f HE ALLIANCE HERALD imUdhi HERALD TM.OYI '. THOMAS, Kdltoi JOHN W. THOMAS, K. II. SMITH Awwx-lato BdlKr l.lvo S(H k ttditnr THE HltRALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Ownen (Incorporated) tfT WHEN TOD SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM POTATO MAHlTTH KIKMKIl at LAitoKu rvTKH s (Continued from Page 1) Almost any man will tell yon that Sloan's Liniment means relief Knterrd at th pout office at AlHanco, Nwbranka, for tranamUolon through Oftt tnftlla aa second-das. mattar. Publlahrd ovory Thursday. P V B li I H II I. I k v I h v T H V fl D A V Subecription Price, $1.60 Per Year, Payable in Advance Every aubacrlptlon la regarded aa an open account. The namea of av.b rrlbera will be Inatantly removed from our mailing llat at expiration or time paid for. If publlahera ahall be notified! otherwise the aubacrlption will remain in force at the dealR-natnd aubacrlption price, livery subscriber must under- ntmfl llinl these conditions are made a part or me contract Between puoiisner ind sin icrlhir Fpr prictlcalljr . very man ha used k wlio haa sui. . red from rheumatic aclici, aoreneas of muscles, stiffness of joints, tha result, of Weather exposure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neuritis lame backs, neuralgia, sick headache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economical, quickly effective. Say ' Sloan's Lini ment' to your druggist. Get it today. The Herald s Service Flag German potash imports until after g of peace has had an ex- Nebraska Indus- try, wind will he firm MSAiAud on Its own feet in competition w pourees of production In the I'nit States ;it all times. The Nebraska in (Itistiy is u permanent one and the millions of dollars invested during brought f 1.85. Receipts were 39 ears and there was a total of 180 cat s both on the inner and outer yarda at the beginning of the day's trading. Thursday receipts, considering that they were for two days, were rather i light, as only 35 cars were In and the i market waa somewhat firmer with either sacked or bulk stock selling mainly at $1.83-41. 90. Friday's market was quiet with trading light and prices steady. New arrivals were about 90 cars. Khiinms lty Market Advances Kansas City A decided recovery from the weakness of the previous week was evident in the potato mar ket of last week, and prices on all varlties were higher. Buying showed larger proportions than the trade an ticipated, and a Blight shortage was felt here the first of the week. The fluctuation seems to be entirely a lo-1 cal matter with the characteristics of j a reaction from the weakness of the . last two previous weeks. For more than six weeks the supply of potatoes at this point has been more than suf ficient to meet the need, and prices have held a low level compared with oother points of the country. Many I have been made by the trade conti'lllMUiUo Kansas City re garding low prices H". i compared with other points. Now the nccttmula the k:ost DANGEROUS CI No "erg-ana of the human hndv are so Important to heni h and Ion 'Ire as the kldneya. When i'.m. slow up and com mence to lag In ti.elr d'ltlee. look out! Kind out what ti e trouble Is without .lelay. Whenever you feel eervour, m k, dlxrv, sufer from aleeple -iiiaes. or have pslnn in the back wnkc at on. Vuur kidneys ned lielr Three nrr signs to varn you taut vut k. I n ye are Hot .erfortnlng the'r func tions properly. They are onlv half lo.ng thi lr work sn,1 are allowing Im purities to arcumuta ; a and be convert ed Into uric ncM unrT other poisons, which are vauatn Jrou distress an I Will destroy you unless they are driven from your system past months and now being invested Ition h.is been worked off, and a slidit will bring good returns during next few years. th. Local News Notes Taking t" e average, or happy med ium, the thermometer correctly regis tered about fifteen degrees below aero on Monday night. Reports of as tnrrrch as 20 below were had and (Others as moderate as only ten, but he average It probably about, right. W S. Tlldgell, Lincoln, state fire commissioner, had business In Alli ance today. While In the city Mr. Ridgell pu. -Ind his subscription to The Herald abend three vearB. Ono of the largest real estate trans actions of recent months was the sale on Saturday of last week of the 1040 acre farm thirteen miles west of Alliance by James n. Leilh of Ames, Iowa, to Tom DUlar, residing near Hemlngford. The farm was Im proved and excellently located; The consideration Is understood to be $22,000. Captain H. A. Copsey of Alliance returned to the city Monday after an absence of several months serving his country. He has resumed his medl cal prastlce which he gave up when he volunteered his Bervlces for the army. He was stationed In New Jer- ' OBITUARY I I i Lenora R., daughter of John T. and Dorcas Vara, was born In New York State Nov. 22nd., 1855; and died at her late residence In Alliance, Ne braska Dec. 26th.. 1918: nged 63 yrs. 1 mo. and 4 dayB. She was united In marriage to Lewis M Kennedy March 31st., 1872 There Wert' born ol this union 5 child- re ii On her death bed she was baptised as was also her husband by the pres ent pastor of the Methodist church, Rev. H. E. Wright. She made a pro fession of faith in Jesus Christ as her Saviour, and promised to accept Him as her Lord and Master. Penrose K. Hnmlg,. former mayor Of Alliance and chief of the fire de partment, writes from mOmaha under date of December 2 5th that he and therOmahnites wll he looking for the Alliance band and delegation In Omaha at thi close of the F'wio it conventl m. 1'enrose ,i s .r"t gWtieii over the Infl.lcaO but hs Is helping the Omaha commercial club make the proper arrangements for seeing that the Alliance boys are well taken care of during their stay It 'he metropolis Mr. Romlg's Omaha atldrees Is 1719 Charles Street. The All'src 't..ys Wi'. be looking for h'm. a' X: d?po: when they hit the bitr b t t, r : 'lie return trip from Fremon . -TStrVKlttr. ' O. fa W an rt in mity arrived In Alliance Wednesday noon from South Dakota. They will make their residence In Alliance If they are successful in finding a place to live. They have owned land in Box Rutte county for it number of years and ex pect to farm it during the coming aeason. One of the busiest rten in town Is Charley Schaferwho returned to Alli ance last week from England the day before Christmas. Charley spent Christmas. Charley spent Christmas day with his parents in Scottsb'.tff and then returned to Alliance. His period of service in the army did him much good and he has many Interest ing tales lo tell of aeroplane rides and other Incidents of army life, sey in uuapuui wuriuuwr leavmtiuoj For B(,verR, Mrs KeuPflUy has been a patient BUtTerer, receiving with gratitude the devotion of her rmrttfrrr rtrrrrp n-7trttnnsas. rarer "tie- was stationed In Illinois. The doctor Is looking tine and glad to be with home folks again. The doctor Is still In the service and will receive his dls- Potash Notes fan iiu.ii.gm. trrpw lencert lndy or gentleman solicitor for rood paying position. Call at The Herald office for full information. Win King left Sunday for Denver tor a lew dayt' tidt and business trip Mrs. V. K. Christnsen entertained at a turkey dinner Sunday. Tin BQWti were Mr and Mrs Lee Baaye Mr. and Mrs. If, C. lleauiiiont , Mr and Mrs Tuttle, A despatch from Ithica, N. Y . suys that growers who were confident tliat the close of the war would smash the price of commercial fertilizers this spring are apparently not to have the hopes real .'d. Instead of going low er, t ho price advanced $2.00 a ton for all mixed goods. A mixture carry husband and children as well as the neighbors who were interested in her welfare. She was a faithful wife, a good mother, and an excellent neighbor. Her place in the home and neighbor Ihood will be vacant, and she shall be (.missed by those who knew and loved her. She leaves to morn her demise a husband, t,ne sister, 2 sons, 3 daught ers, besides other relatives, and nu merous friends. The bereaved family has the sympathies of her many friends. reaction relt. Although buying nua been more liberal than expected, the! ! demand has not shown any unusual i proportions for this period of the i year. The sale of potatoes is usually j a slow matter'during the holiday eta- 1 inn wh. ii ripiiulc are huvinir lieavilv of fresh fruits and green vegetables. The current price level is from 5 to 20c per cwt. above the level of last ' week. Quotations on sacked stock Which are about 20c above those for bulk stock ,are as follows: Northern Ohio Red river, V. S. No. I, l.?6Ml 1.85; Western Red McClures. U. S. No. 1, $1.80 1.90; Nebraska white U. S. No. 1, $1.65 1.75; Minnesota round whites, $1 65ft 1.75; Minneso ta Burbanks, $1.65 1.75; Western Russet Burbanks, U. S. No. 1, $1.80 01.90. Ten new cars arrived Monday and 24 cars were held on track. The supply of Nebraska Triumphs has been exhausted, and no sales of that varJaty. arc being mad Good gains were register sweet potato trade also, wi ment and demand slightly Homegrown sweets held r same level at the .stock fr south with sales to Jobbers from $2.10 to $2.25 PUT IN OUR CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB AND INCREASED 104 VEEKLY WILL MAKE Jar sasaiajB; aT vu-i"- ed in the Barged. But the I OBl ' 1 1 " Mneing LOST A bunch of keys. King's Corner. FOR SALK -100 head Herefoi and 70 head Hereford calv drees Fred Hoover, Alliance Birch 8031 9 ! (I t Ld- ine rtf- :ot some CJOl.r It ED At, I?-' Capsules Me f are afc m preparation is-& all ever tlsV w irios iii. y contain ndj: ". Ion- I. BOethtaa; Ol - cnijp'idP strength-Riving and yr hert.s, well ki.uwn ami ute M clans In thulr daJly pra "B '. UK UAL lUarli in c p M " J ,n pert. direct from the In ,ite. Holland .m con ven U , 0r nn.l will either fclve pre".' ;or VOU I money will he rcfutd ..'to thoni nt any drug store il '(iI.U get 1 1.e. original Imp f ,..',. ... MEDAL brand. Accept ' M In scaled packages Tnrf-w , wW". 1H 1 1 - aw r 6& WL JW Come .Srk about This happens in 50 WEEKS. We also have a 5 cent club which in 50 weeks pays $63.75. w , w , . Our 2 cent club pays $25.50. Our 1 cent club pays $12.75. We also have clubs where you pay in $1.00 or $2.00 or $5.00 each week and in 50 weeks get $50 or $100 or'250. Come in and pet a " Christinas Banking Club" hook FREE. it cost nothing to join. This is not a plan just for BOYS and GIRLS; it is also for M ESN and WOMEN. You can start TODAY START. FIRST STATE BANK Alliance, Nebraska CANTON NI1WS ,OTFH Ii..,, 7lmn.a.i...i unit 7..k U'nrlt two per cent nitrogen, eight per cent wpre lnUf)torP(i out at Camp Fun pnospnoric ana ami two per cent pot- s(on and arrivpd nome ias wcek. ash la now quoted at about 153 per The boys sa ythat ther are t'elnK nius ton. The sixteen per cent acid phos- , .... . nn hp rrnm. phate is selliiiK at about 30 a ton, or un advance of $1.25 over least sea son's price. Tprice per pound of the elements, In mixed goods, will ap proximate 42 for nitrogen, 30c for potash and 9c for available phos phoric acid plished. . Clifford Hubbell has moved his family to Hemlngford. He still has some iive stock here to feed out. Asbury Whitaker has been engag ed to complete the tern; of school in 'district twenty-elfcht, known as the inis news snotua prove encouran- rTnmnatnad school ing to the potash industry and Willi The threshing machine expectB lo knock out some of the props from the 'resume work again Monday, after hnv claims made by fertilizer manufac- lng been ,ald up for a week for re- turers mat tney cannot pay nve aoi-I nalra. Don Hanlev and Charles Slilveiy are now tne owners COUGHING SPE BREAK YOUR LLS Put fl Itop to them with o( reliable Dr. King's New Discovery lars per unit for Nebraska potash on which the freight is paid to the mar ket by the producer. Mr and Mrs. II. as guests nt a link, mas nlht Mr and and family and Mr. Thomas. v. Buckley h.ni y dlnnef Christ Mrs. A. .1 Cole Mid Mrs. Lloyd CHRISTIAN sMlKNCE First Church of Christ. Scien'ist, wliich ia a brancii of The Kirs) Churell of Christ. Scientist, in B08 ton, Mass. Holds services as follows: Sunday School at 10 A. M - Lesson Sermon at 11 A. M - Testimonial meeting Wednesdays at 7:30 P. II. Subject of this weeks lesson (iod." Christian Scu-nce HeadlBf BOOSI is open to the public on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, from two to four oclock. All are welcome. nRM BAPTIST citl'ltCH Tivery member and friend of the church are urtnl to begin the New Year right by being present the first Sunday In the year. Sunday scheol 10 a. m preaching 11 a. m. ana St p. m.. Young People 6:30 p. m. Morning Subject. ' The Hent Veil" A. A. Luton, paster rill lli ll OF CHRIST Look for no Ll inu pulpit on aext lord's day. Plan a great da and then let each one work on! blf plans. Kx pect great th.ngs and tin y will come Bible school welcome. A class for everyone regardless of age. Sermon mbjeots: "A great Delivery" and "A Promise Kultllled." C. E. Prayer meeting at 6:30 p. ni. A splendid place for young people to re ceive help and strength. II Id week meeting of the church on Wednesday evening. Come to the church with a mess ge and a welcome. Stephen J. Epler, Minister As will be noted above, the fer tilizer manufacturer is charging the consumer at the rate of thirty cents per pound for potash, which is $600 per ton or six dollars per unit. The fertiliser manufacturer can well af ford, as he has in the past done, to pay live dollars per unit when he places only two per cent potash In his fertilize! and charges at the rate of six dollars per unit. Parsons la close tuocta with the potash situation and the fertilizer sit uation in the east are confident that i lie next few weeks will witness the sale of many thousands of tons of the product which are stored in the east. It is expected that the price to the producer will be from $4.50 lo $5.00 per unit. ! That some of the large plants with low pressure boilers are seriously planning on remodeling and changing j over to the plan now in use by the i North American and Wyoming-Ne-1 hraska smaller plants that of run- ! ning the brine through their boilers was lhe statement of a potash atithor , ity during the past week. These smaller plants have been so success ful in saving fuel that a little figur ing has made the larger plant oper ators seriously consider the proposi tion which was at tirst considered by than impossible of performance. The war industries board ceased to function at midnight Tuesday. In answer to queries as to what happens to war-time price fixing after this board ceased an official statement WIS made in Washington Monday that concerted price fixing by any industry will be regarded by the Department i of .lust ice as in restraint of free com petition. The potash industry will be in no way affected by thin rutin?. The government during the war paid but little attention to the potash indus try and set no prices taoilnutaolrdl try and no set prices were fixed. The western Nebraska potash producers are in competition with the Califor nia producers and the dozens of pro ducers who are making potash from cement mills, sugar factoiries, and other sources. The government is just beginning to realiio the Importance and magnitude of the potash industry. The ruling that an embargo is In effect on the Lawrence Powell made a trip to Scottsbluff the fore part of the week TTt-strme very mueti needed dental work attended to. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Graham were the recipients Tuesday morning of a fine baby boy. As this Is the first to 1m born In this household, Bert, Is extremely happy and here's wishing the little stranger a long visit. That raw, hearse throat rr.us soothed. That phlegm-loaded must be loosened, lhat coug be checked so vou can slceo. Dr. King's New Discovery has Ix c. relieving colds, and coughs for half c century without the least disagreeable nftprc fleets. Your druggist has It because it la ti i i u: j I wtu-iuiuwu iiuu in uig urn mi. j Try this for Constipation Keep the bowels on schedule time with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the system freed from poisonous wastes, the complextion clear, the stomach sweet, the tongue uncoated, the breath untainted. Mild yet positive in action. THE GROWTH OF HABIT Robustness to many is almost entirely a matter of habit, the habit of taking care and the consistent use of scon s mm on ATLAS REDWOOD TAmS J Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other material, and cost less money. These tanks will keep the water cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Send for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFG. COMPANY Fred Boisen, Manager 1102 W. 0. W. BUILDING, OMAHA, NEBRASKA I 111 . - ' I rnTt 4 The energizing properties cf Scott's have been proved in thousands cf homes nearly everywhere. 1 he habit ot using Scott a regularly at trying periods as a means ot building up strength and thwarting weakness is a habit we!! worth cultivating. Try Scott's Emulsion for Increased Strength. 6cott Sl Downe, EloomficlJ. N. J, 13-!j Here is a Book to Help You, Mr. Farmer The new Income Tax Laws have made it m cissary thai t wry fanner keep an accurate record of his income and expen ditures. Desiring to assist our farmer friends wherever possible, we have secured a limited number of copn of The Simplex Farm Record which we consider the most practical form record published. We are reserving a copy of this book for you. which may be obtained free by calling at our office. The Guardian Trust Company ALLIANCE, NEBR- Order Your Coal Supply Early It is ttfe wise thing to do You'll say so this winter, too. If we could make plain to ,ou the .itnatlon, we know that you would put in your winter', coal .upplf now. We are not trying to acare yoo, bat we are trying to toll ou. The car shortage exUta. It m., ,oo to yon ilka everything s moving, but you'll appreciate what we tell you mkm wtatsf cornea and It ma, be next to unp.idble to get coal. We've got DOS) to aell you today. We're got coal today to put Into your bin. We can t Hmm more. If. good coal and if. a fair price. We urge you to get bu.y thing-act. It will prove to your advantage. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. F. W. HAROARTEN, Mgr. PH0N1 22 111 v - -1