Thursday, March 6, 1919 THE ALLIANCE (NEBRASKA)' HERALD POTATO PRICES RAISE ON ALL BIG MARKETS Steady Demand Experienced for Po tatoes DunnK I'Mt Week r timate of Florida Crop The demand fnr nntatnaa nra. tically all the big markets Increased during last week with better prices. Supplies were not larte. at anv nt iha big markets and the accumulated surplus was worked off. Box Butte count nm wara Qra crot ting 75c and 85c per cwt. for Ohlos ana wnues ror table stock in bulk. This price Is for screened graded Stock in KOod condition Thou I. practically no market here for the inumpn potatoes at this time In this section. Buyers accept Tri umphs for shipment on consignment only. The Ohlos and whites are pre rerred for table stock to the Tri umphs. The movement lately from this section has been light. A peri od of warm weather would probably result In heavier demand. Kansas CKy commission firm learned last week that It pays to buy western potatoes In preference to (having them shipped from the east ern section of the country. An award of $6,983.37 was granted in the clr cult court at Kansas City before Judge Burney on February 27 to E. S. Woodward & Company of Phila delphia, the plaintiff in a suit against the Cochrance Brokerage Company of Kansas City, for the recovery of losses claimed to be $7,409.43. The loss occurred in August of 1917, when the Cochrane Brokerage Com pany rejected 18 cars of potatoes hipped by E. S. Woodward & Com pany. Evidence presented showed that the contract entered into by the con tending parties called for 20 cars of Jersey Cobbler potatoes at $1.30 per "bushel f. o. b. loading stations In South Jersey and no grade was spec ified. All 20 cars were billed open and the bills of lading sent to the Cochrane firm here. Upon arrival, the first two cars were accepted and the following 18, which had already left the eastern points, were reject ed. Disposition- was then made rxn F R AUCTION Going on a homestead, and will Bell our household goods at public auction on Saturday, March 8th, at .Third and Box , Butte, at 2 :30 p. m. : 1 Large 54-inch buffet ; 1 dining room table, 8 foot exten sion; 1 set chairs to match, a splendid suitcin wax. finish; 1 Alaska refrigerator; 1 four-burner Perfection oil stove, with cabinet and oven complete; 1 Howard heater; 1 Motorspecd washing machine, a good one; 1 mahogany Martha Washington sewing cabinet; 2 splendid rockers; 1 solid American walnut dressing table, has three large triple mirrors, and chair to match, a beautiful piece of furniture ; 1 oak finished iron bed stead ; 1 white enamel reed baby carriage, just like new ; 1 Col- onial velvet rug, 9x12, all linen back, a good one; several small rugs. TERMS Cash or bankable PAUL ARPKE H. Second Annual Sale OF MERCER'S HEREFORDS r" ' J At Sale Pavillion, Ainsworth, Nebraska MARCH 18, 1918 76 Head of registered Hereford. 38 Top bulls 1 six-year-old; 2 coming four. Balance from 16 to 27 months old. 88 Cows and heifers. 21 Cows safe in calf or calf by side. 10 Yearlnig heifers. 7 Calves. , B. F. MERCER Breeder of Thorobred Hereford Cattle through local brokers at prices which necessitated a substantial loss.. The contract price, $1.30 f. o. b Jersey points, represented approsl inately $1.65 per bushel here (at that time trading was done on the bushel basis). A radical decline in prices during t' e latter part of Aug' ust, while the potatoes were on the road, brought Kansas City prices flown from 50c to 60c per bushel This decline necessitated considera ble loss to the Cochrane Brokerage Company If they accepted the pota toes, and the plaintiff claimed that to be the real cause of rejection. Had the Kansas City firm purchas ed its potatoes from the western Ne braska districts it would have un doubtedly saved on freight and se cured potatoes that would have made it money. With the large surplus of potatoes each year in the middle west there can be no excuse for pur chasing by firms In this district from the eastern coast The market for last week, as re ported by The Packer, was as fol lows : Kansas City Market Retter Kansas City. The potato market showed prices on one or two varie ties slightly lower last week, but the change was not large. An im proved feeling permeated the market early last week, mostly on account of the better clearance. The accu mutation of the last two weeks has been worked off and lighter arrivals promise to avoid further congestion. Approximately 55 cars were on Tues day's market, of which five were held for diversion. The Improvement of the market has been due to smaller receipts, for buying demand continues weak. The seed Triumph market Is character ized as a quiet one. Stock is being sold for eating at prices of $1.25 and $1.30 per cwt. on track here. West ern whites also meet little demand, with prices for No. 1 stock ranging from $1.40 and $1.55 per cwt. Cur rent quotations for other varieties, No. 1 sacked In carlotB, are: Northern Ohio Red River, $1.55 and $1.60 per cwt; Western Red McClures, $1.60 and $1.65 per cwt; Nebraska Early Ohlos, $1.50 and $1.55' per cwt; Minnesota round whites and Bur banks, $1.50 and $1.60 per cwt. Bulk stock Jobs nominally 20c lower than the foregoing quotations, and poor (Continued on back page) note. P. COUKSEY, Auctioneer. I TIME X4V . WANT TO BUT something? Hun dreds of people weekly scan these wa'nt" ad columns looking for what you or others have to offer. Oct quick renulta by advertising? in The Herald Want Ad depart ment. WANTED Salesman to sell our line or Household necessities In Alli ance. Good proposition. Write Grand Union Tea Company, Den ver. Colo. 13-2t-7764 WANTED TO RENT A farm cloBe to town. Address John Velouas, Box 383i feb!3-4t-7736 Those having clothing to be clean ed to call the Keep-U-Neat service car. Phone 133. OLD CLOTHES WANTED The City Mission Is In need of second-hand clothing, eseclally men's and shoes. Call phone 696 and we will call for them. The City Mis sion We want you to know that we clean the most delicate fabrics In clothing without injury. We call for and deliver. Keep-U-Neat. Phone 133 WANTED TO BUY Will pay five cents per pound for clean cotton rags. Bring them to The Herald of fice, tf WANTED Housekeeper family of three middle aged lady pre ferred. Phone 301. 9-tf-7690 WANTED Young couple wishes either light housekeeping rooms or sleeping room. Will pay well for the right place. Phone 63. feb 6-tf-7716 . WANTED TO BUY --Will pay five cents per pound for clean cotton rags. Bring them to The Herald of fice, tf WANTED Contract breaking prair ie. J. A. Gammon, Antloch. Nebr. 14-2t-7801 SALESMAN WANTED Lubricating oil. grease, specialties, paint. Part or whole time. Com mission basis. Man with car or rig preferred. RlverBlde Refining Com pany, Cleveland, Ohio. lt-7787$ FOR SALE OR TRADE Nearly new 30-60 Huber tractor. Address Jas. Klase, Reynolds, Nebr. 10-6t$-7719 A few first-class uncalled for over coats at very low prices Keep-U- Neet. Phone 133. FOR SALE Burlington Cafe and Bakery. Particulars Wm. Fuller at cafe. FOR SALE: Small stock of dry goods, Including ladles' dresses, children's dress, boys' suits. Alum inum ware, bread mixers and many other small articles. Call at 216 Missouri Ave. Mrs. Frank Elliott. feb 6-tf-7709 FOR SALE: Cash register, electric coffee mill, check protector. Bur roughs adding machine, Toledo scale, Bowser oil tank, McCuskey account register, Scheer-Gillette display counter, office desk and chair, tables, counters and glass caseB. For prices and terras see or write W. H. Buechsensteln. Al liance, Nebr. Iltf7738 FOR SALE Hotel. 23 rooms. . on Lincoln Highway, western Nebr. $4,000. Andersoa Sales Co.. Brule, Nebr. 13-21-7774 FOR SALE 150 stock cattle; about one-half of them steers. 65 head of horses, 5 two-year-old mules. F. G. Blaine, phone 495. 13-4t-7768 FOR SALE A Pull Ford Tractor, for $165. Also some sweet clover seed. W. E. Blackledge, Hay Springs. Nebr. 13-5t-7765 LOST Part of Jack-screw. Lost about five miles east - of town, about January 27th. Please re turn to this office. John F. Lu low. Pbont 351. 14-2t-7803 FOR SALE One of th hPt Sir. in Box Butte county, the EH of ec-Vi section 30, township 25, range 60. Price $10 per acre. O. P. Herrold. 703 Polk Bldg.. uea Moines, la. feb20-3t-7748 FOR SPRING, delivered alive, baby chicks. Any breed. Get our prices before you buy. Weiss A Ingram. 3149 Wyandott St.. Den ver, uoio. 13-2t7770 S. C. It. I. RED eggs for hatching. Harrison-Tyrrell bred-to-lay 250 egg strains. Why raise scrubs when you can get eggs from these nve Drea strains for 91.50 per setting. $5.50 per 100. Guaran teed. Fern R. Nyffler, Dullaghan. Nebr., via Rushvllle. 13-4t-7763 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN: One 12 horse-power Callahan gas oline engine, with large pump Jack. In good condition. Can be purchased at a bargain. Suitable for ranch or farm or small manufacturing plant. One 6 horse-power Atlas gasoline engine with pump Jack. In good condition. A bargain. 200 feet of six-Inch brass cylinder pipe. 800 feet of two-inch, four-inch and six-inch iron pipe, In good con dition. The above outfit Is suitable for a potash plant or for use on a farm or ranch. Can be seen at any time. THOMAS-BALD INVESTMENT COMPANY. Alliance, Nebraska 10-tf-7708 FOR SALE Furniture complete for four rooms, including Pathephone and records. In flrst-claas condi tion. Will make price on all or single piece. Inquire of C. A. Al len, 201 M Box Butte Avenue. 11-21-7726 FOR SALE One new one and one- quarter Bethlehem auto truck. Pneumatic tires and fully equip ped. Has never been used. Can be seen In Alliance. Will be sold at a discount. Thomas-Bald In vestment Company, Alliance. Iltf7727 FOR SALE: Hand-picked beans, at loc per pound, can 640. - 12-lt-7750$ POTASH STOCK FOR 8 A LB I offer for sale, at the market, stock in the following Nebraska potash companies; In blocks of from ten to 500 shares: Western Potash Company, Antloch Stndard Potash Company, Lake side. Alliance Potash Company, Antloch Omaha Potash Company, Lakeside U. S. and National Potash Com panies, Antloch. William Berg Company, Merrlman These offerings, in limited amounts, are subject to previous sale or withdrawal from the market nt any time. Address Box 456, care of Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. 8- tf- Two furnished sleeping rooms, gentlemen preferred. 606 Cheyenne Phone, 712. FOR LEASE My ranch near Ken- . nedy, in Cherry county. Plenty or nay ana range ror 500 bead of cattle. Four miles of creek. Good improvements; about 30 miles of fence. For further particulars ad dress N. S. Rowley, box 24 5, Val entine, Nebr. 13tf 7773 FOR RENT Half section of land west of Alliance, In section 23 and 26-25-50. Owan M. Byrne. Bur chard. Nebr. feb ll-3t-7734 First-Class laundry work. Denver agency. Call 133 for service car. .Keep-u-Neat. Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15.'6727 Cleaning, repairing, dyeing. Keep-U- Neat. Just phone 133 and the MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furniture without marring or scratching or do ing damage. Up-to-date wagon pads will be used by us on all moving Jobs. JOHN R SNYDER. Phone IS 37-tf-E950 'WS5 SWBB aaaw mmm iaa aae SCAVENGER WAGON We now have on regular routes and for special calls our city scaven ger wagon. All calls to telephone 576 will receive prompt and careful at tention. Our prices are reasonable and we are bonded to do good work. SAM 8HELT0N. Phone 676. CKy Scavenger. 83-tf-MU LIVESTOCKPRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Fat Cattle and Cows 25c High er; Feeders Stronger HOGSAVEflAGELITTLE HIGHER Sheep and Lambs In Light 8upply, Active Demand and Generally 85 a 40c Higher Than Last Week Choice Lambs Reach $19.00. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., March 4, 1910. A very moder. ate Monday's run of cattle showed up, about o.4K) hind, and the market wan active with price fully 25c higher thiin lat vek on nn average. This flIIU'(l to loth Itvef mwh'I'n (and cow stuff. Stockers and feeders were wanted at prices generally 15025o higher. Quotations on rattle: Good to choice beeves, $17.00018.20 fair to good beeves, f lo.2rx317.00; common to fnlr beeves, $ 1 3.75 0 13.00? good to choice yearlings. S14.75tfIlG.50! fait to good yenrllngs, $12.50014.50; com mon to fMr yearlings, $!).0012.2fl, good to choice lielfers. $12.75015.00: prime cows, $12.5001 4.50; good to choice cows, $10.50012.00; fair to good cows, $0.250 10.25; cutters, S7.O0 8.75; dinners. $0.5007.00; veal calves, $7.0001.1.75; bologna bulls, $8.2500.00; beef bulls, $0.25011.50; choice to prime feeders. S14.OO015.75j good to choice feeders, $11.5O013.7o, medium to good feeders, $10.50011.50; good to choice stockers. $10.00012.00 fnlr to good stockers, $0.00010.00; common to fair grudes, $7.000 8.50; stock heifers, $7.5000.00; stork cows, $0.7507.50; stock ralvei, $3.00011.75. A loo Advance On Hogs. Receipt 8 of hogs were fairly liberal. about 14.000 head, and with both local packers nnd shippers In the market. trude was lively and opening nrlcea fully 10c higher than Saturday. Later the market weakened off, but practi cally everything was sold. Tons brought $17.00 as against $17.40 last Monday, and bulk of the tnwllnir wai at $17.10017.30, agnlnst $1O.W017.25 a week it go. Sheep and Lambs Higher. The run of sheen und l&mha wn ilfclit for a Monday, 8,000 hond, and with fuvoroble reports fnin eastern points the trade wus active and m-lr-en 2504e higher than the close of last week. Very desirable ewes sold un to $12.50. nnd n new ton for the sou son of $19.00 was pnld for lambs. We Buy OLD FALSE TEETH We pay from $2.00 to $5.00 per set (broken or not). We also pay actual value for Diamonds, old Gold, Silver and Bridge-work. Send at once by parcel post and receive cash by return xm.ll. MAZER'S TOOTH SPECIALTY Dept. X, 2007 Bo. Oth St. Philadel phia, Pa, Prudentral Life Insurance Company Newark, New Jersey Office Opera House Block J. A. PIERCE District Manager 1 PHONE 43 QUICK SERVICE ELEC TRIC SHOP P. T. McKEE, Mgr. rtione 230 423 tf Rox Rutte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorneyi-at-Law OFFICEl First National Uaak Bnlldlas PHONE 180 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Harness Hand Made From Beat Material. Oatlaat Any Factory Made Uoode. Call and Sea. llaraeae Repairing: by Experi enced Harness Maker. J. M. COVERT At K. M. D. Nlehala' Stand ALLIANCE, Mill HAS KA Professional Photographer QUALITY PORTRAITS laterlor aa4 Exterior Views Kodak Flalakia- Ealarates ail Style ALLIANCE ART STUDIO M. K GREBE, rreariete PHONE RED 111 GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Bay Fever Eye, Ear, . . . Nose and Throat phone tar Call aaawrred treat Ofllea day might 0. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Burg-eon ' ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA RESIDENCE FHONB No. II OFFICE PHONE No. II DR. If. II. RELLWOOD Burgeon a a A Q. Railroad OfTice over IIoLsteln Store Fhone 87. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon 218 1-2 Dox Butt AUlaaee, Nebraska niONES Offleei MS Reeldeaeei if DR. M. I. DAS KIN Physician and Surgeon Office over Uolsten Store Office Phono 87 Residence US J. JEFFREY, D.O.Ph.O. A. G. JEFFREY, D. C. WALTER A. STATES, D. a Chiropractors 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. New Wilson Block UK. EINAR V. BLAK Medicine and Surgery Specialty: Kye, Ear, Noe, Throat and Lungs GlaMMM Carefully Pitted Office in Mallery Block Phonea: Office, 104; UeMdence, 103 DR. E. L. BASKIN DENTIST Over llolsten'a Drug Store PHONE 87 J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter fcave the ealy aet ef Abatraet Beoka la Bex Batte Ceaaty. Offleei ROOM 7 Opera Heaaa Black L. A. BERR7 Lawyer ROOM RUMHKR BLOCK PHONE y ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA "Let Me Cry for Yea" I HARRY P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK aad GENERAL BAUDS) SPECIALIST aad ACCTICNKKkT Farm Sales a Specialty Terata Reasonable PHONB 664 Alllaaee, Nebraaka) ALLE3T R. sTfraMB Teacher of Plant, and TTbtiwj B04 Dox Date Atw RmsmM