The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 13, 1919, LOCAL EDITION, Image 8

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Thursday, February 13, 191ff
BJ He Will Itrtuni to Work In II
llanre Yuri) One of TIipw
nniit MaMer I-'mirh
Clifford Sward, former Alliance
railroader, writes a cry lnterpstl:iK
letter" from France to his frlonl Mr.
Frank Rowc of hls city. In which bf
tells of Interesting: sights which he
bat seen. The inter follows:
TerlRueux, France, Jan. 6, 1919.
Mr. Frank Rowe, Alliance, Nobr.
Dear Friend and Brother: Well,
Prank, It haa been some time since
I bare written to you or any of the
banch. Not that I hare forgotten
ny of you, aa I think of all of you
trrrj day, and I often wonder, how
CkU winter has been on the boM
there. I suppose It has been pretty
erce as I see In the papers that it
baa been cold. This la quite a rainy
AunfrY. It rains, and then when It
stalanes, It rains some more. It does1
ot get very cold, though, and the
people all hare gardens planted and
the fields are green. They hare the
rainy wither Instead of snow.
This town of Terlgueux (pro
turunred Perigue) la a rery old and
blstorlc place. I was through a mu
meam that Is the most interesting I
bare erer seen. Then I waa In an
Id tower the Romans built before
Christ, to defend thla city against
the Hun tribes. Also I waa in an
Id cathedral that was started Id' the
11th century and waa not finished
ntll the 14th century. It sure is a
grand sight. A French family 1 be
came acquainted with took me
through a coliseum like at Rome,
where they used to make prisoners
fight wild beasts. There are a great
many buildings and towers here that
are over a thousand years old. On
account of the city being soold, the
town Is quite dark at night, and the
streets are very narrow, like our al
leys at home.
Most of the people are very friend
ly to the Yanks. I have met several
nice families, and been invited to
suppers and dances where we had
fine times. I can't get this French
lingo down, so I make signs. Some
of the families can speakgood Eng
lish. Well, how are Shorty and C. !. II.,,
also O. D. A., Ed Healy, Roy Hacket
and the restT Tell Doc that I am
coming home to pull jlns on the
west lead some day. Tell all the
bothers In the B of R. T. "good
luck," also all of the yard bunch.
Your friend and brother,
C. E. SWARD, 49 Co., T. C.
A. P. O. 794. Araer. E. F.
1 i
iioa norsra on his ranch
E. T. Kibble, live real estate deal
er of Alliance, haa let tl.e contract
for the erection of a large and n.1
ern hog house on his r&nb about
twelve miles northeast of Alliance.
Mr. Kibble la entirely familiar with
the value of land holdings in Wox
Butte county and feels that future
prospects fully Justify tho best of im
For 100 years OOT,D MEDAL Haarlem
CM I has enabled suffering humanity to
withstand attacks of kidney, liver,
bladder and stomach troubles and all
disease connected with the urinary
era-ana and to bulk) up and restore to
health organs weakened by disease.
These moat Important organs must be
watched, because they "(liter and purify
the. blood; unless they do their work
yom are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trou
ble, palna In the loins and lower ab
domen, a-rave), difficulty when urinat
ing, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago
all warn you nf trnnbln with your kid
aeya. UOLU MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules are the remedy you need. Take
three or four every day. The healing
oil soaks into the cells and lining of
the kidneys and drives out the poisons.
New life and health wfll surely follow.
When your normal vigor has been re
stored continue treatment for a while
to keep yourself In condition and pre
vent a return of the disease.
iKin't wait until you are Incapable or
fighting. Htart taking- GOLD MKDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Tour drug-
fist will cheerfully refund your money
f you are not satisfied with results.
Ttut he sure to get the original Import
ed OOL.D MEDAL and accept no sub
stitutes. In three sizes. Sealed pack
ages. At all drug stores.
On and after March 1st. coal
will be absolutely CASH.
J. H. Vaughan & Son.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
Alliance Creamery Co.
Forest Lumber Company.
O'Bannon Brothers.
Farmers' Union
Co-operative Ass'n.
The Opening of an EXCLUSIVE
You are assured when you have your funeral arrange
ments handled by this establishment that you will have the
best of service and supplies at reasonable prices.
Residence Phone, 510
114 West Fourth St. Alliance, Nebraska
7 ' company haa no "watered stock." Tat
Al T7 dollar1! worth of stock or bonds Issued a
9 t .... ... -
J. . i
Coal Will Be Cash
A professor of history met one of
his clans who had returned from
flplrtlnR on the western front and
asked him If he had learned any
particular lesson from the war. "I
have discovered," replied the young
man, "that It is a (treat deal easier
studying history than It Is making
An old lady, exceedingly hard of
hearing, lived near the river. One
afternoon a warship tyred a salute of
ten guns. The woman, alone In her
little house, waHed until the boom
ing ceased. Then she smoothed her
dress, brushed her hair back In a
quaint manner, and sald.i sweetly,
"Come In."
e e e e
Pat had lost an eye In battle.
When he got out of the hospital and
went back to the front he got Into
an. argument with an English sol
dier. "I'll bet," be said, "that I
can see more with my one eye than
you can with your two." "ProTe
It." "Well, I can see two eyes In
your face and you can only see one
la mine."
e e e e
An Irish farmer, waking un in
the night, saw an apparition at the
iooi or me Dea. He reached out for
a gun and perforated the ghost -with
a bullet. In the morning h Hi SPAT.
ered that he had made a target of
nis own sntrt. "What did you do
then?" Inquired Ihe friend to'vhnm
he. told the story. "I knelt down
and thanked Ood that I hadn't been
Inside it," said the farmer .piously.
e e 4 e I
Soon after the Roosevelts took up
their residence at the White House
a fawning society woman skr..i nnn
of the younger boys A he did not
nisiiKe tne "common bfy8" ho met
at the public school. The boy look
ed at her in wonderment for a mo
ment and then said: "My papa says
there are only tall boys r.ud short
boys and good boys and bad"7cy6,
and that's all the kind of boys there
e e e e
"The German crown prince,' eays
Former Ambassador Glrard, "waa
much coddled by the ladles in the
past, but I once heard an American
gjrl In Berlin hand him, as the slang
phrase goes, a good one. She was a
breezy western girl, a millionaire's
daughter, and the crown prince wis
much taken with her dashing beau-
j ty. I can trace my ancestry back
twenty-seven generations, he said 1o
Jier. She looked him overf and her
jlip curled. 'What else can you do?'
I ah a ao l.t
The hostess, who was at least for-ty-flve,
was a clinging, temperamen
tal piece of femininity who tried to
pass herself off as thirty and appar
ently imagined that being rude and
loniDoyisn assisted her to sustain
the youthful illusion. At dinner oho
asked the doctor to carve a chicken, i
' and, never having carved a fowl be
. fore, he made a mess of it. Instead ,
or trying to cover his confusion hi
Ihostess called attention to it point-;
"J UUWU mo mule HIU1
saying audibly: ."Well, doctor, you
may be a very clever surgeon, but if
I wanted a leg cut offl I should not
come to you to do It." "No, mad
am," he replied, still continuing the
carving, "Dut, men, you see, you are
no chicken."
e e e
The propletor and editor of a cer
tain local paper had been indulging ,
in a little plain talk and prophesying
disaster to the little town if certain I
improvements and sanitary reforms
were not forthwith adopted. A lo
cal parson sided with the rural coun
cil which neglected these things and,
after a sermon evidently pointed at
the newspaper man, said: . "You
should remember the fate of Bal
aam." "I do," was the prompt re
ply from the pew. "and I also re
member who it was that warned the
prophet." ;
It was a tumbledown hole of an
inn, but the two commercial travel
ers had no choice. They were
stranded by a snowdrift, and must
lodge there or nowhere. Full . of
misgivings, they retired to the only
bedroom available, and after bewail
ing their hard luck so near Christ
mas, climbed into the bed. Pres
ently a curious odor permeated the
atmosphere In other words, they
smelt a smell. Vigorous search led
one of them to the gas-bracket.. "I
say, Mac." he shouted, shaking his
slumbering friend, "wake up! The
gas is escaping." : "Well." growled
the other drowsily, "d'ye blame it?"
Pat and Mike were working on a
new building. Pat was laying bricks.
and Mike was carrying the hod.
Mike had Just come up to the fourth,
floor when the dinner whistle blew.
His lunch was on the ground. "I
hate to walk down after it." ha said.
"Take hold of this rope," said Pat,
"ana' 1 11 let you down." Pat led
him down halfway and then let ko
of the rope. Mike landed in the
mortar bed not much hurt, but ter
ribly angry. "And why did ye let
go of the rone?" ha demanded "I
thought it was going to break," said
rai. -ana i naa presence of mind
enough to let go."
e e e
A minister and Lord Elphlnstone
were at loggerheads, and the former
did not hesitate to try to take his
lordship down a peg, even in church.
The minister called out to the beadle
one Sunday to "wauken Lord Elphln
stone." "I'm no sleeping, minister,"
said the peer. "Indeed, you were,
my lord." His lordship still deny
ing it, the minister said: "What did
I say last, then?" "Oh, Just 'wauk
en Lord Elphinstone.' "s "Aye, .but
what before that?" "Indeed, I'll gla
ye a guinea, minister, It ye'll tell that
yersol." rapped out his lordship, for
the minister was notoriously ram
bling and disjointed.
e e e e
"The sorest man I have ever
seen," said an American aviator,'
"was Lieutenant Meinwopf,-the star
boche flyer, when he was nipped by
Lieutenant Avery. Melnkopf was
Baron Hlchtofen's successor and the
best flyer that Germany had left.
When Avery tackled him - he aban
doned all set principles of air strat
egy, simply sailed in and opened
fire without indulging in preliminary
maneuvers. He brought his man
down In about three seconds and this
was bis first boche battle. When
Melnkopf landed he was purple with
rage, and jji far as I could make out
his complaint could be translated in
this fashion: 'What the hell kind of
flying is this, anyhow?' "
Annual Meeting of 1'otaAh Highway
Asft'n Members to lie Held at
Heneca, February 25th
Secretary W. D. Fisher of the Pot
ash Highway Association is in re
ceipt of Information to the effect
that Grant county has raised the nec
essary funds to complete the surrey
and that the work will now be push
ed to completion.
The annual meeting of the asso
ciation will be held at Seneca, Feb
ruary 25. Delegations representing
all the towns along the route, from
Grand Island to Alliance, will be
present and the business tentative to
the completion of the road will be
cared for. Fully one-half of th,e
highway has been built and there
should be nothing now to prevent
the building of the remaining por
tion. Mr. Fisher has promised the en
thusiastic promoters over the sec
tion that Alliance will be there twenty-five
strong and has fond hopes
that those Interested will support
him to the extent of making It pos
sible for him to make his word good.
"Out of curicsity I tried pas? of
Neolin Soles," writes W. P. Macartney
of St. Louis, "and today, after live
months of hard service I fail to notice
any real signs of wear on them."
This statement points the way to
real economy in shoes. What your
shoes cost, by the year, depends larccly
on how the soles w ear and Neolin Soles
do wear a very long time. Moreover,
they are exceedingly comfortable and
waterproof scientifically made to be
exactly what soles should be and so
worn now by millions.
They are available everywhere on
new shoes and for rc-s lintj. They are
made by The Gopdycir Tire & Rub
ber Company, Akron, Ohio, who also
make Wingfoot Heels, guaranteed to
outwear any other heels.
neoJm Soles
MU MI Km. U.b. I t. Oil.
' -nmm. mm m m m
Not a cure-all. but a ra
tional remedy for catarrh and
all inflammation and conges
tion of the mucous mem
branes. Catarrh attacks the mucous linings, in any organ,
m any part of the body. It la not. as some Imagine,
confined to the nose nd throat, although nasal
catarrh Is the most common form and ami eta many
Unchecked catarrh soon breaks down the tissue and
destroys the organs or part. Ertdence of the rav
ages of catarrh are all around ns. ' Without desire
to frighten anyone, we say: ''Guard yourself against
catarrh aa you would agatrutt the direst plague.
Fortify your system. Take Peruna."
nrspiRino words for thb rick from those
I . A OmI Me4IHs la k raaallr.
LI nad a bad case of LOrtppe and eoald get no
llt. Peruna eared trie. It la a On medicine. We
ftet) use It In the family and find it rood.
Past Lake Station,' iili First Avenue,
Birmingham, Alabama.
Peruna haa cured my stomach and I feet like a
different person. I only took twelve bottles of Pe
runa and can eat anything without distress, some
thing I have not done for fifteen years.
I recommend Peruna to everybody suffertaa? with
1 fitS.
catArrh of the stomach.
10ZS 16th St.,
Columbus, Ueorgla,
Peruna Is Indicated for all forms
of catarrh or catarrhal Inflammation
and congestion of the mucous lin
ings In any part or organ, such aa
nose, throat, bronchial tubes, lungs,
Ptomach. bowels, kidneys, bladder,
etc. It Is fine for coughs, colds aftd
effects of the grip and an excellent
preventive remedy.
If you want health. Insist upon
having Dr. I In rt man's World Fa
tr.oua Peruna Tonic.
Sold Everywhere.
All sick and suffering shovkl
write The Peruna Company, Dept.
S-82, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hart
man's Health Book. The book ss
free and contains perhaps Just the
Information you are seeking. It to
sent. In a plain wrapper to any ad
dress. DO IT TODAY.
Ask your dealer for a Peruna
The Lindell Hotel
Palm and Palo, Props.
Try Our Popular Price Lunch Room and Coffee Shsp
All Modern Convenience Rooms $1.00 Up
Under New Management -:- Political Headquartcn
u itMic
As I am moving to Wyoming and dis continuing farming, I will sell at Public Sale,
on the old Chas. Benjamin farm, located eight miles north of Alliance and five miles east of
Berea, on
Monday, Feb., 17, 1917
Commencing After Free Lunch at 11 O'clock
26 Head of Cattle 26
1 Four-year-old Milk Cow.
1 Two-year-old Durham Bull.
21 Head of three-year-old White Face Heifers.
3 Yearling Heifers.
1 Pair of Shire Geldings, 6 and 7 years old, well broke and well mated, sound, weight 2800
1 Pair Geldings, 5 and 6 years old, well broke, weight 3200 pounds; these are two as good
teams as will be found in the country. '
18 Head of Hogs 18
18 Sows, nine months old, all bred to farrow in April.
, vFarm Machinery
1 Truck wagon and rack; 2 wagons with boxes; 1 new 8-ft. Independent grain binder; 2 two
section harrows; 1 corn lister; 2 cultivators, single-row; 1 two-row cultivator; 1 hay rake; 1
16-inch walking plow; 2 mowers; 1 sweep; 1 seven-ft. disc seeder; 1 seven-ft. disc; 1 endgate
seeder; 1 Dowden potato digger, new last fall; 1 steel tank, 10-ft.; 100 ft 14 well pipe; 1
road scraper. Household goods and other articles too numerous to mention.
TERMS: On sums of $25 and over, six months' time on bankable paper bearing eight per
cent interest.
H. P. COURSEY, Auctioneer,
Alliance, Nebraska
First Nat'l Bank
n ....