THE ALLIANCE HERALD The manwil for his orQYShonld 1 Xmas Banking Club ml 1 - cent club pays $12.75 2- ccnt club pays $ 25.50 5-ccnt club pays $ 63.75 10-eent club pays $127.50 You can put in $1.00 or $2.00 or $5.00 each week and, in 50 woeks have $50 or 100 or $250. Come in, ask about it and pot a "Christmas Banking Club" Book Film. You can start TODAY-START FIRST STATE BANK Alliance, Nebraska LUSK A COMPETITOR TOR OIL REFINERY Small Oil Town on the Northwestern After the (Ml Iteflnery Proposed for Alliance Quick Service Electric Shop F. T. McKEE, Mgr. Phone 250 Alliance, 423 yt Box Butte Ave. Nebraska i The Alliance Herald on December 19th announced that the Illinois Pipe Line Company, operating In the Lance Creek field of Wyoming, was favorably considering the starting of an oil pipe line towards Omaha and that Alliance might be the Bite of a new refinery to be erected to I care ior ou lor mm neiu. Work on the new pipe line com menced on Jpnunry 10th from the Lance Creek held which is north of Lusk. The pipe line will extend first the twenty-six miles to Lusk, which Is endeavoring to convince the com pany that it is the logical site for a new refinery. The first section of the new pipe line to be built will be twenty-six miles in length, extending to the railroad at Lusk, where the oil will be loaded In tank cars and shipped to Casper for refining until the company extends the line to wards Omaha, via Alliance, until a refinery Is erected at Alliance, or un til a refinery Is erected at Lusk, which is not probable. The line will consist of six-Inch pipe, which will afford a capacity of at least 15,000 barrels a day for the field. The company has arranged for the purchase of a 27-acre tract on the Jake mill ranch, one mile north of the, Ohio No. 1 well on sec. 36-36n 65w, where it will erect its pumping station. At this point reservoirs will bo constructed to gather the crude frouj all portions of the field. It has also acquired 38 acres immediately west of Lusk for its loading racks and tank farm. Right of way is now being secured. Thirteen miles of the line will be laid from the Lusk end anil the remaining 13 miles will be laid from the field terminal. Eight cars of six-Inch pipe have ar rived at Lusk and it will take alto gether about f0 cars of pipe, weigh ing 5.000.000 pounds, to couplete the line. A telephone line 1,1 now be ing constructed along the route. Church, Lodge and Society The report throughput the potash district that the laryfc Merrlman re duction plant had bren destroyed by fire has proved tgr have been un founded. An oil explosion did some damage to a part of the plant but not enough t'o shut it down or pre vent production. We can live but once. Why not enjoy the chance to go where we please, when we please! The auto and good roads make all distances Phort. If you are not a regular subscriber to The Herald you do not get all the news while its news. " If you would know the value of money go and try to borrow some; for he that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing." , FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET IN CONNECTION I have installed a first-class meat market in connec tion with my stock of groceries and am now prepared to care for your wants in this line. I buy nothing but the best of Fresh and Cured meats and assure you that the prices are right. It makes no difference what quantity you want, from a whole beef or pork io a small steak, we have it and will save you money on the deal. You should remember too, that our grocery line is ALWAYS full of nice, fresh goods and that our prices are as low as the market will stand. We want you. to come in and see us. It will pay you well and we'll be glad to give the best of service. If you cannot come to the store, just phone 753, we will deliver your goods for you. CHRISTIAN SCIKXCK First Church of Christ, Scientist, which is a branch of The First. Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bos ton, Mass. Holds services as follows: Sunday School at 10 A. M. Lesson Sermon at 11 A. M. Testimonial meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 P. M., Subject of this weeks lesson: "Life." Christian Science Reading Rociu is open to the public on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, from two to four oclock. All are welcome. must hai-iist emitm Sunday school Bible study 10 a. ni. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject "A real Test of Character." Evening "How to Banish Fear." Young People service 6:30 All seats free and a hearty welcome to all. A A.. I,ayton pastor t III IU 11 OK CHRIST It was a great day last Lord's Day You made it so. Make next Sunday fctill better. At the annual business meeting on last Monday evening every department reported in heal thy condition. A year of progress has Just passed, -ill bills are paid and some money In the treasury. The outlook was never brighter. On Sunday morning the minister will present "Christian Education" The offering will be, sent to Cottier. A rousing service in the eveinig. C. K. prayer meeting at 6:30. Ser mon at 7:30, Come to the church with a message and a welcome. Stephen J. Epler, minister. M. K. III IU II We had an increase of 20 in Sun day school attendance last Sunday. lt us repeat the record made last Sunday next Sabbath. Ix't every member ask some one to accompany him to Sunday school and church next Sunday. The pastor will preach using for his sermon subject at. 11 o'clock. "The Promise Of Answered Prayer" The house was nearly filled last Sun day come to this service which closes at 12 noon, and bring your family and friends, and let us completelyfill the church. Epworth League at 6.30 p. m. Our attendance is good and you are wel come. Preaching by the pastor at 7:30 The subject of the sermon will be The Conversion of a Family." It Is another of those entrancing Bible stories which are more fascinating that a novel. You will be interested, and are always welcome. Come to a homey church where the music Is an attraction. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH All the members of the Presbyter Ian church are urged to be present Sunday morning. Rev. C. E. Kircher will present C e New Era Movement In Which ail will be Interested. This is a national movement of the Pres byterian church In which all local churches and members are expected Dy the national authorities to par tlcipate. It will affect one local church spiritually and financially. The Sunday school will meet nt in n m. New teachers and officers will be added. We ajso plan on inaugurating a new system of operating the school, Which has been verv nur renqfullv tried in many places. The Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30. There were more in the meetine Rnnd.iv Sunday night than previously. Inter esting meetings are being held. At 7:30 the sermon will he "Whnt ! The Unpardonable Sin? Mrs. Klr- cner Has arrived, and her singing will add much to the music of the services. THE SILVER CASHST0R TOM STALOS, Prop. Tired Worn-out And Miserable Many AUinace People in This condi tion There Is little rest for many a kid ney sufferer. The kidneys feel congested, sore and painful. The urinary passages are often Ir regular ana distressing. The sufferer, tired, worn-out and depressed. Weak kidnevs need oniric hpln Tey need a special kidney remedy uoan s Kidney Fills have stood thi test. A remedy especially for kidney ail ments. Can any Alliance readers doubt this statement? Mrs. J. M. Line, 314 Missouri St Alliance, says: "My kidneys were out of order and acted irregularly ana l uaa a steady, tiring ache in m back. When I bent over or got u from a chair, a sharp, cutting pai caught me. I had dizzy spells and felt all worn out. Doan's Kidney mis completely relieved me." Price 60c at all dealers. Don stmpiy asK lor a klunev remedv e-et Doan's Kidney Pills the same that airs, une naa. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Morale a New Word. Napoleon once reiuurked that mor ale Is to other factors In war as three 19 one. Morale Is a new word to cur speech, and I do not know that any one has jet fully defined it, but there are certain factors which must cuter Into Its composition. And one of these factors is the turning of men's minds aw, v from the trenches to other thoughts and occupations. Without a change of mental atmosphere morbid ness comes and homesickness and the feeling of being "fed up" on the war dulls the fine edge of enthusiasm. Bruce Barton in Red Cross Magazine, Good roads save Urn In hauling. Time U money. HERE'S WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY ABOUT TANLAC "I just feel like going from house to house and telling the peo ple about Tanlac." A. J. Living ston, Ashland City, Ten. "This Is rcnly the first medicine I have ever taken thnt does what they my It will do." 1. I Hot ley, lelngtnii, Ky. "I would not take one thousand dollars for what this wonderful medicine, Tanlac, has done for me." Mrs. Mattie Lutes, Lexing ton, Ky. "We have sold 1,180 bottles of Tanlac and have never had a dis satisfied customer." Sniiter Drug Co., Columbus, Tenn. "For two years before taking 'a n lac I had rheumatism so bad I couldn't raise my left hand to my head. I now feel like a new man." J. B. Woodward, Lexington Ky. "I feel so good after taking Tan lac that I told my hands the other day I believed I could beat any of them shucking corn. I meant it and believe I could have beat 'em all." J. A, White, It. F. D., Lex ington, Ky. , "In my thirty jenrs of active prat Ice as n physician I have never seen anything (( oii.t Tanlac as n medicine to produce rcsults." Dr. J. T. Edwards, I'RjiyettevllIe, On. "This medicine is worth its weight In gold, and If the price was fifty dollars a bottle instead of one dollar I would buy it Just the same if I had the money." Robt. Young, Knoxville, Tenn. "Four bottles of Tanlac helped me more than fifteen years of medl cal treatment that cost me an average of $100 a year." A. B. Hall, . Fountain City, Tenn. ''Money couldn't buy the Rood this Tanlac lias done for me." Ex-Shcrlff Archie Anderson, Hons, ton, Tex. "Tanlac has certainly helped me and I recommend It to others for the good it has done me." Ex Sheriff C. W. Mangum, Atlanta, Ga "I would sM'iid the last dollar I had on earth for Tanlac; I liave gained nine and a half siinds on one bottle and feel just like a new man." J. T. Andrews. "If the people of this town only knew the good Tanlac did nie you wouldn't be able to make it fast enough to supply the demand." Mrs. Mattie C. Bond, Memphis Tenn. "Yes sir, I gained twenty-five pounds by taking Tanlac, and it has been a long time since I felt as well as I do now." Capt. Jeff D. Biggs, Vicksburg, Miss. Twelve Million Bottles Sold in Four Years ANOTHER "BLACK" INTERNATIONAL! Aberdeen-Angus won Grand Championship over all breeds on SINGLE STEER, Steer HERD, CARCASS and BOYS' and GIRLS' Salf, losing only Fat Carlot (first time since 1909). The interbreed Grand Championship standing of the world's greatest show is now 11 out of 17 for Single Steer, 12 out of 15 for Steer Herd, 13 out of 17 for Fat Carlot, and 16 out of 17 for Carcass, in favor of the Aberdeen-Angus. Write for "Results of Interna tionals." ABERDEEN-ANGUS: IFrst in War, First In Teace First in Reconstruction! 817 Exchange Ave., CHICAGO FOR SALE I am offering for quick sale the following: 1 , Wagon and hayrack 2 Red heifers . 1 Holstein steer 2 Hogs Some farming machinery C. S. PHILLIPS Phone 86 Alliance Milk Station FARMERS' UNION CO-OPERATIVE ASS'N Carry a Complete Line of John Deere Plow Co. P. & O. Plow Co. Independent Harvester Co. Farm Machinery Buy & Sell: Hay Grain & Feed. t - -