The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 17, 1919, Image 5

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Thursday, April 17, 1919
A i
lH-HimcKt IVallngs In IJbrrty Itond
to U Htopfwxl by Ui -
tJovern merit
The public Is being warned by the
War Loan and Savings Organisation
umiwst dishonest brokers who offer
to purchsse LIBerty Honda and un
paid coupons in exchange for worth
less nnd untried stocks. Some bro
kers nre willing to buy these bonds
Miid pug cash, but in man Instances
ihe discount is so great (hat the sale,
If made, would be at a great sacri
fice. Offers to lend money on Lib
city Honds are frequently made, but
In many Instances the rate of Inter
est, though made to look reasonable
at a casual glance, would eat up the
prlix in the course or time ana
Imvp nothing for the patriotic In
ventor In 'Government securities, and
all for the "shark" who preys on the
ncccHtity of the patriotic citizen for
ready cash.
The oGvernment recognizee the
need fr a market for Liberty Honds.
It si ho recognizes the fact that In
Home inntances misfortune has over
taken the one who had made ah ln
Mitrutut in good faith and that he
if nit convert his holdings Into cash
for his tin mediate needs. For these
perrons the Government desires the
bondholder to know that Liberty
Bonds hare a" well defined market
Milne nnd that prices are quoted
daily In financial centers. In most
cm unu titles there are reputable
dtitlers who will pay the market
puce Ufs a small commission. The
'batiks know the ruling prices and
tlif y will gladly give the public the
E.arket quotation.
Headers are askfd, to get the
n.uiies and addresses of all persons
aii1 ri :iipanles offering speculative
or doubtful stocks and securities,
raitlcu'arly If in exchange for Lib
erty Honda or War Savings Stamps,
with roplcB of 'their "literature."
Mail th-Mii promp'ly for Invent Inn
don to the Federal Trade Commls
pion, Washington, D. C.
Kline' jr, Hay 4, IB If), has
been designated by the (tavern
inent I-oan and Saving (rgn
.lustlmi a national -Victory
lilberty Ixxin Hiiiiilay.
Owning In tbe inldnt of Ui
rainMlgn for Mitwrrlpttons to
the VleUn-y Liberty lioari, the
day will afford an lportunlty
for the Christian people to con
m -crate themselves anew and ap
ply their patriot Km to the need
of th hour.
The Government epect ev
rry man, woman and child to
help "ilnMi the Job," and we of
the Tenth Federal Itewerve IM.
trlct innst lear our part of the
We mast prove ourselves full
worthy of the honored sons who
have served that the teaching
of Christ may prevail through
out the world.
The fact that Nebraska ranks sec
ond among all states in tbe Union In
the amount of manufacturing per
employee was brought out recently
by the Dureau of Publicity, Omaha
Chamber of Commerce, in a table of
figures based on the 1914 Bureau of
Census report.
The Herald, 12.00, worth more.
A i io:.l Interesting program, both
piviul nnd business, has been ar
ranged for the Centennial Celebra
tion of the I. O. O. F. lodge in Oma
ha, April 25-27. On Friday even
in, April 25, the Fast Grand offic
ers of Nebraska will tender the
Grand Sire a reception and enter
tnininmt, while the Past Presidents
of Kdiekah Assembly of Nebraska
avMI do honor to the president, Asso
cit. Ion of Rebekah Assemblies;
there receptions will be followed by
ihe 4 (inferring of initiatory degrees.
Ilea Iquarters will be at tne Hotel
Fonteiu ll. Saturday afternoon and
evening sessions will be at the Mu
nicipal auditorium. Hon. Henry V.
llorst. Grand Sire, Sovereign Grand
Lodne I. O. O. F will deliver his
ndilrera Saturday . afternoon, April
26, nnd Mrs Martha Prescot(, presi
dent Association ot Rebekah Assent?
Mies, will address the : convention
Saturday evening.
K pular teachers' examinations
will be held at the eourt house, April
19th. OPAL RUSSELL, County Su
perintendent. . 19-21-7897
A Tetipoonfa! of PERUNA
Three Times a Day
According to: "; statistics recently
compiled by the tTurefeu of Publicity,
Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Ne
braska s crop Mid live stock produc
tion covering a period ot ten years,
is as follows: Wheat, fourth: corn
and oats, fifth; cattle, third; hogs.
fifth; horses, sixth; all crops, ninth,
and all live stock, fourth.
The Nebraska Press Association is
planning a tour of western Nebraska
the latter part of July or first of
August to take the place of the an
nual social meeting. This excursion
will last a week and will start from
Omaha, with Gerlng as the objective
point. .
The Herald, $2.00, worth more. "
lias Never Been Down
Sick Since Taking
Road this lattsr from Mr. Robt
Minnick, Grass Range, Montana.
"In 1900 I was out in Kanaaa
rnaalaa; Ibrtuklii eaajlae and
tha thrrshlna; crew had to sleep
out of doors. One of the crew
hroaitM I'rraaa Almanae to
the engine one day and I was
feeling very III from sleealaa;
oat. I derided to a;lvo Peraaa a
trial and aent for a bottle of Pe
ru na and a box of Peruna Tab
lets, which straightened me out
In a hurry.
"I have ntTer brea dowa sick
I are that llnr. 1 da mat take
mmj ather Htrdlclaes except Pe
runs. I always keep It on hand.
It 1 get my feet wet. Ret a old,
feel chilly, or a little bad. I al
ways taka I'rraaa. People should
naf wait until they are down
si tic and then take ft. but should
keep It on hand like I do and
when they feel bad. they sfcsald
ass lt.H . -.
Recommended for Catarrhal
inflammation of every desorlption.
Wrapped to Insure its perfect
condition in all climates and
seasons. Sealed tight kept
right. The perfect gum in the
perfect package.
After every metl
Tbe flavor lasts
Por safety sake ask' for
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin."
Millions of tablets sold to dealers
bj a Brooklyn manufacturer who was
sentenced to three years in ihe peni
tentiary for selling , talcum powder
tablets as Aspirin Tablets Beware I
iWhen you seek relief
from Headache, Neuralgia,
Earache, Toothache, Rheu
matism, Lumbago, Colds,
Grippe or Influenzal Colds
always insist upon the gen
uine -
l "s
TraVBaytr Cross'on Genuine Tablet
Proved safe by millions
Adults Take one or two
tablets, anytime, with water.
If necessary, repeat dose three
times a day after meals.
20-cent package Larger sites also.
Buy only original Bayer packages.
American Owned Entirely!
Alplrin It the trade merle of Barer Manufac
ture of Monoaccucacidcstcr e( SalicylicaciJ
law) CIwmI
Wtoy ApiaDinr
- .
IT fs generally known that the livestock 6upply varies
from day to day, and that prices, fluctuate in conse
quence. It is not so generally understood that the retail
demand for fresh meat vanes tremendously also, and
that, in consequence, the price obtained by Armour and
Company fluctuates, too.
When fresh meat is finished
at the plants It Is shipped to
Armour branch houses located
In more than 400 centers of
consumption. And. this meat
Is shipped unsold. The branch
house manager receives with It
a memorandum of what it cost
to produco the meat. It is a
simple matter then for him to
.determine what he must seek
to get for it If he Is to show a
profit. And, he must sell It In
the open market, In direct com
petition' with other vpackers'
branch houses, local abattoirs,
and so forth. Also, he must
. face the uncertainties of
weather, heavy receipts of fish
and fowl aad, often, unexpected
and unusual circumstances.
- Under the heading of 'Un
usual circumstances" for in
stance, would come the recent
epidemic of Spanish Influenza.
Statistics gathered by Armour
and Company show th: n hlle
the epidemic was at Its height
fresh meat purchases the coun
try over fell off no less than
25 per cent. -
' A sudden wave of intense
heat; a severe blizzard which
blocks roads and makes trans
portation difficult; heavy re
ceipts of tlsh or game; local
killed meats coming on the
Markets in small communities
all or any of these factors
have a marked effect on the de
mand for fresh meats.
Branch house managers
must because storage facili
ties demand it dispose of
their stock eaqh week so far as
possible. This often necessi
tates selling below cost.
Thus, If statistics be con
sulted. It will be found that the
selling: price of Armour and
Company's fresh meats paral
lels the price of livestock and
Is constantly further affected
by the conditions mentioned.
With these facts in view, fair
minded readers must compre
hend that it Is not possible for
Armour and Company to fix tha
price ot meats.
' - V
Since the European war began there has been a steady increase in the price
of nearly everything we use. There has not been a corresponding increase in tel.
ephone rates.
In order to meet the high cost of telephone operation, a revenue in just pro
portion to the expense must be obtained.
The necessity for more telephone revenue is easily understood.
The cost of telephone operation has steadily advanced both because of the
increased cost of material to the telephone company and the increased living ex
penses of employees.
The consumer has realized the necessity of paying more for rent; for food,
for clothing and for transportation. The telephone industry has been affected by
the same conditions which have produced higher prices in all of the necessities of
If this Company Is to continue to furnish telephone service to the
pubUc It must obtain such rates as will produce a revenue sufficient to cover
the cost of providing the service