepara tion and ). twassamamsvihms Band the city Every dollar you Invest at 4 per cent compound quarterly will doubl itself In less than 17: years War Savings Stamps pay this rate of in terest. LOOK OUT! The housewife of Hillriid would ' most a. toon t without food aa w' '. out her 'Tieal I'utth lvop," aa quaintly at:n f.oi.n TlAL Masrto n nl Capftu a They leatore Blre . i and aie rM oi.aifcle in a rt mean for the aiurdv, rohuet health of ti.e llollnndot. lo not i.a. Go lo your driiKtlar n4 Inalnl on hia ipl" lK yoi with c il.I MKIiAl. ti.rieiM Oil C4tiilee. Tk them as oneilwJ. and If jou are ne aatlafled wHu reoulta your ilrul i.' will sladly refund your money. J.-'.k foe the name t;oLu MBDAU on the iiK and accept no other. In sealed L.ee, tin e siaea . . ALLIANCE BAKERY Omaha- i . G