THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD Thursday, April 24, 1914. in A pril 27th to May 3rd Wfll You lelp Make It a Success? Each year the W. R. Harper Departnent Store plans one week during which we try to break all previous sales records. We ask you to join with us in making "Victory Week" a big success. We hope for the larger number of sales that week ever received by us. We hope for the largest volume of busi ness during that week that we ever had in six days. Just Arrived A. NEW Jazz Cape Sale Such a Sensational Event possible only at Harper's WKh a stupendous amount of spot cash at his command, Harper our Heady to-Wear buyer visited leading apparel manufacturer of the East determined to secure values t' at would at jiind the most skeptical. How well he has acvcin pliched his task Is revealed in the splendid showing of autbortive modes we exhibit for fis sale. ODD LOTS, Serges, Poplins, Etc. of garments that manufacturers never wholesaled as low as $15 are here for your choosing, thanks to our ability to pay spot cash. The Jazz Capes $15 In all the new colors. Models for general utility and dress wear are featured. All the distinctive fashion features In new sleeves, new collars, and the placing of belts and pockets are evident in these Cape's as well as fine linings. rftADC MANN It. JAZZOTE Gingham Dresses for The Children m 1 1 xm ill m m I ill Very smart little dresses of plain and plaid gingham. Quite simple or attractively hand smocked, as you choose, Hain shades, wKh collar, cuffs, belt and pockets, in a contrasting color, are very likeable. Six o twelve-year sizes. $4.50, $5.00 $5.50, $6.00 For small folks, there are dresses of plain ginghams in happy combinations, for two to six-year olds. $3.50, $3.85 $5.00 ACiUxJstyf 1811 Pumps for Victory A timely event which will undoubtedly meet wKh your ap proval, for the pump season is now at Its height. About three hun dred and fifty pairs of stylish pumps in black kid, also patent leath er. $4.00 a Miir sold up to Al.Ii SALKS FINAL Size 2 to 8 FINISH THE JOB-BUY Victory Loan Notes Every truly patriotic citixen of the United States is, and feels to be,a joint debtor with Uncle Sam in any ob ligation assumed in the protection of our loved country. A great government obligation so assumed is about to mature. We the people are the government it is OUR debt, let us honorably discharge it. Men's - Boys' English Shoes in all sixes $5.98, $7.50 $8.50 See these wonder ful values. Alliance Women have perhaps never seen such values as in Our Victory Sale of SPRING MILLINERY -at this time of the year Jmmm We're offering 300 latest modes in Milincry at these exceptionally low priecs. Tliey comprise the new straws the new lines the new trimmings the new colors large flower wreathed medium styles, small' hats hats for every occasion. $4.98, $7.50, $10 The hats are all marked. This M ill be a gala day in our Mil linery Shop, for women are quick to take advantage of Millinery at HARPER'S Fine Sheer Wash Fabrics Displayed in a jirand array ready for choosing by those planning summer frocks. P1UNTKD DHKSS VOIM-: 30 inches wide, in all the new and pretly printings and color com binations, unusually sheer and dainty; Fplendid values at, raid. fl.V :W-1N H WHITK Ply UK Splendid quality, in assorted cords, for wash suits, separate skirts, etc., Special, yard,. . . .4ik- 40-1 X( II WII1TK VOIIJ3 Exlra Qne quality two-ply yarn with tape edge, unusually soft clingy for pretty dresses and waists; special, per yard ...,81k' WHITK INDIA UNON 30 Inches wide, made from combed yarn, splendid quality for making waists. aprons, etc., special, yard, at " 3' The Waist-Line's the Thing- Alert American Men soldier and civilian alike who recognize how vital is erect, virile appearance, will find no finer expression of mind and body fitness than in the new waist line models of UKAVDlXiF.K-KlNCAlD AND ST KIN 111 AM II Victory Sale Price $35.00 In addition to this latest styling, these clothes will delight you for the differentness of their fabrics, and a precision of tailoring that over 60 years' experience alone can guaran tee. Sec these clothes first or last as you will, but see them. V ' 1919 Kiaci4 AKaablLlw BUY . - - Victory Notes A year'! saving on clothing alone, pur chased at HARPER'S goe a long ways to ward buying an extra Victory Bond. ALLIANCE Department Store NEBRASKA OPKN IP A Charge Ac count AT Harper's MIm Kthel James in Charge of Our Credit Department. 0