Thnrsday, February 6, 1919 THE ALLIANCE HERALD run 31 Id) ft no II c5 U --v!rL ft Standard the World Over and Backed by Written Guarantee. FIRST C A.R LOAD SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Every farmer is entitled to the facts. The results of official tests make at two recent tractor demon strationsthe State Tractor Demonstration of Mincrt, N. D., June 19th, 1018 and the National Tractor Demonstration at Salina, Kansas, July 29th 1918, are official proof of actual field performance. In each case these tests were made under the supervision of experienced, thorough impartial judges. AT STATE DEMONSTRATION Average of 5 Tractors Hum Ing Gasoline Exclusively , Average of 25 Tructora Hunt Ing Kerosene or (aaoline and Kerosene 1.84 3.77 66.27 Runiely (Ml Pull Iltirnlng Kerosene 2.27 2.9 45. Number of acres plowed 2.02 Fuel per acre (gallons 3.26 Fuel cost per acre (cents) 88.2 Note that the Runiely Oil Pull using kerosene used less fuel per acre than any com peting tractor using kerosen, gasoline or both. plowed at the lowest cost per acre of all competing tractors. Note the number of plows and dep-lh of plowing. Ten so-called "3-plow tractors" pulled only two plows eight tractors rated 14-27 to 24-36 H. P. pulled only three plows each. the Runiely Oil PuH pulled four plows the number It is advertised to pull. It plowed 4V4 Inches deep the maximum depth equalled by two competitors only. it was the only tractor burning kerosene that plowed 4 Vt inches deep. AT NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION ALthe National Tractor Demonstration at Salina, Kansas, July 29-Aug. 3, the Oil Pull was entered in all official tests. No comparisons with other tractors can be made as results of-tests were not made public by the officials. All tests were under the supervision of agricultural authorities. Following are the official figures for the 14-28 Oil Pull: - DRAWBAR FUEL TEST Soil moist gumbo .stubble ground. Number of plows 4. Depth of plowing 6 inches. Fuel used jmt acre (kerosene) 2.02 gallons. DRAWBAR II. P. TEST Soil stubble, loose on top. Average drawbar pull 15.7 H. P. Maximum drawbar pull 17.3 H. P. Showing a reserve power of per cent over advertised rating. BELT II. P. TEST Average belt II. P. 35.01. Showing a reserve ower of 2.1 er cent over advertised rating. TV BUILT IN FOUR SIZES In the last ton years the Itumcly Oil Pull tractor has set a record that is unsurpassed-in the tractou world. For reliability, accessibility, economy and loi life no better evidence of this is the fact that today the first Oil 1ull built is still on the job in South Dakota, delivering the same day in and day out satisfactory service that it did when first bought, and, as the owner says, it's good for as many years more. r n These successful and economical performances ofcthe 14-28 are just a sample, officially proved, of every day work of the Oil Pull in any size. Rumely Oil Pull tractofs have never burnei anything but kerosene, or other fuel oils, and furthermore, every purchaser of an Oil Pull gets a written guarantee, ngned by company officials, that his tractor will burn successfully all grades of kerosene, permitted by; law to be sold in the United States and Canada, under all conditions, at all loads up to its rated brake horsepower. ' As the above figures prove, when you buy a Rumley Oil Pull you get what you pay for and expect, and then some extra guaranteed economy and the plus power that makes the Oil Pull always "there" on the pinches. , - . The Oil Pull is made to meet a nee'd, not to meet a price built for the man who figures that "the sweet ness of low price never equals the bitterness of poor quality." ' BURNS CHEAP KEROSENE Probably the most prominent exclusive feature of the Oil Pull is its ability to handle cheap kerosene for fuel and the way it handles it. The designers of the Oil Pull had fore sightthey looked ahead they designed the Oil Pull to burn oil, and to burn it as well and as economically as other tractors burn gasoline and to get more power per gallon of fuel. The Oil Pull motor, carburetor, cooling system e very part is des ignated and built especially for the burning of oU. Bear that in mind when you are told that a gasoline tractor can be "made over" to handle kerosene successfully and develop its full power. It can't be done. The Oil Pull tractor burns kerosene successfully whether the tractor is running at full load or no load, in wet weather ' or dry, coldest winter or hottest summer, any place, any time at all loads, under all conditions, to its full rated power. No racing at light load no annoying carbonization no laying down when the load changes. The Oil Pull delivers its full rated power on kerosene gets as much and more out of kero sene than other engines of the same type and size get from an equal quantity of gasoline. " But not content with knowing that the Oil Pull will give 100 per cent results on kerosene, an dso that it will not be confused with the many "near" kerosene tractors, we insist that each purchaser of an Oil Pull get a fair and square writ ten guarantee that gives full and absolute protection. The F, E fact that the Oil Pull is the only tractor that carries such a guarantee tells its own story. OIL COOLED Lses oil for tooling non freezing, non evaporating, no frequent filling in hot weather or draining in cold weathen No cooling fan to cause trouble. SIMPLE, HEAVY DUTY MOTOR Low speed, twin horizontal cylinders ; valves in head and heads easily detached ; crank case fully enclosed but easily ac cessible; three bearing, forged steel crank shaft; cams forged integral with cam shaft; gear driven governor enclosed in crank case; force feed and splash lubrication floods all work ing parts continually in oil. Motor designed especially for Oil Pull and built entirely in our own shops. , CLOSE REGULATION ' Governor controlled speed of engine automatically and instantaneously adjusted to the load. No speeding up or slowing down as the load changes holds a separator to its correct speed all day. ENCLOSED TRANSMISSION Transmission completely enclosed in dust-proof and oil , tight case, all parts readily accessible. Transmission gears machine cut from forged steel blanks and carried on high car bon steel shafts. Cushion springs in differential gear absorb Bi dden shocks. Complete transmission runs in an oil bath, all pans receiving contsant lubrication. Two forward speeds, arid reverse. CLARK. HYATT ROLLER BEARINGS Tractive efficiency is increased and friction reduced to tho mniimum by the use of Hyatt Roller Bearings on transmission and differential shafts, and on real axle. . . RIGID STEEL FRAME Hot riveted, heavy, straight, continuous steel members, without bends or splicts, forms a frame that resists1 all twist ing strains and shocks.. . . LARGE UNBREAKABLE WHEELS Both the drivers and front wheels are built up from heavy steel tires, "T" head forged steel spokes and cast hubs, all hot riveted into solid unit. Removable cleats on the drivers and removable non-skid rings on the front wheels adapt the tractor for use on pavements. Large front wheels make for easy handling on rough, loosU or muddy ground. x THE SERVICE BEHIND THE OIL PULL Twenty-six factory branches and distributing warehouses spell service to Advance-Rumely customers. These branches are located at central and convenient points and at each is . kept on hand a complete stock of machines and repair parts for immediate shipment. An organization of trained tractor experts is also maintained at every branch house. The importance of such service cannot be over emphasized hours mean dollars during the busy season and with Advance-Rumely service no farther away than the nearest tele phone, the resulting big advantage to the owner of an Advance-Rumely machine is plain. And the importance of erv- ice to the customer is best evidenced by the fact that we arc continually trying to make Advance-Rumely service the best possible. Agent Office with Norton Realty Co., First Nat'l. Bank Block, Alliance, Nebraska. iTI n 13 EaMaaa