THE ALLIANCE HERALD THE ALLIANCE HERALD Thursday, February 20, 1910 I Purely Personal nurllngton Conductor C. K. Ben nett iind family leave this afternoon for Hot Spring. 8. P., where -ihey will make their future home. They , have shipped their torn It lire and Will start housekeeping a soon as It reaches Hot Spring- Mr. Dennett haa taken the short run from Hot Springs to Mlnnekahta on the Bur llngton. Their many friends In Al liance regret to see them leave. Tom Tuck, former well-known Al liance member of the Chniese race, who conducted a restaurant here years ago, was In the city Saturday of last week attending district court. Tom is now In business at Casper, Wyoming, and modestly asknowl edges that he has been very success ful In the oil bunlnes In fact, H Is rumored that a few more oil strike on his holdings will place htm In the millionaire class. Mr. Tate, superintendent of the local schools, leaves tonight for Chi cago to attend a convention of su perintendents. The Thelan Opera House building Is in the process bf reconstruction and when finally remodeled will be occupied by Dr. C. E. Rlaglo with a modern surgery clinic. All the mod ern appliances and Instruments will be int,; ailed and every convenience possible e (Tor (led. When complete it will put Alliance on the map, as never before, as a surgical center of western Nebrnska. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of Pepper Creek were looking after business in niters In Alliance Mon day. Mrs. C. C. Smith of this city Is spending a few days visiting her daughter Mrs. William Ostcnberg at Scottsbluff. Miss Mable Young, formerly of Al liance but now of McCook, Is a guest at the Q. L. Orlggs home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Slckels of Scottsbluff are spending a few days visiting the E. C. Drake family. Mrs. W.. E. Spencer, of Alliance, was a visitor on February 14 at the big exhibit of southern California products maintained free to the pub lic in the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. She also attended the lectures and moving pictures that are a part of the dally program. The exhibit is the largest of any in the country maintained by a commercial organisation. Before returning home Mrs. Spencer expects to visit several of the many other places of interest In the Southland. E. C. Drake leaves FYlitnr nis to for Gresham to visit relatives for a few days. From there he will go to Lincoln to attend the convention of the State Optical Society. Bert Duncan has received bis hon orable discharge from the army and haa taken his old position at the Duncan Grocery store. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Donovan are the guests of Scottsbluff friends tbia wiitk. Mlas Wilma Bruce has been en Joying a visit this week from tier cousin Fred Glfthart. Mr. Glfthart was formerly an aviator in the U. S. army and has Jiut received his dis cbarge. One of the most horrible of acci dent happened Saturday, when a railroad man, supposed to be Noble F. garble, fell before the rotary (mow plow near Aurora and waa instantly . killed. The body was so mangled hat Identification would have been i-i) possible except for the checkingof the watch records. Mr. Zerble was ft fireman and had been employed on this division since returning from the army a Bhort time ago. Jay Failor of Antloch was an Al liance business visitor Monday. C. A. Newberry returned Monday from New York, where he had spent a couple of weeks on potash busi ness. Mr. Newberry feels much en couraged over the outlook for the future of the Industry since his trip. The Missionary Society of the Methodist church had a very success ful meeting this week with Mrs. lllcis. About fifty l.i.ues wev prs ent. Dean Shaw and family will leave Sunday night for their new home in California. II. A. Dubuque of the Imperial haa Just closed a deal for a 19.000 pipe organ which he will have In stalled In his picture house. The prayer of Florence Atx for a decree of divorce from her husband, .Tulius Atr. was denied by Judge Westover in the district court this Week. His honor decided It was about a case of six of one and a half doxen of the other and that a divis ion of the accumulated worldly goods at this time was not Justified especially in view of the fact that such might cause serious loss. The Camp Fire Girls will have their weekly meeting Friday evening with Mrs.J. D. Emerirk Mrs. John Burke of Sidney is vis iting her father. George W. Duncan, end other relatives In Alliance. The Dole & Given variety store waa entered Sunday night by what is believed to be boy talent and a quan tity of goods taken. A pair of aloves. boy's size, was found on the floor the next morning. Former Sheriff Cal Cox recognized Tom Ferlen, wanted for forgery in thia county on the street the other day and landed him before the dis trict Judge in post haste. After hearing the evidence in the case Judge Westover sentenced Ferlen to the penitentiary for a term of front one to twenty yean. , rVT. aiHIIAN!VO.N WHITES TO HOOVKK FIIOM FRANCE Fred M. Hoover of Alliance re ceived lately a very interesting let ter from Thos. A. Gllshannon, for mer Alliance boy and now In France with the army. Gil.hannon says: "Slgnero, France, Jan. 1, 1919. Desr friends: Will write you a few lines tonight and let you know that the Dutch haven't got me yet, as I am a poor target, I guess. Ferhaps the war Is over now. I hope so any way as I have had enough of,lt. They are drilling us very hard now squads east and west and such Is the army life in Fr.inre. This Is a hard life here. Half enough .o cat and tf fire, anl It li lai in cM. Gllshannon continues: "Well, how Is everything In the states by now? Se by the way that the flu has hit the states pretty hard. They ay the soldiers here In France are In bolter ahepe than the peoplea bnck home The latest dope here Is that we will be in the embarkation camp on Jan uary 18, but you can't believe every thing you hear here. "This division has done some fighting. We were In the drive that won the war. The division I the 35th, a Missouri outfit. 'live lots tell you when I get back. I cm sure sick of this army life. "Well, Fred, how Is everything on the ranch by now? I expect to ar rive in March some time. O'va my best regards to all the folks. Vvt. Thos. A. Gllshannon, Co. H, 138th Regiment, A. E. F., I O. 743 B." 1 ' -j 11111 J- , EXTRAORDINARY IN TWO WAYS-EXTRAORDINARY IN EXTEN SIVENESS OF THE SHOWING OF HIGH QUALITY GARMENTS AND EXTRAORDINARY IN THE FACT THAT THESE GARMENTS ARE BE 1NG PLACED ON DISPLAY MARKED AT SALE PRICES AT THIS STAGE OF THE SEASON. THE POPULARITY OF THIS GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE IS INCREASING DAILY, AS MORE WOMEN BECOME ACQUAINT ED WITH THE REAL VALUES AND THE SAVINGS AVAILABLE THE SELECTION OF SMART STYLES IS FAR AHEAD OF PREVIOUS 1 SEA Every Day is Your Spring SUIT Should become you. It Is not necessary to buy a faddish styk one not suited to jour type. There are plenty of conservative models designed along tailored lines which entirely avoid the extreme. Suits for Women Suits for Misses You have your choice of a greatly varied line. Probably the suit styles are more varied than for many seasons there' a reason. "Hox" styles are In great favor yet only the Mender attempt this model, no there are straight line coaft of lens fullness and longer In length for those who admire this 8tyle. For the woman who admires the more mannish tail ored style we have a choice, too. In fact, .there are dreasy suit, emi-s dress Milts and plalu suiU. An Interesting feature, indeed. Is the price asked. These suits were purchased at a very oxrtune time they were bought at figure far below the present wholesale cost and can therefore he mU1 to inn at priced that cannot be reached other wuw. i mi mis is not an, they into the (ireat Closlm? Out KhIa go nd at prices In conformity with the oth er sale values. It sounds almost to good to be true, you Kay. Just come in and let us show you you'll be convinced. That Little Red Ticket to be found on each garment will tell you the wonderful story. NO RESTRICTION-ALL GO (QEORGE A. FORMAL THE McVICKER MILLINERY STORE Western-Nebraska 's Bargain Day at this Great Closing-Out Sale LADIES' AND MISSES WINTER COATS Come and choose your early spring wrap a coat for motoring all sum mer, a garment to wear the rest of this season and have on hand ready to wear next winter. Think of the wonderful savings during the great closing out sale and you will not hesitate. ALL 00 AT THE RED TICKET PRICE New Spring Blouses A Wonderful Showing of Stylish Models Many embroidered and beaded in self and contrasting colors. Some fine tucked. High and low collars. Unusually attractive waists in white, flesh, tea, rose, maize, 'peach, etc. They are rare bargains. ALL 00 AT RED TICKET PRICES ANNOUNCING THE SPRING of Alliance's ONLY EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY FRIDAY, FEB. 21 HATS OF DISTINCTION, QUALITY AND TASTE FOR THE LADY WHO CARES. FASHION'S LATEST EDICTS ARE SHOWN HERE FIRST. COURTESY AND SATISFACTION ASSURED THE WOMEN WHO AVAIL THEMSELVES THE CONVENIENCES OF THIS STORE. Most Extraordinary SONS AND THE BEST FASHION SOURCES HAVE BEEN DRAWN UPON FOR MORE, BUT NOWHERE CAN THERE BE FOUND GOODS THAT WILL COMPARE IN PRICE OR QUALITY. THE MOST FAVORED MATERIALS AND COLORS THE NEWEST DESIGNS AND EFFECTS IN CORRECT MODES WILL BE FOUND HERE IN SUCH AN ARRAY AND PRICES AND VALUES SO EXCEP TIONAL THAT SELECTION WILL BE BUT A MATTER OF LOOKING. Distinctive Skirts . New Spring Styles' Just Received Skirts are an important feature of the showing for' Spring. Many ex quisite models in the new materials and colors. The wanted styles for every figure are among the lot and in all sizes. ALL 00 AT RED TICKET PRICES AT SAME GREAT REDUCTION MOLLMN(Tl OPENING Your Spring DRESS Scores and wore of the beautiful new dresseH with all the latent styles, and touches. They have been arriv ing in great boxes and almost daily we get a shipment from the fashion centers of the world their newness bespeaking their correctness. Of course you will find the various modes among the lot and in all the favored shades. Street Dresses Party Dresses The sort that make you feel cor rectly dressed. The beautiful tire. es in which you have the knowledge you are look big your beat the sort of frocks that add to your appear ancebring out the good points. If you want a dress for spring that Is good-looking, serviceable and yet dressy you will see these new spring dresses In gray, ton, Copenhagen, llurgundy, green and navy. We are told that It is ridiculous to think of selling such splendid gar ments at the prices at which we have them marked, but like every other Item in the store, they must go, We know, and know well, that these gannenU cannot be duplicated at anything near the price that makes no difference, but That Little Red Ticket to be found on each garment will tell you the wonderful story.