THE AILIAlf CB (ITZBSASXA) BXHAld Thursdsy, March 6, 191 COMESTIC SERVICE COURSES PLANNED Trained Home-Maker Is to Have An Eight Hour Day and Stand ard Minimum Wage. - Court for training homt assist (, who will to Into the hotnt by Hit 4STt hour or week and work on dkdulc of bourn and fixed wage, frava been Inaugurated by tba Young JTarneo's Christian AesoclatloiT as a CMana for meeting the problem of do Best I e aerrlce. Tba object of tbla course, now balng tried out In New Tork City, la to place 4mestlc aerrlce on the same dlgnlfled ft1s as clerical work, trained nursing r other professions open to women. The home assistant wlU work eight ferara a day for a salary of $13 a week. $km will not lira In the home of ber employer or take her meals there. She will hare an 'hour for luncheon, when ama can go to a restaurant or eat e Inch which aha haa brought with he: fast as aha would were aha employed la a factory. The employer will not address the home worker by her first ame. She will be Was Smith or Mrs. Brown, as the case may be. Applicants for the course are care fBlly selected, and registrants are ap pearing In large numbers. With the tame Independence as to recreation konra, places of estlng and living aa tba factory girl, house-work has a greater appeal, aa being a leas tnonoto aona and more Intereatlng work to the average woman. The course Is a thorough one in plain eaoklns. waiting on table and door, chamber work, plain sewing, cars of children, making of menus and the washing and Ironing of light things. Beary work la to be dona by outalde workers. On graduation the student receives a certificate which provea her anallflcatlon aa a dependable home worker capable of attending to all ordl aarr duties In a home. The Toung Women's Christian Asso ciation haa been Interested in the prob lem of domestic service both from the standpoint of the employee and from that of the employer for some yeara. rti first commission on Household Employment made Ita report at the axtb national convention or the xoung Women's Christian Association held In fl Anceles. Cat.. In May. 1015. The difficulties of attracting capable women to this field of work were laid to the long hours, lack of Independence la arranging recreation hours, lack of opportunities for growth and progress ud Isck of social standing. Girls have acquired a distaste for the conditions which govern household arork sine the freedom tliey have ex perienced In working In munition fac tories. By standardizing domestic serv Ice It Is believed by the Young Wo men's Christian Association that a higher type of worker may be at tracted to the necessary work in homes SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERY , INCOME TAX PAYER. Washington, P. C. The rights of nil persons vow filing Income Tsx returns are amply protected by provisions for ahuteiiient. refunds and ap lnls," xnys Commissioner Dan iel C. Roper. Bvery person csn be sure of a square deal. No person Is ex pected to pay more than his aiiare of tax. His share Is de termined solely by the amount and nature of tils net Income for 1918, as defined In the law. "Abatement petitions are dealt with open-tnlndedly. Refunds will be made In every case where too much tax la erroneously col lected. The Income Tax la 'on the level' all the way through." SWIFT & COMPANY TELLS OF SHIPMENTS 1910 Year Hook Tells of Tart Played by America In Feeding Allied Force In Hurope In War A new Idea of the great part play ed by America In feeding the allied forcea In Europe Is given In the 1919 Year Book of Swift & Company, which haa just been issued. In 1918 these products shipped abroad totaled 590,359,769 pounda more than three tlmea the amount shipped In 1914, the first year of the war. The pork product shipments totaled 1,691,454,629 pounda aa against 921,913,029 in 1914 an in crease of 83 per cent. During the year ending November 1, 1918, Swift & Company alone shipped 760,000,000 pounds of meat and meat products to the American army and navy at home and; abroad and to the allied nations for their armies and civilian populations. The Year Dook says: "This amounts to WANT TO BUY LAND We have customers for fifty qnar ter-sectlons of ltox Butte County land. If you have land In I Sox Butte county to sell, call at our ofilce at once. THOMAS - BALD INVHST- MKNT COMPANY, Alliance National Bank Building. Alliance. LUMBER MIU.WORK amd tnil talidlat aatortal 25 OR MORE SAVING ftOTM. fVral 0fsof bUVlBf Mtll VO hATaaSMil complete Mat of mhmt oj n4 mod haw onr atlmt r? rat urn nail, w rum auitw mnm pay i nm rrtitnt . FARMfiRS LUMBER CO. 2504 Boyd Htrect Omaha, Nobr, about 25.000 carloada of meat, which would make a aingle train 200 miles long." ' Borne of the difficulties encounter ed In shipping are shown In the fol lowing: "The meat for Europe has gone hi fleets of vessels under convoy, and the Food Administration has often been unable to know Very far In ad vance when cargo space would be available. For thla reason Swift & Company baa frequently been noti fied that a certain number of mil lions of pounda would be wanted at a certain port within a few daya. Swift St Company haa often had ship ments on the way to the seaboard within a few hours after the orders have been received, and believes that it haa met with signal auccess In the filling of such rush orders. "The packing industry waa able to adapt itself to wartime demands per haps .more quickly than any other Industry. If this Industry had not been organised on a large scale along national, r and even International, tinea, it would never have been able to answer all demands as promptly aa It has. War demands have, -of course, caused many changes In methods and have made it necessary for us to Increase our facilities in many respects. "For example, when the . United States entered the war, there devel oped a demand for canned bacon for shipment to our soldiers overseas. Swift & Company Immediately took over a semi-completed soap factory and within thirty days had installed tne necessary macntnery and was filling government contracts. More than a million pounds of bacon a week hav eoften been canned In this factory. This means that our sol diers have been getting fine, cured, smoked bacon, whereas the Allies! have been demanding only nit, un amoked bacon, which doea not have to be canned. "Another example showing the co-operation that awe have offered the government waa when the gov ernment found it necessary to have large quantities of butter, which It had bought for overseas shipment, put Into cans. Swift fe Company,' alone among the big butter handlera of the country, waa willing to install the necessary equipment, and In the course of three weeks, under the most "unfavorable circumstances, be gan canning butter for the govern ment. Up to t e time this Year Dook goes to press,. we have put up some three million pounds of butter owned by the government and-also two million pounda which we have gathered for the government, mak ing a total of five million pounda of butter that have been put up In tine." STUFFED DP WITH "A BAD COLD?" Get busy with a bottlo of Dr. King's New Discovery at once Coughs, colds and bronchial attacks they are all likely to result In danger oua aftermaths unless checked in time. And how effectively and quickly Dr. King's New Discovery helps to do tl o checking workl Inflamed, irritated membranes are eoothed, tne mucous phlegm loosened freely, and quiet, restful sleep follows. All druggist have it. Sold since 1SC9 Constipation Emacipation No more lazy bowels, yellow com plextion, sick headache, indigestion, embarassin? breath, when you use as a corrective Dr. King's New Life Pills. They systematize the system and keep ha world looking, cheerful. I'lANO FOB SAMS We have stored at Alliance a high grade piano, which, if taken at once, will be sold at a tremendous sacrl ftce. Terms to responsible party. If Interested write at once for partlc tlara to THE DENVER MUSIC COMPANY, Denver, Colo. ' 13tf7772 WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE WttEr FXTRAYA6AWZA 21ms. Clssti EaUrtalsMMt. Enrb4 Ssmi Ask Aa!. LAOIll DIME MATINEE DAILY OONT OO HOME BAYING I I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETY f ATLAS REDWOOD TANKS Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other material, and cost less money. These tanks will keep the water cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Send for price list to day- -u-liu. ATLAS TANK MFG. COMPANY Fred Boisen, Manager 1102 W. O. W. BUILDING, OMAHA, NEBRASKA TRY THE SCALES The scales seldom fail to reveal the truth, they arc a fair gauge of health. If you are losing weight and are hot feeling up to the mark, it is high time to re place the loss and build up the powers of resistance EN a unique 'combination of tonic and nourishment, fiavini? aerinue rcconsiructivc prvscnte, ;....V4C9 the blood, restore weight and imparts vigor and tone to the whole system. If you feel yourself losing ground, try Scott's Emulsion the Strength-Builder. an re-.' St own. Vnovifitld.H. J. 1 1 rlfSB' !1" .H wmj' '1 mP Tobseco Co. I IP FOR SALE THIRTY-FIVE REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS FROM TWENTY TO TWENTY-FOUR MONTHS OLD. SOME OF THESE BULLS SIRED BY BEAU BRUMMELL AND GRANDSON OF BONNIE BRAE AND OTII ERS B YBILLY MILTON, PRICE $225. " NINETEEN HEREFORD BULLS SAME AGE, BUT NOT REGIS TERED, PRICE $150. THESE BULLS MAY BE SEEN AT MY PLACE THIRTY MILES SOUTn OF MULLEN, NEBRASKA. IF INTERESTED CALL UPON OR WRITE T. A. SCHUMACHER TYRON, NEBRASKA V. TAY your smokefaste lj flush up against a listening post and youH get the Prince Albert call, all right f Youll hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and get so much tobacco joy out of every puff you'll wish you had been born twins! f For, Prince Albert puts over a turn new to every man fond of a 'pipe smoke. It wins your glad nana completely, lnats because it ha3 the quality ! And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra grance is Prince Albert's freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented process. We tellyou to cut loose to beat the cards and smoke your fill at any clip without a comeback! Toppy rod bag, tidy red tin; handtom pound and half pound tin humidor andthat clovor, practical pound eryttal glatt humidor with tpongo moitnr top that mep (As robacco in sucft porftct condition. R J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C SOLD ON STRICTLY CASH BASIS ON AND AFTER MARCH 1st, 1919 BEGINNING MARCH FIRST ALL COAL DELIVERIES WILL BE FOR CASH ONLY The new cash prices show a small redaction. The following list is now effective: S Colorado Lump Colorado Nut Kirby Lump KirbyNut -Carney Lump $11.25 11.00 10.00 9.75 9.50 ALL COAL NOT PAID FOR WITH ORDER WILL BE SENT 0. 0. D. ALLIANCE CREAMERY CO. PHONE 545