THE ALLIANCE HERALD -i- THE ALLIANCE HERALD Tiy llrmM luiilUhlng l'ompn)' I,t.OYI V. TIIOMAH, lllltor K II. iiniili, AhwhIhJc I VI I tor nu: v.u timi; riKMIIIIJIION ACT Thf Ilvrald is fru i tly iiskod ri nrdlriK the rv isidii h of "thi war J'l-iihiliition itrt. whirl) li!'olill)lt8 the manufacture of 1imt or oilior Intox- arntiim null I or vinous lujunr aur-r JUay 1, 1919, mxl prohibits the t all Intoxicating liquor iiftr June 30, 1919. For the Information of our reatW-rs ami others who iniRht he so unfortunate a not to he a regular rrAitpr if 'I'he lleruhl we nrtnt the ollowlng text of th act which lit en titled, "TunUr .No. Hi bnlll l on-n-ens (Fond Stimulation Hill) War lTohibition Section." "That after June thirtieth, nine teen hundred and nineteen, until the conclusion of the present .tr and hereafter until the termination of Iemoblillzation, the date of which hall be determined and proclaimed by the President of the United States, tor the purpose of conserving the man power of the nation, and to Increase fflclency In the production of arms, for the army and navy, it shall be un lawful to sell for beverage purposes any distilled spirits, and during said lime no distilled spirits held In bond shall be removed therefrom for beve rage purposes except for export. After May first, nineteen hundred and nineteen until the conclusion of the present war and thereafter until the termination of demobilization, the date of which shall be determined and proclaimed by the President of the United States, no grains, cereals, fruit or other food product shall be used In the manufacture or produc tion of beer wine or other Intoxicat ing malt or vinous liquor for bever age purposes. After June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and, nineteen, until the conclusion of the present war and thereafter until the termination of demobilization, the date of which shall be determined and proclaimed t7 the President of the United States no beer, wine or other Intoxicating malt or vinous liquor shall be sold for beverage purposes except for ex port. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue Is hereby authorized and di rected to prescribe rules and regula tions, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, In regard to the manufacture and sale of dis tilled spirits and removal of distilled spirits held In bond after Juno thlr leth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, until this act shall cease to operate, for other than beverage purposes; al so In regard to the manufacture, sale and distribution of wine for sucrani ntal, medicinal or other than bever age uses. After the approval or this act no distilled malt, vinous or other Intoxicating liquors shall bo Imported Into the United States during the con tinuance of the present war and per iod of demobilization; provided, that this provision against Importation shall not apply to shipments en route to the United Sttes at the time of the passage of this act. i "Any person who violates any of "tho-fore po1n'r pYoVlslons Bhall be pun- asnea Dy imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding '11,000, or by both such Imprison ment and fine; provided, that the President of the United States be, and Siereby Is, authorized and empowered at any time after the passage of this act, to establish zones of such size an be may deem advisable about coal mines, munition factories, shipbuild ing1 plants and such other plants for war material as may ,seem to him to require such action whenever In hia opinion the creation of such zones is necessary to. or advisable in, the prop t prosecution of the war, and that he la hereby authorized and empowered to prohibit the sale, manufacture or distribution of intoxicating liquors in ucb zones, and that any violation of the President's regulations in this re gard shall be punished by Imprison ment for not more than one year, or by fine not more than $1,000, or by both fine and Imprisonment. Provided futhor, that nothlnc In his act shall be constructed to Interfere with th power conferred upon the President by section fifteen of the food control set, approved Aucilit tenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen (Public Num bered forty, Sixty-!": - !i C;;i'rfPf) ." Potash Notes At the annual meeting of the Standard Potash Company which was held in Omaha on January 6th the following officers and directors were elected: Sol Ilergman, president. Wm. V. Schnoor, Vice president. Frank K. Clark, secretary. John (J. Woodward, treasurer and general manager. C. IS. Ouron, director. One of the large potash plants Is reported to be trying out the plan of running their brine through their boilers and others are seriously considering following the plan. It Is reported that the plant mentioned Is producing potash at an expense of only sixteen dollars per ton a de cided reduction In production costs. Dr. O. E. Condra spent part of last week In the potash district taking motion pictures, completing work started by him last summer and fall when he took extensive moving pic tures views of the notash district In the work done this work picture were taken of Carl Modesitt. J. If. Show and other potash pioneers testing lakes, evanoratinar brines in pans, and other pioneer work. The pictures then go to the present stage of production showing the monster million dollar plants reducing brine in me most approved manner. Tne set or films goes to an eastern film company who will make there from twenty-five or more complete films Which Will be xhlblted thrmi ab out the fertilizer districts in the south and east for the purpose of showing to the consumers of fertili zer the way In which the potash used In their fertilizer is produced and the magnitude of the Industry. It might be well to show the films a couple of times to chairman Hurley of the shipping board, who apparent ly does not know that western Ne braska is producing enough potash to supply the American markets with out the necessity of bringing it over from German territory something which done in view of the embargo placed on shipments from enemy soil. State Laws Prevent Spring Game Shooting KiKN klng out or Federal (iaine Iw will not help until htAte Iaw are (liniigeil to CotreNiiil The supreme court of the United States has declared the migratory game bird luw unconstitutional on a tent rase carried up from Louisiana, j and western Nebraska sportsmen are Jubilant over the news because of the widespread belief that this will now permit spriru ,h'Ht 1'ijr. However th"ir oy w !1 be short lived, uiiKms the Nobrsuka legisla ture, no In session, ct.n be prevailei upon to amend the existing law and attach the emergency clause to the Htaended law. The state law now (t- vi(l"s as fol lows: "The open season for wild ducks, geese, brants, cranes and i game water fowl shall begin Septem- twit 1 Cll. ,1 f A L n . . ' um anu vim iiiTCUIUlT dJSl IICXl ensuing. The open season for jack snipe, Wilson-snipe. Kill-deer and yellow-legs shall begin September 16th and end December 31st next ensuing." It is the opinion of western N braska hunters that the law should be amended to allow hunting from September 1st to May 1st. Shooting in many of the southern states Is allowed all fall, winter and spring The wild game stays there. The western Nebraska hunter, allowed only a few days in late fall and early winter, gets rrardly a chance. This matter win oe brought to the atten tlon of the state legislature In the hope that they will remedy this mat ter. For rent Furnished lodging room. Modern. 603 Laramie. 7-H-7648. Will trade carpenter work for used serviceable auto or tuck, easonable. Write particulars. Box 183 Antloch, Nebr. lt--7622 GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub It In to get quick, comfort ing relief AI.IilANOK OIIIOAMKKY HAS VWHY KUCXTOSSFX!, YKAIt (Continued from Tage 1) Once you've tried It on that stiff joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu matic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you never thought a liniment could produce. Won't stain the skin, leaves no muss, wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. A large bottlo means economy. Your own or any other druggist has it. Get it today. ments planned, whjcli will aggregate 5,000. In consideration of the ex tremely high prices due to war-time conditions the year has been a very satisfactory one to the stockholders and they entertain great optimism for the year Just begun. The officers and directors are all local men and are as follows: C. A Newberry, resi dent; Link Lowry, vice-president; L. J. Schlll, treasurer; W. B. Spencer, secretary and general manager; F. W. Harris and Frank Bauer, direc tors. It has been the unflinching faith Of these men that, hnn mnria this substantial enterprise for the city and community which has In more ways than one been for good. It employs as many as twenty-five people at times, all of whom are lo cal people, and returns to the busi ness channels of the vicinity large sums that might otherwlno have been spent elsewhere. Such concems should be encouraged and Alliance should be proud to have them a a part of her business make-up We Are Still Selling Groceries for CASH and Selling Them for LESS Since opening we have done far more busi ness than we had anticipated and the trade continues to grow rapidly. Our customers are more than pleased with the wonderful values we are offering. There is nothing un-natural about our policy. It's the plain result of dealing for cash and for cash only. We have no accounts to lose; no accounting costs and of course, are thereby able to sell on a much closer mar gin. When you buy here you know you are not helping to pay some one else account and that you are getting as much for your money as any one can give you and more than most of them offer. Get in line. Patronize the store that gives you more goods and real service. THE CITY CASH STORE "The Little Store of Little Prices." A. C. FORTNER, MANAGER. IT'S NOT YOUR HEART IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS . "Kidney disease Is no reporter of per sona. A majority of the Ilia afflicting; people today can be traced back to kidney trouble. The. kidneys are the mint Important organs of the Ndy. They are the jOJierora, the purines, of your blood. Kidney disease la usually Indicated by 'weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, bitckuche. stomach trou 'ole. pain in loins and lower abdomen, t trail stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica j nd lumbago. All these deranKcments are nature's MlKnaln to warn you that the kidneys need help. You should use ((!. I -MlillAh Haarlem Oil Capsules Imme diately. The soothing-, healing oil stim ulates the kidneys, relieves Inflamma tions and destroys the germs which have caused It. Do not wait until to morrow. Go to your drug-gist today and insist on tRUJ MUUAX. Haarlem Oil Capsule. In twenty-four hours yoi should feel health and vigor returnini and will bless the day you first heart of C,OLJ M K I A L, Haarlem Oil. After you feel that you have cure yourself, (ontinue to take, one or twi capsules each day, so as to keep ll first-class condition anil ward oft th danirtir of other attacks. Ask for the original Imported OOLI MKI'AL, brand. Three sixes. Money re funded If they do not help you. It Is the practice of the Bell System to distribute fa wages to its employees their full proportion of the revenue it is allowed to collect. Any increase in revenues it may be necessary for this company to obtain for the maintenance of fcood service and to provide for future development will be shared in by our employees. STILL MORE IMPROVEMENTS THAT MEAN STILL BETTER SERVICE FOR OUR GUESTS WE are still adding to our equipment still mak ing changes that will enable us to better than ever serve the people who, rapidly increasing in number, have found this the Neatest, Cleanest Place in Alliance in which to take their meals or light lunches. A new range, carrying a charcoal broiler, of the very latest and best types know, has just been installed along with electric waffle irons and a complete chafing dish equipment. As we have said before, we are going to give you the best there is to be had, regardless of the outlay necessary. Nothing but first-class foods are al lowed to enter our kitchen and only competent people prepare them. We want your business and if better . service and better meals will merit it we will have you as a regular customer. Come in and give us a trial. It will be our pleasu 3 to make you feel at home and to see that you enjoy y? dinner. THE SILVER GRILL "The Neatest, Cleanest Place in Town" JOE C. HARVEY, Prop.