X Thnnday, March 13, 1919 v t i. ft TOE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD Announcing The Fashion Shop's FOURTH ANNUAL V i (i n 1 A. :( I . V 'V r i v 3P Bails , ! y SATURDAY MARCH 15 THE FIRST AUTHENTIC EXHIBIT OF SPRING STYLES IN LADIES' APPAREL THE STYLE EVENT THE LADIES OF ALLIANCE AND COMMUNITY HAVE WAITED FOR AND TO WHICH WE BID THEM WELCOME. THE FASHION SHOP . HAS ASSEMBLED FOR YOUR APPROVAL THE GREATEST ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLE CREATIONS IT ILAS EVER HAD AND WILL BE GREATLY PLEASED IN HAVING YOU SEE THE SPLENDID GAR. MENT VALUES. ' v Distinguished Displays of V Women's and Misses' Spring Suits Presenting a typical Fashion Shop collection of the new suit fashions for Spring "different" models embodying the refined and high-grade style touches desired by the fastidious woman. Many interesting new variations of the box coat, blouse back and waistcoat modes are showirin a most comprehensive diversity in tricotine, serge, Poiret twill, suede velour, gabardine and silk faille in navy blue and the prevailing Spring colorings. .The tendency toward lengthened coats is embodied in a special group of superbly tailored suits which have been received during the past week, emphasizing the new blouse-back and blouse effects. $15.00 to $85.00 New Gowns & Frocks in ultra-fashionable types PrpRpntinor a wealth of new eown and frock fashions quits different from common-place types. Reproductions and adap tations from most original modes are featured in a wide va riety for Woman and Miss, for daytime and evening wear. There arc straight line, gracefully draped, models shown in serge, tricotine, Georgette crepe, satin, taffeta and smart combinations embellished with beading and embroidery. $12.50 to $75.00 raw THE ' mm'- Capes, Coats &Dolmans for Women and Misses Presenting a collection of wonderfulfy attractive and un usual modes whose beauty owes much to theclegant fabrics from which they have been developed; soft fabrics which fall gracefully into the new wrap ilnes. The new capes and coats are of tricolette, dominctte, silvertones, tricotine, serge, suede velour, evora, duvctyn aid hnd-knit jersey in exquisite shades. The variety is very wide. $12. 50 to $85.00 FASHION SHOP THE STYLE CENTER 'ymMS ' ) Will fill J j1 a fl tf " r wAwy HI. wssm fr?3 W VBM mm wmm II ntl i III tT7. ip if W Mil