Thursday, February 20, 1919 THE ALLUtXE HERALD . i J v 18 NEW BARGAINS IN BOX BUTTE LANDS LISTED BELOW Sale During Pu-t l ow Pay Omse Withdrawal of Soiiie I.Ms ami New lm s Are Added , T? on t oi's nf Tl i Herald will nolo that several of the farms previously lifted In our column of farm nr;l ranch bargains have been omitted from the list published below, due to the Bale of the Fame during the past few days. If they po carefully over the list given below they will also find thU we have added several new liKtin;; vhieh should prove tt Interest to those who wish to purchase lands in this locality at the rock-bolton: price. l.M of Farms and lunches No. 1. 160 acres unimproved land wUhin one mile of Alliance. Small cash payment, lialance on eauy 4erms at low interest rate. No 2. 160 acres unimproved land. 13 miles from Alliance. Level land. Low price. One-halt cash. Bal ance long Mme. No 3. 160 acres unimproved land 14, miles from Alliance. Very cheap -and on easy terms. No 5. 320 acres cf eccellent raw land 8 miles from Alliance. On easy terms and a snap at the price. No. 8. 320 acres 10 miles from Alliance. Cheap on long time. Improv d with fair set of buildings. 100 Acres under cultivation. Ready to live on. Snap. No. 9. 160 acres improved with fair set of buildings. All fenced. Au excellent place for dairy farm. Reas onable terms and close to Alliance. No. 10. 480 acres 9 miles from Al liance. 170 acres under cultivation. New ilouse, tables, corrals, sheds, tc. Terms easy and an excellent farm No. 11. 160 acres 2 miles from Alliance. 90 acres under cultivation. 25 acres of alfalfa. Easy terms and 'C lit ftp I ' - .. -m I A4Veen?l7r bargain at the extremely low price 'car. Phone 133. asked bv the owner. Easy terms. I No 13 320 acres 3 miles from OLD CITIIES WANTED Alliance All good level farm land.) The City Mission 1. in need ot Fenced well windmill. Uneap anu ; asv terms. No 14. ' 480 acres close to Alli ance. Good farm land. All fenced. Old house. Well, windmill. SO acres alfal fa. Cheap. ITo.15. 320 acres within 2 miles cf station. Improved. Ilouse, barn, well, and other good Improvements. Mostly under cultivation. Worth fc more than asked and terms are rea sonable. , No. 16. 320 acres close to Alli ance Good farm land. Well located. All fenced. Price low and etsy terms. No. 17. 880 acres 6 miles from Alliance. 300 acres excellent bottom land. 480 acres level. Cuts 180 tons prairie hay. New 6 room house. Barn. ' An excellent farm and ranch coru "bination. , No. 18 6,350 acre ranch in Sheri dan county. 12 miles from good town. ?00 acres cultivated. 800 acres hay J imd. 60 acres alfalfa. Natural timber long river which flows through ranch. Fenced and cross-fenced. 3 sets buildings. 7 wells, windmills and Tiver for water for stock. Price very low and terms easy. No. 19. 675 acres in Sheridan county In good farming community 13 miles from gooa town, ou bottom land. 625 acres level upland for farming. 210 acres under cultiva tion. 140 acres alfalfa. 225 acres pasture. Well fenced. 8 room house. Barn for 8 horses. Modern hoc house 50 acres of alfalfa fenced hog tight, price and terms aro reasonable. No. 20. 1,760 r.cre3 deeded land and 320 acres leased land. The lea? will be turned over to purchaser of deeded land. Located only 11 milos from Alliance pool, hard road all the way and graded. Panch includes about 300 acres hard farm land. Good hay land cutting from 175 to 200 tons of excellent hay: excellent alfalfa land. 60 acres now under cul tivation. Entire ranch fenced and cross-fenced with pood 3 and 4-wire fence. Improvements included pood frame house 32x32: 3 corrals; pood hog lot: lot fenced with hog wire; barn and big shed; 3 wells and wind mills. 2 supply tanks; new auto gar age. Owners price Includes complete and practically new set of rami ana ranch machinery. Purchaser can buy from owner one gooa ieum; xvv um-i 1. . 4nAVAnJi of heifers with calves: 75 head good Hereford spring calves: 3 bulls. Owner of ranch io in ill health and is making extremely low price for quick sale. A bargain and can be easily tandled. No. 21. 485 acre farm and ranch In Sheridan county, only S miles from good market town. Close to school. 250 acres of this are good Talley land and 235 acres rolling grass land. Cuts 150 tons bay. 150 acres suitable for farming and alfal fa raising. 30 acres now under cultl yation. House 14x20. Good 40 foot well with pump. Water rises to with in 18 feet of surface. Fenced all around. Priced so cheap that you will buy It on first sight. $5,600 woll handle this deal. Balance can be handled on lone time at low Interest. vn 22. 1.000-acre farm and nnah In western nortlon of Sheridan county, in good farming locality and m entA road from Alliance. 70.0 rM cultivated: 30 acres alfalfa; fenced and cross-fenced with three wire fences. Large three-room hniisP! ham 20x40: three wells with v 1 n rl ni ills and tanks: fruit and rrnve fenced and hog tight. Terms are easy and the price is low. THOMAS-BALD INVEST MENT COMPANY LLOYD O. THOMAS F. A. BALD Phone 2O0, Alliance Nat. Bank Bldg., Alliance, Bei Butte Cousty Nebraska Classifieci -AOS ym niiln In mi WANT TO IUTV -om.tliln.5? Ilun drt1 of people nr-i kly scan tlit-He want ml rolimiti. .kint fur wliat you or uOht Iirvp to offer. Get quirk result tv nilvrrtlflne in The Herald Wnnt A1 depart ment. ATTENTION, SOLDIEUS, SAILOKS The Alliance Herald will publish -v -- 1 ' ' "-" 1 L -MHIIIi'-'- II Mi ii mil, ads under that classical ion for one who served as a soldier, sailor I or marine in the war at home of ! abroad, nil such ads to carry name and address of the advertiser. Copy for these ads must bo accompanied by statement of organization ami unit with which the advertiser serv ed, lltf WANTED Family washings, work fiiaiai.tecd. 423 Missouri Ave. 12-2t-77t7 WANTED TO KENT A funn close to town. Address John Velouas, Pox 383. febl?.-4t-773S ThnhP bnvlnc elothlnz to be clean secoua - nanu riuimus, -i :im, nru r and shoeB. Call phone 6 96 and w will call for them. The City Mil lion We want you to know that we clean the most delicate fabrics in clothing without injury. We call for and deliver. Keep-U-Neat. Phone 133 WANTED TO BUY Will ray five cents per pound for clean cotton rags. Bring them to The Herald of fice. . 1' WANTED Housekeeper family of three middle agea laay pre ferred. Phone 301. 9-tf-7690 WANTED Young couple wishes either light housekeeping rooms or sleeping room. Will pay well for the right place. Phone-63. feb 6-tf-7716 FOIl SALE OR TRADE Nearly new 30-60 Huber tractoiN, Address Jas. Klase, Reynolds, Nebr. 10-6t$-7719 WANTED TO BUY Will pay five cents per pound for clean cotton raps. Bring them to The Herald of fice. 'f Tf you hat'thln! ttnt you wl.-ih'to lipoMo of tlmt will ti' of usi- to otli'-r pi.iple '! "11 ur tl,. FOR SLK or M!S"i:U l.ANI'.ol'S ht-HiliiiK will lo the liz. St-:1; section 2 0. township j-ance 50. Price O. P. Hen-old. ' Dcs Moines, la. $ 1 0 per 03 Polk fib20-3 acre. Bldg.. a few first-class uncalled for over- ; coats at very low prices Keep-U- , iuei. i-uuuc A. Til. Til FOR SALE OR TRADE A standari make, flve.passenger touring car In excellent condition. Completely equipped In every way. Will sell for reasonable terms for cash Or will trade for city property or lorin lands. Lloyd C. Thorfias. 3-tf-96Q FOR SALE Burlington Cafe and Bakery. Particulars Wm. Fuller at cafe. FOR SALF. Small stock of dry goods, including ladles' dresses, children's dress, boys' suits. Alum inum ware, bread mixers and many other small articles. Call at 216 Missouri Ave. Mrs. Frank Elliott. feb 6-tf-7709 FOR SALE Cash register, electric coffee mill, check protector. Bur roughs adding machine, Toledo scale, Bowser oil tank. McCuskey account register, Scheer-Glllette display counter, office desk and chair, tables, counters and glass cases. For prices and terms see or write W. II. Buechsensteln, Al I ia nee. Nebr. lltf 7738 FOR SALE One nearly new 8-16 Avery Tractor, with three plows and pilot guide, complete. Only used to plow 50 acres. As pood as new. See it any time at my farm. Cost $1275. Will take S900. Write or call on Ed Schultz. 8 miles southeast of Hemlngford, Nebraska. ll-3t-7728 "OR SALE AT A HAUOAlN: On ' 12 hor"e-pnw r Oallal nn pas- olin encip, with lerge pump J;iek. l:i rood condition. Can b purchased at ft bn-L'ain. Suitable fT ranch or or F,m;'ll manufneMirliiR plant. One 6 hor.e power Atlas pnsoline eiitlne with pump Jack. In good ci ndition. A b.trgitiu. 200 feet of six-inch brass cylinder pipe. 800 feet of two-inch, four-inch and iron pipe, in good con dition. The above outfit is suitable for a potash plant or for use on a farm or tanch. Can be seen at any time. Tl iOM A 3-HA LP IN V E.STM KNT COMPANY Alliance. Nebraska fun SALE KurnKure complete for j lour noma, including Pathephone and records. In tirst-class muni tion. Will make price on h11 or single piece. Inquire of C. A. Al len, 201Vi Pox Uutte Avenue. ll-2t-772fi FOK SALE One new one and one quarter Bethlehem auto truck. Pneumatic tires and fully equip ped. Has never been used. Can be Been in Alliance. Will be sold at a discount. Thomas-Paid In vestment Company. Alliance. Iltf7727 POTASH STOCK FOH fSALK I orfer for i?;.le, at the mark't, stock in the following Nebraska potash companies; lp. blocks of from ten to COO shares: Western Potash Company, Antloeh Stndard Potash Company, Lake side. Alliance Potash Company, Antloeh Omaha Potash Company, Lakeside U. S. and National Potash Com panies, Antloeh. William Berg Company, Merrimnn These offerings, in limited amounts, are subject to previous sale or withdrawal from th market at any time. Address Box 456, care 6t Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. 8- tf- Two furnished sleeping rooms. gentlemen preferred. 506 Cheyenne Phone, 712. FOR KENT Half section of land west of Alliance, in section 23 and 26-25-50. Owan M. Byrne. Bur- chard, Nebr. feb 11-31-7734 Flrst-Clasa laundry work. Denver agency. Call 183 for service car. Keep-U-Neat. Real Estate, Loans and Irsur ance F. E. REDDISH, Reddis? Bind: 15-17-6727 Cleaning, repairing, dyeing. Keep-U- Neat. Just phone 133 and the MOV 10 I I KMTl UK SAM'.LV We huve equipped our dray w o'ls and auto truck with the latet appliances for moving furntlur without marring or scratching or de will used by us on all movie tubs JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone If T7-tf-R!sn M'AVKXtiKK WAliOS V now have en regular routes and for special calls our city scaven per wagon. All calls to telephone's? 5 will receive prompt andrerul at tention. Our prlcea are reasonable and we are bonded to do rood work. SAM SH ELTON. Phone 575. City Scavenger. 33-tf-9411 We Buy ' OLD FALSE TEETH We pay from $2.00 to $5.00 per 4et (broken or not). We also pay actual value for Diamonds, old Gold. Silver and Bridge-work. Send at once by parcel post and receive cash by return m.4I. mZEU'S TOOTH SPECIALTY Dept. X, 20O7 ho. 5th St. Philadel phia. I'a. NOTICE" To D. E. Brown, fimt noma known, and Mabel Brown: You will take notice that John R. Snyder has issued an order of at- tacnnient out or the County Court of Rnx Butte Pmiutv Vot me sum 01 tiz.uu against you. That nam auacnmeni was levied upon nronertv in the hands of the Thica- po, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Cft., which property is now held for the satisfaction of plaintiff s claim. Said cause has been continued to Miiroh 11th 101D nt in n' A 1.. ..., " W 1 Mt. M V I IWl I. fW- M., at which time you are required 1 . . , 1 . in nonpar ana iiihkr riiv nfiiiRn vn may have -against plaintiff's action. JOHN R. SNYDER. 10-31-932-7697 Plaintiff. ORDINANCE NO. 21il n ordinance levying a license occu pai'ott tax upon any person tr per sons nVernOPtt a billiard or pool table In the city of Alliance, Ne braska, for pi'el'.t: prescribing rules and re r ul a litre.) for tellirrd and pool halN, an! providing a penalty for their violation, and re- alinii ordinance number Two Hundred Thirty-seven of the city of Alliriric. NibrafVn, rv.Mtled. "An ordinance, levying a license occupation tux' upon any percon or persons operating a billiard or pool table In the city of Alliance. Nebraska, for profit; prescribing rub's and regulations for billiard 1 and pool hiilU. and providing a J penalty for their iolation. and re pealing ordinance number Thir teen of the city of Alliance, Ne braska, entitled, 'An ordinance levyiim u license occupallou tax upon any person running a billiard or pool table In the city of A U ; -anee, Ntbraskn, and providing a penalty for Its lolation.' " BE IT OK DAI NED BY THE MAY OR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OK ALLIANCE: Pec. 1. It fh:ll be unlawful for a 1 1 person or persons to use tr op erate for profit, any pool or billiard table within th ecorporate limits of 1 he City of Alliance, Nebraska, with out having procured a license there for as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. All licenses provided for by this ordinance shall be signed by the Cliy Clerk under the directions of the City Council; shall be for not more than one year and shall expire on May 1st of each year, and shall be delivered to the person applying therefor upon the production of a proper receipt signed by the City Treasurer showing that the required sum of money has been paid, Pro Tided, that the mayor and council may. in their discretion, refuse the Issuance of any such license. Sec. 3. Any person or persons wishing to tuke out a license as hereinbefore provided shall first make written application to the May or and Council stating the number of tables to be Included In such li cense and the place where the said tables are to be kept and operated. See. 4. When such annlicntlon shall have been granted and before any license Is issued, the Applicant shall execute and file with the City Clerk, a bond to the City of Alliance, In the penal sum of $100.00, signed by one or more sureties to ne ap nrnvcil hv t he ' Mavor. - conditioned for the faithful observance of all the requirements of this ordinance or any other ordinance of the city of Alliance. - Sec. 5. The following rates 'shall be charged and collected for a II i-enwrt under this ordinance: Fo each billiard or pool table, the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars per year, pro-rata from the time llcenso Is Is sued. Sec. 6. The money received by the flltv Treasurer from licenses un der this ordinance shall enter into the general fund. Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person licensed as aforesaid to indulge In, or permit in, or at or about the place where sam oiniara or pool tables are kept, any drunk ciinpsa fiehtlner. nuarrelliiip. pro fane, obscene, or boistrous language, cram Mine: with any device whatever; or anv other disorderly conduct whatever: or to nermlt to play there on or thereat any minor under the age of eighteen years, and It shall further be unlawful for any sucn owners or keepers of billiard or pool rooms to otTer or permit any minor, under the ape 'of eighteen vpars to fremient or be or remain In or upon the premises so occupied by 4ilm as his billiard or pool room. Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful to permit games of billiards or pool to he nlaved on th tables In any in: Hard or pool room on the firs; day of the week,! commonly called Sunday, and Ik t ween the hours of twelve o'clock midnight and six o'eloi k a. m. of each and every day of the M-nnir it tiiall be unlawful to keep any billiard or pool room open between the hours of twelve o'clock midnight- and nix o'clock a. 111. of each and every day of the week. Sec. 9. Any person or persons ' violating or failing or refusing to obey any of tii? provisions of this j Ordinance shall be fined in any sum not exceed in 1; one hundred dollars nor less than live dollars, for ejth offense and shall pay the costs of prosecution, and shall bo committed to the city Jail until said fine and costs are paid, or otherwise dis charged, and the city council may, at its option, revoke the license of any person or persons found guilty of vi olating any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Rc in Ordinance Number 237 of the City of Alliance, same being an prdnianceentltled, An oruin ance levying a license occupation tax iinnn miv nerson or nersons operat ing a billiard or pool table in the City of Alliance, Nebraska, for prof it- nrencrihine rules ana regulations for billiard and pool halls, and pro viding a penalty for their violation, and repealing ordinance number 13, nf the ritv of Alliance. NeDrasna. en titled, 'An ordinance levying a 11 cense occupation tax upon any per son running a billiard or pool laoie in the dtV of Alliance. Nebraska, and DrbvidlnK a penalty for Its viola tion' " Is hereby repealed Ka 11. This ordinance shall taka ofTcrt and ha in force on and after Its passage, approval and pub lication. Passed first reading, Feb. 11. 1919. Passed second reading Feb. 11, 1919. Passed third reading Feb. 11, 1919. Passed and approved this 11th day of Feb., 1919. L. H. HIGHLAND, Attest: Acting Mayor. T. P. ROLFSON, City Clerk. (SEAL) ll-2t-835-7702 j NOTICE OK IIEAlllMl I In the matter of the estate of 'Joseph L. Lloyd, Deceased. I To all persons interested In said estate: I Notice Is hen by given that at the .County Court roo.n In the city of Al liance, In County Court on Ihe 24lh day of February 191S, at the hour 'of One o'clock p. m , the petition of Minnie I. Ro key for the appoint im nt of Nathan A. Rockey, as ailmin-1-iirator of the estate of Joseph J. Lloyd, deceased, will be heard and determined. , D'lted, this 29th day of January, 1919. L. A. Berry Attorney I Ira E. Tash 1 County Judge (Seal) 1 N NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of Ihe Interior, I'nti ed States Iin-1 Office, Alliance, Ne braska. Feb. 1. 1919. To Samuel A. Now broin.ii. of Mars- and, Nebr., Contestee: You are hereby notified that Con rad llofmann, who gives Canton, Nebraska, as his post-office nddresR, did on February 1st, 1919, file in tin office his iluly corroborated np nllc'i. !i.i to contest nnd sei ure !no cnncellatlon of your Homes ead, Etir try No. OlKlltl. made January 30th, 1918, for SW',i SE'i See. 3 the NEU NW'i nnd W 4 of NE',4 Sec tion 10, Township 28, Range GO west of the fith Prlnclnnl Meridian, nnd as grounds for his contest lie alleges that you have wholly abandoned said "ntry and said land. Thar y.u nev er resided on said land or built a house or mnde any other Improve ments on said land since making said entry. His absence from said land Is not due to his employment in the military service or the united States. You are. therefore, further noti fied that the said allegntioi s will bo taken bv this office ft hal!lK been confessed by you, and your said en try will be canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard therein, either before this or flri or on anneal, if you fall to file In this office within twenty days af ter the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, sneelflcally meeting nnd responding to these allegations of contest, or If you fall within that time to file In this office due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either In person or by registered mall. IT this uprvlee is made bv the delivery of a copy of your answer to the con testant In person, proor or sucn nervine mnst be either the said con- fontant'a written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing the date of its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the pnnv wna delivered: if made by reg istered mall, proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the post oiuce 10 which It was mailed, and tnis am- davlt must be accompanied bv the nnntmnntpr'a recelnt for the letter. You should Btate In your answer ho nnmn nf the nost office to which you desire future notices to ne seni to you. T. J. (J Klitr E, uegisier Date of first publication, Feb. 0, 1919. Date of second publication, Feb 19 101 Date of third publication, Feb. 20, 1919. Date of fourth publication, Feb. 27, 1919. 10-nt-933-7704 Omaha's bank clearlnea Increased nioreln 1918 than tho3e of any othT lending financial center In the United States. Omaha's Increase was B0 per cent, whereas Baltimore was 4S. Plt.tsburrh 43. Cincinnati 40. New Orleans 35. Kansas City 30. Boston 23. Sin Francisco 16, Cleveland 16. Detroit IT.. Philadelphia 14. St Ixiuls 12. ChtctiFO 4 nnd New York 1. Oha ha was thirteenth In total amount of brnk clenrinrs Mthouph 34th In pop ulation QUICK SERVICE ELEC TRIC SHOP 1 T. McKEE, Mgr. Phone itr0 iSMi Do Butte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-at-Law OFFICE 1 Flrat National Dank Dulldlas PHONE ItO ALLIANCE, NEIinASKA Harness Hand Made From Brat Material. Oatlaat Amy Factor? Mada Caada. Call aad la. llaraeaa Itrpalrtaa; fcr EP-rl- earcd llaraeaa Maker. J. M. COVERT At M. M. I). Nlekala Stand ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Professional Photographer QUALITY PORTRAITS Interior and Eatrrtor Views Kodak Flalaklas Enlarrlas all Stylea ALLIANCE ART STUDIO M. E. GREBE, Proprietor rilONE RED 161 GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever ; V' c, Kiw, . . . Nosc mid Throat MIONK 25T CnlU (n-nrrrd from Ofllr da? r nlcbt C. E. SLA OLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Al.MANCi:. M.ntlASKA RHS1PENCH riroNK No. Bl OFFICE IIIONB No. 61 PH. IT. II. HELLWOOD Burgeon C. II. & Q. Railroad Office over Holsteln Store Phone 87. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon 218 1-2 Box Butte Alllaarr, Nebraska PHONES Ofllcei 302 naldenel 19 ' DR. M. J. BASKIJf Physician anil Surgeon Office over Hols ten Store Office Phone 87 Residence 603 J. JEFFREY, D.C.rh.O. A. O. JEFFREY, D. C. WALTER A. STATES, D. a Chiropractors 10 a. ra. to 8 p. m. New Wilson Block dkTeinar v. blak Medicine anil Surgery Specialty: Eve, Eur, Nne, 'iliiAnt and Lungs (JliusM-s Curt-roily lltleil Office in Mallery Block Phones: Oillce, 101; Ue-ddence, 10.1 DR. E. L. BASXIN DENTIST Over Holsten's Drug Store PHONE 87 J. D. EMERICK x Bonded Abstracter I have tke only aet of Abstract Booka la Box Batte Coaatjr. Offlrei llOOM T Opera lloaae Block . L. A. BERRY , Lawyer ROOM RUMMER BLOCK PHONE ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Let Ma Cry for Yea" HARRT P. COURSEY LIVE STOCK aad GENERAL BALES SPECIALIST aad AUCTIONEER. Farm Sales a Specialty Teraia Reasonable PHONE 6 Alliance, Nekraaka ALLEN R. KRESGB Teacher of Piano and Hanaoajr Residence. S04 Box Batte Ave. Phoae M