THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA) HERALD Thursday, Harek 13, 1919 POTASH MlillWAY MEANS . $3,000 SPENT EACH DAY J. M. Mllto IVllrrri Teople Do Not Ilrllie What Onuplrtlim of Auto Route Would Mean J. M. Miller, proprietor of the Al liance hotel, and one of the leading boosters and business men of Alli ance, does not believe that the peo ple of Alliance reallte what the com pletion of tho Totash Highway from Grand Island to Alliance would mean to thla city. Mr. Miller says that If the business interests of. the town n-Hlizid the results which ' would come to Alliance In a business way, they would get behind the project with their money and their personal purport In a way that would insure an early completion of the hard-surfaced road throuah the sandhills. In an interview wHh Mr. Miller yrnicrday he emphasized to a Herald reporter a few facts which Tire well worth considering In connection with the Potash Highway and which are given below: "It was stated by enstern Nebras ka road and tourist frame authori ties h'. the recent rdtash Highway meeting at Seneca that the comple tlm of a hard-surfaced road from '(rund Island to Alliance, leading to Yellowstone Par and the Black Hills, along tho route of the Potash Highway, would mean an average during the tourist season of 200 au toa per day. "In making my figures I am cut ting this estimate In half making the estimated number of ears per div 100 Instead of 200. Each car on the average would carry thrje pasRenKf-rs. This would mean not less than 300 people per day. AM ant e, because of Ks Importance com inerclally and because of Its size and location, would naturally be the stop pti-z point over night for practically all of these 100 carloads of tourists While they were In the city I esll- ma' p. on a conservative basis, they would spend with the different bust ness interests of the town the follow ing Bums of money.' V "Oarages, automobile repair shops, auto accessories and filling stations an average of $10 per car, a total of 11,000 per cay. i "Hotels, restaurants and rooming hoiiBcs an average of $3 per Indl vI'IuhI, a total of $900 per day. "Clothing, dry goods, hardware an average of $1 per individual, a tc .M of $300 per day. "Drugs, soft drinks, candy an ar t-rape of 50 cents per Individual, total of $150 per day. "Groceries, mept markets, fruit uteres an average of $1 per Indi vidual, a total of S3 00 ner day. "Cigar stores and news stands an average of 50 cents per Individu al, n total of $150 per day. "rlcture shows and other enter tainments an average of 20 cents per Individual, a, total of $60 per uay. "Other lines of business, including telegraph office, post office, variety stores, souvenir shops, etc. an av- E MAKES THEM DURABLE i i l c 1, 6 1 3 There Soles Save ' You Shoe Money . .-. f been wearing my shoes with i .)!es nearly a year, and they f ontly in s Rood condition as "oitfrht them." written AuRUBt, W.J1. Cocke. Officer, A.E.K., ! ..; Nenlin Solos could endure a test ' That they do so is because . tnuh durability built into them , i ii :i;.ilic process. To cut your town, buy thoes with these soles. TJicy come in v "'.ks for men, -women, and i .' r iocr Keoliti Soles are flexible r i v:-'.iiroof. too, and are available : ryv.h re fur re-soling. They are in.i v The Goodyear Tire & Rub fa r C o . Akron, Ohio, who also make V m t 1 Teels guaranteed to out vvir '!:! her heels. ? ersge of 50 cents per Indlvldul, a total of $150 per day. "I have made these estimates on what I consider a conservative basis. You will find that they total $3,010 per day added Income to the business Interests of Alliance. This Is a to tal of $90,000 per month during the tourist season of the year. It seems to me thst It's well worth' going af ter and that every business Interest In the city should get behind the pro ject." Hawm to Ilulld New Home "Jack" Hawea has let the contract for the erection of a fine new home on Cheyenne avenue near the school house. tThe plans and specifications call for all that can be Imagined In the way of things modern and desir able In homes and when complete will be a substantial addition to the residence section of Alliance. Charles Fuller, local contractor, has the con tract for the work, and the Job Is no small one either. Finished the home will cost Mr. Hawes about $5,000. WILTSEY NOW DIRECTOR WARlSAVINGS WORK llrtiilngfonl Man Appointed to Suc ceed Iean Ktiaw, Who Di rected Work Ijat Year The announcement has been re ceived from the Nebraska War-Savings commKtee that Geo. W. Wlltsey of llemlngford has oeen appointed director of War-Savings societies for Box Dutte county succeeding Dean Shaw, who so ably directed this branch of the work last year. The War-Savings Societies of Ne braska performed a very important service last year and it is the instruc tions of the government that every society remain Intact during 1919. Work by the director and the officers Stfpong Lion The Nation needs strong men and the right time to begin to build up strong man hood is during the growing period cf childhood. Many mothers remember with keen satisfaction, the days when SCOTT'S EIMSOOPnI was one of the determining factors in building up the strength of their children. Scott's is a source of nourishment and strength that ought never be over- fSJk' j u.wuw v if-Vl today who is anxious about her fast-growing boy or girL Bcott & Bownc. Btoomfield, N. J, U-t of societies Is getting well under way. A tentative quota of $27,500, 000 has been set for Nebraska. This is $1,500,000 more thsn last year. Plans for the selling of this quota are now worked out and will be In the hands of the county officers at an early date!' Watch this paper for further announcements but keep buying W. S. 8. as the government still needs money to FINISH THE JOB. The cherry on the tree will soon have to find another resting place than In the cup. K-B. Beware of, Counterfeits! Some are Talcum Powder. 1 'S MASTER "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." For Headache Neuralgia Earache . Toothache Achy Gums Lumbago Rheumatism , Colds Grippe Influenzal Colds Neuritis Lame Back' Joint-Pain3 Painl Pain! Adults Tako one or two tablets anytime, with water. If necessary, repeat loeo threo times a" day, after meals. Since he world-famous discovery of "Bayer TaMeti of Aspirin Intro duced in 1900, billion of these genu ine tablets have been prescribed by physicians and Proved Safe by Millions. "Barer Cross" ' on genuine Tablets. ASPIRIN Buy only "Bayer" packages Aspirin Is the tride mark of ByV Mtno'ic. tura of Monoceuccideter ot SalicyHcacitl Ask for and Insist Upon Bayer Tablets of Aspirin.',', American Owned, Entirely. 20 cent package Larger sizes also. NOTICE All accounts due Snoddy & Mollring are payable to Snoddy & Graham, at the same address Snoddy & Graham Masqu&rade U r ON THE EVENING OP MARCH ' SEVENTEENTH GIVEN BY TI1E ALLIANCE FIRE DEPARTMENT AT THE ARMORY ALL OBSERVERS OP ST. PATRICK'S DAY THE WEARERS OP THE GREEN AND ALL COVERS OP DANCING ESPECIALLY INVITED. MASKS WILL BE WORN BY ALL DANCERL TILL IIALF AFTER TEN. MUSIC BY SPLENDID DEPARTMENT OR CIIESTRA. YOU ARE ASSURED A GOOD DANCE. YOU'LL REGRET HAVING MISS KO TIHS ONE. . w'wjSi4sflCal ADMISSION $1.00 LADIES FREE Sale of Shorthorn Cattle The Keith County Shorthorn Breeders' Association will hold a public sals at Ogalalla, Nebraska, March 28, 1919 THIS SALE WILL INCLUDE 46 BULLS AND 13 FEMALES This is a. very desirable offering; of young cattle. If interested write for catalog. Address B. W. SHELDON OGALALLA, Secretary, KEITH COUNTY, NEBRASKA IE IDEAL TRACTOR THE IDEAL ' PLOW Henry Ford'sDOnt vears and thousands he refused the sale of many traitors befor requirements, but today you are offered in than in any other tractor ever marketpil. Tr. petndability durability, low operating costs values are proven beyond all question. So success of the FORDSON that it expended durable, plow that-would fill the need of the raent.- They succeeded so well Mr. Ford All other eauimnent is psnprinlW riaeiomar? The demand for FORDSONS will far ex of dollars perfecting the Fordson tractor e he finally developed a tractor that, mot tha the FORDSON TRACTOR more real value has been tested and tested again until its de adaptability to farm work and wonderful connaeni was tne uiiver plow works of the $100,000 in the perfection of a light, yet need of the FORDSON TRAflTOT?. in- ordered 100.000 Dlows of the Oli and approved by the Ford factory. ceea me supply better order now. " a,, fJL , -s-JLjL L ; i t "V jm MM JM Iv J i There won't be enojigh Fordson Tractors to go 'round! THE demand for the Fordson tractor is so great that it will be a long time probably before every one will be able to get one. Therefore, if you are looking for a tractor and wish a Fordson you should see us at once. The Fordson has more than fulfilled expectations. With its economy efficiency durability it is ideal -for the average farm. t Burns kerosene has special air washer and all moving parts are enclosed there is practically no thing to cause trouble. Use it with the Oliver No. 7 Plow Here are some of the big Oliver features: The combined rolling coulter and joinfer buries all stalks, weeds and trash at the bottom of the furrow; and the stop device maintains an even depth of furrow. The best plow for your Fordson that's the Oliver. Come in and let us show them to you. . Get Your Orders in Early COURSEY & MILLED CORNER THIRD AND LARAMIE v, .'St.- ",. - y-r 0