The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 06, 1919, Local EDITION, Image 12

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aality stock sells lower according to
tB grans.
Report from Nebraska thla week
f remaining stocks are very amall,
aj a few more cara being available
foe ahtpmerrt. . Colorado also reports
pidiy aecrewlng holdings, with
probably less than 3.000 cara fit to
aawe, all but 700 of those being In
sb ureeiey aiatrict.
Oiloart Market IktUr
Chicago. After advancing sharp
er one aajr me week before, the pot
m market hesitated for 24 hours last
wek and then slipped back to ap
proximately Ita former level, where
It held fairly steady for several days,
Toe market ror the next week or
mo, according to the trade here, Is
largely a weather proposition as the
ration and effect of the present
4tna snap la entirely problematical
M e coia weatner should last a
jvmllo. receipts at stations porbably
would alump, they say, and a firmer
fondency might be expected to fol
low. It seems to be the general
lnlon thai the market of the next
two months will be largely a weather
proposition right straight through,
Jt many of the larger operators
agree In their ideaa of a good May
mnd early June market In view of the
lateness and short acreage of the
oatbern crop.
Up to the middle of this week the
JeUtly shipments from all sections for
he last ten days had averaged
pround S7S cara, which was above
the average of the preceding ten days
And about on a par, or perhaps a
trifle under, the dally movement for
am time Just preceding this latter
period. Late In the week the ship
ments showed a decrease, because of
weather conditions, but the effect of
ibis decrease upon arrivals In the
principal markets would naturally
aot be felt in full until early next
The demand, both here and from
the outside trade, has remained fair
ly constant but has been principally
(or bang-up good stuff as off-quality
goods moved pretty slowly. The lo
cal trade has been paying a premium
f from Be to 10c per cwt. for bulk
ptock In preference to sacks.
Tuesday the demand was good for
well-graded stock with Wisconsin,
Minnesota and Michigan No. 1 bulk
i 1 1 1 i.i.b 111 a- mm a
w uuc iiuct BeiuiiK at fi.oo ana
f 1.65; sacked No. 1 white stock from
theoe states at 11.60 and 11.60, and
Colorado sacked No. 1 RusBets at
11.70 and $1.75 per cwt. New re
ceplts were reported as 67 cars with
total of 201 cars on both the inner
pad outer yards at the beginning of
the day's trading. -
There waa an active demand Wed
nesday for fancy bulk cars', resulting
In an advance of 10c on this class of
stock. All other atock was steady
and unchanged. Off-grade goods
continued hard to move at marked
reductions. New receipts were 42
can and the number of cars held
WAl unchanged. .
The market was IKtle changed as
to prlca Thursday but lighter re
ceipts and shipments gave the situa
tion a slightly better tone. Receipts
were 29 cars.
New York Market Improve
New York City. The condition of
the potato market was much better
last week than it has been for sev
eral weeks. There are practically no
accumulations in the yards and of
ferings from the country are light,
principally on account of the very
bad weather. Prices have Armed up
considerably and te outlook now Is
for a fairly good movement at
tfady prices.
J. Maine shippers were" Quoting 1 2
and $2.10 per cwt. Harlem River ba
mlM and the stock was selling In the
yards here at $3.75 and $4.25 per
""Poai bulk.
C vptba tat thlpnefi we paying
the farmer IJ.fifl hlld 1. 10 pel1 Cwt.
Phd We Uotl)ig the stock delivered
Aero at $1.90 and $2 per cwt. States
were selling in the yards at $3.75
pad $4 per 180 pounds bulk.
Very few Pennsylvania potatoes
were coming here. However, ship
pers were quoting $1.90 'and $2.05
Oer cwt. delivered hprA and wcr
per cwt. Pennsylvania were selling
In the yards here at $3,75 and $4.25
per 180 pounds bulk.
Michigan shippers were quoting
1.90 and $1.95 per cwt for sacked
potatoes delivered here and they
were bringing $3.15 and $3.25 per
ISO pound bag.
. . r---.,
P. C. Jerome, piano tuner of Lin
coln, will be here soon for this line
of work. Phone orders to 75.
Regular teachers' examinations
will be given at the court house,
March 15th. Keadiug circle exam
inations will be given. OPAL It US
BEL, County Superintendent.
NOTICE! 10 Dot Butte Home
Guards: All members of the Box
Butte Home Guards having rifles fur-
- Dished by Box Butte county are
hereby Instructed to turn In the same
as early as possible. Rifles may be
left at the office of the Thomas-Bald
Investment Company with Lloyd C.
Thomas, who has been Instructed t9
receint for them, in mr absence from
the city, ROY C, STUONQ, Captain.
Thursday, March 6, 1910
. .We have customers for fifty quarter-sections
of Box Butte County
land. If you have land In Box Butte
county to sell, call at our office at
MENT COMPANY, Alliance National
Bank Building, Alliance.
LOST -A reward will be paid for the
return of a small aiamona oroocu
in in.t nn train number forty-
three, or at tie Girard station, on
oni-H TAnlna-. February 15th.
Finder notify The Herald office
and reward will be paid on return
of the Pin. I$tf7779
J. Orrin.Oould of Sheridan, re
it fhiniain. will sneak at the
Baptist church next Sunday.
"And the smoke went up the chim
ney Just the same, chimed the com
munity club quartette on Ita way
home from Seneca. Repeated calls
for encores brought forth "Mary Ann
McCarty she went out to dig some
clams, and numerous other old ones
thst warm the cockles of the heart.
It Is expected that with a little prac
tice and the use of a few cold tablets
the quartette will soon be a-regular
at community club entertainments.
"Ugh, no more liver for me," said
the business man to the dining car
Eighteen dollars in change for a
two-dollar bill is a new record.
Of course the absence of the com
mu lee was noticed but as long- as
the sandwiches, coffee and cigars
were on band It was excused.
The stories of Russian parents
throwing their children one by one
to the pack of hungry wolves follow
Ing the sleigh was remembered by
the country resident who was chased
down unpaved Box Butte avenue on
Monday by seven dogs of varying
sites and nationalities. Residents
are to be permitted to carry with
them one pistol and a billy for pro
Fisher told this one: The resi
dents of Los Angeles had met in a
big mass meeting for the purpose of
discussing the advancement of the
city. There had been speeches and
speeches and speeches galore. They
were bemoaning the fact that the sea
was twenty miles away. An eastern
er, who had listened patiently to the
blow and blow and blow of the
speakers, got up and said, "If you
gentlemen will run a large pipe from
the city hall to the sea and all of you
will get on this end of the pipe and
suck as hard as you have been blow
ing, you will bring the sea to Los
WANTED A man or woman who
can tell us how to make the monthly
salary check cover the coal bill, the
grocery out and all the other bills
and still buy a new spring hat for the
"Why do you call him Woodrow?"
said one man to another. "Because
he kept me out of war," was the
prompt reply.
There's a long, long trail a-windlng
Into the home of my dreams.
Where the Vlctrola's singing; and a
wnite moon oeams;
It's been a long, long time of waiting
but our dreams will come true:
And we'll all walk down paved Box
Butte behind the Red, White
and Blue."
Ma be There is Cauae for It That
You Can Correct
Many who suffer from backache
and weak kidneys are unnaturally
Irritable, fretful and nervous. Not
only does constant backache "get on
the nerves." but bad kidneys fall to
eliminate all the uric acid from the
system, and uric acid Irritates the
nerves, keeping one "on edge," and
causing rheumatic, neuralgic pains.
When suffering so, try Doan's Kid
ney Pills, the medicine so well rec
ommended by Alliance people. Read
this Alliance resident's statement:
Mrs. J. M. Scott, 714 Missouri
Ave., says: "Though it has been
some time since I have used Doan's
Kidney Pills, I gladly recommend
them. I have known of many peo
ple who like myself have found them
good. I suffered from kidney dlsor
ders for quite a while. I had back
ache, felt tired and languid and of
ten was very nervous. Then, too
my kidneys acted irregularly. Doan
Kidney Pills gave me relief from
these ailments."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Scott had. Foster-Milburn Co.
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 14-2t
For the purpone of encouraging
the erection of buildings at this time
we are making substantial redue
Uons in the price of lumber. For
particular call on
J. D. Heck, Mgr. Alliance, Nebr.
Extra fancy boxes of high-grade
Chocolates reduced:
75c Boxes now 60c
95c Boxes now I 70c
$1.90 Boxes now .$1.50
$2.00 Boxes now $1.60
$2.25 Boxes now $1.80
Remember your friends with a
box. They will like them.
Just received, a bier new stock
of your favorite cigars and the
kind wo know you like best.
Alliance Candy Store
210 Box Butte Ave. Phone 27
S. P. Jackson, Prop.
And now It's a group of ten-rear
old boys who stole the booxe. Ma
dam Grundy is not acquainted wHh
the feminine sex alone.
Mr. B. W. D. Barnes, of
Warren County, Measures
np to Requirements,
P IMS 'W. jf.t- JwW-Wll
IW7 1
' Tff Always in robust health, B. W. D. Barnes could
. I ride, shoot and get his man. IJq was everything
I Buciiu hi nwtvn w., cuneBuee, Bnouia do aniii
overtaken by a complication of catarrhal troubles
that all but put him down. the stomach, bowels or other
.luii iuiu in II in own
Word ii : "1 had throat trouble from
which no relief seemed poaalble. My
health waa pane. Finally I decided
to try Pruha and waa entirely
cured by four bottles. That waa
three yeura ago. I am now as well
as erer; able to ride all tha time,
innnks to Feruna."
L.lke Kheriff Bnrnes. tbouaand
owe their nrennt. health to 1'eruna.
For catarrh of the head, nose and
throat, catarrhal intUmmutlon of
organs, Di Hartman's Famous
1'eruna Tonlo hat boen a standard
household remedy for forty-five
yeara, j
If you are elck and suffering:,
write The I'eruna Company, Dept.
A. Columbia. Ohio, for Dr. HarN'a Health Hook. It la free.
Tour dealer haa I'eruna in both
t'iMM and 1 inula form. If yoi want
heaHh. Inaiat upon having I'eruna.
Your dealer will give you a 1'erun
Two million men wero sent abroad.
It cost uo a lot to got them over
but It' worth muoh more to have
them booh.
If they had not, two million more
men would bo on the way now.
- These men saved us lives and money.
Without Cost to You
Only a Little Work Required
Go to your friends and neighbors and get them to subscribe for The Alliance Her
aid, the best and newsiest newspaper in western Nebraska, They will want the paper.
You only need to tell them about it. If they already take the paper and will pay ahead
on their subscription it will count as explained below. Samples of these flags can be
seen at The Herald office in Alliance. Come in and ask to see them. We bought sever
al hundred of them and for that reason can make this remarkable offer. The subscrip
tion price of The Alliance Herald is $2.00 per year. Get the number of subscriptions
needed for any flag described below, bring the names and the money to The Herald of
fice and the flag earned by you will be delivered to you as soon as received. They are
now on the way. If you do not live in Alliance you can send in your subscriptions by
mail and get the flag just the same. -y .
OFFER NO. 1. 3x5 heavy flag with sewed stripes. Given free for two new sub
scribers for one year each at $2.00 per year; or for three years paid by subscribers al
ready taking the paper. This flag will be sent to subscribers who add $1.50 to their re
mittance in paying subscription.
OFFER NO. 2. 5x8-foot heavy flag with sewed stripes. Given free for four new
subscribers for one year each at $2.00 per year; or for five years paid by subscribers al
ready taking the paper. This flag will be sent to subscribers who add $2.50 to their re
mittance in paying subscription. .
OFFER NO. 3. 3x5 boxed flag set, consisting of a 3x5-foot heavy sewed-stripe
flag, jointed pole complete with ball truck and halyard, and star holder, all neatly pack
ed in a metal-edged box. Given free for three new subscribers for one year each at $2.00
per year; or for four years paid by subscribers already taking the paper. This flag set
will be sent to subscribers who add $2.50 to their remittance in paying subscription.
1 OFFER NO. 4. 5x8-foot boxed flag set, consisting of a 5x8-foot heavy sewed
stripe flag, jointed pole complete with ball truck and halyard, and star holder, all neatly
packed in a metal-edged box. Given free for five new subscribers for one year each at
$2.00 per year; or for six years paid by subscribers already taking the paper. This flag
will be sent to subscribers who add $3.50 to their remittance in paying subscription.
could not buy one of these flags from a dealer at anywhere near the offer we make. You
cannot buy one from us. We give them only in connection with payments on subscrip
tion to The Alliance nerald as explained in the above offers.
' GET A FLAG FOR YOUR SCHOOL.- The state laws of Nebraska require that an
American flag be constantly displayed. This is your opportunity to secure a flag for
your school. " .
Address all orders and remittances to
The Alliance Herald