Tfcnndaj, Mtith 6, 1919 t ij1 r ' WIS' t jr. t r v Phone 340 On of the big bargain! offered In Alliance ia the Herald at 12 per year. - The adrertlaementa herein contained Will, if you make capital of the aarlnra offered, many tipiea ter py the $2. '"-lie Eyea of the World," ahown at the Imperial on Saturday and 9un dty, drew capacity houses at each aoirinc. Three' ahowa were held on' tch day and all who'aaw' the pfc trfre were well pleated. Her. A. J. Kearns, the new Pret- Wterian pastor at thta place, arrUed te last of the week from his former home at Howard, Kansas; Mrs. Kerns came with her husband. i Judge Ira E. Tasft performed the earemony" last Thursday that united lsf marriage Mr. Oerald P. Predmore aid Miss Bern tee Loritt. Joe Smith, who keeps one of the beat pool and billiard halls in wel erta Nebraska, is daily expecting the afViral of a new electric piano which he wilt Install in his place on the coYner. The new player Is a dandy and will stand Joe about 11600 and will be greatly appreciated by the many visitors to the parlors. , -f Iter. T. D. DaTls. former chaplain of the Nebraska bouse of representa tive during the 1917-18 sessions, came to Alliance Saturday afternoon td attend a' funeral. He returned to Bingham Sunday morning.' Rer. Da Tis makes his home at Hyannis and Is' pastor of the Congregational church circuit which includes the towns of Hyannis, Bingham and Ells worth. While in Alliance he paid a lilt to the editor of The Herald, who waa a member of the house of repre sentatives at the time Rev. Davis was chaplain. Rev. Davis was the guest of Rev. Stephen Epler while in the city." These two men knew each oth er twenty years ago at Tecumeeh, Nebr. . Social Newi. Church Notes and Lodre Doing? of the Week as Told the Society Reporter Methodist Church m., "The Curse of Meros.'r Evening The Sunday school Is growing fine- service, 7:30 p. m., "The Gospel of ly, and the Interest Is becoming more Reconciliation." .Preaching by the wide soread the Centenary program pastor. Special music by the choir.' last Sunday was a source of splrltu- Christian Endeavo", 1:30 p. m. Top- al uplift; 'and was the first of a ser ies which will follow during the next few months. The adult classes' are hOW well filled, but there Is room for more. The kermbft subject fot next Sun day will be In tb evening, "Christian Stewardship and Tithing." This will be the follow-up of the layman's pro gram In the morning, at which serv ice five of our leading laymen will speak. In other places these plat form meetings hare. proVeh very pop ular; and you will not care to miss this flae treat Come, and bring a friend, and learn the great world urgency of the Kingdom, work. -The nlt leaden-will, meet' their units - next Wednesday evening' in homes to be announced at the Sun day services. Every loyal Methodist and constituent is urged to respond to this call. The unit idea will com pletely revolutionize church work if it is properly emphasised and sup ported. It must not fall. We are not slackers, but loyal soldiers of Christ's Cross. . . Presbyterian Cliurch What Is Ihe New Era movement of the Presbyterian chutch? It Is the wbcle marshalled for hoi wiola tat-- a ad a work for ou. Eight great cbjectlves have been set. v The first is intercession Goals (within the church): i. Prayer. One million Covenanted Comrades of interceslion. Minimum for our church. 65. ' 2. Family Altar. A quarter of a million family altars set up In our homes. Minimum for pur church, 20. Watch for more about the New Era movement.' Services for Sunday, March 9: Sunday school, 10 a, m., J. L. Over man, Supt. Morning worship, 11 a TRY THE SCALES The scales seldom fail to reveal the truth, they are a fair gauge of health. If you, are losing weight and are not feeling up to the mark, it is high time to re place die loss and build up the powers of resistance. 5(i j mm a uninue combination of tonic and nourishment, Ml the blood, restores weight and imparts vigor and n irr . uic niiuiu J w vkvn w-- - - d ground, try Scott' Emulsion-thc Strength-Builder. , Scott Bow. BI'Wfield.N.I. i" ic, "Lost by Looking." Leader, Mrs J. E. Wilson. All are cordially wel comed to these services. v A. J. KEARNS. Tastor. Alliance people will be interested In reading the following, taken from the Ceres, Calif., Courier, regarding a former Alliance young lady: The marriage of Rev. Roy B. Deals of San Miguel and Miss Geor gia E. A. Brown of San Luis Obispo, was solemnised at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beals, 790 W. Wilson Avenue, Pasa dena, Calif., last Saturday evening, Feb, 15, 1919. at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. C. R. Crist, pastor of the' Lake Ave- . . n . . . . . dhc.m. b. cnurcn, performing me ceremony. Among those present were Mrs. Amy I. Brown of Ceres, mother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beals, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mallen and Mrs. C. E. Tanner, sisters of the groom. Rev. Ishkanion. w o sat down to a sumptuous wedding supper. The couple were well remembered with substantial gifts by friends. After a abort wedding trip they will leave for their new home in the Fresno district, with the best wishes of many friends. Col. C. D. Casper, editor and pub lisher of the Bridgeport Herald, came to Alliance Tuesday to attend the evening session of the Aloyah Chapter of the Eastern Star, on ape clal invitation. Col. Casper Is patron of Bridgeport Chapter No. 260. While in the city he made The Her ald editorial force a pleasant visit He haj a statewide reputation as an editorial writer of ability and origin ality and tip. Influence n Democratic political circles is large. It was a pleasure to hear his views of the present political situation at Wash ington. Cliurch of Christ In the great work of the future, what part will religion have? Thu call is great and loud. It Is great to have some part In shaping tho world's progress. Each' man lives his religion. The challenge calls for the heroic. . The minister will use the following subjects for naxt Sun day's BernionsiJ'The . World Call" and "The nAswer". ' The minister presents on Wednesday evenings ' a series of lectures on "Great Charac ters". , This will be Interesting and helpful. Bring your Bible and come with a prayerful spirit. The Bible school at 10 a. in. has a place for you regardless of your age. The C. E. at 6:30 p. m. Is a splendid training service for the youig peo ple. "All is yours and ye. are Christ's and Christ is God's." Come- to tb church with a message and a wel come. STEPHEN J. EPLER. f ; Minister. ANNNOUNCING REMOVAL TO OUR, t NEW QUARTERS FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY COURSEY & MILLER EAST THIRft STR BE! WnERE WE ARE BETTER THAN EVER PREPARED TO TAKE CARE OF OUR, , CUSTOMERS BETTER FACILITATED FOR TIIE RENDERING OP GOOD SERV ICE AND WHERE WE CAN BETTER SHOW YOU THE iERITS OF OUR LINE. CALL AND SEE US IN, OUR NEW HOMET WE WILL BE PLEASED TO REN DER YOU ANY SERVICE WITIHN OUR POWER. ' ' .,' STURGEON GARAGE: ' ' ' "Home of Buick Cars and Avery Tractors" SPECIAL SALE OF GROCERIES AND MERCHANDISE Beginning Thursday, Mar. 6, and continuing until Thursday, Mar. 20 These goodsmust be sold in the length of time mentioned, and we are offering such bargains that have never been equaled in this city. 200 Yards of Standard Calico, value 22ioc per yard, money price r 12V4c 500 Yards Standard Percale, value 35c per yard, money price - 19V&C 550 Yards Plaid Gingham, extra good, value 65c per yard, money trice 33 1,000 Yards Gingham, all colors and patterns, value 45c, money price 20c 3-yard rolls Cotton Batting, value $1.65; money price, per roll -r- $1.39 250 Yards Toweling, value 30c; money price, yard 19y2c Bleached Muslin, fine quality, value 45c; money price .38c Muslin Sheeting, 21a yds. wide, value 85c; money price) per yard ... , 635 Unbleached Muslin, vafue 38c ; money price, per yard 27c House Aprons, all colors, patterns and sizes, $1.75 value ; money price '. $1.25 Hair Switches, extra quality, worth $6.00; money price, $3.00 15 Per Cent Discount on All of Our Corsets. GET YOUR BLANKETS NOW FOR NEXT WINTER'S USE AT THESE PRICES 450 BLANKETS AT $3.46 EACH. Men.'s brown and black Hose, 25c value ; money price 19c 5 Dozen Ladies Silk Mahogany Hose, $2.00 value; money price $1.25 Engineer's and Firemen's Hose, 30c value; money price, per pair , 224c Men's everyday tfork Shirts; get your summer supply at these prices, $1.5G value ; money price 90c Men's heavy bib Denim Overalls, $3.00 value ; money price,' each - - $2.37 Jackets to match . $2.37 Men's heavy Express stripe Overalls with bib, $2.50 value; money price , 1,..$2.10 Jackets to match $2.10 50 Pairs blue Overalls, bib and high back, $2.50 value ; money price '. ; $1.75 225 Pairs of Men's Pants, $3.50 value ; money price $2.75 250 Pairs Men's Khaki Pants, $3.50 value; money price, H per pair : $2.49 Men's $5, $6 and $6.50 Corduroy Pants, now $4.87 Men's $4.50, $5 and $5.50 Dress Pants; money price $3.98 Boys' Unionalls, $2.50 value; money, price .$1.98 Men '8 Unionalls, $5.00 value; money price $3.47 HERE IS WHERE YOU SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES Sac City Corn. 25c value ; money price, per doz. cans $2.10 Fan Tail Corn, 20c value, per doz. cans : $1.98 Beatrice Brand iCorn, 20c value ; per doz. cans $1.93 Sweet Clover Corn, 20c value ; per doz. cans $1.95 Utah large cans Tomatoes, Twin Peak, Pierce and Pioneer brands, 25c value ; 12 cans for $2.25 Small size Tomatoes, 20c value ; per 12 cans $1.92 Blackberries in gallon cans, $1.40 value, now $1.20 Pumnkin in eallon cans. 60c value: per gallon 42c Peaches in gallon cans, $1.10 value ; now Apricots in gallon cans, 95c value ; per gallon Starch, 5-lb. box; 60c value 88c 78o .39c Small size Dark Karo, Syrup, -20c value Milk Tall cans, 20c value; price per case Farmer Jones Sorghum, gallon can; $1.50 value Karo Maple Syrup, half-gallon cans; 90c value Karo Maple Syrup, gallon cans, $1.75 value Pure Olive Oil, half-gallon cans, $5.00 value Virginia Sweet Pancake Flour, 50c value Webb Foot Pancake Hour, 50c value Armour's Veribest Coffee, 3-lb. pkgs.,1ri.35 value Armour s Veribest Coffee, 1-lb. cans, 45c value .15c ..$7.85 .$1.25 ..75c .$1.50 .$3.92 .40c 40c $115 .40c "White House Coffee, best coffee you carrdrink, 2 lbs. ..: 195c v Laundry Soap Flake White, Crystal White, White Rus sian, Bob White, Swift White, $8.25 value; per box $6.20 Don't buy soap in small quantities buy by the box and save money. Diamond C Soap, $6.25 value ; per box Tomato Catsup, gallon cans, $1.50 value Salt, 100-lb. sack, value $1.75 Searchlight Matchos, 6 boxes for L Hand picked Navy Beans, 15c value, per lb. Pinto Beans, value 12c lb., 4 lbs. for . $5.25 1 .95c ..$1.50 38c 9c .25c 50 Boxes fancy Winesap Apples value $4.50; money price $3.75 These are the best bargains that have been offered for tome time in this city. Large Carnation, Pet Elkhorn, Wilson, Van Camps Milk, value 20c can, money price 2 for 35c ; 25c Small size Mik, 3 cans for 113 Box Butte Ave Alliance, Nebr. ESSAY Cash Only Phone 789 Everything delivered free to any part of the city. Come in and see what we can save you on dry goobs and groceries