The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 06, 1919, Local EDITION, Image 11

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    Thursday, March 6, 1919
The City of
Akron. Ohio
' They all said ItDough- -
boy, Poilu, and Tommy
and clinging to that bit
of trench superstition,
- they believed it brought
good luck for the day
and longer life in the shell
ed racked stretch about
But in these fairer, happier
days, when peace whirls
the wheels of motordom
again, we say,
"Put on the right shoe
1 first."
And, of course, the right
shoe, is the Goodrich
Shoe, because it mear.s
good luck day and night,
and longer life in ycur
- tire3.
But there's no superstition
about it; only the big,
husky body, and the wide,
, TREAD, Goodrich builds
into tires that
Round out the dend
ability and durability c
Goodrich Service Value.
Buy Goodrich Tires
from a Decler
Squarely Up to Every; Individual
to Get Busy by March 15
or Suffer Penalty.
"Don't w ait until the flnat due date,
March IV for paying your Income Tax
and making your return. Avoid the
last minute rush. Any person can fig
ure out his liability today aa well no he
can next week, and If there Is any
point on which he needs advice he can
now get In touch with a Revenue man."
This word of advice Is from Geo. L.
Loomls, Collector of Internal Reve
nue, Omaha, who la collecting the In
come Tax In Nebraska. Collector
Loomls Is giving without charge ev
ery aid of his office and his enlarged
field force to help the people get theli
payments and their returns In by
March 15th.
But 'the Income Tax men will not
pull your door-bell or your coat-tails,
according to the Collector's announce
ment. It Is squarely up to every Indi
vidual to figure out his own case and
to get busy If he comes within the
cope of the new Revenue law.
Did You Earn This Much?
Every unmarried person who re
ceived Income averaging $10.25 a week
during 1918 and every married couple
who jointly received Income averaging
$38.50 a week should secure at once
from the nearest Deputy Collector or
the nearest bank a blank Form 1010 A.
That form contains the Information he
will need to enable him to figure his
correct net Income and any tax that he
owes the government.
The law. requires that every unmar
ried person who had a net Income of
$1,000 or over and every married per
son whose net income was $2,000 or
over (Including the Income of husband
or wife and the earnings of minor
children, if any) must make a return
on or before March 15th. And this re
quirement does not hinge on whether
the person owes a tax.
Taxable Income.
An individual must Include under
gross Income all guins, profits and In
come derived from salaries, wages or
compensation for personal service of
whatever kind and In whatever form
paid or from professions, vocations,
business, sales or dealings In property
of all kinds, Interest,' rent, dividends
or profits derived from any source
whatever. Very few Items of Income
are exempt.
Deductions Include ordinary and nec
essary business expenses. Interest paid
or accrued on indebtedness, taxes of
all kinds except Federal Income and
excess profits taxes and assessments
for local benefits, tosses actually sus
tained, debts ascertained to be worth
less and depreciation on buildings, ma
chinery, fixtures, etc., used In business.
A further deduction Is allowed for con
tributions to corporations operated for
religious, charitable, scientific or edu
cational purposes or or the prevention
of cruelty to children or animals W at
amount not exceeding 15 per cent of
the taxpayer's net Income as computed
without the benefit of the contribution
The taxpayer Is not allowed to de
duct any personal, living or family ex
pense, any amount spent for Improving
property or any expense of restoring
property or making good its exhaus
tion for which an allowance Is claimed
under depreciation.
Figuring the Tax.
Before figuring the normal tax the
dividends are deducted as credits from
net Income, together with the personal
exemption. As In previous years, divi
dends of domestic corporations are ex
empt from normal tax when received
by Hit stockholder.
The normal tax rates for citizens
and residents are as follows: On the
first $4,000 of net Income In excess of
the credits the rate is 8 per cent; on
ony further taxable Income the rate la
12 per cent.
The surtax rates apply to net In
come of each Individual In excess of
$5,000. The personal exemption and
the dividends are not deductible before
computing surtax. In the case of re
turns by husband and wife, the net In
come of each Is considered separately
In computing any rurtax that may be
due. Form 1040 should .be used for
inak'ng returns of net Income exceed
ing $5,000. and the Instructions on that
form will show bow to figure the sur
tax. Business House Returns.
Employers and others who paid
wages, salaries, rents. Interest or sim
ilar determinable gains in an amount
of $1,000 or over during 1918 to any
person Must file an information return
with the Government Blanks may be
secured from the Collector.
Every partnership must file a return
showing its Income and deductions and
the name and address of each partner,
with his share of the profits or losses
during the past year. Personal servfee
corporations will file similar Informa
tion for 1918.
Highway construction was
held up all over the country
while the war was on. With
more trucking and motoring
than ever before, and with re
pair work scarcely kepi up, the
roads in most places have deter
There Is growing dissatisfac
tion with the old policy of piece
meal road construction. Penn
sylvania has voted for a bond
issue of $50,000,000 for high
ways, and Illinois for one of
$60,000,000. There is a new
movement in Minnesota to raise
$100,000,000. These sums are
enormous and they alarm many
conservative taxpayers. But at
the old rate of road building,
the present generation will be
dead before a comprehensive
system is built.
There are now a good many
handsome main line boulevards
on which speeding motorists can
get smashed up to their heart's
content. But the hard roads do
not touch the mass of farm
You can't produce food econ
omically on a farm the outlet
of which is a soft road. . Either
the farmer realizes a low figure
or the consumer pays high. But
when trucks and teams make a
quick trip, the farm can be run
with less labor.
The trucking charges for get
ting food to the markets will
continue a high tax until a nation-wide
movement has made
the bulk of the farms more ac
cessible to the railroads.
The question whether road
building on a big scale will pay
Is one to be decided only after
expert investigation. The cost
is great and should be under
taken only when a substantial
gain can be figured over a term
of years. Authorities on rural
development usually think it
pays. Even a cautious business
man would probably spend 5 to
10 per cent of his capital to
bring an antlq dated plant up to
date. So It docs not seem whol
ly reckless when a state puts up
two or three per cent of Its
wealth to modernize Its highways.
First Attempt to Explore Africa.
The first organized attempt to ex
plore the Interior of Africa wis made
by Mungo Park, who set sail on his
initial voyage to the Dark Continent
123 years ago. He returned two years
nnd seven months later after having
explored a considerable section of Af
rica never before visited by a white
man, although he failed in his main
purpose, which was to trace the source
of the River Niger.
Getting Rid of It. ;
Mary Elizabeth had been sitting by
er mother for a full hour trying with
ill her might to make a dress for her
Jollie. Suddenly she heaved a deep
Ugh, nnd when her mother asked her
Vhy she did so she replied, "Oh, I
less just to let the tired get out."
"Viewed In its largest and tru-
est sense, the payment of taxes
Is payment for benetits received
or expected. Only from a nar- it
row and essentially selfish and
shortsighted viewpoint can the
Individual propose to himself
the evasion of tax liability as a
desirable course of action."
Daniel C. Roper, Commissioner
of Internal Revenue.
Naturally the Father of Freedom
is the Great Emancl-pater. K-B.
out of the same
old package -
Its just as good
as ever.
Sold since 1885
None Such
lib llothtr IW to AW
rllme Recipe Bok-Fre
MerreJl-SouU Co, SycaeuM.KY
hi il l
- I
II ((K
250 liATIi
ooms with bath 12 -so'
rooms With bath I2jOO
Taking Our Share.
In life It Is ns It I in armies; there
Is o linre of hnnlnoM for each one.
Koch man shall benr lil nun Imp.
den." This Is pnrt of the discipline of
lire nnd it only tnnkes confusion when
nny refuse to take their share. It Is
the wide distribution of the hunten of
society uiMin many different shoulders
tnnt makes the world's work go for
ward even ns smoothly ns It tW. One
man who will not take his ilmro of
hardness Is an enemy of ull willing
A HiAtrAnnllran tii a t rnn Anra von
.n iiiriiu'iiivn until vn v
tured to ask James Lane Allen,
"Aro vnn a liurhftnr frnm fhnlriT"
"Yes," came the answer promptly.
"But isn't that or rather ungra-
nlitt m a r A nnirallant V" nPAinitad mYi A
The novelist smiled. "You must ask
me lames, ne suggested genity; "it
was their choice, not mine."
Hot Water for
Sick Headaches
Telia why everyone should drink
hot water with phosphate
In It before breakfast
Headache of any kind, Is caused by
autointoxication which means self
polsonlng. Llvei and bowel poisons
called toxins, suciced Into the blood,
through the lymph ducts, excite the
toeart which pumps the blood so fast
that It congests In the smaller arteries
and veins of the head producing vio
lent, throbbing pain and distress, called
headache. You become nervous, de
spondent, sick, feverish and miserable,'
your tqeals sour and almost nauseate
you. Then you reBort to acetanlllde,
aspirin or the bromides which tempor
arily relieve but do not rid the blood of
these Irritating toxins.
A glass of hot water with a teaspoon
ful of limestone phosphate la It, drank
before breakfast for awhile, will not
only wash these poisons from your sys
tem and cure you of headache but will
cleanse, purify and freshen the entire
alimentary canal.
Ask your pharmacist for a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate. It Is In
expensive, harmless as sugar, and al
most tasteless, except for a sourish
twinge which Is not unpleasant
If you aren't feeling your best If
tongue la coated or you wake up with
bad taste foul breath or have colds,
Indigestion, biliousness, constipation
or sour, acid stomach, begin the pbos
phated hot water cure tot rid your
system of toxins and poisons.
Results are quick and It Is claimed
that those who continue to flush out
the stomach, liver and bowels every
morning never have any headache or
know a miserable moment
B ' f-m m - h st r f u
It ii mn ' .T 77,.. . .
Satisfaction for the
sweet tooth
Aid to appetite and
digestion benefit
and enjoyment In
And only 5 cents
a package
f 1
Have you seen the CASE 15-27
three and four plow kerosene
This machine weighs but 5,500 lbs. and capable of pulling three 14-inch
plows in any kind of soil. ,
The one-piece main frame of this Case 15-27 tractor, being cast integral
ly with the housing for roar axle, counter shaft, transmission and crank case,
forms an excellent base for the motor itself, resulting in a very rigid unit
which eliminates practically all vibration and prevents disalignment of any
This tractor is compact. It is built low down. The overall dimensions
of the Case 15-27 tractor are: Length 126 inches, width 72 inches, and height
8 inches. The 7612-iach wheelbase permits turns in a circle 27 feet in di
ameter. This tractor has two speeds, 2 and 3 m. p. h. It will easily de
velop 20 per cent more H. P. than its rating. '
The Rumer Motor Co.
rims With bath t.50