Thursday, February 20, 1919 THE ALLIANCE IIERALD CYCLONIC SHATTERING OF ALL PRICES-THE BIGGEST CUTS MADE IN THE HISTORY OF MERCHANDISING IN ALLIANCE -WE'VE GONE THE LIMIT-OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN GOME YOU MONEY SAVERS GOME I I I I More Sensational Reductions to Make Fast and Furious Selling MIGHTY SACRIFICE a AT "HORACE BOGUE STORE ALLIANCE - - - NEBRASKA UNLOADING DOWN! DOWN! GO PRICES FOR SATURDAY IMPORTANT NOTICE On account of the many inquiries if we would accept Liberty Bonds for merchandise, we wish to announce that on all purchases of $50 or over we will take bonds at par. 1Z NECESSITY KNOWS NO LAW ONE-HALF THIS STOCK MUST BE SOLD This Relentless Price Slashing Superceding all previous attempts at Bargain giving in this section of the state has packed this store with buyers from all scctons of this and adjoning counties. Remember Nothing is held back, the entire stock is sacrificed and also many recent arrivals of Ladies' New Spring Coats, Suits, Dresses and other lines of merchandise have been thrown in tho sale. Realizing that we must force all sales, former prices are absolutely for gotten we are determined to sell and have made prices that will compel the people to buy. COME EXPECTING THE BARGAINS OP YOUR LIFE. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. 1Z FREE FREE 10 YARDS OF 50c WASH GOODS FREE TO THIRTY LADIES SATURDAY The first fifteen ladies residing In the city and the first fifteen ladles from outside the city attending our sale Saturday morning will receive a coupon entitling them to 10 yards of wash goods, value to 60c per yard, FRED after they have purchased 20 yards of wash goods at 23c to 69c per yard. Each fortunate woman will receive TKS YARDS OF WASH UOOHS FREE by buying twenty yards at wtle prices. No coupons given after lO O'1'MH.'K. . These EXTRA MONEY SAVING SPECIALS On Sale SATURDAY ONLY I 15c COLGATE ONE LOT I 3 TUBES II EMBROIDERIES 25c COLGATES MEN'S 35c 17 TOILET LADIES' COLGATES TALCUM 2 Papers of C ZJ SOAPS COATS Toothpaste POWDER 8 ac ! 9 Cakes for Values to $15 4 for i arr' sSpendeor Belts 39c J j Q ()( )( if ) Sp FASTENERS 5c One Lot $1.50 $1.50 FACE $1.50 $1.50 SiSfo 1.48 wool POWDER DDMJ!X WORK SHIRTS ttf 39c dkess goods POWDER RAZORS (5) 1 Values to $3 (Cl )) iC MENS $5 four- OOP at " (&( (0)ON-n (3) f5 KSdS& LADIES' $1.25 HO. buckle Overshoes J.toj pRICE )(Q) (Q)) (Q) U this Coupon is pre Boudoir SUpper, C One Lot MEN'S $2.50 ONE LOT MEN'S $8.50 ONE LOT MEN'S 75c CQ MEN'S DRESS CROWN , v. . CHILDREN'S LADIES' $2.25 1 OO Cashmere Hose JjC UNION-MADE B7 -X-.,. Boudoir Slippers 100 SHOKS SHIRTS AND WAISTS FINE DRESS SHOES FF - "v OVERALLS 50c Value QKOFQ II Values to $4.50 OUUEJ $2.00 wgrS-.39c $3,15 I $1,98 S J $5.95 1 $1.19 g-Sfc 11 WARNEDlTOlBEWARE OF FAKE TAX EXPERTS Collector Geo. L. Ixtomls of Omaha, in l-liarge of Nebraska, Calls At tention to So-called Expert Collector Geo. L. Loom is of Oma ha, of the Bureau of Internal Reve nue, calls attention to the warning issued by the bureau against "fake experts" on the Income Tax. A state ment regarding this received from Commissioner Daniel C. Roper says: "Business houses and individual taxpayers are being canvassed this year by numerous so-called 'Income Tax experts', who offer to use t' eir magic wands of Income Tax wisdom to relieve the busy taxpayer from all worries about his tax responsibili ties. "I desire to make public an nouncement, for the Information of taxpayers, that an investigation of the qualifications of many of these 'experts' will disclose the fact that very few have had the training and experience that would place them anywhere near the expert class. "Some of them were formerly temporary employees of the govern ment who are attempting to capital ise this fact regardless of their per sonal knowledge of the revenue laws and regulations. Others are solicit ing clients on the strength of diplo mas as Income Tax experts obtained after taking long-distanie courses by leans of printed Instructions of doubtful value. VTaxpayers should not alio themselves to be imposed upon b strangers who claim to be Income Tax experts. They should discrim inate carefully between really help ful, authoritative advice in tax mat ters, and the irresponsible brand peddled under glittering pretenses. "The bureau is arranging to fur nish for the benefit of Income Tax payers in every city and town In the country a free advisory service by trained collectors, agents, inspectors and deputies. At the offices of col lectors and their deputies, and at other central points, free informa tion and advice with respect to filing returns under the new revenue bill may be had up to the final date for filing such returns. "Banks, trust companies and sim ilar responsible institutions have al ways co-operated In furnishing au thentic Income Tax Information, and have generously offered to serve the government and taxpayers in this re spect again this year. "It Is the aim of the Bureau to bring its agencies as close as possi ble to every person and to make available "In official form all neces sary information regarding the re quirements of the law. The bureau welcomes aid from every responsible agency in Its effort to enlighten the people on tax matters. "Every taxpayer Is assured of a square deal from the government based entirely on the tax laws and regulations and the facts in his case. No other influence is allowed to en ter Into Internal Revenue matters and the statement of any firm or In dividual that they are in a position to exert special Influence with Inter nal Revenue officers Is wholly with out foundation in fact. Painstaking and open-minded consideration is given in every case regardless of whether the taxpayer appears in per son or by attorney. "Firms or . pesons who offer to prosecute claims against the govern ment can secure no special consider ation beyond the merits of the claims as determined by the facts and the law. "Any former government officer or employee is barred by statute from acting as counsel, attorney or agent for prosecuting claims against the United States which were pending while he was an officer or employee; and Is also barred from aiding In any manner the prosecution of such claims within two years after leav ing the government service." Toad's Good Service. The toad is useful because of It diet. No less than 83 specimens of insects, mostly injurious, have beeii proved to enter Into Its dietary'. Georgi W. Hunter says: A toad has been ob served to snap up 128 flies In half un hour. Thus at a low estimate .1 could easily destroy 1,000 insects during a day and do an Immense service to the garden during th summer. It has been estimated that a single toitd may, on account of the cutvvorinj which it kills, be worth S 19.83 eutb season thut it lives. STATE LEGISLATURE FAVORS GOOD ROADS Spikenard. Spikenard, or nard. mentioned by ft John 12, 9, and St. Mark 14. 3. was a highly aromatic plant growing largely in the Indies. From this plant as made the valuable extract or un dent or favorite perfume used at en tlent baths and feasts. Hill Introduced He fore House of ' Itepreeentatives at Lincoln lias Many Excellent Provisions - A road legislation bill was intro duced before the Nebraska House of Representatives at Lincoln the last of January which contains many ex cellent provisions, the main ones be ing summarized as follows: Some eighty lines of roadways are mapped out to be designated State Highways. After January I, 1920, Ach coun ty shall maintain the whole of tie State Highway system lying within the county, except such portions, as are within incorporated towns hav ing more than 1400 inhabitants. , The maintenance of such roads shall include improvements to the Burface, to bridges, culverts and oth er structures thereon. The maintenance of the State Highways by each county shall be under the direction of the State Board of Irrigation, Highways and Drainage. When any county shall adequately maintain the State Highways within its limits, there shall be paid Into the county treasury, out of the State Highway fund, the actual cost of such maintenance. The State Highway Fund shall be derived from the tax on all motor vehicles; such tax to be a minimum of ten dollars per car and graduated to 50 cents per hundred pounds on all cars over 2,000 pounds. One- fourth of this fund to be placed in the county for the county road drag ging fund, and three-fourths to be used for construction and mainten ance by the State Board of Irriga tion Highways and Drainage In the county where same tax Is collected. This system of roads connect all the county Beats, and 63 per cent of all the people in the state live direct ly on these roads. On the fifteenth of each month the State Board of Irrigation, Highways and Drainage shall file with the county clerk of each county a certi fied statement showing the total amount of money received, the total claims allowed and the amount of money available in the fund for the maintenance of the State Highways' In each county. Provides for Traffic Regulation No motor vehicle in excess of sev en and one-half feet in width, or twelve feet in height, shall be oper ated on the system of State High ways. Motor vehicles shall not carry a load In excess of 600 pounds per inch of tire width. The weight of truck and load com bined shall not exceed 7,000 pounds on any one wheel, unless special per mission has been obtained of the State Board of Irrigation, Highways and Drainage. The State Board may formulate such rules and regulations in regard to the use of and travel upon the State Highways as it deems neces sary to promote public safety and to protect the State Highways. The State Board shall publish these rules and regulations In pam phlet form, and furnish them, upon request, to the general public with out charge. J ALLIANCE EVIDENCE FOR ALLIANCE PEOPLE Statement of Alliance Resident are Surely More Reliable Than Those of Strangers Home testimony Is real proof. Public statements of Alliance pee pie carry real weight. What a friend or neighbor says compels respect. The word of one whose home is far away invites your doubts. Here's an Alliance man's state ment. And it's for Alliance people's benefit. Such evidence is convincing. That's the kind of proof that backs Doan's Kidney Pills. . G. II. Williams, stationary fire man, 421 Yellowstone, says: "My back, was lame and ached steadily and heavy work would about use me up. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me and I endorse them as a first class kidney medicine." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the sane that Mr. Williams had. Foster-Mll-burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. T. feb20-JT WANT TO HUY LAND We have customers for fifty quar ter-sectlons of Box Butte Co only land. If you have land In Box Butte county to sell, call at our office at once. THOMAS . BAUD INVK9V MENT COMPANY. Alliance Natloat-l Bank Buildlnf, Alliance. J