AN INTERESTING LIST OF WESTERN NEBRASKA FARMS AND RANCHES ou wlH Make Money by Investigat ing poifte of the Ra pro! n Offered Relow in Farm and Ranch Snaps We are receiving Inquiries every day regarding the list of farms and ranches adve. .rael b us. I.iis.ern Nebraska renters and investors, western Nebraska bargain hunters and others who want to invest their money where it will leturn a- goo-n .. Income, are writing to us for tutor-1 if ftny part of tne wori,i a t0 be nation regarding the snaps advejtis- lniniune from unfavorable conse ed by us. quences of the war, that part ought You will find changes freQiieiHly (Q be ,ht SN.tlon of the United States in the list given below by in atcu whch lnclude9 Nebraska. If things tne descriptions nmun, an . ... wire or coini til "ii.'e if you want to take advantage of a ir 'arte .'st, only portion of which is glve'i b-ilow. . of Fanns and Kanchee ' No. 1. 160 acrei unimproved land within one mile or Alliance. Small cash payment. Balance on easy J terms at low interest rate No. 2. 160 acres uninnirovea land. 13 miles from Alliance. Level land. Low price. One-half cash. Bal ance long ime. . No. 3. 160 acres unimproved land i . O. AWV m Z. Z 14 miles from Alliance, very cneay and on easy terms. No. 4. 160 acres 13 miles from Allionce. All level and graded road , .all way to town. Level. Easy terms. No: 5. 320 acres of eccellent raw I .land 6 miles from Alliance. On easy ' -terms and a snap at the price. , ! No.5. 320 acres of excellent raw ( Alliance. Unimproved, in exctnu , farming locality and can be purchas-. ed on easy terms. i "-wt w oa ncren 14 miles froul .Alliance. School on land. Will make ianest farm In- county improveu. u iiuiuuvcu. -easy terms. ' . it... ... a,?" !' r?.i oSlSni tin e Improv Income of over a hundred million dol faWo bguSgsI 'lOOtars this year from its wheat crop acres under cultivation. Ready to alone. Bve on Snap. I addition, there is the demoral- , i .:,u UiHmi rt Tirwl lr 1 1 nn ill Klirone tO fair set of buildings. All fenced. Au exceUent Place for dairy farm. Heas- No. 9. 100 acres improveu u onable terms and close to Alliance. No 10 480 acres 9 miles from Al- mis ear iu . .. i.u.. ...,. liame' 170 acres under cultivation. money Income. The Income of the I- ainhles corrals sheds, farmers reacts upon nearly every itfarrn'othere cf business. Dealers In N,, 11 160 acrea 2 miles from farm machinery, automobiles goods 1X- 1DV ..Ij i.nin nf nenrlv all sorts arfe promised a ,IanrCr; at alfalfa Easy te 'r . an 25 Acres of alfalfa, kasy terms au , No. 12. 160 acres 11 miles from Alliance. Gently rolling prale una a hircain at the extremely low price Asked by the owner. Easy terms. Vft. 13 320 acres 3 miles from Alliance All good level farm land, Fenced 'well windmill. Cheap and paw terms No 11 ' 480 acres close to Alii - ance Good farm land. All fenced. Old house Well, windmill. 30 acres alfal- UUUfHC' ia faNo.l5P- 320 acres within 2 miles of station Imnroved. House, oaiu, well and 'other good Improvements, Mostly under cultivation. Worth more than asked and terms are rea- eonable. ance Good farm land. Well located, ah fonoui Vricf lnw ana easy lerms. v - - . from No. 17. 8 80 acres b nines j . Alliance. 300 acres excellent bottom land 480 acres level. Cuts iu tons iana. 7. nrn prasrie nay. ixew o iuom UUu.. An 'excellent farm and ranch com- "bination. No. 18 6,350 acre ranch In Sheri- Ua county. 12 miles from good town. I ciear that If Nebraska works hard, ?60 acres cultivated. 800 acres hay Baves its money, makes few bad in luid. 60 acres alfalfa. Natural timber vestments and manages Its indus tfong river which flows through ' trial Interests intelligently It can go raarh. Fenced and cross-f enced. 3 : nhead with hardly a Jar from the sets buildings. 7 wells, windmills ana river for water for stock. Price very lw and terms easy. No. 19. 875 acres (a Sheridan eoflnty in good farming mmunlty. 13 miles from good town. SO acres bttom land. 625 acres level Spland for farming. 210 acres under cultiva tion. 140 acres alfalfa. 225 acres pasture. Well fenced. 8 room house". Barn for 8 horses. Modern hog house 50 acres of alfalfa fenced hog tight, price and terms are reasonable. Mo. 20. 1,760 acres aeeaea iana . snd 820 acres leased land. The lease will be turned over to purchaser of j deeded land Located only 11 miles from Alliance good, hard road all , the way and graded. Ranch Includes anout 3UU acres naru lurni iniiu. Good hay land cutting from 175 to 200 tons of excellent hay; excellent alfalfa land. 60 acres now under cul-, tivution. Entire ranch fenced and croFS-fenced with good 3 and 4-wire fence. Improvements included good frame house 3x32; 3 corrals; good hog lot; lot fenced with hog wire; barn and big shed; 3 wells and wind mills. 2 supply tanks; new auto gar- aip. nwners nrice inciuaes comiueie and practically new set of farm and' ranch machinery. Purchaser can buy ( from owner one good team; 100 head i of heifers with calves; 75 head pood Hereford sprins calves; 3 bulls, j wwiii'r oi raui- ii iu in m-tn'ii on.. v making extremely low price for quick sale. A bargain and can be onlly handled. I No. 21. 485 acre-farm and ran"h In Sheridan county, only 3 mllos ; from good market town. t .w . 1. M ... Ill , r , 1 t Vt n ,-wl Id school. 250 acres of this are good valley land and 235 acres rolling grass land. Cuts 150 tons hay. 150 acres suitable for farming and alfal fa raising. 30 acres now under culti vation. House 14x20. Good 40 foot well with pump. Water rises to with in 18 feet of surface. Fenced all around. Priced so cheap that you . will buy it on first sight. $2,500 woll handle this deal. Balance can be bandied on long time at low Interest. THOMAS-BALD INVEST MENT COMPANY LLOYD O. THOMAS F. A.BALD rhone 200, Alliance Nat Dank Bldg., . Alliance, Box Butte County Nebtttfk HUNDRED MILLION FOR WHEAT CROP JimuaiT ruosrwrs roit pros. PKROI'H year for neijrah- KA FARMERS l KINO l(M HAS USUAL WHEAT ACREAGE i Perfect Prospect for Ruiner Cmp wllfT IJihkI Pilcen for PitHlutt j Already (inaranteeil D 8Pr0ll8y wrong In Nebraska as smites ajid industries demobilize, it ( will be because of somebody's bad , management of affairs, i High prices for farm products dur- jnK the war have given Nebraska aj chance to get out of debt. Thanks to (be liberty bond campaigns, less of our prosperity than usual went down I rat-hotes. We own our share of the , war neot, ann ownersnip is wiaeiy distributed. I'aymerit of Interest and principal will be a matter of book keeping only, a shifting from one; nnrlrnt t ho Mhor If MO Vonn mil k Ya Being in such financial shape, Ne-1 brnskaX f,h0uld meet a heavy fall In ,ce8 and waReB without great dan- j,pr tQ lfsrlf , ,n our caap however ,here lg a ' prial protection against a sudden I drop in income. Industrial states, wlth war indUBtrles t0 shift back to peace industries have a complicated problem. Ours Is simple and, for the ' first year, haraiy a proDiem at an. ANCOraSKil nas an uneyni ut-ni mic-, age and perfect prospect Tor a Roa crop, ine price ui i crop. Tne price oi uie nm. . lanteed at a utile over io B " VnhmoVa la iikelv to nave an I lanteed at a little over iwo nouurs h cause a continued large demand for , other food crops. Nebraska needs , J"'A yy lively trade on the s.renght of the buj.,ng ab,ty of the farm. ere One question which naturely re ceives a great deal of thougnt in ise- urasaa is mai oi ine cunmis ncnu land prices. Under the stimulus of high prices for farm products land values have risen materially in the "agricultural west. Must there be a ' recension now? As a general rule, land prices must follow crop prices, This Is likely to be a slow process, . ...wl nihai t not a mil v pntpr prevent a fall. There remains . the ia;i ui iuc -' iuv.cod...0 for land, the result of immigration: and increase production. There is the j fact too. that good Nebraska land ; is , desirable in states further east be-' fore the war. Much depends too on of money we are to have ine ainu after the war. There Is talk in Eu- . . ... ... 1 rope oi increaMi s u. " ; Dy a reson iu oun ',.,uiin hnsi If that were accom - r r v.:. , utou plished prices would remain higher everywhere All things considered, It seems . European earthquake. State Jour- nal. Denny HaWthore of Irwin, hranka. 1b another ranchman Mo. into whose lap the potash rainbow has dropped a pot of gold. Hawthore has on his ranch a large lake of alkali water which covered much hay Wand. A couple of years ago he made plans to- drain this lake by means of a drainace ditch. Neighbors whose iland was below him 'and who would have received the water under the drainage plan, objected and suit was started in the courts to prevent uen- ny In carrying out his plans Along came the potash company i wnicn ereeieu iuc uis ...n i plant and tested out Denny's lakes, j They found large potash deposits in, the water and bed of the lake ana paid him bonus of $10,000 in casn as well as agreeing to give him a substantial royalty. Although the suit started to prevent him draining the lake is still in the courts, he is not pushing his side of it and is con gratulating himself on the fact that his neighbors prevented him from carrying out his ideas of drainage DON'T LET A COLD KEEP YOMT HOftlE Dr. Kind's New Discovery r.lmost never falls to bring quick relief Small dosrj once in awhile and that throat-tearing, lung-splittintj cough soon quiets down. Another dose an-i a hot bath before jumping into bVi, a good sleep, and tack to normal ia the morning. Dr. lung's New Discovery Is well known. Tor fifty years it's been r:Heving coughs, colds and bronchial attacks. For fifty years it has been sold by druggists everywhere. A reliable remedy that you yourself of any member of your family can take safely. Train Those Stubborn Bowels Help nature take its course, not with a violent, habit-forming purga tive, but with gentle but certain and natural-laxative, Dr. King ' New Life Pills. Tonic in action, it stimulate the las bowel. Sold bydruggiita everywhere. S . J 1X1 Wi WANT TO BUY aoini-thlnuT Hun-drt-da of people woekly fran then Want ad columns looking for what you or other have to offer. Oet quirk result by advertising In The Herald Want Ad depart ment. Those having clothing to be clean- to call the Keep-U-Neat service car. Phone 133. OLD CLOTHES WANTED The City Mission Is In need of second - hand clothing, eseclally men's und shoes. Call phone 696 and we wjn C(ln for them. The City Mis- 8ion , u-nnt vnn tn knnw that we iriean the most delicate fabrics in ciothlng without injury. We call for ciothlnR without injury. and deliver. Keep-U-Neat. Tbone 133 If you have somrthlnp tliat you wlh to diopiiKe of that will he of uhc to other people nn ad in dir the l'OH f.UK or MISTIU., I.AN'KdUS heading will do the biz. A few first-class uncalled for over coats at very low prices Keep-U- Neet. mono. 1S6. FOR SALIC Complete set of house hold, furniture enough for 10 rooms. Includes three high grade steel ranges, two heating stove, commodes, dressers, tables, chairs etc. Phone 617, V. D. Roberts, 329 East Third. 7-4t-7627 year-old Hol- . - r stein cow Will be fresh In ten weeka Gentle, Good milker. Price $75.00. Also ton choice hay. P. D. Roberts, 320 East Third. 74 1- For Sale 6 room house, 2 room hmIS,, y Dv 24 cement cel- , chicken house, garage, large lot. Nettle M. Campbell Phone 712 .oeoi .60 - tr. - 968. - FOR SALE Burlington Cafe and nnvftrv. Particulars Wm. Fuller at cafe. FOR SALE two good lot In the west side of Antioch perfectly level and a pleasant site. For par ticulars Inquire of J. R. Van Wag enen Lakeside, Nebr. FOR SALE 100 head Hereford cows ' ana 7 0 neaa nereiora caives. au- drecs Fred Hoover, Alliance, phone Birch 8031 -tf- HOTEL( For gale Cheap if taken at once 20 room8 Excellent business, GqqA payin(? dining room. Located at 10, iipmillEfor"d. veb. 6-5t-7611. jATrc nn thadf a ntnndar " , Z..7.,J 7 make, five.passenger touring car In excellent condition. Completely equipped in every way. Will sell for reasonable terms for cash Or will trade for city propertyor form lands. Lloyd C. Thoihas. 3-tf-9613 FOR RENT 5 room housts 603 Yellowstone. Inquire of Mrs. Elli ott. Large front room with two beds suitable for 2 gentlemen, well heat ed. Phone 347. 62-tf-9725. We Buy OLD FALSE TEETH We pay from $2.00 to 15.00 per set (broken or not). We also , pay actual value for Diamonds, old Gold, Silver and Bridge-work. Send at once by parcel post and receive cash by return m.Jl. MAZEIl'S TOOTH SPECIALTY Dept. X, 2007 ho. Bth St, I'hiladel- !hiA, Pa. LOST OR FOUND borne money was found by the children of the Central school. Owner Classified S$KJ$'J: ' llHHM(MMHMaMlk!lHIH : , J IV - ii. i'' 7 ''lit S ean have aam by describing the property and paying for this ad. 8-tf-7673 LOST Ladles' black purse, con taining some money and some papers. Finder will please leave at the Her ald offlce and greatly oblige. Purse was lost. on streets f Alliance this (Thursday) morning. LOST Ladles' black purse at Im perial theatre, New Year's night, containing mael book and check book. Finder please leave at ticket Office theatre. 6-tf-9702. MISCELLANEOUS First-Class laundry work. Denver agency. Call 133 for service car. Kecp-U-Neat. POSITION WANTED as housekeep er near Alliance or Hemlngford, where I can have my two-year-old child. I do not look for big wages, 0. only good and kind people. Address Mrs. Delia Houz, care of Frank Turek, Hemlngford, Nebraska. G-2M-7653 Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. 15-tf-6727 Cleaning, repairing, dyeing. Keep-U- Neat. Just phone 133 and the KCAVENtiKIl VA(i(fN We now have tin regular routes and for special calls our city scaven ger wagon. All calls to .telephone 575 will receive prompt and cnrerul at tention. Our prices are reasonable and we are bonded to do pood work. SAM SI I ELTON, Phone. 575. CKy Scavenger. 33-tf-9411 MOVE Fl KMTt'UR 8AFKLY We have equipped our dray was ons and auto truck with the late appliances for moving furniture without marring or scratching or do ing damage. Up-to-date wagon padt will be used by us on all movln Jobs. JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone If 37-tf-6950 NOTICE Estate Number 394 of George Ash, deceased. In t' e county court of Box Butte County, Nebraska: The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate take notice that the administrator has filed a final account and report of her administration, and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which have been set for hear lng before said Court on January 20th. 1919 at 10 o'clock a. m. when you may appear and contest the same, Dated January 8th, 1919. , (Seal) Ira E. Tash County Judge, . .6121-929-7643. irOTICH OP FINAL REPORT Estate No. 682 of Marlon D. Hutchinson, deceased, In the County Court of Doz Butte County, Nebraska The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate take notice that the administratrix has fll. ed a final account and report of her administration, and a petition -for final settlement and discharge n such, which have been set for hear ing before said Court on January 2, 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M.,'Wh?n may appear and contest the same. Dated December 11th, 1918. (Seal) Ira E. TASH, County Judge. Burton & Reddish, Attorneys. NOTICE To Clarance E. Thompson Non-res -dent defendant: You are hereby noticed thnt ci July 27th, 1918 Eva M. Thoii.pstm filled a pttKion against you in tu District Court of Box Butte C mnty Nebraska, the object and prayer of which as to obtain a divorce ro:n you. and the care, custot!, co-itm"' and education of the child en ti.e t sue of Fiiid marriage, on Hie grounf. that you have wilfully abandoned ar.a failed to support the plaint;ff wUboul good cause for the term, of more that two years last pact preceTng thr ing of said action. You are rcquireu to answer said petition on or ofo'o the day of January. 1919 Eva M. Tliompson, By Burton & Reddish, her attorrev l-5t-'717. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE ?.W:rk!!:: fxtravasanza Jsn, ClMD EnUrlaiaaont Etanrboayfioat; Atk 4artolT. LADIES DIME MAIINEE VAILY DO NT GO HOME SAYING t I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETY Have you LAND FOR 8ALBT Advertise It In theaa column. It's tha cheapest and quickeat way to And a buyar. JDepnrtment of the Interior, U. S. Iitiid Office at Alliance, Nebraska, , January 6th, 1918. ! Notice Is hereby given that John Ira lllcks, of Alliance, Nchrnski, who. on January 27th, 1914, made Homestead Entry, No. 016496, for I.ots 1, 2. 3. 4rSK4NlC'4 Sec. 3; I.ot 1. SH'iNE'i. KsiSIC-4 Sec. 4; Ixt 4 and S, E$fNHU Section 9; Tract 1 in Section 46. Township 22 North, Range 47 West, Sixth Princi pal Meridian, has filed notice of In- tentlon to make live year proof, (o i esiablish'claiin to the land above de scribed, before he Register and Re ceiver of the United States Itand Of fice, at Alliance, Nebraska, 6n the 13th day of February, 1919. Claimant names as ' witnesses: Edith Turcott, Henry Smith, Julius Birkel, all of Alliance, Nebraska; George Meade? of Antioch. Nebraska T. J. O KEEFIC,. 6-6t-928-7652 Register. 0 HOTEL CGNANT HKlilflj ILU-'Ji fflpOO Rf Jf5IS inn umv; ViTii ivvtii S2.00 .ww-x - - ta l00niiTiia'nil.5O 4 OLD-TIME COLD CURE DRINK EOT TEA1 (iet a small package of Hamburg IJrcnst Tea at any pharmacy, lake a tablespnonful of the tea, put a cup of iMiilinir water upon it, pour through sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during1 the day or before retiring. It Is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the hkin, relieving congestion Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking up a cold. Try 'I the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It in inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore Bafe and harmless. STIFF ACHING JOINTS Rub Soreness from joints and muiclci with a small trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Liniment Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only ; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Lini ment" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain. "St. JlTCb'a Liniment" la a harmless rheu matism cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and atiffneae from ach ing joints, muscles and bones; stopa sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. Limber up I Get a 30 cent bottle of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Liniment" from any drag store, and in a moment you'll be free from puius, aches and stiffness. Don't Buffer 1 Hub rheuma tism away. DU. II. II. DKLIAVOOD Surgeon C. It. & G. Railroad Office over llolstelit Store Phone 87. PH. M. J. IlASKIN I'll) sit Ian and Surgeon Office over Moisten Store Office Phone 87 Residenco S32 J. JLTFHEY, D.C.Ph.O. A. G. JEFFREY, D. O. WALTER A. STATES, D. O. Chiropractors a 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. New Wilson Block (fl !!h R II RUB RHEUMATISM FROM DRAKE & DRAKE OPTOMETRISTS Glasses Accurately Fitted We Can Duplicate Any Broken Lena. SIS ft Box Butte Are Phone 111 EINAR V. BLAK M. D. Ill y sic I aii and Surgeon t General Practice 8ecllty; Diseases of Eyee Office In Mallery Block BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-at-Law OKFICKl Flrat National Flank Dolldlnc TIIONB ISO ALLIANCE, NEBftASKA Harness Hand Made From nmt Material. Oallaa Amy fmriory Mad (.nods. Call aad Se. Ilarneaa Mrpalrlna; bj Czaert- nce4 llarncaa Maker. J. M. COVERT At SI. M. II. Nlrhola nd A I.I.I A NCR, NKIIKASKA Professional Photographer , QUALITY. PORTRAITS Interior and F.xtrrlor Vlewa Kodak Flntahlaa; KnlarBlna; all Style ALLIANCE ART STUDIO M. K. U It 10 Hi:, Proprietor PHONE UED 1CB "Let Me Crjr for Yoo HARRY P. COURSE I.IVK STOCK and GF.WF.IIAI, SALES SI'KCIALIST mm AUCTIONEER. Farm Sales a Specialty rTartMBi na.a.H.kl. nee, Nearaaka , J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have be ealjr art of A aa tract Dooka la Bos Bade Coaatr. oflNi nooM r Oarra llaaae Block L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon 218 1-2 Boi Butte Alllaarr, Nrbraaka THONKS s Offlrei 382 Itrafdraeoi I GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye Ear, . . . Nose and Throat I'llOMJ sr C'alla anawrrrd from Offlce day or alsht C. E. SLAGLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon ALI.H.( i:, MlllltASKA HKS1DKNCE PHONE No. II OFFICE TIIONE No. 6S L. A. BERRY Lawyer ROOM 0 BUMMER BLOCK PHONE ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA ALLEN R. KRESQ9 Teacher of Piano and nsrsaaay Residence, 504 Bra Datte Are.