rhursday, April 24, 1919 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN IN PAYMENT ONILAND CONTRACTS Veil Known Real KM ate linn Will Accent l.ilH'it) I html In I'm). inent for Western lanl People who need to realize on tneir Liberty Bonds and who in or tier to do bo are compelled to sell them at the prevailing discount, should consider the fact that the Chomas-Bald Investment Company at Alliance, as well as other dealers, ill take these bonds in payment for western Nebraska lands. The list of recently listed offerings .n farms and ranches, given below, if interesting. Read it over: No. 70. 600 acres only one mile Jrom live town near Alliance. All geod. level, hard land. 90 acres in jail rye. Cheap. No. 65. 160 acres, 84 miles nest of Alliance, In good fanning lo cality. Extra cheap. Mo. 64. 92 27-acre -ranch In stock raising dltsrlct, not far from Alli ance. 3,000 acres of hay land. Ranch runs from 1500 to 2000 head f cattle t' e year round. Two sets if ranch buildings. Priced cheap. No. 63. 7000-acre tract of farm ing land, not far from good town. Just the thing to cut up into farms. No. 62. 540 acres of hay land in the sandhill district. Good five-room frame house. Only 4 miles from town. All fenced. Darn. tJUts a. trie bunch pf hay. " Ho. 60. 640-acre Box Butte coun ty farm. Near school. All level upland. All fenced. Partly under cultivation. Good frame house, .arn, corral, granary. Well, wind mill and tank. The price will sur prise you. No. 59. 320-acre farm in Alli ance district. All level and fenced. Well, windmill and tank. New frame touse and barn. Ready for a good termer. No. 68. 1480 acres of farming Und In Alliance territory. 1400 acres tf upland and 80 acres rolling. 90 teres under cultivation. All fenced and cross-fenced. Good house, barn, hed and extra large granary. Two wells, windmills and tanks. Plenty of sheds. Close to Bchool. Cheap tow. It will sell quick. No. 67. 160 acres only 3 miles from Alliance. All under cultiva tion and 65 acres in alfalfa. Fenced. No buildings. 1 mile from school. Will make an ideal farm. Low priced. No. 55. 160 acres adjoining Al liance. Improved. Alfalfa. Or chard. Snap. No. 54. 400 acres within 3 miles ol Alliance. 60 acres under cultiva tion. Poor improvements but a snap f,r the price. Alfalfa. No. 41. 1820 acres lu Box Butte county. Good, level farming land Unimproved. Not far from market .No. 40. 160 acres unimproved v,it rine to town. Cheap. Worth twice the money asked. No. 56. 160 acres some distance from town but in good farming dis trict. Raw land. Cheap. An ex cellent investment. No. 31. 14,600-acre cattle and tiy ranch In Alliance territory. The best feeding ranch In western Ne braska. Lies In a compact body. Is fenced and cross-fenced into large pastures for running of stock. With tn 6 miles of railroad. Average hay cutting is 2,000 tons per year. Fine, tr.odern ranch buildings, with 3 sets of smaller buildings. 34 wells, 27 cf them with windmills and supply tanks. For sale cheap on easy trms. No. 22. 1,000-acre farm and ranch in western portion of Sheridan county, in good farming locality and cn good road from Alliance. 700 acres cultivated; 30 acres alfalfa; fenced and cross-fenced with three wire fences. Large three-room house; barn 20x40; three wells with windmills and tanks; fruit and rrove fenced and hog tight. Terms are easy and the price Is low. No. 33. 800 acres of excellent level farming land 14 miles from Al liance. 125 acres under cultivation. House, barn, stable, granary and fine well. The price is low and it can be purchased on reasonable terms. No. 34. 400-acre Improved farm 6 miies from Alliance. All level farm land. 250 acres under cultiva tion. Cuts 50 tons prairie hay on balance. House and windmill wKh tank. Barn 36x60 feet, with gran ary holding 8.000 bushels grain. Chicken house and other Improve ments. Hog lot fenced. Low price asd very easy terms. A bargain. No. 36. 3,212 acres In Sioux coun ty. School and church on land. All upland. Vt level and balance roll ing. 100 acres under cultivation. 640 acres hay land. All fenced. 4 room house. 4 wells and windmills. Barn, granary and other Improve ments. Priced cheap. No. 87. 1.280 acres within 5 relies of Alliance. Good, desirable farming land. Price Is cheap and on easy terms. No. 38. 320 acres raw land In Hemingford district. Priced ex tremely low. One of the best bar r&lns on our list today. THOMAS-BALD INVEST MENT COMPANY LLOYD O. THOMAS F, A.BALD Phone 200, Alliance Nat. Bank Bldg., Alliance, Box Butte County Nebraska Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. Jr. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15-tf-6727. LIVESTOCKPRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Light Run of Steers Se Is Fully btcady; Top Pulpars $16.85 HOGS STEADY TO 10c UP Bulk 119.05 20.25; Top 20.45. Lambi 1025c Higher. Best Lambs Bring 119.80. Sheep Steady. - Onuilm Live Stock Market. April 22. With one exception the lightest run of cattle of any Mon.lny this year showed up. estimated at 3.000 head and while (rutting wa not very active it was fully steady with Inst week's close. Pulper from Western Nebras ka soiling at $16.25lflJ and bay fed from 814.7.0 13.M). Bulk of the corn fed steers were selling from SLVJA0 10.00. Handy weight yearlings were Belling strong. Butcher stock was largely sternly and In spots a quarter higher. The light run of feeders sold steady. Quotations on Cattle: Choice to prime , beeves. $17.00 18.00; good to choice beeves. $16.00 17.00; fair to good beeves, $14.7.1 15.75 ; common to fair beeves, $13.:0 14.50; good to choice yearlings, $15.23 10.25; fair to good yearling. $13.23015.00; common to fair jenrllngs. f 10.00 15.00; good to clioir hpifers, f 12.23 14.25 prime cows, $li.('w13.5; good to choice cows. $10.25012.00; fair to good cows. $9.00010.23; cutters, 87.OO0P.W; con- ners, $5.2308.25; veal calves, $8,000 14.00; bologna bnlls. $8.25!.25; beef bulls, $10.00011.75; choice to prime feeders, $14.000 13.30; good to choice feeders. $12.30 13.50j medium to good feeders, $11.00 12.50; good to choice tockers, $10.00011.73; fair to good stockers. $0.00010.00; common to fair grades. $7.0O8.3C; stock heifers. $8.30010.00; stock cows. $7.3009.00; Stock cnlve, $8.00012.00. Hogs Sold Steady to 10c Higher. A fair sized run of 9,800 head of hogs arrived and shippers and packers were active on a stendy to 10c higher market with the hulk of the hogs sell ing from $1O.O502J.25 and top price or $20.45 was pnld for medium heavy loads. Lambs 10?5c Higher. IteM lainhs sold for $l!.SO out of a run of :t.500. and the general tone to the triule whs stronger than Inst week most of ttie sales being from IO02.V higher. P-ulk of the fat lumlis selling from $10.2." 010.75. Not very large offering of aced Htrxk was here but price were fully steady with lust Fri (In. v. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lanilm. fed. handy weight. $10.50 10.NO; uuiihs, fed. heavy weight. ItlMW 019.30; lambs, shearing. $17.00017.50; lainhs, clipted. $15.30 16.23; lumhs. culls. $9.00015.00; yearlings. $10.00 17.00; welders. $15.00010.00; ewes, good to choice. $14.00015.23; ewes, fair to ko.hI. il2.0OMH.O0: ewes, ooor to fair. SO.Oogi 12.00; ewes, culls, $6.00 09.00. SHEKn7F8 SALE By virtue of an order of sale Is sued by the clerk of the district court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, on decree of foreclosure wherein Ne braska State Building and Loan As sociation is plaintiff and Ludvig 1. Glarum, Josephine Glarum, Michael F. Nolan, Mary E. "Nolan, Joseph A. Klme. J. D. Emerlck and First Na tional Bank of Alliance are defend ants. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the west front door of the courthouse at Alliance in said county, on the 14th day of April, 1919. at one o'clock P. M., the following described lands and tenements, to satisfy the Judgment and costs In said action: Lots three and four, block one, Johnston's Ad dition to Alliance, Box Butte County, Dated March 10th. 1919. J. W. MILLER. Sherltf. Courtright. Sldner & Lee, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 15-51-936-7703 NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, in County Court. In the matter of the estate of Joseph J. Lloyd, Deceased. Notice to all persons Interested In said estate is hereby given that Na than A. Rockey, administrator of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the county court room in the city of Alliance, said county, on the first day of July, 1919. at the hour of 1 P. M.. for the purpose of the hearing, adjustment and allowance of claims against said estate. All persons having claims or demands against said estate must file the same in sald'court on or be fore July 1, 1919, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated March 14, 1919. Dated March 14. 1919. IRA E. TASH. County Judge. L. A. BERRY. Atfy. (Seal) 16-41-7834 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT Arthur Ammerman will take no tice that on the 10th day of Decem ber, 1918, Fern Ammerman. the plaintiff herein, filed ner petition in the district court of Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska, against said defend ant, the object and prayer or wnicn ! n nhiiin an absolute divorce from said defendant. That on the 15th day of March, 1919, an order was made by Hon. W. H. Westover. imtffA of the district court of said county, permitting notice to be serv ed on the defendant by publication. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 5th day of May. 1919. Dated March 17, 1919. FERN AMMERMAN. Plaintiff. Per L. A. BERRY. ll-4t-TSS8 Plaintiff's Attorney. WANT TO BUT something? Hun dred of people weekly ecan these want ad columns looking- for what you or others have to offer. Oet quick rettults by advertising In The Herald Want Ad depart ment. Those having clothing to be clean ed to call the Keep-U-Neat serrlce ear. Phone 18$. OLD CLOTHES WANTED The City Mission la tn need of second-hand clothing, eseclally men's and shoes. Call phone ??? and we. will call for them. The City MuF slon We want you to know that we clean the most delicate fabrics in clothing without Injury. We call for and deliver. Keep-U-Neat. Phone 18$ WANTED TO BREAK SOD We have several clients who wish to break sod this spring. They are ex perienced and have good tractors or horses. Prices reasonable. It you have land In Box Butte county which you wish broken out get in touch with us at once. THOMAS-BALD INVESTMENT COMPANY, Alliance 17tf7871 WANTED An active and Intelligent lady or gentleman for position which will pay good Income, work ing In and near Alliance. Prefer person who has had some experience in soliciting but that Is not absolute ly necessary. Address Box 7870, care Alliance Herald, giving experi ence, telephone number and address. 17tf8770 A few first-class uncalled for over coats at Tery low prices Keep-U' Neet. Phone 133. FOR SALE Cash register, electric coffee mill, check protector, Bur roughs adding machine, Toledo scale. Bowser oil tank, McCuskey account register, Scheer-Glllette display counter, office desk and chair, tables, counters and glass cases. - For prices and terms see or write W. H. Buechsensteln. Al liance, Nebr. Utf7738 FOR SALE Furniture for four room house", 305 Yellowstone Ave. 20-11-7905 FOR SALE 15.000 shares of Grif fith Oil Co. stock for sale at 26 cents a share. Tee II. Farrell. Deadwood, So. Dak. 20-4t-7906 FOR SALE Fur rug; would mako an excellent auto robe. Price $15. Phone 334. 18-3t FOR SALE CHEAP 10-20 tractor. Stored in Alliance. Cash or good terms. Phone 179. lt-7917 FOR SALE A Helm cement brick and block machine. Good condi tion. A money maker. Call or address R. C. Young. 413 Sweet water Ave.. Alliance, Nebr. 20-tf-7916 FOR SALE Seed potatoes and Flax seed about 1500 bushels Tri umph; 500 bushels Ohlos; 500 bush els Cobblers; 20 bushels flax seed. Several farms and tractor outfits for rent or sale. Plowing wanted. Eu gene Rosenberger,. Hemingford, Nebr. 18-3t$7876 FOR LEASE 640 acres of hay land near Elln worth, Nebraska. 100 acres of lakes and balance valley hay land. Will lease for $350 for the year 1919. the lessee to keep Uj. the fences and necessary repairs. Fair Improvements. Write or s?e the THOMAS-BALD INVESTMENT CO., Alliance. 19tf7890 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN: One 12 horse-power Callahan gas oline engine, with large pump Jack. In good condition. Can be purchased at a bargain. Suitable for ranch or farm or small manufacturing plant. One 6 horse-power Atlas gasoline engine with pump Jack. In good condition. A bargain. 200 feet of six-inch brass cylinder pipe. 800 feet of two-Inch, four-inch and six-inch iron pipe, in good con dition. The above outfit is suitable for a potash plant or for use on a farm or ranch. Can be seen at any time. THOMAS-BALD INVESTMENT COMPANY Alliance, - Nebraska lO-tf-770J ' 7! BUSINESS FOR SALE We offer or Immediate sale an established business in Alliance earning good money. Complete equipment and an excellent chance for party with $1,000, which will handle the deal. THOMAS-BALD INVESTMENT CO., Alliance. 15tf7825 FOR SALE One new one and one quarter Bethlehem auto truck. Pneumatic tires and fully equip ped. Has never been used. Can be seen In Alliance. Will be sold at a discount. Thomas-Bald In vestment Company, Alliance. 1M7727 FOR KAI.E- -30 Mainouth Jacks. M. T. Iternard, (rand Island, N'ebr. 16-5t-7838 FOR SALE Single comb Buff Or pington eggs from heps bred to lay And with Plenty of range, $7.00 per IM from fleeted stock., pLone 8212. Mr.. J. A. Keegan. li-H 7.SS POTASH STOCK FOR SALE I offer for sale, at the market, stock in the - following Nebraska potash companies; tn blocks of from ten to 500 shares: Western Potash Company, Antloch Stndard Potash Company, Lake side. Alliance Potash Company, Antioch Omaha Potash Company, Lakeside U. S. and National Potash Com panies, Antioch. William Berg Company, Merrlman These offerings. in amounts, are subject to previous sale or wunarawai rrom tne market at any time. Address Box 456, care of Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. 8- tf- THItEK PIANOS TO BE SOLD QUICK We have tnree sllehtlr used nl. anos in this territory which we are anxious to aispose of quickly. They are trade instruments, thoroughly overhauled and cuaranteed. tr intend to rent a piano for six months or a year you will be interested in these goods. Terms. Write today. KNIGHT-CAMPBELL MUSIC CO.. . Denver, Colo. FARM FOR LEASE We offer for immediate lease, on reasonable tnns. 400 acres of land close tn Al liance. The farm includes some ini-' proveiuents in the way of building). Also cuts good hay. A fine placo for' keeping stock. THOMAS-BALD IN VESTMENT COMPANY, Alliance. ' 15tf7826! First-Class laundry work. Denver agency. Call 183 for serrlce car. Keep-U-Neat. I , Cleaning, repairing, dyeing. Keep-U- Neat. Just phone 18 S and the MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We hare eaulnned our drav n ons and anto truck with the latea appliances for moving furniture Without marrlna- ar atratrhlnar nr An. Ing damage. Up-to-date wagon padi wm d usea oy us on an movlnt Jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone II S7-tf-6850 SCAVENGER WAGON We now hare on regular routes and for snecial cnlla nnr ol aa win ger wagon. All calls to telephone 675 win receive prompt and careful at tention. Our nrtcea tr and we are bonded to do good work. SAM SHELTON. Phone 675. City Scavenger. 23-tf-411 LOST A reward will be paid for the return of a small diamond brooch pin, lost on train number forty three, or at t ie Glrard station, on Saturday erenlng, February 16th. Finder notify The Herald office and reward will be paid on return of the pin. lUf777l LOST Late Friday afternoon, la dy's small wrist watch, in or near post office; ralued as keepsake. Liberal reward If returned to of fice of Boyd Metr. 20tf7ll FOUND Black pig. about 175 lbs. Owner may have by identifying and paying for damages and this ad. Call 1011 Box Butte Ave. 20-2t-707 FOUND Seven head oi horBes, all geldings. One gray, one black and Ave bays. Owner may have the same by paying cost of keeplLg them, for the newspaper advertising, and pror Ing ownership. O. 8. Brush, Alliance, Nebr. 16-tf-7848 FILMS and Fllmpacks developed FREE. Write for printing price list. The Kodakery, 216 Brownell Blk., Lincoln, Nebr. 18-4t-7882$ MRS. BROWN A WELL WOMAN ONCE MORE Was Outfitted to Her Hod and (linlr For Over Two Years Ik-fore Taking Titular "Some stranne things huppen In this World and the change Tanlac has brought about In my wife's con dition is one of them." said J. L. Brown, a resident of College Tark. a. "For over two years," he contin ued, "my wife had so much trouble with her stomach that she could hurdly take any nourishment at all but a milk diet, and she fell off till she was little more than a living skeleton. 8h not Utile rest or sleep at night, had no energy at all and was so weak and rundown that most of her time was spent in bed or in her chair. Her skin was sallow and unhealthy looking and she didn't seem to take Interest In any thing. "In fact she was about as bad off as she could be to be alive when she stsrted taking Tanlac, and Just a few bottles of this wonderful medicine have made her a well woman once more. She now eats anything she wants, sleeps like a child, has gain ed twenty pounds and is able to do all her housework ns well as she ever did." Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. E. Holaten, In Hemingford by Heming ford Merc. Co., and In Hoffland hy Mallery Grocery Co. The Cuhsnian Light Weight Gas Engine is an all-purpose engine and is especially adapted to farm use. We will be glad to show you what it will do. Several of them are now In as in this section of the county and all are giving good satisfaction. The Dlerks Lumber Company. 781 5tf ANNOUNCING The Opening of an Exclusive UNDERTAKING PARLOR You are assured when you have your funeral arrange ments handled by this estab lishment that you will hare the best of service and supplies at reasonable prices. GEO. O. GADSBY Residence Phone 510 114 West Fourth St., Alliance Ihone lOO We Buy OLD FALSE TEETH We pay from $2.00 to 15.00 per set (broken or not). We also pay actual value for Diamonds, old Gold, 8ilvef and .Bridge-work. Send at once by parcel post and receive cash by return mt.il. MAZER'S TOOTH SPECIALTY. Dept. X, 2007 ho. Sth St. Ptilladel- phla, Pa. Prudential Life Insurance Company Newark, New Jersey Office Opera IIouRe Block "i J. A. PIERCE District Manager PHONE 43 QUICK SERVICE ELEC TRIC SHOP F. T. McKEK, Mgr. Phone 2.10 42-Me Ho Butte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-at-Law OFriCEl Klret NatUaal Beak Ballalac PHONE 110 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Harness Hand Blade Praaa Beat Material. Oatlaat Aay Kaetarr Ma U4a. Call aa tea. Humm Heaalriac hr Bspert- eaeca Haraeaa Maker. J. M. COVERT At M. M. U. NlebAU SJtaaa ALLIABJCB, NEBRASKA Professional Photographer QUALITY PORTRAITS Iaterler aaa Exterier Views Kaaak riaUklas; Ealaralas; aU Style ALLIANCE ART STUDIO af. B. GREBE. Prearteter PHONE RED 111 GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Ear, . . . Nose and Throat IMIOXK 13 T Calls were trmm Oflice ear mt alM 0. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Phyiiclan and Surgeon AtXIANCK. NEBRASKA RESIDENCE PHONE No. II OFFICE PHONE No. II DR. H. H. DELLWOOD Surgeon C. B, A Q.. Railroad Office) over Holateln Btora Fhona ST. L. W. BOWMAN Phyiician and Sorgton 218 1-2 Box Butt ADJaace, Nekraaka PHONES Oaleei fUUaei if DR. H. J. RASKIN Physician and Burgeon Office over Holaten Stove Office Phone 87 Residence SU . JEFFREY, D.O. Ph.O. A. a. JEFFREY, D. O. ' WALTER A. STATES, D. O. Chiropractors 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. New Wilion Block DR. EINAR V. BLAK Medicine and Surgery NNla!t): Eye, Ear, Ne, TliriMtt and Lung (ilaxM Carefully Fitted Office in Mallery Block Phone: Ofllre, 104; HoidriM e, 103 DR. E. L. BASKIN DENTIST Over Holsten's Drug Store PHONE 87 J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have the aaly aet af Ah tract Bha la Baa Batt Caaatf. OBleei ROOM T Opera Heaaa BUek L. A. BERRY Lawyer ROOM RUMMER BLOCK PHONE f ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA "Let M Cwr (r Tea" HARRY P. 00URSEY LIVE STOCK aaa GENERAL SAXSM SPECLALIST aaa AUOTIONEKM, Farm Sales a Specialty Teresa Iteaaeaahle PHONE 114 AIMaaee, Vehraafca WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE leaa. Clattf EaterUlaaent EerySe4t Seeei Aefe arkeei. UOIIS DIME MAIIMEI DAILY DO NT GO HOME SATING t I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETV o